1,1.-IDAY, OCTOBER 2 . w THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIS &7 flMMAEM 1a iI 0lOUMI A COLVMK CLOSES CLOSES AT8 3P.I. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. Ty PiEWRITE-US L. C. Smith, Remington, Royal, Un- derwood, Corona and portables, sold, renfed, c : tianged, cleaned and re- paired. The largest and best stock in Ann Arhor at considerate prices. 0. D. MORRILL Rare Honor His FOR SALE NOTICE - i Nickels' Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Dealer: L. C. Smith and Corona writers. LI) ST FOUNTAIN PENS Over 500 Waterman, Conklin, Sheaffer, 'Eversharp, Swan, LeBoeuf. Parker, Holland and others from which to make a selection. Price $1.50 up.' All good standard nationally ad'ver- tised makes. 0D. 1. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The' Typewriter & Stationery Store FOR SALE-Harley Davidson moler- ' ycele and sidecar. In perfect con- hdition. $65 cash or $75 time. 1107 South State, Phone 8784. FOR SALE-A rt'enor saxophone. Per- feet condition. Ansberry Apts. Phone 22329. FOUNTAIN F ENS uy your Fountain Pens where you get the good repair service. RID- ER'S PEN SHOP, 302 State St. VOR SALE-Savage 300 bolt action 1920 rifle. Absolutely new. Never been used. 65 bullets and cartridge belt. $49.00. Dial 22352. TROJANOWSKI BEAUTY SHOP Expert hair bobbing, marcelling, manicuring, face and scalp treat- ment.l RAIN WATER SIIAMPOO 1110 S. University Ave. Dial 5535 Store type- LOST--Monday, a white gold Gruen watch. Initials on back "A. H. 13." Finder please return to J. F. Wuerth Clothing Store or call Hathaway, 6594. Reward. ( ECOND HAND MacGregor golf clubs, both right and left hand sticks. Good condition. Also golf bags. Call Holmes, 4518 in afternoon. I INTING We have an (,cellent new equipment for doing letter work. New type band it by skilled labor will in- sure a i' iznftory art' npleasing job. 0. i1) v? 01101L (17 Nickels' Arcade The SI at i ieery & Typewriter Store FOi'.NTAI1 P,N REPAIRING CP+ rv i a t iry workmen 0do your re- pair1n: all makes. 24 hour service at Rl[ I -S N S101, : 2 State Ei fI tE(O~i H NG & TYPE WRITING \\ ok done by experienced operators at mcd "rate rates in our own shop. 4) .l. MORRIL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typowriter & Stationery Store THE MA ilCEL SHOPIPIIJ, your satis- faction our paramount aim. Open evenings. 527 East Liberty. Phone 21429.' SCilAEERL.E & SON-110 S. Main St. The popular place for all kinds of mui cal instruments. It pays to trade here. INK Secure yourself against loss of your notes. Use our ink. It won't wash, off, wheli set. RIDAR'S PEN. SHOP, 302 State St. ANDERSON BEAUTY SHOP Specializing in expert treatment of scalp and face, rest facial renew the most worn faces. Hair tintink and dyeing given special attention. Appointments evenings. 20 years experience. Dial 3059. 527 E. Lib- erty. I. LOST-Shell-rimmed glasses, cable Only five Americans are life mem- bows on S. University. Finder ;bers of the Interparliamentary. Un- please call 9817. on, seen to meet in Washington with LOST--Tuesday afternoon, a half; delegates of many nations present. circle pin of pearls. Generoas re- One of them is William D. B. Ainey tnr I- Q ,(above) chaiman of Pennsylvania IFOR SALE~ FOUNTAIN 13ENS8 1 ider's Masterpen. 230 drops ink ca- pacity are selling fast. Have you got yours? RIDER'S PEN SHOP, 302 State St. 1OR SALE-A and B Flat clarinets. Plush case $208.00 outfit. Will sell for $100.00 cash. Penzel make, Boehm system. 502 E. Jefferson St. Phone 7157. WANTED work. 312 South Division St. Dial 6328. 