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October 04, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-04

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. 1 i-Z L'. f Yl l l., t l l.:

,ar/AIN .ViAll-.I


.z~tIINj~#1~Lj I rNDA. OTOBE 4.192


Published every norning exce) Monday
during the University ? ear by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicatio of all news
diSpatChes .credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the kcl news pub-
lished theein.
l"tered at the postoffice at Am Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postae granted by Third Assistant Post-
mnaster General.
Subscription by carrier, t3.5o; by mail,
4Oflces AAnn Arbor Press Buigd, ay-
nrard 'Str.
Phkones:Z Editorial, 424; busies-, 2 tal 4.
Telephone 4925
Charn, lditorial Board . h Nr :at ". I'!.1
City :Fdit .......... Kellet S. itl i li
News Lditor....- Manning u ouscw rth
XWOTTIe'L fAtor--.... l R . asoay
Sots jd~o olpb hr
Telegraph } ldio.. ,..,...'Ai llian \',to r
Music and lDram a ....', oert ,11 cndrson
ight Edit m
Sniith I. Cady 1 - ofld C.:11 ll
Willard 3. Crosbyv IhorasV. l\.kka
RobertT. DeVore W. C iin l:atterson
Assistant City E 1itr
(ertrude I;. iDailey veln tPriatt
I'huripC. rookia Marie Reed
3 ;eI arnum R tuh osatntal
BIckiugham _ Aio '. Ryan
Edgar Carter Araham Satovky
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Siipoi
Eugene . Gutkunst Janet Siclair
lames '1T. hera ld Curtiand C. 2ith
Rusell . Hit JmesA Sr w
MuJ'anro ltues en: y hrvaj
sEfizbeth S. lKennedy jhI I. hna
Marion Kubik Dakid C. Voe
Walter Ii. Mack (handler J.'Whipple
Teeponeth21 Wcxav
Stanton Meyer K5. Whli ms
Iflcdn Morrow oadS.ili n
Herbert Moss C'assamn A. Wilson
Aar 'aWct Parker 'Thomas C. Witr
.; tanford N. Phelps Mlargurite .iszke
Telephoe 21214
Advertisng .... . .Finn
Adertising ,". ...... T'.f. I). :, ted, Jr.
Advertising... ,.... . D.1rank P..[)ctz, Jr.
s. Advertising ................Wim, L Mullin
Cirulato .......... . . L1. Newman
publicatiou ,.. .... Rudolph ostelman
Accounts. ....Paul W. Arnold
Ingred 1I. Alvin rank E *MosLer
Ct-oare H. Annabe, Jr.ulius C. iiskow
W. Carl .iuer rberthPr utas
1 oho I-. ilbrink wXill. C. Puch
t Borge P. bunge I vtilin . hauner
Elden W, Butzbach Tfblina Sandland
James R. )euy Wn11. lwene
1}ra Fist er ad ug.rene Winerg
Oscar A.Tose, Jr. Wnm. . Vvdnmau
1.. I itte
Night EdItor--SMITH. CA)Y, JR.
The Michigan legislature of 1921
passed a law which gave the governor
of the state complete control over
the ssuian("e of paroles to inmates of
the ichigan state prisons at Jack-
son, Marquette, lona,. and Detroit.
1t abolished the old parole commis-
sion, which in the opinion of many
of the people of the states was func-
tioning efficiently, and presented the
entire burden to the governor, w10
was already faced with enough duties
to keep' him vell o epied.
Since that time,, ;.56 .prisoners
lauve been .paroed. flow could any
one man, most of l. the .busy gov-
ernor of a groat .state, know the
facts in each ese? The old practice
of notifying judges, promcutors and
other law-nforoement o lte'" cs be-
fore the ptirole was granted was dis-
continued, despite strenuous iobjec-t
tious front many sources. As the
situation now exis8, Governor Uroes-
beck alone en issue pa r1e0 a and
thus far he has exercised his power
to the otent of dunmping almost 25
per Cent of 'thes tate's anual prison

ponuletlIon back on thI'e PeoPle.
Tgie suc a monool M' am hr
ify to one man is hot h comn raIry to
the principles of denmocracy and op-
posed to the et a hhslimenit of :1Il efil'
cictnt Syfstem ot paroles. The goy-
been gie unother job Iha Ihe should
not h11e.
Thisoe caes of Job i n d twhill,
PI'iOIIt'5 f Sate 1StIt~t~li wh

