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October 04, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-04

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VOL. XXXV. No. 12






FROM iLLIN, 514-0I


Cornhuskers, Smarting Under Defeats
of Past Two Years, Display I
Magnificent Defense
(By Associated Press)
CHAMPAIGN, 111., Oct. 2. - A re-
vengeful Nebraska football team,
smarting under the defeats of 1923
and 1924, rose to power today, crush-
ing Illinois 14-0 and accomplished
what no other football team has been
able to do-completely halting Red
Grange, America's outstanding foot-
ball star.
Grange was nailed almost In his
tracks virtually every time he started
making his 1925 debut. He carried
the ball 19 times for a total gain of
62 yards. Thrice he was thrown
-back for a loss of two or three yards.
However, he heaved a pass that netted
-18 yards, making him responsible for
a total gain of 80 yards.
Grange Taken Out
Unable to pierce the magnificent
Nebraska defenseand thwarted in his
efforts to circle the ends, Grange was
taken out of the game a few seconds
after the start of the fourth period.
As the noted player covered with mud
from headato foot, walkedto the side
lines, tears gathered into his eyes
pnd he fell into the waiting arms of
his comrades. In justice to Grange
it must be said that he started the
game suffering from a sprained wrist
sustained in practice and was unable
to heave forward passes with his
usual skill.
The stopping of Grange was chiefly
idue to the deadly tackling of Captain
Ed Weir of the Nebraska eleven,
ilmself an all-American star. Weir
smashed through the Illinois interfer-
.ence, spilling the players in every
direction and brought Grange down
with gains of two or three yards.
Three times he ran Grange out of
Lacked Interference
Grange lacked the superb interfer-
ence of 1924 when he amazed the grid-
iron world with his sensational flights
across the white marks. le missed
Wally Mcllwain, Hall and Britton,
his shock troops of last year. Brit-
ton did not start the game today,
neither did Hall. They were rushed
into the fray in an attempt to give
Grange a helping hand, but they came
too late. Instead of being used in the
backfield, as he was last year, Brit-
ton was used in the line.
CHICAGO, Ill., Oct. 3. - Mainly
through the line plunging ability of
young Stanley Rouse, Chicago was
able to administer a 9-0 defeat to Ken-
tucky university here today. The Ma-
roons worked the ball to the 35 yard
line-in the second period and Curley
dropped the ball through the posts
for a field goal. In the third period
Rouse plunged and wriggled his way
down the field for a touchdown. Ken-
tucky's offensive game was not notice-
able, but they were strong on the de-
EVANSTON, 111., Oct. 3.-Northwest-
ern university showed to good advan--
tage in her first game of the season,
defeating the University of South. Da-
kota, 14-7. Northwestern's outstand-
ing star, Ralph Baker, was on the
side lines with a bad ankle but Leland
"Tiny" Lewis, a sophomore playing
his first game, showed brilliantly. The
South Dakota touchdown resulted
from Northwestern being penalized
half the distance to her goal, combin-
ed with a forward pass.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 3.-Although
Ohio Wesleyan failed today to realize,
its age-old ambition to beat Ohio
State it showed so well against its
Big Ten opponent that the game wasj
always in doubt until the final gun
stopped play at a 10-3 count in favor
of the Wilcemen. Ohio State was
completely outplayed offensively and
defensively in the first half but ral-
lied in the last half and took theI


1Is Questioned
By Prof. Cross
ISays Sixo f"tary Yollt °u rWitlsin t fr'
sakithala's Views
Characterizing as a delicate prob-
lem the exclusion of the British com-
munist, fShapurji Saklat val, Prof.
Arthur Lyon Cross of the history de-
partment said yesterday that, while
Secretary Kellogg was undoubtedly
within his rights, it might have beenI
wise to have admitted Saklatvala as
a delegate to the session of the In-
terparliamentary Union, and to have
ihearl his opinions. We should be
secure enough in our own convictions.
he stated, so that we need not fear
the communist's argnments.
Sakla vanla, Professor Cross said, is
of the Parsee tribe of India, of whom !
there are only some three hundred
thousand in existence. Most of these
are inclined to be conservat ive, being
merchants, manufacturers, and capi-
talists. The British parliament men-
ber is a conspicuous exception to this
rule, he said.
The basis of the exclusion was in
a law passed at the time of MeKin-
ley's assassination, providing for the,
exclusion of dangerous persons, or
those who advocated overthrowing the
government, it was explained. If
Saklatvala had been planning 'to live
in this country, it would have been a
different matter, and undoubtedly he





