19. 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY pAnyr, ss wrN t e THE- . ICHIGaAN D iAILY Pt~krI.7 I L I E COLUN CLOWC AT 3 PM. ADVERTISING LOST NOTICE -Alpha Chi Sigmia pin. Name TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING ack. Reward. Phone 8 Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. -A pair of glasses and a purse, i College work a specialty- for seven- d. University, Friday morning, teen years. ard. Phone 3627. 1030 Oaktlanda" D. MORRILL, 87-88-89. 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store -Silver wrist watich with flexi- t. ilva ha d . ''tnrdat ni¢h ht . + """"""b" ~ we silver Cana , aur ay nign te- tween 8-11, 1805 Washtenaw. Dial 9717. 88. LOST-K of C ring, Wednesday morn- ing, on Ingalls, between E. Wash- ington and N. University. Call 21749. Reward. 87-88-89. LOST-Gold Sphinx Pin. Finder will please call 4917 or address Box 50, Daily office. 86-87-88. LOST-On Packard or Main Sts, an Oblong pin of cut steel formed in initials R. G. P. Valuable only to owner. Reward. Call 6723.C 88-89-90. ,OST-Monday, Jan. 11, 11 a. m. Angell Hall, Room 215, Black rinmed glasses and Wahl fountain pen in University Health Service Glasses case. Call 3301. Huda Smith, Helen Newberry Residence. 86-87-88. NOTICE ANNIVERSARY WEEK at . Elson Beauty Shop. Starting Janitary 18. Shampoo and Marcel, $1.50 with a lemon rinse free. Marcel 75 cents. Elson Beauty Shop, 321 S. Main, Phone- 44b,4. ti. Men's Suits sponged, pressed 35 cents Student's Talloring, Phone 8040, Cor. N.~ Univ. and Thayer, tf NOTICE-Tutoring in English Litera- ture for final examinations. 1207 Willard. Phone 6642. 87-88-89. PIANO TUNING-By the Steinwayj Concert Artist tuner. Phone 6776. 1 Victor Allmendinger,i601Granger Ave. Tuner for University School of Music. Not with any musi house. 87-88-89-90-91-92. - r PRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S.; University, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. NEW VICTOR Record releases every Friday. You'll always find the lat- est and best on Victor Records. Schaeberle & Son, 110 S. Main St. t.. WHEN ITS any thing in Music or Musical Instruments see Schaeberle &- Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. ATTENTION fraternities and sorori- ties. Try our Special Blend Coffee. Per pound 45c. The Schultz Groc- eiy. t., th., tf.3 REAL PEN SERVICE, Buy your Fountain Pens and ink at Rider's Pen Shop. It costs no more and you have the advantage of spec- ialist service, and, the largest stock to select from. Now in our new location 315 State St. tf. Here is An Opportunity WE REQQUIRE several intelli- gent students, both sexes, who can devote part of their time during this semester to our business. An oppor- tunity is offered for advancement. Commission basis. Mr. Morley, 709 West Cross St., Ypsilanti, Michigan,3 Phone 428. 84-85-86-87-88-89. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bought,- sold,. rented, ,,exchanged, cleaned, repaired eandrebuilt. Larg- est stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRRILL, 1? Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Storel Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tf. Arnold's State St. Jeweler is now carrying a complete line of fountain s- --all makes, all prices., Whatever type you may need, come in and see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State. St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tr. 1 Read the Want Ads1 VWANTED WANTED-One lage double room, one suite, well heated and lighted, 2 blocks from campus. Prices reason- able. 822 Oakland. 88-89-90. WANTED--To rent, one double room for boys for next semester, 415 N. Ingalls. Phone 5467. 88-89. WANTED-Free room to student who wishes to help with room work, two blocks from campus, 403 E. Washington, Phone 3751. 88. WANTED TO RENT-Room, prefer- ably with fireplace, and place for piano, or priviege of' keeping one somewhere in house. Must be near campus. Box 46. 86-87-88 WANTED--Two Senior Engineers de- sire a third student'as roommate in large suite. Price $3.50. Call Ar- nold or Swain, 9697. 87-88-89. WANTED Three upper classmen de- sire suite in private home near the campus. Northern section. Box 50. 