ESTABLISHED 1890 C, r aO at1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 13 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS NAVAL OFFICERS OPPOUSE MITCHELL PLAN O-F DEFENCE 20 Miles Covered LEGIORIOVNION By Average Man " ll"N TO STUDENTS MAKE MANY MISTAKES IN REGISTERING New field far s o1dv Of men al opera- SIX AIR WITH FOR OFFICIALS DISAGREE NEW SUGGESTIONS REORGANIZATION FURNISH NO REMEDY Take Exception to Colonel's Charge That Flight Failure Was Due To "Amateur :Bungling" (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-Six naval air officers today opposed before the President's air board, Col. William Mitchell's plan for reorganiaztion of the national defense, while the col- onel was called to the War depart- ment where disciplinary proceeding against him are under consideration as a result of his criticism of existing policies. The naval pilots solidly lined up against the colonel's proposed depart- mient of national defense, but dif- fered. among themselves as to a remedy for the dissatisfaction they freely admitted was prevalent among the national air personnel because of the present organization. One of the naval officers Lieut.. Byron Connell, pilot of the Hawaiian fleet,. plane TN-9 No. 1, also took ex-1 ception of Colonel Mitchell's charge that "amateur bungling" by non-fly- ing naval officers was responsible for failure of the flight. He asserted all arrangements were intrusted to Con. John Rodgers, flight leader whom he described as a "very, very good flier." Two of the other naval pilots also opposed a suggestion made to the board by Maj. Gen. John L. Hines, Army chief of staff, that the coastal defense be turned over eventually to the Army, declaring such an arrange- ment would violate good judgment. They were Coin. Kenneth Whiting and Patrick Bellinger. Colonel Mitchell after appearing at the Army -inspectorgeneral office went to the capital where he called a conference of press representatives and declared that if disciplinary pro- ceedings were initiated Representa- tive Frank Read of Illinois, a member of the House aircraft committee of the last Congress, would represent him as civilian counsel. The Colonel also reiterated that the fight for a national defense program "had just begun." WISCONSIN MAY STILL GET NEW MEIC SCHOOL (By Associated Press) MADISON, Wis., Oct. 5.-The Uni- versity of Wisconsin still had an op- portunity to obtain $600,00 for a medical building, Dr. Charles Bar- deen, head of the medical school, told a special committee of alumni here late today. If the Board of Regents does not rescind its action in resolving to re- fuse gifts from incorporated founda tions at a meeting next week, the university will lose the money offered by the general education board, a Rockefeller institution, Dr. Bardeen said. He indicated the offer would be withdrawn at the education board meeting in November. City To Entertain Little At Dinner As the welcome of the city of Ann Arbor to the University's new Presi- dent, the local Chamber of Commerce will hold an informal dinner in hon- or President Clarence Cook Litle at 6:30 o'clock Monday, Oct 12, in the assembly hall of the Union. f The address of welcome to which President Little will respondi will be delivered by Mayor R. A. Campbell. It is expected that more than 500 'townspeople and members of the fac- ulty will attend. Mr. Roscoe Boni- steel, attorney at law for the city, will be toastmaster for the occa- sior, GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 5.-An exhib- it of bridges and road making methods will be held here Oct. 27 to 29 un- der the auspices of the state highway department. t"") irMTa+hPrMan I The average man in shaving him self once a day during the course of an average lifetime, covers 20 miles of territory. This is the statement of an English writer. The ear to ear measurement on the average man's face in 121-2 inches, and from where his beard starts on his throat to his chin and on to the upper lip is four and a half inches, the writer says. This area, shaved every day, requires two strokes for every inch so that every day the average man covers 68 inches of space. In a year this amounts to 24,820 inches, and in a lifetime it totals .20 miles. If a man takes five minutes a day to shave himself, at 70 he will have spent a total of 75 days in shaving, the writer concludes. TOUR SUCCESSFULi Fifteen Planes Land Safely at Portl In Dearborn One Week After Leaving on Trip COVER 1,900 MILES (By Associated Press) DETROIT, Oct. 5.