Iy Joseph Kruger
Adej ne , at skirting the ends and completing forward passes aided
\'i higmll' s Varsity football eleven materially in trouncing Michigan State
college '9-0 yesterday afternoon on Ferry field in the initial encounter of
the season, which was witnessed by 30,000 persons. It was th largest
crowd that ever gathered for a season:s opener in Ann Arbor.
(o'ing to lorry field determined to emerge victorious in the tradi-
iol hattle, Coach Young's eleven succumbed before the Wolverine on-
iaugbt, impressel withy the fact that weak fiankmen and inexperienced
bacs can nev r cope successfully with a powerful"running and overhead


Debt Parley Is
Disappo inting
( yAsscate dPress)
New Yorh, Oct. 3.- After a final ap.
Beal to "the heart of America,"
Joseph Caillaux, minister of finance,
a nd members of the French debt

Burial rites of heroes are being given by the navy to the men who went down with the submarine
S-51. Photo shows crew of U. S. S. Camden paying tribute to one of the dead as the body is taken aboard
at the scene of the disaster to be transported to the home of the man Inset is the photo of Lieut. Rodny yI.L
Dobson, commander of the submarine, best liked by his widow.



(By Associated Press)
Lokehurst, N. J., Oct. 3.-The Shen,
andoah naval court of inquiry is to
give immediate attention to the ques-
tion of whethertblame attachesto
Commander Zachary Lansdowne, cap-
tain of the airship, for the disaster
which cost his own life and that of
13 other officers and men.,
This was decided upon at an infor-
mal over-night conference between
the court and Judge Advocate Foley.j
The prosecution of this phase of the
inquiry at this time will delay at
least-until Monday, the winding up of
the hearing here and the removal of
the court to Washington.
An opinion that a primary cause of
the wrecking of the Shenandoah was
the failure of the officers in charge1
to observe obvious danger signals has
been given to the court b3 Capt. An-
i ,on Heinen, a former German Zeppe-
lin pilot. Since he is regarded in
naval airship circles as one of the
ablest dirigible pilots of the day,
weight naturally attaches to his
Then too, his theory finds some in-1
direct support in the testimony otf
Lieut. Joseph A. Anderson, aerologist
on the Shenandoah, that when he saw
storm clouds moving in the opposite
direction to the wind which the tir-
ship was bucking, he had advised a'
change of course to the southward
and Commander Lansdowne ignored
that advice.
Referring to this testimony, Capt.
Heinen said- that this movement of
the clouds was one of the surest
signals of danger, and had he been
in command he immediately would
have changed his course.
Churchill Holds
t Mark As Talker
LONDON, Oct. 3.-Winston Churchill
was the greatest talker during the
last session of Parliament, his speech-
es consisting of 145,000 words, filling
309 columns of the official report, said
the Parliamentary Gazette. Ramsay
MacDonald came next with 231 col-
umns, followed closely by Lloyd
George with 210. Premier Stanley
Baldwin only spoke 82 columns. Com-
mander J. M. Kenworthy still holds
the lead for questions with a total
of 571.
Welch To Tour
Year In Europe
Prof. Paul S. Welch of the zoology
department has been granted a leave
of absence for the academic year
1925-1926. H is spending the year
in Europe, visiting universities, bio-
logical stations and research institu-
tes. Professor Welch, accompanied by
Mrs. Welch, landed in England, Aug.

