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October 03, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-03

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- - - -- ~ ;i-'ii ~ l~redictiomi to 1)0 a t('st of tIme tlmeomy, I jocity oif nmietOorologist S behimud it. The




VOL. XXXVI. No. 11






Mocks ShZoes;
~~ni n rnirainniiinn !



Moral Issues of Eduict ion Is Subject
President Williandle At
Opening Meeting
Prominent professional and bus-
ness men of the country will offer a
series of six public lectures under the
auspices of the Michigan School of
Religion, at two week intervals,
throughout the next three moths.,
The sepakers, acknowledged leaders,
in their fields, will discuss ethical
problems arising in their particular
;President Clarence Cook Little will
deliver the first lecture of the series
at 4:15 o'clock Thursday, Oct. s, dis-I
Bussing "The Moral Issues of Educa-
tion." Following President Little's
talk the audience will be given oppor-
tunity to discuss problems suggested'
by the speaker.
Labor Leader SpwaksI
The second talk w1 be tendered
by Albert F. Coyle, who will treat the
subject "Temptations of Organized
Labor" on ct. 22. Mr. Coyle has
been associated with American labor
organizations for several years.
~Judge Alexis C. Angell, 'SOL, of De-
troit, has agreed to discuss "Legal
Ethics" on Nov. 19. Judge Angell has
practiced law in Detroit since 180,
serving as United States disrict
fudge in the Eastern District of Mich-J
Igan in 1911-12; 'and filled a teachingI
post in th.e iaaw school from 189-98.
fIudge Angell is the son of James But-j
mill Angell, fourth president of tfthe
Following Judge Angell, it is hopedl
that Walter Lipman of "the New York
~World will be able to present the
fourth number of the series on the j-
afternoon of Dec. 3. Mr. ILippman has'
*~ntatively announced Lis topic as
1'The Etihics of a Journalist." The
journalist is a former associate ed -
itar of The New Republic magazine,
and has recently published a book on
liberty and News."
Latwyer Scheduled
The next lecture of the series w ill
be given by A. 13. Hill of Boston on
Dec. °17. Mr. Hill has practiced law
InBoston since 1894, is a member, of
the American Bar association" and
the American Criminology society;
and because'of his experience is saidl
to be especially fitted to discuss the
! Moral Aspects of Criminal Law,' his
The lectures as outlined above are
to 'be given in connect ion with Prof.
Jirsopp Lake's seminar in the moral
issues of modern life, and the ques-f
tons suggested by the speakers will
lie discussed in the ensuing class
Total registration figures for the,
School of Religion indicate an enroll-
mnent of 34. In the, opinion of Prof.
Leroy Waterman, of the Seitis de-I
partment, chairman of the adminis-I
trati-ve board, this is a creditable andc
satisfactory begining for the newly
established school. All the students
enrolled are upperclassmen and grad-II
[.ate students.
Pair Will See
Foreign Lands
- rWithicyles
Winfield and Francis Line, 27, left
Tuesday morning for a year's bi-
cycle tour' of Europe. They will work I
their passage from Montreal, Canada,
to Glasgow, Scotland.
The boys intend to spend the first{
two months in the British Isles. Dur-
Ing tihe winter they will travel in
France, Spain, Italy, and northern
Africa. In the spring and summer of
next year they will go through Ger-3
many, the new Balkan States, and the
Scandanavian countries.{
The two students plan not to travel
through those parts of Europe usually
visited by tourists, but to penetrate

further into the rural districts where
thecy can observe the people and their
customis, and study their languages.
On their rAurn from Europe the
boys will resume their studies in the

Of the 9,461 students on the campus,!
6,339 got their feet wet yesterday in
the most persistently "wet" rainfall
which the campus has suffered in
years. Of the 3.122 remaining stu-
dents, 1,550 wore rubbers, 51 skipped
classes, 152 hooked rides on rain-
proof fivvers, and the balance were
in the hospital.
Among the 6,339 who braved the
downpour could be seen every type
of rainproof contrivance that student
ingenuity couldl devise. There were
of course slickers, yellow slickers,
red slickers, purple slickers, andl
green slickers, which were aissisted
by celluloid tipped umbrellas of the
same shades.
Among the tragic sights on the
campus were 2,446 pairs of silk hose, I
light colored silk hose, if you please,I
that were neither rainproof nor stain-
The rain stopped. precisely at 3:46
o'clock, as determined by an average
of the clocks on the campus.

