THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, 3ANUARY 19, 19 6 TII MC-JGN ~LYT1~SAY ANAYV9.12 <- .. ®,. .,. ,.. s ~ ,. LEUP FOR FIRST Hockey Mntor Will Try To ImproIe Offense Before Gaiiie With Marquette Thurday M S.C. HERE SATURDAY With two games scheduled this week for the Varsity hockey team, Coach Bars announced the lineup which will face the Marquette college tcam Thursday night and Michigan Stateon Saturday, the first two games of the season for the Wolverine puck ch aers. Marquette will furnish the opposi- tion on Thursday night and will be faced by a powerful Michigan ice tam with Captain Reynolds playing the center position, Levi at right wing Sibilsky at left wing, Gabler and Roach at the defense berths and* Weit- zel at goal. Denton is apt to re- lieve Sibilsky at wing during fray, while Jones is certain to see action at goal at some time dafring the game. Bissett, a new m to Michiga hoc- key teams will surely be used during the game either a" defense or on the forward line. Marquette is sure to have a good team as they- are ranked high in col- legiate ice circles having the advan- tage of artificial ice at their disposal, which allows them a longer period of practice. Although defeated by the Badgers in two games this season, they may still possess a strong team, as the Badgers have an exceptionally good squad this year and are expected to garner the Conference honors. Both this game and the Michigan State encounter on Friday will start promptly at 7:30 at the Coliseum. There was no practice held last night due to th'e poor condition of the ice. Coach Barss is very much satisfied with the improved physical condition of the team and their ability on defense, but as yet the team has proved itself woefully weak on thede- fense. From now till game time the practices will be largely devoted to Improving the team play and passing, all of which should succeed in sup- plying the lacking power on the of- fense. The Varsity is especially anxious to win this game with Marquette so as to make a clean sweep of the series, with the western team. A return game will be played at Marquette when the team is on its western trip, on which it will meet the Gophers and Badgers as well. ILINIS DFEATS WIES31- (Continued from Page One) Prof. Frank G. Dickinson, of the University of Illinois, and inventor of the Dickinson system of rating foot ball teams, presented Bob Brown, cap tain of last season's great football eleven, with the Rissman trophy, a silver football, emblematic of the Western Conference gridiron cham- pionship, between the halves of the game. More than 7,000 people attended the game last night, this being the largest number to attend a basketball game thus far this season. BOX SCORE Michigan F.G. F.T. Pts. Chambers, 1.f. ..........5 2 12 Harrigan, r.f. ..........0 2 2 Doyle, c (capt)..........0 0 0 Cherry, r.g. ............2 0 4 Molenda, l.g............3 1 7 Schroder, c.............0 0 0 Martin, c ..."...........2 0 4 Totals ..............12 5 20 Illinois F.G. F.T. Pts. Martin, l.:.............3 0 i Daugherty, r .f...........6 5 17 Mauer, c........ .........1 4 6 Reynolds, r.g...........0 0 01 Deimling, L.g............0 0 0 Kassell, l.g. ............0 0 0 Haines, r.g. (capt)......1 0 2 Lipe, L.f..............0 0 0 Totals .. .............11 9 31 Referee, Young (Illinois Wesleyan) Umpire, Maloney, (Notre Damel 1or every article for sale, there is a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds. Take Your Notes in SHORTHAND WILL TIME KNOCK OUT TWO VETS AND TWO HAND-ME-DOWN KINGS?. PoCKY 4 I KA2LSY ~~ .: }: .y1 r fr : 4 a Lou S VID KAPLAN Harry Greb, middleweight cham pion; Charley Rosenberg, bantam king; Rocky Kansas, lightweight "ch amp." and Kid Kaplan, tournament "champ" of the feathers, are slated to risk their titles within the next cou- ple of months. Greb and Kansas may lose because of their age. It is still a question of whether Kaplan is of real championship caliber and whether Rosenburg is the best in h is class. Both men have trouble mak- ing legitimate weight. MANY BADGER BA5 MNDRLSTEA.,M1MAT MEN TO MEET HIFO H AIL FROM S MADISON, Wis., Jan. 18.-Among 'FOR CHICGO EL HOTEMFISy 1 OHO T 9 rHST the outstanding features of the Uni- - versity of Wisconsin's sophomore bas- Swiiing Coach Well Satisfied 'With Coach Keen 3tust Find A Heavylveightketball congregation, is the fact that Team's SCowing Salurd ay In Before Next Staurday's Meet ihCoach Walter E. Meanwell could place State feet Al' Detrotj At Buckeye Stronghold Ion the court a very capable and scrappy quint that would be entirely _JereetaieEfthAtaeo Illinois. HARRISON WINSDIVE TEAM TO LEAVE FRIDAY In the game to date, three. of these ---youngsters have seen regular service Although Coach Mann expressed With three days of practice remain- and bid fair to become sensations in himself as well satisfied with the re- ing before te first Conference wrest- the Big Ten hoop circles. suits of the swimming team's showing ling meet with Ohio State at Colum- This trio, whose names are on the over the weekend, which included a bus, Saturday, Coach Keen is faced tips of the tongues of all close fol- victory over Wisconsin on Friday and with the problem. of developing a lowers of the game in Wisconsin, a good exhibition in the state chain- capable heavyweight for the contest. are Charles Andrews, a forward; Louis pioniship meet on Saturday at the De- At present he has not an real Behr, who has seen action at guard, troit Y. M. C. A., he nevertheless con- heavyweights working on the quad, center and forward; and Merkle, a tinned his plohicy of strenuous work- as the