President Will (hie Address at First
University Service n 11ll
Auditorium Toniglit
"The Value of Silence" will be
the topic of President Clarence Cook
Little's address at the first Univer-
sity service program at 7:30 o'clock
tonight in IHill auditorium. The ser-
vice will be conducted entirely by
Edward Mosher, '26, will render the
solo and Phillip E. LalRowe, grad.,
will play the organ. Other students
who will take part in the service are
Rensis Likert, '26, who will lead the
prayers, Albert Boehringer, '26, will
read the Scripture p~assages, and John
H. Elliott, '26, will preside and intro- I
duce the speaker.
This service, which opens the year's
program, is held under the auspices
of the Student Christian association
and is open to everyone.
Other speakers who wil speak at
later services include Dr. Shailerl
Mathews, dean of the divinity school)
at the University of Ciheago, who will,
speak at the service on Nov. 8; Dr.
Tom W. Graham, dean of the. gradu-
ate school of theology at Oberlin, who1
will speak on Dec. 6; and Dr. CharlesI
W. Gilkey, Pastor of the Hyde Park
Baptist church in Chicago. Plans are
also under way for a special service
on Mother's Day, May 9.

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 3.-In protest
against the proposal to abolish the
Shipping Board, which he feels would
destroy regional representation irl the
operation of the government's mer-
chant marine, Frederick I. Thompson
of Mobile, Ala., the commissioner
representing the gulf states, has ten-
dered his resignation to President
Coolidge, to become effective .. ov. .i
and it has been accepted. '.I
Mr. Thompson, a large newspaper
publisher serving a five-year term
which would not expire until 1923,
was first appointed by President Wil-
son and reappointed by President I
Harding and President Coolidge.
In his letter of resignation, Mr.I
Thompson frankly stated to the Pres-
dent that lie wished to retire so that,
lie might be free to join with others
in opposing the proposed change in I
the board's management, and thus be
relieved of any implication that he
was prompted by self interest in
wishing to retain his offiee.
Intercept Pass,
Wabash Wins, 13-71
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Oct. 3. - In-
tercepting a forward pass in the
closing minutes of the game, Paynter,
Wabash guard, raced 30 yards for a
touchdown which gave his team a 13-7'
victory over Purdue here today.
Coach James Phelan started the en-,
tire Purdue second team, which Wa-
bash pushed to the five yard line late,
in the first period. The regulars were
rushed into the fray but could not
prevent the touchdown. Purdue tied
the count when Bladders, fullback,
pounded through the line in the sec-
ond period. A fumble by Wilcox just
a few yards from the Wabash goal
ended a spirited rally by Purdue. i
Iowa Overcomes
Arkansas By 26-0