'11i41 Geor'ge 11V. km lis Are On

Procced ings sare D~eferred to Permiiit
Critic . to Appear Before War
Board Cliargeless

Instant Death
.Believed} Fate
Of Sub 51 Crew
(BIY Associated Press)
U. S. Submarine Base, New London,
Conn., Oct. 2.-The lives of the mend
who went. down on the submarine S-51
were suniffed out almost immediately
a fter she was rammed and sunk by
the steamer City of Ronme off Block
Island a week ago tonight. The (deathI
toll stands at 33.
Thlis was estab~lished today when
divers found that th]e last two coi-
p~artments in which it had been hoped
there might have b~een air, the motor
and torpedo room-were filled wvith
water. None of the crew wbo went
down had a chance for his life., The
sub~marine sank so quickly that they
were unabile to shut the., water tight j
door connycting the (compartmients
and thus given themselves a fightingj
chance on being brought tb surface
1with their ship. Thle story .of their
effort~s to save themselves never will
be told.
All that remains now to those who
have toiled at th~e task of rescue is to
recover anid identify the bodies after
which the submarine will be turned
over to wrecker for salvage. Of the
36 men who were aboard the 5-51$
Ii~b lb I1<t I I 'IiI IJI LCn uIIIC nilIi 11CU W1i-IU X U Lj) itr V U el .I111 n

Members of the reception com-
mlititee of the Union will meet
all incoming trains at the Michi-
g;an Central dlepot tomorrow
morning and will be ,stationed
in the lobby of the Union until
gamle tune for the purpose ofI
assisting all visitors in any way
p)ossible. Information and di-
rections as well as assistance in
locating hivailable rooms will be
given all those arriving by train
or calling at the Union.

Visiting Warriors In Pink of Condition
After Win Over Adriani; Only One
Wolverine on Injured List


housing ch1eers, an address of viel- k - lisocta.Zi riess
come aridl advice by P'resideint (Clar-' 'Washinmgton, Oct. 2.-M~ilitary ma-
('mce Cooks Litt le, tan (1 talkh i by hIarry ('linery to call Col. William Mitchell
Kipv, 23,assstad.coah o fotbalto account for language employed ill
Die'23, assist. oaclof heotball,-his San An tonio stat ement which had
eri'ing schoocxl, and scveral (canmpus ac_ considlerable influten ce in the a~ppoint-
tivities lea ders, c'omposedl the main mu cut of the President's air board, will
partof te feshmn kinqut, po- e put in motion again next Monday
graim last night at Lune i tall Tavern. I with every prospect that the officer
President LittIle's add(ress (came as will be brought before a court mar-
the clineax of the pro ;rm'1. Stressing tial here within the next' ten (lays or
aimporta.nce anmd ncessity of form- two weeks.
lug good haiibits amid f'i Fi lshi1)5, the The proceedings were deiferred to
President, advised all entiiering me permit Col. Mitchell to appear b~efore
to proceed very card umly in forming the board without being under any
their frensIsips. charges. The board notified the War

' .

Ticket Dernqnd
A tHome-Games:
I" 1 j -It -Irv-

C orrespoienCPliaces Illane
Change in Shenandoah Valves
Navy Bureau

f or

(Bay Associated Press)
Lakehurst, N. J., Oct. 2.-Authoriza-
tion for the change in the gas valve,
system in the airship Shenandoah was'
given by the Navy dlepartment bur-
eau -of aeronautics with somec reluct-
ance and was accompanied by warn-
ings that the innovation would furn-
ish an added reason for cautious op-
eration of the. vessel.
This is shown by official corres- 1
pondence on the subject passing bie-1
tween the bureau and Commnander
Zachary Lansdowne, captain of the
Shenandoah, which was read into thme l
records of the Naval court of in-!.
qluiry here, today by Lieut. C. El. Roy-'
endahl, senior ._urviving oflicer,. at the
direction of Judge Advocate Coley.
Writing at the direction of Rear Ad-
miral William A. Moffett, chief of the
bureau, Capt. E. S. Laud, of the con-
struction corps, warned Commander1
Lansdowne on the last day that the
modified arrangements of the aero-
natic safety valves" is not as fool,
proof of the original installation."
IHe added that the proposedl arrange-
ments imposed "an added reason for
the cautious operation of the ship
near pressure heights."
Men Lack Ideals,
Declare Indiana
University Women
lBloomington, Ind., Oct. 2.-College
1men with brains anid ideals are scare-
er than two-cent pieces, the Y. W. C.
A. :girls of this university have de-
This conclusion was reached at one
of the 'Y.. W.' discussion groups
where University women air their
id eas. ________________________________
Botoga, Colombia, Oct. 2.--Confirmm-!
ation has been obtained of a report
that a virtual state of slaver exists
famong the Indians of the Meta andI
Vichada regions, near the Colombian-
lVenezuelan border and on the Penin-
I sula of Goajira, which pirojects into
the Caribbean Sea. Congress is talk-
ng steps to remedy the situation.