Amid an inundation of verbiage,
British communists received a smash
ing rebuke at the opening session of
the Liverpool conference of the
Island's Labor party. The defeat is
taken as an indication that the radi-
cals have prematurely hit a snag in
their much-heralded campaign to rule
organized British labor.
The vote carries a double signifi-
cance. Besides cutting short the at-
tempt to readmit the extreme wing
of the party, it automatically con-
firms last year's vote which excluded
the reds from political office.
The sharp-edged attitude of thi
moderates is easily apparent. The
communists do not appear to have a
chance, and it certainly seems that it
will take more than three years-
the exclusion period-for them to re-
gain the little favor they had, if
they had any at all.
The conference vote was almost
100 to 1 against a mere reconsidera-
tion of the question as to whether o
not the reds should be readmitted.
Surely if the British communists
have not received a rout, their cause
has been given quite a damper.
From India has come the latest
proposal for the prohibition of intoxi-
cating liquor, indicating that slowly
the principle, despite numerous at.
tacks made upon it in America, is
winning favor in the world. It marks
one more step forward in the fight
started years ago to place alcohol
beyond the reach of man; and it in-
dicates new belief in another quarter
of the globe that it is one of the
duties of government to protect pos-
terity by acts ,regulating the morals
of its citizens.J
The act of the Indian Assembly,
representing a population of 217,000,-
000 Hindus and 69,000,000 Moslems,
is me'rely an expression of the opinion
of that representative body and will
not have legal force unless counter-
signed by the King and ratified by
the English Parliament. Moslems,
according to teachings of the Koran,
should be total abstainers, while
among the Hindus most sects believe.
in and practice a wise indulgence in
good things"-temperance. . t
According to press dispatches, the t
assembly adopted the motion of a
Moslem representative recommend-
ing that the government accept a
polic of eventual prohibition of the
liquor traffic save for medicinal and
scientific purposes, against the com-
bined forces of the Government and
a strong lobby of "European inter-
ests." It calls for the rigid control
of the importation of spirituous
f liquors, placing in the hands of the
Provincial government its enforce-
India has long sought to make her
will an influence in legislation pro.'
posed for her land; and in this, the
latest expression of her desire, all
India, and the world, will watch
England's attitude.
Some people persist in displaying
unsportsmanlike tactics at football
games. Just because the sport i,
played on a gridiron, is no sign for
this continual "roasting."
The Prince of Wales has been re-
buked for a loss of dignity. His
royal highness has fallen from his
dignity, then, among other things.
Two summers as an iceman haveI
made Red Grange rather cool tc
would-be tacklers.

Anonymous communkations will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
confidential uzjon request.
i-ants wil hwever, beo regarded sa
To the Editor:
Though I am fully aware of theI
fact that the "Toasted Rolls" in The
Daily must serve in the first part tot
give us some fun, I can not refrain1
from asking what is the essentialt

B. & G.
We are exceedingly proud thi
morning. We are at last receivin
the proper amount of notoriety. A
last we feel on a par with our neigh.
bor on the right. The best part of i
is that this letter is absolutely right
There has not been a good humor-
ous joke in this column for years, an
the reason is just as it says, that the
power to write one is a gift which i
not granted to many persons. It
certainly has not been granted to us
Why admit that we wouldn't ever
know a good humorous joke if we sas
one. We would certainly appreciate
it, therefore, if someone would senc
us one that he thinks is an example
of a good humorous joke, merely t
give us a basis on which to judge
How about one like this:
HE: Care if I smoke?
SHE: I don't give a damn if you
That comes from "Sallie" and w
thing perhaps that might be a good
humorous gag. If it is, we are forced
to admit that that Is much too fasi
for us. We have to stick to ones
MILLY: You know I have a soft
spot for Jack.
LILLY: I didn't think that yo.
thought about him at all.
That comes from our own colum
of October 4, and if that doesn't prov-
that that letter is right, you're crazy!
* * *
ALLAH: How's for sending or
* * *
(In the hope that our readers will
find the articles from this interesting
publication of interest, we have se
lected material at random. Those
who are further interested may see
the entire paper if they come to this
office any afternoon.)
Shop Talk
"The students working on the New
Hospital during the Spring vacatior
washing windows are doing very
creditable work as the records shov
that the work is done more cheaply
than when done by regular labor."
"It is persistently rumored tha
wedding bells will soon ring in De-
partment 5."
* * *
"The bay horse, Bell, which was in-
jured last winter Is coming along
nicely. The freedom of outdoors and
the environment of Palmer Field is
having a lot to do with it."
"A man wrapped up in himself
makes a pactage about the size of a
pill box."
* * *
"He who keeps silent is assumed to
give consent, silence gives consent."
* *.*
"Weare not allowed to know all
It seems football is become too
much of a spectacle. Angell says so,
every five minutes, but even so, it's
true. And the worst of it is that the
players are beginning to realize this,
and feel an obligation to entertain
the crowd. For instance, one of the
State (don't laugh) players, in the
third quarter of yesterday's combat,
was heardtto yell fericously "Hurry
Up, Hurry Up the game is dragging."