~iIUtIU LU~ ~'".... ...cofliision, we(>io sailing back home
Professor Cross said. ,
Professor Cross pointed out that today on the liner France,
our exclusion may have sax-cd the "Grieviously disappointed" over
British parliament some embarass failure to e,'fo{t a settlement (f
ment. Saklatvala had no official al) lH'ran,e's X4,200,000,0)00 debt,*M. Gail-
pointme t as a delegate, any member "'rC
of Parliament being eligible. Some a as Country would do every-
prominent men in Parliament refused tlig within the limits of her
to come when they learned that Sak- strength to pay the debt. He said he
latvala was to be with them. Others, nightiei urn to W ashington in six
however, felt that lie should not be month' to resumno negotiations.
Britain's sole representative, and Tear5s welled in t he eyes of the
therefore did not change their plans. siatesnian as he spoke last night in
- The British are to a great extent m'e0ly to tributes to France from
of a homogeneous stock, said Profes- Nicholas' Murray Butler, president of
sor Cross, while in this country near-'a ivrsiAnbassa-
ly every nationality is represented. ,lop M1 y ro . 1 I.errich, at a testi-
These mixed 1people, most of whom mllomial dinner at the Lotos Club.
('aillniix slpenis
lave suffered oppression in their na- a1(-xi)o ethn
tive laids, are for that reason es- "here ,somethig hihor thanI
pecially open to radical views, he the (Plestionof ilt erest between meti
stated. On this account we must deal a nUi(Iatilons," M. ('aillaux said, "anit
severely with agitators, especially in that something is the cOmmlifon friend-
war time, while the British govern- shlp between our peoples. To the
ment is inclined to be lenient toward h l1art of America I appeal with no
h other thought than to ask all the peo-
them. pie of America to look at my country
with the same sentiments expressed
TON E S19PHRENTS l .e tln u bigtos e
TS N'sured that we will do what we must
I hISg S to I lie limit of our strength. My coun-
try is a country of labor, a country
Iof pride. We will do everything we
(By Associated Press)
Aboard ... m fewa1skUncertain whether the
Aboard S. S . Cam~ideni, off Flock l-n'h~r Pail iam cut would accept the
Island, Oct. 3.-A rough sea swEpt by {ive-ynr ttemporary agreement with
a northeast wind tonight sent the laayment year
rescue fleet into New London to an- ,,b) a yoai pro-
ichor there until the weather moc-I ,,' ^p fh merican cornrnission-
chrteeunti theater od- ers.Ilehad power only to sign a
crates enough to permit divers to re- complete fundi ng agreement, he said.
sume operations on the sunken sub-F 1renh Bids Slm , dp
marine 5-51. The (disa l>pointment expr e'2sedb y
Rear Admiral Christie announced M. 'aillaux, was mnanilest inWash
in a conference with- newspapermen ington and Paris, te stock exchang
that the fleet would return to the ain the nouse, where the franc ange
scene just as soon as possible and French bonds slumped.
would continugthe work as long as M eb o t French mission
there was a chance of recovering bod- I were divided. Deputy Lucien La-
ies. The operations were suspended'I moureux said he would oppose the
today with great suddenness. The Americau offer."ferociously." (30
wind and waves were tossing the 1ators William F. forah, Thomas S
diving barge Chittenden about and it walsh of Montana and Charles Cur-
was necessary to bring the divers tis held much the same view as
working below to the surface nmuh President Coolidlge.
more rapidly than is customary. The1 Bankers are in a tuandary. They
men, Lilja and Wilson, had to be ,saidI large volume of French loans
placed in the decompression chamber , Might be held up indefinitely anal
for a time and then were treated in I re511Xion- waiting for Secretary
the sick bay of the Camden. Neither Ba.k R Kellogg to clear upthe
suffered serious effects. GovermnCt's attitude toward new
en ch bans, Prior to the confer-
fU flflflhITH i ernee france had been expected to ask
CfUDMVIPV NfRECEPTION for a u.M omo0 loan this niger,
More than 100 persons ,representing
15 nations, attended the annual re-

Fried man Scores First
The Wolverines scored twice in the
frst period, Friedman's long sprint
accounting for the first touchdown,
and Gregory's catch of Friedman's
ong pass giving the ostmen their
second score. Michigan State showed
a reversal of form in the second quar-
er, and held the Wolverines score-
ess, but the third period found Michi-
gan men stepping over the final chalk
line on four occasions.
Oosterbaan scored twice after mak-
ng sensational catches of forward
passes, George Babcock scored when
[l ran 65 yards after catching a par-
ially blocked lass, and Gilbert gave
Michigan her final score of the day
when he grabbed a pass intended for
t State player and raced 28 yards for
Gregory stumbled his way for a
hree yard gain soon after the start
if the game, and on the next play
ien Friedman went inside of the
tate right end-for 65 yards for the
irst score, this being the prettiest
running exhibition of the afternoon.
The Wolverine pilot was aided by al-
nost perfect interference, but show-
d uncanny ability in running easily
ant il interference formed in front of
im. Gregory missed the goal.
Smith punted out of bounds on the
0 yard line, following Fuller's kick-
)ff to Fouts who was stopped by Tom
l0dwards on his own 15 yard line.
'Bo" Molenda then made 6 yards on
two smashes through the line, and
driedan made it first down on
Stat'e' 37 yard line, goig around
rght end.' On the next play Ben
Mtood back and hurled the ball to
irube, who made a pretty catch of
Lie pass. lie was downed on State's
is yard line.
Aerial Attack Scores
Line play failing, Friedman threw
mother pass, which Grube snatched
n pretty fashion, just as he was
tackled on the five yard line. Two
ine bucks brought the ball to the
ine-yard line, but Molenda failed to
arry it over. Smith kicked out, of
anger, and on the next play Fried-
nan heaved a 40-yard pass to Gre-
gory, who fell over the goal line as
ie was tackled. Fred Fuller added
the extra point.
Following Smith's 15-yard run, aft-
er a fake kick, the State eleven s'eem-
ed to have renewed confidence, as
they unleashed a forward passing at-
ack that the Wolverines were unable
to halt. For tb-a entire second quar-
ter the Lansing eleven threatened
with her passes, but the half ended
without any scoring.
The third period found many substi-
tutes playing for Michigan, notably
Sam Babcock, who was in Gregory's
place; Ben Oosterbaan at Grube's
end, and Louis Gilbert ,who had taken
Fred Fuller's half. And it was Gil-
bert who carried the brunt of the
Rich-igan attack for the remainder of
the contest. The former Kalamazoo
star gave a splendid kicking exhibi-
tion, ran the ball well, passed well
and played a strong defensive game.
Gilbert's work yesterday may earn a
regular berth for him.
It was Gilbert's pass that give Mich-
igan her first score in the "third per-
iod, Oosterbaan making a brilliant
catch of the pass, and then running
over the goal line, shaking off a
would-be tackler. Gilbert kiKed the
goal. State succeeded with several
passes, and then George Babcock
broke through and caught the hall,
which had been partially blocked by
Dewey, and ran 65 yards for another
score. Gilbert added the extra point.
Friedman to ()osterbaan
Shortly afterwards, en Friedman
tossed the ball 40 yards of Oosterbaan,
who made a spectacular one-hand
catch of the ball, squirmed away from
a State player, and then raed across
the goal. The final score came when
Gilbert snatched a State pass and