with whom you acre about to (cast yotl takin,, of his testioy xetfr oiso or mnhv en'aenjI n n r a e
lot and see whiethier they a(re thi le md (at a it has asked him to prepare, and from the wreck. Two of these were
of friends uou grant" S'i-l PiresidenIt 1winch would require ab~out thre e adys. recoveredtoa.Tctslsfr Mhii otbl
lttlfe. "This iS s sentially a periodlI Col. Mitchell whmo was preparing to tdy ildshsfrMciaTfobl
of opportunity whiichi is not given to ; go to Oiaha to attend the American I w,,ams acomutned atthe admiyestrayin
m a n y eve n i nhi th is (c ou nm try," lie co n L eg o c n e n i n as a d l g t ,w as bv as an nZ o f te , A th le tica m s tra tionDn t L n k y u s p t o or e e o ay t e o t o d y t
stronigly to a few things; leave your- the inspector general of the army ltlzo hlclslswr lwdb
self openm to see and taste of t he new in connection- with the imnvstigation _jJtll ' .he, rain2, orders contmnued to pour in
exper renewc which You will have. previously ordered in his case. rii F~ by mail and telegraph.
I''rosidlent Little also spoke of thme lI Walt Court Or'der' L U.lesfortheMicigaOStteCam
place which Christ ianz ideals anmd liab- While the actual, order convening roayhv ppoce te2,0
its must; have ill'n tIt livsostf-he court is still to be issued, depart-, ~d~ aeapoce h 50-
it us av iitmelve h:sim nm'mtofiilsared4 Washington Officials Sgee I ren('1l lebt mlimamk and that number~ will, witness
denits. "Ourm ideals and( education will'jm tofial ared have gven ' Set tlemnent Possible Only tifme contest., provided clear weather
not last unless we go baci(k to p- n-I thought to its composition amnd prob-
Icr ideals of Christ."lie said. "Michi- ably most of thme officers called for I yAeia lncmtne odayh[Larrssloition, bus-
gan must, be a living place and a t hat, duty will'b ihrmjro mesmaae fteascain n
growing place for hristiamis," lieSaid.1Briadier generals. R~egulations re- I CO DG OPTIMISTIIC I nouneced. Tickets may Rlh1y still be pur-
Rap'Ialn ftm nilWsek-(ii c that an officer shall be tried E --__- ciasedI- t *Ferry field this nmorning
ing departmemit, toast master for the !only biy -his seniors inmilak which1 (By Associated Press) andl until the time of the game this
evening, commencedi tie evening'sj will pemtclnl flne evc ahntn c.2-lhuhtt afternoon.
progrm iml Remsis i.- prmit(~o~lii~l of lmige' serice X~ashimgtn, Oc.he.l7,000h slime7,00sstudntshho vhae at
pormby n rotimicimig Rni i than m Col. Mitchell to sit, b)ut it is tenseness of the Franco-American;
leert, '26, pmesidenmt of tilie Student expected that for the imost part, ot- diebt funding negotiationis had - faded'-raysmti o aygm ikt
Chiristiani Association. life spoke on' ficers of even higher rank will be se- from the picture today, tihe results lpurchmasedl. 9,000 extra' seats, which
the value oif friendships which are! lected. 'The specific charges- against of the conferences which were con- I makes a total of 16,000 already sold
made durinig unerg radluate dlays.I('ol. Mitchell probably will lie drawn eluded yesterday sl oo out abiove all it fte1,0 i.~~altdt
Deamn G.W ['at r of te ng- unuder the article of wrproviding oilher (liscussions ill official circles. ichgnsuetA hr r tl
s.poke, fmextcxl ud es oroffcer oncovicionof2,{00 student coupons out, which must
neerimig school, soenxcxeding ienaltie o ofcrIo ovcto f The aduinistratiomi and its suipport- 1b eemd
a welcome, to aIll immcomingti imgsd~ents.I charg es of conduct wvhich prejudices ers amid many others in offilcial life b eemd h eann ,0
Thetosmse calIled oihIa rry Kip-- I good order and military discidpii*O held, however, that the A" ~r a saebighl o hsproe
ke, '23, who gave sm'o i x prvlo h etneb h rs commission had suggested time only' It is ~ow impossible to obtain extra
periences while an unmdergraduate and iident is necessadry to make it effec- available solution oif time probleni at seats with student applications,
mbnler (if chlampilionship foot ball'fi.thsimeiniefiveya up uiITime same situation may occur at
teams at Michigan. paymenit plan which Finance Minister th am ~ih hoSae ti e
-Bemiefit samindpleasures to be derived W lashington, Oct. 2. -Col. William Caillaux took back with iimi to Pamris.I 'leved'
from working onl camnpus publications Mitchell's charge of "amateur bung- Rere asviTellsrly ha et
were empi-hasi'zedl by George 'W. D~avis, inhg" by time Navy of the attemptedtlenment on a permanent plan had niot , Ridg way T l