-Fifteen of 17 airplanes that took off from the the w~ am ! I i amMWE.V o I w ,CONSIDERABLE TASK, L1ITTLE STRESSES'I IN SU"NDAY SPEECHhi CRESIDEN 'ST ES LINPO OLN EN O 4 (GREATEsTi E XPONEN'T 01" W t~L VELL, LOOK WHIAT TiiVH1MN HAS TO OFFER l+ ish that climxb trees, birds that wal k backwards and sleep upide down, and monkeys that brash their teeth after meals m1ay sem to be creatures sna tched from sonme fairy tale, but a recent dispatch received from Carveth Wells, an English explorer who has been lost to the world for a year while Ford airport at Dearborn a week ago today, landed safely there Sunday a few minutes before darkness fell, completing the first commercial air- plane reliability tour. Only one plane was forced out of the race, being wrecked near Kan- sas City without injury either to pilot or passenger. The other plane thati failed to reach the airport Sunday was obliged to land at Monroe, 45 miles from its goal, when caught by larkness. This plane, the Mercury, Jr., arrived at the airport this morn- ing. The Fokker three-motored mono- plane was the first to land Sunday, followed within three minutes by the Ford all-metal monoplane, with the Curtiss Carrier Pigeon third. Thle last lap of the flight, from Cleveland to Dearborn, was described as the most difficult of all, the flyers meeting storms most of the way.I Henry Ford, who was at the air- port most of the afternoon awaitingf the arrival of the planes, was en-, thusiastic over the accomplishment of the 1,900 mile tour. "The fact that so many airplanes entered the tour and returned suc- cessfully proves that airplane trans- portation is safe and reliable," he' said. "The tour, I believe, has done more for aviation than any one thing. Although personally I do not fancy flying, I am for aviation and will back the science of flying as much as I can." The Ford entry, piloted by Eddie Hamilton, had the shortest elapsed time for the 1,775 miles covered by the air tourist, with an average speed of 101.5 miles an hour. The Fokker was next with 98.5, and the, Carrier Pigeon third with 98.4. J Ten planes finished with perfect, scores and the right to have their record inscribed on the Edsel Ford trophy. These planes are: Two Travel Airs, a Wago, a Swallow, a Fokker, a Curtiss Carrier Pigeon, two Martins, a Ford and a Yackey Sport. Engineers Asked To Witness Test All students in the engineering col- lege are invited by the Yonkers Man- ufacturing company of Toledo, Ohio, to witness an economy test on smoke elimination at 2:00 o'clock today at the factory of the C. M. Hall Lamp company, 1035 East Hancock street, Detroit. This test will demonstrate how smoke can be eliminated from boilers at the lowest, possible cost, according to Mr. A. Stuckie, smoke engineer of the Yonkers Manufacturing company. Hobbs To Address Combined Meeting Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the geology department, will deliver the lecture at the first combined meeting of the Journal club of geology and the Journal club of geography which .INITIAL SESSION OF SEVENTrI MEETING ENDS AFTER BRIEF OPENING CEREMONIES COMMITTEES MEET President Coolidge To Arrive Today; Will Address Legionaries And Lead Veterans' Parade (By Associated Press) OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 5.-The initial session of the seventh annual con- vention of the American Legion endedl this afternoon after brief opening; ceremonies.wThetserious work of the gathering went to committee meet-) ings.3 Most of them early tonight had nog been productive of results. Several knotty problems were encountered including the attitude of the aero- nautical committee toward Col. Wil-j liam Mitchell. The various commit- tees will have until Thursday to re- port. The attention of the Legion tonight centered in the arrival early tomor-1 row of President Coolidge who, at 10:30, will address the Legionaries. and in the afternoon will lead th veterans parade. President Coolidge will ride at the head of the column for one mile, and then will take his place in the reviewing stand. The parade will be thre miles long. Th'_ President is scheduled to arrive at 8:30 o'clock. Battery "B" of the Ninth field artillery will fire a Presi dential salute. The President will start the return trip to Washington in the evening. In its consideration of the Mitchell matter the aeronautical commit tee had before it a resolution presented by various posts in concert, Michigan, Minnesota and Ohio. The session quickly developed into a heated discussion whether "Col. Mitchell" should be considered in framing its various resolutions, and it was decided that a sub-conunitte(' should be appointed to consider all resolutions regardless of the subject matter. The sub-committee met to- night to formulate definite resoln- tions for presentation to the general committee meeting tomorrow. Several committeemen demanded exclusion of the press from the com-n mittee meetings, but they were voted down after Gen. C. R. Edwards oft Westwood, Mass., combat officer and Frank R. Warner, of Norfolk, Neb., chairman of the committee, strongly opposed the motion. AMERAN COMMISSION TURNS TO SL.AVIC DEBT! f i 1 3 i C i s 'iolls is Ck"'r ed in repii s made by prof(e5-;srs aud -d 1;1st s to luestions asked them on printed cards. At least that is the opinion held by clerks taulating various registration and directory cards. To the cuestion, "Your telephone nu mer?" one