aspirants for that class are fixture from all appearances at left outs in yesterday's practice. all under 175 pounds, and unless the guard. To round out the quintet' Chicago will come here Saturday coach is successful in finding a heavy- Meanwell could call upon Ey, a sub for the last dual meet until after the weight in a few days, one of the light- center, and Ellerman, a forward. examination period, although practice weights will be entered in the Ohio Andrews and Behr hail from Rock- sessions will not be suspended en- meet matched against one of the Buck- ford; Ey is a product of Mount Pu-1 tirely during that time. In the meet eye heavyweights. laski; Merkle and Ellerman bothi hail at Detroit, Jerry Harrison, who had Coach Keen will leave Friday night from the metropolis of the Middle an off day Friday against the Badger for Columbus with seven men and a West, Chicago. divers, took first place in the state trainer. At present, lie intends to Andrews, a diminutive youngster, championship competition, while the take Captain Baker for the 115 pound has already won his way into the4 200 yard relay quartet won an easy event, Solomon for the 125 pound, and hearts of Badger fandom. His speed,I victory ovei' the Yacht and Boat club Donahue for the 158 pound. fight and sheer determination .to over-' teams. In the 135 pound event either Kalis come the handicap of his size is sure Michigan should find it easy going Koester, or Maynard will make the to keep him on the team for the three against Chicago in the swimming trip. Cranage will wrestle in the 145 , years of competition and make him events, but the Windy City squad is pound event, if he recovers from a a main cog in the Meanwell machine reported to be represented with a sprained back which he received in during that time. , strong water polo team. Frequent practice a week ago, otherwise Sauer Behr, a teammate of Andrews dur- practice with the Illinois and Chicago or Galsterer will be entered in this 'Iing their high school days at Rock- Athletic clubs has strengthened their event. ford, is the driving type of forward, team play to quite a degree of per-, In the light heavyweight class, Pres- most dangerous under the hoop. InI fection, while Michigan's team has ton, Campbell, Palmeroli, and Greil- the -two Conference games to date, had practically no regular competition, ing have shown the most promise. Behr has stood the test like a veteran. with the exception of the Indiana and His work in the Minnesota game was Wisconsin games. 1 NEW YORK. - Albin Stenroos of the feature of the Badger offense, Clarence Batter and Robert Hal- Finland easily won the 5-mile run, the while his work in snagging the sted of the Varsity squad may com- first of the outstanding events at the leather after the tip-off kept thet pete in Detroit on Friday night in the annual Fordham university indoor Badgers in possession of the ball a state junior championships in the 150 games. The Finn covered the dis- yard back stroke event in addition to tance in 26 minutes 2 2-5 seconds. participating against Chicago Satur- day. - PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. I SKETBALL STARS ~TA TE OF ILINOIS Ogood share of the fracas. It is Behr's quick thinking and power that drives him in at the basket for numerous short shots. Merkle, frail and slender in ap- pearance, is the very essence of speed and fight. Used at both forward and guard last ;year, he gamely overcame the. physical odds. and now is one of the real mainstays of the 1926 ma- chine that is making such a fine fight against the odds of weight and ex- perience. NEW YORK.-Hubert Houben, Ger- man sprint star, here to match strides with America's fleetest runners, has been restricted to four appearances in this country by the athletic* authori- ties of his homeland. 1 3 MORE MEN QUALIFY IN FOUL TTROWING TOURNEY Fight men out of a field of 40 have qualified thus far in the all- campus foul throwing tourna- ment, this being an increase of three men over last week's total to reah 'the second round. F. P. Moffett still leads the list of qualifiers with 22 free throws. to his credit. Of this number, 19 were garnered successively. The latest qualifiers follow: L. Braitman, 16, H. Seligson, 15, H. Horowitz, 15. , This-is the last week for pros- pective entries to take the gtuali- fying test, and all who desire to enter the tournament are re- quested to report at Waterman gymnasium any afternoon this .; week. Il 0 4 1 ,. C r G r NEW YORK.-A second attempt to Thursday by Joe Moore, of New York conquer North American skating kings and Joe Gorman of Canada in a three- and American skating conditions will mile race. be made tonight in Madison SquareL- Garden by the Olympic champion, Clas NEW YORK.- Yehudi Menuhin is Thunberg of Finland. He will be call- only eight years old but already he ed upon to skate only half the dist- has made his New York debut as a ance over which he was defeated last violinist. for early Sring A new oxford, Scotcht grain with wide soft' toe and extra heavy sole. A' ideal wvet weather shoe.- I M! Ten dollar I J~or Men 9AiflCe 4B' , I 11 1. . _ If 116 Special Selling of Neckwear For two' days-Tuesday and Wednesday, every $1.50 necktie in stock will be offered at a tremendous reduction-all new patterns and fabrics pur- chased during the past season. ALL TIES 75 cents each VANABOVEI- CRESS TI-nIuA1cnu IO A TRY UR :1 TEN PAY PLAN SUIT OR OVERCOAT Society Brand and Other JI Good Makes $35.00 to $55.00 Write Your Notes, Themes and Theses by TYPE WRITING If ll Pay '$8.00 or $10.00 Down and Pay $4.00 or $5.00 Weekly I II 11I I II 11 I I I 11