muaaging editor (If Thle haily, who ilawailan thfiglmt drew a riniging de- comec froimitime negotiations, yet tihe
conmciuded time list of speakers. 'n mimeat ion today from Commander feeling was evidenced from state-!-~O
Toas'i'tma'sterm Ilamlani, also it rodumced .lJohmn Rodgers, leader of tihe expedi- J mnt of administ ration leaders that E n z et' O
Father Idemi, dir'ectoir of the Upper)Om tiomi. both America andlt Framnce may bone -C
Roodi Bib]e class, lHarold C. Cofma'u. Testifying b~efore tihe Presidents 'jit fr'om the breathing *ipace allowed ci ty /I ft
general se(cretary of time S. C. A., amId aimr board, Commmander Rodgers, withi I under the temporary proposition.
omrGftmassatgeneral Sec- lout meniioning Mthlby nmd-jPresidenft Coolidge centem gains th - Robert Ridgway, president of the
rotary, as "memn who are able to ease clareul that "regardliess of what mis- view that France wiil improve both
time path of many of tihe incoming takes were made before or after, Ii sconomically and financially in the American Society of Civil Engineers,
men." j c'hallenige anyone to make a just criti- five years which may elapse before a addressed the student and faculty
_______________ - (isii of that flight." payment pact is arraniged. h-oIio1108',branch of the organization here at a
('onmmlauer Hits Back; desired a final settlement at this tiume, luncheon given yesterday noon in
ClssOfG r Ha The TFN- No. 1 commmander also took I but was convinced that such was iii- coonmi31 6 of the Union. His subject
As' iring Ienber direct issuie with the colonel's asser- possible. I was: "The Relation of the Student
werechatar aged mts ore lih IChapter to the General Society."
"Fools go where Uligels, fear toweecridotb non-flying of- 11"" According to Ridgway, the junior
trf. i(cials. lie said he was given fmree NEW" fBOOK i' U WRITTEN chptr form a proving ground
At the lbottom of thle applica inhn mdfl 'oeation wi h u ~ ~ i d fhll~ here time young engineer may quali-
blanks for football t idkets there s meau of aeronautics in prphapt f fo e rhpi hesno r
space for putting the nane and athm- I for time trip and that Ils record would P-101, a eM9HEder. In the course of his address the
letic book number of the person ( pov that ho was a competent Navy i Be I speaker also presented the general
whomu wn ost nx oa.ech;aitrI I aims and purposes of the society,, and
game. Some bumdding mnemnier of time After' hearing Rodgers, the board i Prof. Arthur D. M~oore, of the de- told of its development in the re-
(lass of '290iiainswer to this question' adjourned until Monday when it will's partment of elettrical cengineering; search field.
modlestly wrote dhownvmi tat lie would continue time examuhuiation of Naval air! has just witten a book entitled "Ele- I Professor W. C. .load of the civil
like to' have a seait next to time box offlcers. The recess was taken to en- ments of Electrical Machhne Design." enigimieering department addressed
of President Clarence Cook Little. { able several board members to leave ; The book was published locally this time 45 students and faculty members
This chap must be related to a time city to attemnd to private business I sunimer l y Edwam'ds Brothers, its lpresent on the "Importance of the
freshmamn of last yeam' who wenmt into matters.I most striking feature is time develop- Student Society." The function of
Moe's sport shmot')and asked time pmice Comminander Rodgers agreed with nien t of new ways of mapping isnag- this organization, '"he stated, is to,
of ain"NI" sweater. Ime( testiniony givers yesterday by i netic fields, bridge the gap between members of
jSeven other' aim' offiemrs, urging a hIm its present forum the b)ook i s usedI the senior branch and the young en-
change in the organ~izationm of the'i here as a text, but within a year Pro- I gineer who must have at least ten
vskZ iP redicts Naval aim' service as necessary to fm- fessor Moore intends to expand it to; years, of successful practice before
FJY Idrove the morale of its personnel. ('approximiately twice its priesent form. I becoming eligible to the older society.
Pery body W ill v I le however was at varia-nce with I-
their s views in favor of establishinlg
tim a separate air corps in tihe Navy,.lie r fe s r c tt Dic ed t
I mean t hat a student; il kniowte said lie,favoreda separate budget and
inis andmou mts' of janitor work. The promotion list for the service but did!I Suflm im erlesS Years Prophecy
.-("1---------vnr-il . ~." idr, imot tinjk such a corps desirable.

