ESTABLISHED 1890 'Aar :43 xtl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE, FIVE CENTS VOI, XXXVI. No. 10 CAPT. HEINEN SAYS AIRMEN KNOW WHY DIRIBIBLECRASHED NAMES HERCII AN) WORTH AS MEN WHOSE STATEMENTS FORM BASIS FOR CHARGES HERCH DENIES STORY Gas Valve System Is Point at Stake; Worth Will BRe Asked If Stationi Actually Opposed Change (By Associated Press) Lakehurst, N. J., Oct. 1.-Captain Heiren, former Zeppelin pilot gave to the Naval court of inquiry here today the names of the men upon whose statements he said he had based his charges that those at the Lakehurst air station knew why the Shenandoah collapsed and that the change in the gas valve system in th'e airship had been fought all along. They were Benjamin Herch, a ma- chinists mate and James Worth, chief draftsman at the air station. Herch later denied on the stand that he had given Captain Heinen any reasons *hy the collapse occurred. Worth will be called later for questioning as to whether he did say that those at the air station had fought the re- duction in the number of the auto- matic gas valves on the ship.- 'With respect to his statement that the crew of the ship were apprehen- dive about the mid-western flight be- cause of her condition, Captain Hein- en conceded that it was based on an account given to him by his secretary, of a conversation the latter had with' a man named buckley, a former mom- her of the Shenandoah's personnel. Before the court insisted on a dis- closure of the names of the men re- ferred to in his testimony yesterday daptain Heinen had stoutly maintain-. ed through all the fire of cross ex- amination that those in charge of the Shenandoah should have been warned by danger signals present in the air in ample time to have saved the ship. Frankly conceding that while pilot- ing German dirigible he had gotten into ascending air currents, the wit- ness, inlained that i the case of the Shenandoah there should have been no such error, since the sings were plainly visible. Asked if there were any pilots in this country who could have gotten the Shenandoah out of 4the storm, Captain Heinen said there were many including Com- mander Zachary Lansdowne himself, adding that his opinion of Comman- der Lansdowne as an airship pilot was, and is, of the highest. The wit- niess said the dead commander of the sh'ip simply made a mistake in judg- Ment "because he had not quite enough experience out of the past." PALIAMENTAANS OPEN SESSION IN WASHINGTON (By Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 1.-Members of the inter-parliamentary union from 38 nations met today in the House of Representatives, casting aside all for- malities of procedure for their 23rd conference, and immediately launch- ed a general offensive against exist- ing difficulties in world and govern- mental affairs. Speakers representing the British, German, Swedish, French ,and other governments introduced almost with- in an hour of the conference opening sharply worded statements referring to the League of Nations, armaments, the security pact, war, peace and the many associated subjects. Secretary Kellogg's reference, con- tained in his address of welcome to which he said created discontent in nations and threatened established government and peace was taken up almost without exception by subse- quent speakers whose elaboration of that thought became virtually the key to the debate which followed. Varsity Band To Hold Drill Today The Varsity band will meet for drill at 4 o'clock today at the south gate of Ferry field. Since this will be the last drill before the M. S. C. game, Capt. Wilfred Wilson, director of the band, is especially desirous of having a full turnout. !!t EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1925 EIGHT PAGES Council Proposes I rO Aj A1,CIT rt ~fI[D lDPE SCheering Section FRESHMENITGLHEWIIV LI1AU lIRflhI ONJXOPE AY TKET LI ELI V A t Foreign GarnesDRLTL OIH XADSHR AtF rinae______tyadsudnswo aepp H IT[ O not yet placed their orders for Upperclassmen interested in oc- T tickets for the Navy game on Oct. cupying seats in a proposed Michigan AT CPISS H0 N UIETQ OWill Nalled nlo n Wisconsn, and llinoi gainesare re-' 55 ' wil bein exchangeO N IN L E C cheering section at the Northwestern, IserH VflIaIdIlnis for the cupon and no tickets Wsns, n lnosgames are re- ( quested to mail their names to Ken---- iin addition will be sold. Only -- neth C. Kellar, '26, president of the ANNUAL YEARLING GAiIIERING enough tickets remain for the ANNAL FALL 1;OKER AT UNION Student council, 700 Oxford road, be- TO RE 1ELl) IN LANE Navy game to redeem the out FEATUREl BY ADI)RESS l 'fore next Sunday night. HALLl TAVERN standing coupons, harry Til- () J RIVGS . Kellar stated today that plans for lottson, Athletic Association -- having cheering sections at the out KIPKE WILL SPEAK Alnoitents in te Cnoun e.