88-89-90. ROO1 WANTEDI ROOM WANTED-Cultured lady stu- dent would like room in private family, near campus, for second semester. Box 46. 87-88. DRESS MAKING WANTED DRESS MAKING-Sport dresses and evening dresses a specialty. Prices $5 to $15. Estimates given. Also remodelling. Dial 5982. 87-89-91. FOR RENT-Single and double rooms[ uthor Pred ts very reasonable. 520 Cheever Ct. Dial 8356. 88-89-90. Fall Of Commune FOR RENT-Large front room, priv- ate bath. Two men students. 238 S. Thayer. Across- from Hill Aud 87-88-89. FOR RENT-Rooms for several men. Guaranteed warm, dormitory, hot water, and parlor conveniences. $600 per semester. Phone Roe 6943. 7:00 to 7:30 P. M. 88-89-90. FOR RENT-Nice large double front room. Call 9135 or 537 2nd St. 88-89-90.1 FOR RENT-Large front room, two blocks from campus, $3.50 each. Call 3751. 88. FOR RENT-Comfortable double room and suite for men. Phone 22352, 425 So. Division. 86-87-88. FOR RENT-Three room apartment at 408 E. Jefferson. Call 6375. 88-89.. FOR RENT-One room for a girl in a family, no other roomers, opportun-. ity for French conversation if de- sired. Phone 5495. 88-89-90. FOR RENT Apartment, also room, very reasonable. 943 Greenwood. Phone 3671. 86-87-88. FoMaxim Gorky, most famous of living FOR RENT-Front room for one or Russian authors, long a revolutionist two girls, private family, meals if in spirit, has turned anti-Communist. desired. Phone 4052. 744 Packard He is convinced, friends say, that the St. 86-87-88. soviet regine has reached the point of decline, and speaks very bitterly on FOR I4ENT-Attractive single room conditions in Russia. in private home, graduate student or instructor preferred. Southeast FOR SALE vicinity. Garage availabe. Call 21678. 86-87-88 FOR SALE-Pair of $10.00 white oak FOR SALE skies at a bargain. Phone 6510. FO AE549 Packard. 87488-89. FOR SALE-A good business proposi- tion for two students. Am leaving 1 Read the W ant Ads town. Dial 6472. 88-89-90. All Wool Pre-Shrunk in Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade. SUITS AND OVERCOATS $2350, Manufactured by A. NASH & Co. The Famous Golden Rule Tailors of Cincinnati. Phone 9736 And ask that a representative of the NASH CO. call upon you to show samples and styles. STYLE, FIT, WORKMANSHIP AND WEARING QUALITIES GUARANTEED. Some of the best dressed people you meet are wearing Nash clothes. F ,.l H. , J3.e "SY. '^-"J'F.'T, = .. ..,. !' !r,'.'_ : fX" ° * ... .,'" BSI] .t, r. i : x . , t. ot, FOU RENT FOR RENT-Two suites and one large front room, one block from campus. Call at 533 Church St. 87-90-94. FOR RENDT'-One suite and one double room. Shower bath, steam heat, and dormitory. One block from Michigan Union. 536 Thompson or call 6453. 87-88-89. FOR RENT-Double rooms $65.00 per semester, single $100.00, hot and cold water in each room, towels fur- nished, showers. Phone 9023. 915 Sybil St. Kimbrell or Mrs. Wight- man. 87-88-89. FOR RENT-One double and one sin- gle room on second floor. Desirable location. 606 E. Catherine. Phone. 7359. 87 88-89. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room for 2 men at 533 Thompson, directly back of the Union, phone 6950. 88-89-90. FOR RENT-One double front room, with alcove. Suitable for two or three students. Reasonable ient. 1710 Geddes. Dial 4707. 88-89-90. Student Presidents and Stewards come and go but she's the one who runs "the house" with particular attention to the table. She's pledged more freshmen than the Oldest Living Grad and saved more money than the Treasurer by pinning her faith and reputation to Hot or Cold A11 year round as a food to build keen brains and sound bodies for hcr boys (or girls as the case may be). Shredded Wheat combines all the elements you need for perfect nutri- tion, balanced to provide the ideal combi- nation of salts, bran vitamins and iron to build good brain, blood and bone. Meet Mrs. Matron and make your next 7.30 breakfast out of Shredded Wheat. .......... foodfdr thou ghtt-andcxercisei * WE WILL EITHER GIVE YOU I' I OR r, :3 t i FOR YOUR , * SE CO D-HA D S rl J YOU WILL BE SATISFIED ASK ANYONE 9 U U 0 U U 0