AN, OCTOBER 4, 1925 TI-I MICT-IC AN DAILYV PAGE SEVEN a a 1L lV31 111 VR-'ll V. LA1L 1 ... .. ..._.. _. .__ _._..>.. ... .. ,<. THISI FIE piN CLOSES CLOSES A .3 A~.DVERTI SING At 3 P.M. -Mitchel, 1ljife At Capital 19 FOR SALE! FOR SALE-Ford, touring 1919. Ex- cellent condition. Call Furnas. 5082 - Jr I ouUniversity 229. FOR SALE-Clarinet in good condi-1, tion. Phone 9428.J FORT) Touring 1923 cheam. In good condition. Phone 22 55 or call at' 1101 W. Liberty after 5 P. M. $ SAL4'0-PIERCE AR [10W-5 Passen- g~ fully equipped, excellent one- !I chanical condition, new paint and tfirs. $500.00, one half cash. Call 768 for demonstration. WANTEDI1 LOST LOST-(one bracelet. Four strands of'i pearls, silver clasp, generous re- I ward to finder. Lost in the vicinity of Granger academy. Box No. 8. LAST Evening- betweeni library and~ East ashington a Conklin ipen.I Please call Jean Black 22259. I LOST--Shell-rimmed glasses, cablel bows on S. University. Finder please call 9817. FOUND-Purse containing small sunsm of money. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this ad. Call 6967.I TE~NOR Soloist wanted for churchl work. 312 South Division St. Dial11 6 3>2 S. WANTED-Hustler for local sales wank. Call Yn silanti 1040-M be-! FO UND --M\Ioney, small sum near Perry field early in week. Box No. 9 Daily. TA ILORI NG( twee 7an 9P.M.Student s Tailoring Plione 80-10 ____________7___an ______9___P.______._ I C or. N. 1University a IifiTffye1. FIRS' year medic wanted for room- )VEN'S SUITS GLEANED AND mate. 110 N. Thayer: Dial 21815..j PRES:tSED,$1.25 fITROUSERS PR ESSED, 20c WVANTED-An experienced shoe sales- CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING mti.n at Dietzel's Shoe Store, 117 141. AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY Waahingtoni. also1 WANTED-Position in sorority or LAD)IES FURS, D)RESSES AND frptfernity, by an experienced cook COATS ftthitpfl reD4fo enl(a ('canhe furnished. REASONABLE PRICES I 8P.M I .I OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH, Conductor ( ' 5993L .. l ' l~a cl . ;L Ll1l~A WAN ED -- Student and Family washings. Dial 8794. FIRSTF CLASS Cook desires position. Fraternity preferred. Address Daily Box 7. USED CARS FOR SALE-1324 Ford Touring $125 A-i shape. NIXON'S Open Evenings 416 $.Main ghone 0914 N'OTICE ;-FOUNTAIN PEN INK Our special Government Record ink i4hen set is water-proor. No fear of its sme~aring when touched with a9 moist'' finger or being' completely erased ?if' your note book should get wet. It has a fine color and flows w~ell. A word, to the wise is suffic- * Rider's Pen Shop TROJANOWSKI BEAUTY SI-OP Expert hair bobbing, marcelling, M~anicuring, face and scalp treat- nfient. RAIN WATER tS$jIAMPOO:. 1110 S. University Ave.,IDial 5535 TWO YOUNG ladies wish two singles Brain Of Female 1 Is Test Subject! ITHACA, N. Y., Oct. 3.-Classifying the female brain as to its potential capacity in comparison with that of the male is the to~k undertakeni by, the Cornell Brain association, head- ed by Dr. J. W. Papez. Two brains of the most. intellectual type have been chosen for this test, thus making a more accurate report possible. One brain was willed to Cornell by the late Mrs. Helen H-amiltflon Gard-~ iner, prominent in intellectual and political activities of the passing gen- er ation. Wornen To Discuss 3 Sophrnore Circus Sophomore women will meet at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday, in' Sarah Caswell Angell hall to discuss plans for the sophomore women's circus which will b~e held in the Women's League Ihazaar early in December. All sophomores are urged to attend and bring $1 to cover the assessment for the fresh- man spread. I4ONDON, Oct. 3.