- COOLEY DETAINED of-town games are now tentative, but tion have also been entirely that if enough names can be secured -~, einae Alotmen forlm- in advance to make the project feasi- j ais, Adams, IAkert Will ell Ne t.Allotments rA ble, the cheering sections will be es- i1en of Outside Atilities n and general publi were com- can Bridge Compaiiy OfticiaA tablished. Only senior and junior rmen On The CimpuIs I1Pletely sold out during the morn- 1 C. of C. Head - students are asked to submit their --I __g of September 1.__ _ names. Freshmen will hold It heir first or- Urging engineering students to pur- aganized meeting t 7:15 o'clock to- sue more than their technical train- night when the class of '29 will gatly- ing and to prepare themselves for er at Lane Hfall Tavern for the fourth community leadership, Al. J. Riggs, annual "frosh" banquet. The featuregar the American of the program will he President 1fBridge corporation of Toledo, Ohio, Clarence Cook Little's address to the fl HII addressed the students of the engi- class. This is his first opportunity ['U IJU neering college at their annual fallr to talk to the members of the class C smoker last night in the main as- of '29 as a groupYand lhs address , sembly hall of the Union. The sub- Malt Mann, Who Will Give Swimming will be of added interest as President it n er i jec of the speech, whichwaseliv- J Lessons Again, Outlinesrered Little is himself a "resinan. An MetedUered with much wit and humor, was Program Ltl shmef rsmm.Mto Engiern saPoeso. rgaopuortunity will be afforded for everyh "Engineering as a Professi." freshman present at the banquet to While Mr. Riggs emphasized the ALL MEN MAY ENTER 1 meet the President personally. I M.S.C. NUMBER ON SALE appreciation of the higher things of ---Richard Freyberg, '26, chairman of - life, he also spoke at length on the With the return of Matt Mann, Var- the new student conmittee, will in-I Athletic programs for all football endeavor of the engineer in his chos-t traduce the taastmnaster for the eve- en prof es ion. The prerequisites of sity swimming coach, to the University tiou. th t aster of the eve- games to be played at Ferry field this e p s Te prequists o mung. Ralph Harlan, of the public success s advanced by Mr. Riggs whoI this week and his resumption of duties speaking department. The other speak- year will be published by the Michi- has become an authority on bridget at the Union as swimming instructor ers for the evening are Dean (. W. gan News bureau, an organization of construction are a well developed in the new pool, an elaborate program Patterson, of the engineering school, the Athletic association, under the ability to work and a continuation of of water activities open to all men Harry Kipke, assistant coach of foot- direction of Phil C. Pack, '18. For study beyond the fundamentals re- sf atuen ctvis o ap t has bee a ball, and several student leaders of the last few years, the athletic pro- ceived in college.t campus activities who will explain to gram has been a student publication, The speaker of the evening was Aquatic races will be held in the the incoming students their spheres but this season it will return to its introduced by Professor Lewis M. < pl eer i w inibegnn of activity on the campus. old place under the Athletic associa- Gram of the civil engineering depart- ryFr'he upperclassmen who will act in tion. ment who related some of their mutual to all men students. Varsity swim- that capacity are George W. Davis, The program for the Michigan experiences in the engineering field mers and members of the freshmanaging editor of The Daily, Al- State game tomorrow will be placed before Professor Grain came to thec ms nwill be allowed to participatn e t dams, '26, president of the on sale today and is the largest pro- Uniyersity. wth a drUnion and Rensis hikert, '26, presi- grain ever published here for an M. Mr. Riggs, who