member of the faculty umiliesitatlmigly answered key writing 'yes" in the space provided for the number. His Ann Arbor address, one said, is "1HInnga ry, Paris, Rome." One example however, will prob- ibly go down through the ages as a classic. She lives in Mart ha Cooks dornitory, and so in signing hi1 tui- tion check to . the University, she wrote her name as "Mary Cook l3uilding, aid her add ress, 'Martha' -followed by her own surname. AMUNOSEN TO OPEN, ORATORICAL SEiEISJ A'cltic Explorer's Suibject Announced As "Our Airplane Dasu For The North L& 1,000 SEATS RESERVED ,TROUBLE ANTIDOTE Deep Contemplaition is an Attribmue of Nearly Every G4enius in history Slates New Execuliie What the world ieeds is a little, ileice, according to President Clm- °nce Cook Little, who offered this, ,onclusion as an antidote for thel Iroubled condition of the world, in his sieech on "The Value of Silence' 't tthe University service in lill audi-I orium last Sunday night. "Take a "ew minutes each - day and walk in I 1he Garden of Gethsemane, whichl lies not across the seas, but in your heart, and there you can find the qualities of spiritual harmony which "an save this country and civiliza-I tion," said the President. Abrahamfu Lincoln was the greatest- Rxponent of silence this country has ^ver had, President Little pointed out, for in silence lie determined his policy of emancipation and anxiously, touch-I ingly he waiteld in silence for the re- sponse to his call for voluntecers. Capt. Roald Axnunds'n, arctic and Nearly every genius in the world's ning October 13 and 14, in the Mimes history could he used as an example l theatre with a production of W. .. anit-arctic explorer, will open the sea- ft rsto ctmpain nd son lecture course of t1e Oratorical silence.Gilbert's three-act burlesque En- association Saturday night, Oct. 24, "Silence is a ar 1)10( relation to gaged." This comedy was revived in the faculty and student oicers of thek s association definitely decided yester- peacehandstquietnessd-andnChgistIs!o s g n rhe a ~called the Prince of Peace. All the! with outstanding success, and has for -,tt -xntJ,, 'q I m :looacts sIT sep plane Dash for the North Pole' arts are silent in their 'appeal and lmany years stood as a landmark in 'ihe famous explorer was honorel in their power, even music was silentthe field of English comedy. by tle entire civilized world when e in the breast of the composer when The east, which has been rehears- returned from his unsuccessful at he conceived it. Tbere i a picture ing since the opening of college, will tempt to reach the pole by seaplane. which hans in the Metropolitan include Neal Nyland, '26, James Mar- A reception is being polanned for hn Museum of At in New York, cahle! i tin, '27, Barre Mill, '26, Valentin: upon Ili arrival in this country witlmin ''Christ among the Lowly", whichis Davies, '27, 'T'homas Denton, '27, and the next three weeks. His address in more powerful than any sermon I Collins, '28, Earl Sawyer, '27,. and Ann Arbor will prns.aly be is r have everlheard," the President added Lester Smith, '27. The entire produc- pubeplic seech in Amierica since the le contrasted the deluge of pub-- tion, directed by Robert 'enderson, polar flight, othci's of the ass'cia- licity which was given to the Arctic! '26, is under the supervision of E. tion say. Pxplorers when they ventured north Mortimer Shuter, the director of The concluding number of the pro- last; summer on a mission of coin- Mimes and the Michigan Union Opera, gram has not as yet been amranged. paratively small concern to the nany, while Lawrence Buell, '27E, is stage Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, chairman ath .tae sispe, unannounced departg-nemanager. i o th letue cmmitee hs rceiedur'e of Jeanne D'Arc from hem' home to Settings have also been designed of the lecture committee, has received lead the troops of her country against! by Robert Woods, '28E, and a special a reply to his ivitation extended to the oppressors of her beloved France. orchestra under the direction of Gov. Ci fford Pinchot of PennsylvaniaI to speakhreas tmchet cofnunsyvn ' President Little went on to cite other l Joseph Ellis, '26A, will furnish the sakh concludingnum-ofthelecturecourse.examples of the power of silence ink incidental music. The comedy will be her iof the ectu'e course. The e the lives of great men such a Darwin, costumed in the period of 1870, and he as unae Ktyname aefite sated Pasteur, and the most conspicuous the gowns are being ordered front fo' his apnarmnce in Ann Arbor at example of all, George WashingtonI Chicago, r saaaat lley Forge. 