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-The 23rd
conference of the inter-Parliamentary
union, in a resolution adopted tonight,
endorsed the efforts of the League of
Nations and the Pan-American union
to codify international laws and call-I
ed for a general constructive plan
for codification based on progress
made in recent years.
The conference also adopted a reso-


lution providing for "a declaration of I
rights and duties of nations", and an-
other directing a study to prevent war
by aggression. The resolutions were]
adopted after three days of full dis- ;
cussion of the subject, and cleared4
the way for the conference to con-
sider at its session on Monday the
question of reduction of armaments.
(By Associated Press)
BELLFONTE, Penn., Oct. 3.-More
than a thousand persons and eleven'
airplanes joined in the search for
Charles I. Ames, missing mail plane
pilot, but when darkness fell over1
the Allegheny mountains no trace ofl
him had been found.

IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 3. - Mick
Kutsch, sophomore, proved that he is

probably one of Iowa's most brilliant
football players when he lead the
Hawkeye offense to a 26-0- victory
over Arkansas here this afternoon.
Kutsch plunged off tackle and skirt-
ed the ends for two touchdowns, madeI
one point after touchdown and made'
a place kick for a total of 17 points.
LYONS, FRANCE, Oct. 3.--Former
Premier Herriot, whose ministry pre.
ceded the present Painleve govern-
iment, is seriously ill, suffering froml
congestion of the lungs.



ception given to the Cosmopolitan
club by Prof. E. C. Goddard and Mu s.
Goddard at their home, 1212 hill
,street, last night. Professor Goddard
gave an address of welcome to the
foreign stuents.
New members are to be initiated at
I the first luncheon of the club to be
Iheld Saturday, Oct. 10.



(By \ssoiat-d Press) I
Washington c..Presient andlc
Mrs. )Coolidge will celebrate their I
0th edding aunniversary quietly to- it
morrow, having made no plans to
observe the ay in any unusual man-
nor. _ They expect to attend church
in the morning as they do each Sun-j
day and then to remain in seclusion
at the White Flouse until their de-
parture late in the day for Omaha,
where the I President on Tuesday will
address the American Legion conven-'
Itionf. ma
Presidont Coolidge will be in Oma-;
ha abotut ten hour a u-riving Tuesday
11orng at ei breakast and leaving I

College Football Scores

! OurVea he M

Illinois, 0, Nebraska 14.
Ohio State 10, Ohio Wesleyan 3.
Chicago 9, Kentucky 0.

Pennsylvania 26, Swathnmore 13.
Columbia 47, Johns lopkins 0.
Syracuse 20, Vermont 0.
Tufts 7, Maine 6.

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