Victory, you see was not his aim. His
chief desire was to keep the audience
S* s
The local Varsity appeared quite
promising to our ignorant eye. The
line opened holes which the band
could havedmarched through and the
backfield looked like good track ma-
* * *
We have also invented a new out-
door sport. This is how you go about
it. Whenever a player of the oppos-
ing team is taken out, or hurt, or
makes a touchdown or in any other
manneradistinguishes himself to such
an extent that he is awarded a cheer,1
ro try to guess the name that they?
are cheering.
It usually sounds like "Boorharroo-
wrah!" but, of course, you can't find
that name among the list of players.
So you attempt to find out whoit i
You can gamble, if you want to by
betting on the number of the player
if you can't see him) and it works
ut something like Roulette. You can{
bet odd or even, or high or low, etc.,
tc. Try it next time-
We sort of pity the Aggies-they
ad to learn all their (we mean our)
heers all over again. And the band
ad to learn how to form all new let-


sauce" in the

Barry Conners' "Apple.
Whitney theatre at 8:15


* * *
A review, by Sir Toby Tiffin.
The title is very suggestive. In fact
it tells about all there is to the play
in three syllables. But Barry Con-
ners knows how to spread his sauce.
He does it very adroitly and very
naively. In certain places it is per-
haps, too thick, and in others, too
thin; but there really is enough to
cover three acts.
A notice on the program brands
this as another one of those comedies
of American life that Mr. Pulitzer
liked so. Don't let this deceive you.
It takes place in an American town
and the characters, are American, bt
it is wise enough not to take such
things seriously. Hence it is highly
The entire company seems terribly
conscious of the fact that they are
acting a play; furthermore, they are
terribly conscious that it is a funny
play. They take few pains to hide'
these facts from the audience. When-
ever a humorous line comes along,
which is quite often indeed, they look
right out at the onlookers and all but
wink, in order to prepare them foe
the line. This is too bad, becauso
Mr. Conners' lines don't need this
introduction. Almost anyone could
tell they were funny the first time
he heard them.
At one time we became very wor.-
ried for fear that Mr. Conners was
about to preach, which would have
been very sad indeed, inasmuch as no
one would have taken him very seri-
ously. But fortunately he took a
brace and kept on spreading his ap-
There is, of course, a plot to the
piece, but that also is not to be taken
seriously. In fact there is nothing
about the play which you should take
very seriously. If you do you won't
enjoy it, but if you want to spend an
evening in which there is nothing to
take seriously, which is, after all
what you should do at theatre, you'll
like Mr. Conners' "Applesauce very
* * *

Eaage that Misfit Pen for a
The Pen of the Past--The Pen of the Present--The Pen of the Future
We will make you a good allowance.
The "Rider Masterpen" made by J. G. Rider
Pen CO. Ann Arbor, Mich. is in a class by itself-
nothing like it or to compare with it.
If there is such a thing as a "non-breakable" the
"Masterpen" is that pen and it holds a whole bar-
rel ful of ink (230 drops). Fitted and serviced by
Rider himself at



Irving arrnolts!D SC,
707 X.U icive.(:nJ 'lione 212


-I I


S 9

TO HE h r

, .