'WANTED-Hustler for local sales work. Call Ypsilanti 1040-M be- tween 7 and 9 P. M. TENOR SOLOIST wanted for church WANTED-Students to take orders 4or photographs. Call L. Leip- schutz, student representative Thurs. at 7 P. M. Dial 9761. ANTED-Reasonably priced single room within one or two blocks of Press Building. For several weeks only. Address Box 5, Michigan Daily. UDENT'S washings. Will call for and deliver. Dial 8929. w a r . . a n M8 9 5 MUSIC EMMA FISChER CROSS Teacher of Piano and Pipe Organ. formerly on faculty at School of Music and pupil of Leschitizky, Vienna. Studio 610 E. Liberty St. Apt. 8. Phone 3566. MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- er, thirty years experience; banjos, mandolin, guitar and chord con- struction. Telephone 4757. PIPE-Orlik Dogout Saturday. Re- ward $5. ,Call Bell 8566 and leave name and number. THE Tail off of a brown fox scarf, a week ago Sunday near Maj. or on State St. 22148. LOST-Around State St. Platinum brooch, 11-2 in. 'long filigree work,' diamond in center. Call 8321 or re- turn to 829 'lappan Reward public segv'ice commission. Others are Elihu Root of New York, Rep. Theodore E. Burton, Ohio, J. Warren Keider, Springfield, Ill., Richard Bart- holt, St. Louis. Paris, Oct. 1. - A Havas dispatch from Athens says the Greek govern- ment has decided unexpectedly to dis- solve the Chamber,of Deputies, alleg- ing that the nation has lost confid- ence in it and that it no longer is rep- resentative. NESTLE PERMANENT Wave special for October $15. Bentley Beauty Shop, 106 E. Liberty. Phone 6373. Walk~.- ver $Tto$1 FOR RENT lRST year medic wanted for room- mate. 110 N. .Thayer. Dial 21815. USED CARS bR SALE-1924 Ford Touring $1251 A-1 shape. NIXON'S Open Evenings ,06 So. Main Phone 6914 TYPEWRITER RE PAIRING } LARGE Study room in private home for two men. Steam heat and fine sleeping porch on Catherine one block from State. Dial 9571. LARGE Beautifully decorated room in new private home with garage. In nice residential section. Reason- able. 1515 Morton Ave. Phone 4973. FOR RENT-Large front room single or double two doors south of Law club. 631 Oakland Ave. FOR RENT-One five and one six room modern apartment between campus and down towns. Newly decorated and in excellent location. Rent very reasonable. Owned by faculty member. Phone 8081. A LARGE Suite room for one or two students at 721. Monroe St., Phone 7981. ONE LARGE Front well lighted room, for boys. Newly furnished. One block from campus. Mrs. Edith An- derson. Dial 3292. 527 E. Liberty. FOR RENT-New suite, east south and west windows. Also double room and garage. Steam heat. 422 East Washington. Dial 8544. SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR DAILY t t F k 1 6 I f f . Y Y aYoungMan-get hep, to the style-pep step. What's the new shoe style for fall? Be yourself, boy friend. Don't ask questions. Ask for Walk- Overs, and get the style-pep answer. Lamp this style. Stick these out from under your elephants' pents,d and ankle down the boulevard so far ahead of the style parade you can't even hear the band., When you walk in Walk -Overs, you keep in step with style. I ie best equipped shop in the city backed by eighteen years experi-f ence. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade ie Typewriter & Stationery Store1 T{R AE MS. REG. 8a PAT. M. ?/'attt- ecP TRADM ARI( EGL.JPT.FF. BOOT SHOP 115 South Main St. 1 22 FqRD TOURING All new tires ,starter, demountable rims etc. Per-1 Ifect condition mechanicallty. Care Sowned by mechanic. $75.00. Call X9588. Read the Classified Page-it pays.I ft- -I FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS I, ,1 FAVORITES Our toilet goods always prove favorites simply because they have the distinction and quality. And we have everything you want in this line, too. A store for all your toilet goods require- ments is Eberbach & Son Co. -At- \A RUNIVERSITY BOOK STORE @' I 200-202 E. Liberty St. This is the time of year to equip your rooms with the necessaries f fl t ltl ~lilllillllll1t iiil11111 11 flllllllllllllllllillillll[1111111 II111111 tlltlllllflt .111 1NINE DAYS LEFT to order that t Oratorical Association Lecture Course Ticket By Mail Mail Order to Treasurer,° T3'1a1 A _ ]] T-11 for comfort A DESK LAMP to make your studying easy. An ELECTRIC HEATER to keep you comfortable. An ALARM CLOCK to give correct time. WASTE BASKETS to throw away your scraps. ASH TRAYS and CUSPIDORS. Don't fail to see our stock, as it is always complete. 0