Michigan's Vamsity football team
will test its 'strength for the first
time this year, at 3 o'clock this after-
noon on Ferr'y field; meeting the
Michigan State college team.
-After three weeks of practice,- the
Varsity pis ready for its first game.
Miclhigan . State is a stronger team
than 'is' usually scheduleg fr the
first encounter, - but the Wolveines
are ready and look for victory.
Unbeaten Since 191
-Not since 1915 has Michigan State
be~n' able to defeat the.- Wolverines
and then the score was 24 to Q. Only
once before in the 20 tinges that the'
schools' have clashed on the gridion
did the Lansing boys win and that
was in 1913 when they triumpedI 12
to 7. And so today the' upstaters
come here determined to win their
third victory. It is iruored that:
some ,of Michigan State's supporter- 7
are offering odds on their 'tean.
The teams are captained by line-
men and today's game will be a bat-
tle of -"lines". Captain Brown at cen-
ter for the Wolverines is considered
by nmany critics to be the peer of all
centers in the Middle West, while Cap-
tain Haskins at right'taclkle on the
Michigan State team has also been
suggested as a candidate for national
The State team comes here in per-
feet condition free from injuries, and,
with a 16 to 0 victory over Adrian,
gianed a week ago. The Wolverines
have yet to receive their baptism of
fire, and as a whole are comparatiely
free from injuries:. Domhoff with a
twisted kneq Is the only man on the
injuired list who would have started.
Most of yesterday's workout was
spent in, practicing kick-off forma-
tions and running back kick-off s;
otherwise little actual work was done.
Probable Lineups
-Michigan State will probably line
up as follows: Drew, left end; Spiek-.
erman, left tackle; Rummell, left
guard; Vogal, center; Hackett, right
guard; Haskins, right tackle; Ander-
son, left end. Fouts will play quar-
terback; Boehringer, left half; Smith,
right half; and Van Buren, fullback.
Coach Yost announced the follow-
ing tentative lineup: Grube, left end;
Edwards, left tackle; . Lovette, left
guard; Brown, center; Hawkins, right
guard; Babcock, right tackle; and
Flora, right end. The backfield will
be composed of Friedman, quarter-
back; Fuller, left half; Gregory, right
half; and Molenda, full back,
The game will be broadcast by the
Detroit News, the Detroit Free Press,
and a Lansing station.
Kraus Elected
National Tead
Of .Pharmacists
At its twenty-fifth annual meeting,
the American Association of Colleges
of Pharmacy, meeting in Des Moines,
Iowa, elected Dean E. H. Kraus of
the College of Pharmacy, as its pres-
ident. Dean Kraus is the fourth
head of the College of Pharmacy here
to be elected to that office, those pre-
ceding him being Dean h1. B. Pres-
cott, 1900-0; Dean 3. f. Chotter-
beck, 1910-'12; and Dean Henry Krae-
mer, 1917-'18.
The association was organized hin
1900, and until the Des Moines meet-
ing during the week of Aug. 24, was
known as the Conference of Pharma-
ceutical Faculties.
Prof. C. C. Glover, Prof. C. H.,
Stocking, and L. R. Wagner of the
College of Pharmacy here, also at-
tended the meeting..
Lightning Hits
Nurses' Home
Damage ,Slig t
During the storm which raged over