-The mines depart- I ment announcestfhat. the amu-nts1n1pid~ Col. William A. Miitchell, stormy petrel of the aircraft inquiry in Wash- ington, smiles as he walks in the str eets of the capital with Mrs. Mitchell, the cynosure of all eyes. CII ABIBEli.OF' C( OMMERlCE WILL1 *HEAR SPEECH BY IL . lHIARD)Yj Ray Morton Hlardy, lecturer on comn- munity economics and commerciall p'roblems, will address the members of the Chamber of Commerce at a dinner Tuesday night. Mr. Hardy has ' chosen for his subject "MerchandiziDg anc1 the Community." The dinner and program are uinder the auspices of the retail merchants' division -of the Chamber of Commerce. DUBLIN, Oct. 3.-Righet Honorabler Sephen Ronan, who until the forma-' tion of the Irish free state, was lord chief justice of appeal and privy coun- cillor, is dead. - h EXCELLENCY rDay:,L U S.G A E R 8 P. M. Belgian Baritone TuesaygLT 8 P. M. Pianist MAR DetUtAI ORCHESTRA 8 OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH, Piano Soloist 8 P. M. VICTOR KOLAR, Conducting Exra - sc Saturday ERNES5T IN E DEC.Y7 CECILI A A!fSEN I I In hand work is our proven motto. We pay special. atten- ts. 'We call for and tion to young men's deliver. woolen garmen THE- MO0E LAUNDRY 01'one double'room. Fivate omeuii - 11eferably in Southeast section)in t iv st be desirable. Phone 5982. ale( FOUNTAIN PENS . ° Loover our line of fountain pens. S 4e the new Dunkley pen, fill with wNvter and writh real ink. Tried out af not found wanting. Also Water- nn and Edison pens. S. A. Moran, 7 N. niv. 2nd floor. TYPLEWRITLER.S Sev ral makes to choose from. For- she or rent. Good bargains 'for, g d machines. S. A. -Moran, 711 N. V iv., 2nd floor. VNDERSON BEAUTY SHOP Spe alizing in expert treatment of s lp and 'face, rest facial renew th~ most worn faces. Ilair tinting, ami dyeing given special attention.I A~pointments evenings. 20 years ...- e4erience. Dial 3059. 527 E. Lib- NE LE PERMANENT Wave special fo October $15. Bentley Beauty St-,p, 106 E. Liberty. Phone 6373, NOTICE We ay' best prices for men's used " cl thing. Dial 8040 Stu nits Tailoring. Cor. N. Univer- si. and Thayer. FOUNTAIN, PEN SERVICE ' Our service is your saving. Oui br nds consist of those that give Au the best service for the least m ney. Expert fitting is our spec- ia ty. We will give you unequalled repair service on any make of penc at service any pen we sell.; Rider's Pen Shop i - 302 State St. -,OU NTAIN PEN INSURANCE 'fognd a pen this morning and if it I h-i had the owner's name on it he W Id surely get it. We engrave yo r name on your pen for 25c. TI s is good insurance. Rider's 302 Stake St. - FOR VRENT FO ; RENT-On~e five; and one sixc 'Toni modern apartment between'_ c +npus and down town,. Newly de~orated and in excellent location.i Rent very reasonable. - Owned by +a 'ulty member. Phone 8081. FO1t RENT-New suite, east south the iiing subsidy for August tot- d 1,517,678 pounds. _._.. e i TEXT =BOOKS FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS -At- WA HN3 BOOK STORE 8 P. M. Vio lnist a. ... .... Monday -4 THE ELIXINunnR fs""RRI"!"""!!!R!!!"R""!!!t!!"!"""R!!! ............................. """"""!""R""" R"" "" ""r 1 " t ."""""f __-""............................... !"""" !!"................................ ' JAN. 11* Ibutton ! l3uton ! Who Has the Button? of LAV A fitting exclamation when you find that the oniy clean shirt you have is minus several buttons. You will avoid this difficulty if you 8 P. M. An Opera in Two Acts-Donizetti .WILLIAM WADE HINSHAW OPERA COMPANY WILLARD L KI BLRG, Musical Director THTOMA'X Wc( I AN HAN, Tenor HAZEL lEN TINL4TON, Soprano LEO D)E HIERIA POLIS, Baritone ELEANOR LA MANCE, Mezzo-Contralto FRANCIS TYLER, Basso Friday 8P.M. Q JAMES LEVEY, First Violin II. WALDO WARNER, Viol, THlOMlAS W. PETRE, Second Violini C..IWA'WICJ( EVAN S, Violoncello Wednesday APRIL OLAF LUTHERAN CHOIR 8P. M. U 1 mqmmf -&I F. MELIUS CHRISTIANSEN, Conductor M\'ail Orders for Tickets Will Be Filed and Filled in Order of Receipt i V- I I I will send your laundry to a concern that re- places missing buttons. We also repair tears, I. 1 mend rips, and darn socks, m 1si 1 AU