-IISCIIIEF" Everyone else
Rosamond Gilder writes d's follows 1& epi I
of Ashley Dukes' "The Man with a We Clean and Bloc
- them RIGHT. You z
- Load of Mischief," which is opening or hat d
tonight at the Schubert-Detroit opera and in th workmanl
house, Detroit, with Ruth Chatterton, which we do work..
Robert Lorraine, and her husband. We also I'dake and S
Ralph Forbes, in the April number of to the best. B11 stock{
the Theatre Arts Monthly: always on hand in a
shaped to fit the head
"This comedy successfully refutes Save a P or 1
a number of cherished theories suchl FACTirY iA
as that which proclaims the poetic
drama obsolete, a costume ,play in- 617Pachard t8-re t
( he-e D. 1'. R.S;;)o
possible and the artificial phantasy
not acceptable on the modern stage.
His play is all these things-poetic,
costumed, artificial--and is, at the
same time, a pldy for the theatre to.du L E A o
day as surely as is the most moder-n
of our journalistic productions. 'The I
Man with a Load of Mischief' carries DO N T
in its path not only the pomp and
vanity of a wicked world with their
attendant sins and follies, but ro-
mance and philosophy as well.
"Intrigue and satire, smiles and
venomous hate are woven into ar.,
arabesque of verbal and visual en-ct . p h a nE
chantment. The play has an inner
cadence, a delicate, bright rhythm or
movement and meaning which (harms
the ear, and must have delighted the
eyes of those fortunate enough to see
it in its production by the Stage So-
ciety of London.
"The comedy takes place in En;-
land at the time that F-ance was
stirring men's imaginations with her
revolution, wltile England'saPrInco
devoted himself to gambling andl dis-
sipation. The scene is laid in a re-
mote wayside Inn to which come four
characters fromthe courtly quadrille
-a Nobleman, a Lady, his Man and ;
her Maid. They stelp gracefully
through a maze of stratagems and
deceits-mask upon mask hiding
their bitter struggles.
"'A world of appearances, says
my lord,-a painted mockery,' and
in this firm conviction he weaves his Opens at
net of treachery-and fails. Fails
because he does not know that after
all 'the folded leaf will open to the X"Thea t
sun. The tallest tree will cast the New York
longest shadow. The longest shadow Next Month
israliy.' He does not even t'ecog-
nize that shadow when it passes near E
him, when thehMan and the Lady go
out hand in hand under its wing,
leaving him to face in impotent fury,
his shattered schemes and the Land- R
lord's reckoning."
In the schedule of campus activities AMY L
published in the Music and Drama

it looking FI'.
k Hats and do
will appreciate
free from odor
ike manner inI
Sell Hats equal
of latest shapes
ll sizes. Hats
tree of charge.
Yore at the I
hlione 7115.
s at ttf, St.)

Night a
Granger' s
Throughout the whole of last year the
Wednesday night dances at Granger's
were popularly attended. This same -has
been true of the mid-week dances this
year. Coming when they do they offer
the students who care for dancing an
opportunity for a few hours of recrea-
Lion during the week. The crowds at
these Wednesday night dances are of a
nice size. The music, as on Friday and
Saturday nights, is furnished by Jack
Scott's Club Royal Ten Piece Orchestra,
Dancing every
Wednesday, 8-1 '
Friday, 9-10
Saturday, 9-12
Tickets for these dances
may be purchased at
(Main Street)


were quietly releaed by the gov- 1 difference between real humor and
orwreal nonsense after I read the "Toast,
an r I Mich- ed Rolls" of todays issue (Oct. 2)?
igan from 1Irving Juer. who has To give, and to write down, a good1
been rsi'n tlie ntJ iuhto whfor 35 humorous joke is a gift which has
~ ers n alifP sen1tene:, ald who not been granted to many persons,
asks that his case be nv ated but in any way it seems to me to be
ad, ifte iord wTcnstis It, a better to give no fun section at all
parole b ied. The onens of than just to fill the column b tying
tiion 5 ts 10-he --0 tifh th ii wot men together different absurdities. Per-
wh~> r rleed h ~,)nt have haps the spelling of the word "phe-
been, ad -the man who shtoild be re- nominum" belongs to the funny
lJaksed i- ill behid t1ebars at part too; otherwise I should like to
Jack.on. inform the writerbthat until perhaps
'I he (ta e needs a parole enimis- it has always been spelled "phe-
stn orgnied wi sonc t boug;ht of nomenon." But this may have been
pIciJidi chittt et to consider a slipping off of the author's mind,
such ( :s-- me who h:ve th0 time which I will forgive him.
to o theO ihThe onttinual The main thing I wish to point out
flooding of t i ofimhigah here is the factsthat it seems to me
e '5c:Ca nllS- )r'lbt i. with e utimi;ts Who that the official student paper on"the
aut not campus of the University should
refor" d should he stopped And rank a little higher, even in it.
io tewho ie1.TAtimer, "comic section," than the average
Sme evidence newspaper. And, as I pointed out
of inne , h served above, it seems to me better to give+

The Tremendously Popular Comedy Success

6'A PO)~l,

fee It
New York
Sees It



an Continuously for Six Months at LaSalle Theatre, Chicagg

Excellent Cast and Production

ESI IE, the eminent critic of the Chicago News, said: "Everybody
0 "I"I s p p PPT.FqAT1C , "Yel" A 1 -IPrfphr ad ycr


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