1w Washington hie Union committee desires par- present, but said that if lie were ex- ad knelt in the snow and prayed t~o ti('ular attention called to the factI tendcd the same invitation in January (I d to be allowed to see clearly his that both performances of "Engaged'' or February lie would probably bes able to ix a date for an address at the roper course. In the President's are open to women as well as men, University. Coy. Alfred E. Smi th ords, "The fate of the nation was exactly as in the case of the Opera. UeYrhy. ao iAfrE. med h of there decided-by prayer; and by the This production, they also point out, New York, has also infor'mned Profes- basis of the decision from the prayer, will re--establish the policy, discon- sor Trueblood that he would prob- ; carne the victory." tinued for some time now, of a reg- ably be able to appear in Ann Ar- President Little was introduced by ular repertory of plays, exclusive of bor in the spring if extended a sec- John ll. Elliott, '26, chairman of theI the Opera itself, throughout the en- ond invitation after the close of thisny University service committee, whoItire year. Fortner \limes productions year. stated that although the president had in this field have included Verhaer- Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, faculty man- been but a short while on the campus, en's "The Cloister," "The Thirteenth ager of the association, is gratified at he was already admired and loved Chair," and "Release.," the number of applications being re- by thousan s of students. All seats for the Performances will ceived for reserved season tickets to Philip LaRowe, grad., played the or- be reserved, the whole house being the course. Nearly 1,000 orders have gan for the service and Edward Mosh-1 popularly priced at fifty cents. Tick- been received to date. The public sale i er, '26, sang a solo entitled "Zion" ets may be secured at the three Statel of tickets will start Oct. 12. y Huhn. The other undergraduatesI street booistores until October 13 and who participated in the service were! 14 Whhen they will be placed on sale at SRensisLikert, '26, who delivered the; the Mimes theatre box-office. N Y~ AND 01110 TICKET prayers, and Albert Boehringer, '26, who read several passages from thei MOSCOW, Oct. 5.-After 11 years of Scriptures. Iprtial prohibition Russia has be- EmuJD The next University service will be come comipletely wet. Whiskey, E I brnchheld in Bill auditorium on Nov. 8, brandy and liquors containing 60 per ~, I ETat which time the address will be cent of alcohol, and vodka, of 40 per StIMAPITLY FOR EXTRA SEATS 1 given by Dr. Shailer Mathews, of the cent strength, again appeared in the E;PITE'ANNOI'N4EMENT; Divinity school of the University of1 cafes, restaurants and stores yester-I JIETUTRN MANY IClicago. day. Counter ticket sales for the In- J1D V N FERATO 7 F diana gaine mmnext Saturday will start A4M ER- IA N FEDERATION OFLABOR at 9 o'clock his morning at the Ad-PER Y-FIFTH AAL EET minstration building at Ferry field. OPENS y ckets are still available, searching for a new zoological IIspecies in the Malay peninsula, j reports that le is bringing with him just such animals. 'his report is causing consid- erable comment in scientific cir- cles; and it is reported that many have e.tended their sym- pathy to Mr. Wells for his fail- nre to locate the new sepecies. IMEmS1 ANNOUNCESl OPENING COMEDY W. S. Gilbert's Burlesque, "Engaged," Starts Season for Dramatic Club; Cowns Ordered From tChicago. WOMEN ARE INVITED Mimes, the dramatic organization of the Michigan Union, will open their season Tuesday and Wednesday eve- STUDENT COUNCIL ANNOUNCES SENIOR ELECTION DATES (dRADUATI'NG CLASSES TO MEET TOMORROW AND THURSDAY TO ELECT OFFICERS OTHERS VOTE LATER Council Ruling Hol'ds That 'Voting By Proxy Will Not Be Allowejd Under Any Conditions ,chedules for the senior elections which will be held tomorrow and Thursday we'e announced by the Stu- dent council last night. The various schools and colleges of the senior class will nominate and elect their officers at the following times: Tomorrow, Oct 7.--Literary stu- dents, 3:30 o'clock at the Natural Science auditorium; Law Students, at 4 o'clock in room B of the Law building; Pharmacy students, 5 o'clock in room 151 of the Chemistry building. Thursday, Oct. 8.-Engineers, 11 o'clock in room 348 of the Engineer- ing building; Education students, 4 o'clock in room 109, Tappan hall; Architects, 4:30 o'clock in lecture room 1 on the Architectural annex; Dental students. 5 o'clock in the lower lecture room of the Dental building. Juniors of all schools and colleges will vote on Oct. 14 and 15, sopho- mores on Oct. 21 and 22, and fresh- men on Nov. 4 and 5. All elections will start promptly at the hour an- nounced, members of the Council de- clared yesterday. Each voter will be handed a ballot as he enters the room appointed for his class, and no voting by proxy will be allowed. Any student found voting at any election other than that of his own class will be disciplined by the proper authorities. Members of the Student council will be in charge of all elections. The ballots will be printed in four sections, connected by a perforated line. The first section will be used for voting for the candidates for the presidency, who will be