has been in the en-t event will be offered for the onpeti- dent of the S. C. A. After the speech- S. C. game. The cover, which is print- gineering field for more than 30 years, tiou by the Union. Water polo will es and interspersed between them will ed in green and white, Michigan was a graduate of Ames college. Asr beone of the weekly fatres Inter- be songs and 'yells led by George W. State's colors, will enclose 32 pages president of the Toledo Chamber of fraernity, traurakl eandrs. Inter- Ross, Jr. '26, varsity cheer leader. All of athietic information, including pie- Commerce le has been prominent in simming e nts witercon- I freshmen nre urged to bring with tures of all Varsity men on both promoting a civic improvement planc legiate Itemmteirngresvenits will5 temsetecat--Iin that city amountingt it ym- ducted in the pool later in the s- them their "frosh" handbooks if they teams and views of the Michigan ath-in tg to thirmil- son, the o said. have not already learned the songs letic plant. lion dollars. seginngnxt wekad. cul sandyells.Pictures of the stars of th'e teams Dean Mortimer E. Cooley who was fornal g profesors and instrcty s o According to Benjamin Fulghumn, are mounted on bromide -prints of expected to speak at the smoker didt the campus will be held twice a week '29, chairman of the decoration com- crowds, which yere taken at the Ohio not arrive in Ann Arbor in time to t camo us Mody b nhld Thmrdays I ,nittee, the dominating colors in the State game three years ago. The ' be present last night.t from 12 to 1 o'clock have benitenta decorations will be yellow and blue. background of faces throws the forms _ Refreshments consisting of cide tively selected. Calisthenics, regular The color scheme will be carried out of the football men into sharper re- and doughnuts as well as cigars and swimmiing, and swimming lessons wll in the flowers on the individual tables, lief than has been formerly attained. I cigarettes were served to moe thani be on the program for each class, ac- crepe-paper streamers and table dec- I Complete changes of the rules for three hundred students of the College cong to oam Ma' prs, -orations. 1925 and a history of Michigan-M. S. of Engineering and Architecture. pladn. CansThe sale if tickets has been limited C. contests will be included in the The smoker was given under the plans. . to two hundred by the committee and reading matter. I auspices of the Engineering councilI t he nion ol eryd, exce t n ost of these have already been sold, The covers for all the athletic pro- of which Frank A. Reid, Jr., '26E, is das Unom 9 to 12ry ylocnt mhowever, any freshman who has not grams for the year were completed ithe president. Reid explaged the or- s as yet purchased his ticket can se- last summer and other work on the ganization of the council which has 2 to 6 o'clock. He is prepared to con- cure one at the bookstores or Lane later issues is progressing rapidly. succeeded te former Engineering so- duct personal swimming lessons at I , anyour sofnthesdayan lressdy has Hall until the allotment has been The Navy game program, which will ciety. - his council whicl consists of a large number of regular students. sold. sell for fifty cents, will contain more the presidents of the student engi- rthan 100 pages and will include a neering societies as well -as the var- Fees for swimming instructions are complete history of the careers oft ions class presidents has assumed all sicentstheisameateseeso rtiMichigan men in the Navy and pie- the duties of the original engineering use of the pool. Tickets, sold during I tures of admirals and other Navy of- organization including the staging of the swimming pool campaign last i .w.t r i allsie t spring, may be used until Nov. 1, R I ETIP OET dicaly aswel l meia 1925. ' R 9HILLII i DlIJ[LIIT wofobl ae o --___Twostudents, George C. Weitzel, Change Time For --~ '27L, and Kermit K. Kline, '26, areI TF inorary Society Will Entertain assistants on the staff. The programs M asques Tryouts FOREIGN NATIONS WII[ Visiting Iarriers Nov. 21 will be sold largely by athletes who u .... are working their way through the I U.Ii Universit.urther tryouts for the east of "The Blue Key, honorary society organ- y. Cradle Song" which Masques will LIzeId I last spring for the puposeo of present as its annual production will entertaining visitors to the University, l Tbe held at 4 o'clock this .afternoon, The Sesquicentennial International especially members of visiting ath-ILIi l l instead of 3 o'clock as was previously p h i a ,~~~UU J u n e 1, 1 2 6, o3De . 