-!Ann Arbor early Friday morning- a
1bolt of lightning struck the exist wiing
of Couzens hail nurses' home. The
shaft landed on a tope cornier, and


Professor Paw lot
Time When Ez
"Sooner or later everybody will fly
whether they now like it or are afraid
of if11 ;-Ih a--.-.--.,-..4- - - 1..Prn

F. W. P'awlowski, head of the depart-, aia constrmuction of aimr craft, and the The prophecy of H[erbert J. Browne, jin.Snpt r adt oto
niemt of aeronautical engineering. definite problems of thie air by which Y-ellm'en Selected hingtont, th-at the years 1926 amd -tie heat from the su.
Professor Pa wlowski said: "This is r tie builder of air cra ft is c foiltm(mted.' i rI 'wll be without sunmers, wa: IBowe claims the present condi-
vrt ehc e a rp l aeel i he DillyAs moanop. ) l ane of hisorcal ig ifi o q a ; T e 7characterizedl by Prof. I. D. cott of I tions are identical with those of the
tehie fundmeal rdsoertydofhicm'eas- c Eneom'pimc bihldbyfma heliewsi oLlioAtU intie geology departmentmerely a; a two year s preceding 1816, "the year
iug safety with increasing speed. In, syimblize ihie' impo)rtance''of aircraft: ___sotsren eanlo teasrtiomnats o--cropitiure andsumm erwh cebrugh
all otheir nethods of locomotion, time and ichigan's haft in it. ,This plane ''lh followving menc,(hioseni asche-vatirpdcio.B wxknwjaeblwaeagtmeauead
i faster you go, the more dangerous I was tbe only ,foreignmi chn to en- leadhrs, are to report at 10:15 o'clock (spots"rarcan acc~rg urteormeanst cropeailu mresandadisaertimhe ocas
travel beconies. Because people are litr the fina~le iiitie Bor dot- Inett today ini oommi 302 of' the Umion to I is naw ''ia thil"hamong iewteo lote 'tn g we hae salla timeetune, o elsa ,
l laslooking for faster andI fasterjAirplamie ites someut'years ago. Thercevetheirun iiforms fom the M. '9jBi-sno fencse onmghi vewteooythe ai e hvealeaybeunto-fe
meamns of travel, they will evcentually! features which sinake this piame of in- C. game : Robert C. Morrey, '26t, Wit- meeting iilRoston.I "The other sie of tie case," Pro--
all1 take to flying." s erest arie ftime el a si Ide hlamidg imi am 'Warwick, '27, and( Paul Emdres, i "Browne is aim advocate of the sunn- fsom' Scott stated, "which is backed
Professor Pawlowski camte to the chi'ssis and thle varial e xWhig cammbr. 1 '28. sptherwicisvysrogabsuhmlasC resFMrin
University 11yarigot [a te y maso(acan i h ockit, I additioun, tie following nmen are )resemt, but, by uo mais has a ma- head of tlie Umited States weather bu-
Idepartument of Aeronautical lnigieer- tlme whrels a iid hamli; hia(iissis are to report at 5 o'clock Monday in Room joity on its id," Pofessor Scott rca , I)r. Wiliam J hlummmphrys and
ing, hichat that time was tie First ( pulled urp and(Ithe wipgssre flatten- 02 of tie Uniomn: Roy Callahan, '26, explained, "so if he will allow his1PrfCareFBokhstim-
reguar ours ledingto degee n1edot effecting anmi immeuase il speed i Fed IDunakin, '26, Willis Topper, '7 rdcint ea et fteter,(jrt f eerlgssbhn t h

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