nominated orally from the floor. /The two candi- dates receiving the highest number of votes will again be voted on; this time the second section of the ballota will be used. After the president is selected, nom- inations will be made from the floor for the positions of vice-preden;t, secretary and treasurer. The remain- ing two sections of the ballot will be used in voting for these candidates, following the same procedure as in the election of the president. The same form ballot will be used in all the elections, both this week and later. No votes will be accepted except those on the regular ballots. Ballots will be counted immediately after the vote is taken by members of the Council, but they will be car- ried to the Council offices in the Union for a careful recount before being destroyed. The exact hours and places for the junior elections will be announced next Tuesday. LITTLE HODE HELD f OR LOST AIR MAIL PILOT FLYERS CONTINUE SEARCH FOR 1ISSING AIRMAN IN SPITE -OF RECENT FAILURES (By Associated Press) BELLEFONTE, Penna., Oct. 5.- Hope that Charles H. Ames, air mail pilot missing since last Thursday night, would be found alive, began to wane tonight when darkness brought to an end another day of. fruitless search. However, Carl S. Egge, gen- eral superintendent of the air mail service, announced that four veteran flyers familiar with the mountainous country in which Ames is believed to have been lost have been added here from Chicago to join the big squad of planes that have been vainly hunting for four days. These veteran, Pilots Page, Lewis, Lee, and Allison at pre- sent are assigned to the Chicago- Cheyenne air mail route. Formerly they were on the New York-Chicago route. They will arrive tomorrow. ITALIAN REPRESENTATIVES DEBT CONFERENCE WILL ARRIVE HERE SOON TO (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-With ony a week in respite after departure of theI French, the American debt comnumis- sion turned today to consideration of' funding the debt of Czecho-Slovakia. Members of the Czecho-Slovakian commission, headed by Dr. V. Pesti- sil made formal calls at the treasury and state departments as the first of- ficial act of the conference which opens actively tomorrow. During the day the treasury also' received advices from Ambassador De Martino that the Italian debt fund- ing commissions "surely will be here J before the end of the month," indi- cating to the American commission! that it would be able to discard work on the remaining major debts with-! out interruption. The Italian debt! conference suspended two months agoI to permit members of the debtors' commission to return home to assem- ble additional data on their govern- ment's economic and fiscal situation. Publicity Bureau To Move Offices Phil C. Pack, '18, publicity direct- or of the Athletic association, wiil move his offices from the Yost field house to the Administration binlding at Ferry field tomorrow. No definite date has yet been set for the remov- al of the other offices in the field house to their new location. I 1 I i althmough orders are being received in I large numbers, according to Harry Tillotson, business manager of the Athletic association. The supply of five dollar box seats for thlie Navy game has been exhaust-l ed, so that only a few four dollar seats, located between the 20 yard I line and the goal line, are left. Stu- 1 dents are still tryimg to purchase ex- tra seats with student a l "ications records show, despite the annonce-I ment by the athletic association that; no more extra tickets for the Navyr game can be purchased. The money, for thlese scats is being returned. 'Ticket sales at Wisconsin and at i-1 linois for the Michigan games are increasing rapidly, according to in-I formnat ion re('eivod at the association Preosidelt Green Declares In Opening Address That Labor 31,ust Irrevocablyj Support Fight For Passage of Proposed Child Labor A inendment. (Py Associated Press) all the earnestness of my soul correct ATLANTIC CITY, Oct. 5-Organized that eroneous impression." labor's determination to fight for "Ours is the one movement that is assage of the child labor amen leading the hosts in this great fight passge f th chld lboramen- Efor our' children, because we believe n ieint to the constitution Ia h th " hl11beaieeble nren totheconsituionwas time highter'e is niothing so imspirinmg as to note of the maiden address of Presi- fight for the preservation of every dent William Green before the Ameri- child in every remote corner of Amer- can Federation of Labor at the open- ica; and if the children of New Jersey ing of the 45th annual convention to- or New York or Ohio deserve legisla- day. tive protection against exploitation, then ewe declare that the children of, It was the first time in more tihan NrhCrln n tebcwr a quarter of a century that persos rth Caoia and oer backward other than the late Samuel Gopers states deserve the same protection. had presided over a national conven- I I