1, 1 9 2 6 t h e y e a r l a s t i m ig t1at t h e1io .I A I A!!P Iin s t al. f A U . 'm e m b e r s wo f t h e vc l u b s l l Exposition will be held in Philadel-I letic teams, held its first meeting of announced, in Sarah Caswell Angell phut, June 1, 1926, to Dec. 1, 1926. the year last night at the Union. all. All. members of the club will Twenty-one foreign nations will be Committees were appointed to or~ 9ItIUL FOVGU JSTS attend whether they tried out yester- represented at the fair by beautiful ganize a banquet to be given in honor __ Iday or not. The production will be pavilions and gallerys. Among the of all members of the Conference All the city directed by Miss Amy Loomis, '22, many attractions already promised cross-country teams who will compete rnm to let 'rfebl t- who directed the 1925 Junior Girls' are the restoration of the three fam- in Ann Arbor the morning of the Ius h een y naie cam- play ous old warships "Constitution," "Old Minnesota game. This banquet will ls, thsan weekend forpars to the Michigan Ironsides" and "Olympia"; fencing be held at noon. Nov. 21, at the Union. dcSta nd vsitoro te Michigan matches between the experts of Great O fcers for the year will be sel(et- State game tomorrow, are requested Traffic Arrests Britain and America; a convention of ed at the next meeting of the club to list their amnes with tie rmm Increase To 130 _ the American Bakers association; next Thursday night, wh'en new meii- ford, '27. of the rooming committee.a Cwcs T 1 many wonderful exhibits arranged by hers will also be elected. hloe con- I y'_ I nav lb rahr dt th U ni b'nwn t . 25, 000 To See IM.S.C. Conflict, Says Tillotson More than 25,000 people will wit- ness the Michigan-M. S. C. game at 1 erry field tomorrow afternoon, in the opinion of Harry Tillotson, busi- ness manager of the athletic associa- tion who is in charge of the distri- bution of tickets. More than 20,000 tickets had been sold early yesterday' afternoon, with more orders coining in. Seats are now selling about even with the goal line and an unlimited number are still available. Six thousands seats for the game were sold at Michigan State college. UNION COOPERAv! TIES, Will Furnish Organizations With Names Of Potential Candidates if Desired. MAY UNCOVER TALENT, As soon as the work of filing regis- tration cards of freshmen and new students is completed at the Union, letters will be sent to all campus ac- tivity organizations and the Athletic association by the recording depart- ment of the Union offering coopera- tion in the way of furnishing names of possible candidates ,if such lists are desired by the various organiza- tions. Richard Barton, '26, recording secretary of the Union, who will have charge of the communications, said yesterday he hoped to have the let- ters out within a few days. The activity card of every fresh- man and new student, and possibly sophomores, will be examined and his name sent to each organization, un- covering the field in which he pro- fessed an interest at the time of reg-I istration provided such lists are de-' aired by the organization. The ac- tivity list besides sports, includes' oratory, music, dramatics, publica- tions, etc. No names will be sent the organizations until the Union is 'ad- vised that such a list of candidates is desired, Barton stated. By inaugurating this plan, the1 Union hopes to be of considerable benefit to campus organizations look- ing for likely material in their re-' spective fields, and that a goodly amount of uncovered talent about the campus may be brought to light. LITTLE TO ADDRESS HIGH SCHOOL TODU Y President Clarence Cook Little will 1 be0 the principal speaker this morn- ing at the regular Friday assembly of the University high school. His sub- ject yesterday was not announced. Following aa business meeting of the student body, during which, dis- Scussion will be held on the subject of Project Day, to be held next spring, Miss Eunice Northrup, music teacher of the high school, and also a teacher in the University School of Music, will give a solo. Robert Cummings, president of the University high school student body, who will conduct the business meet- ing, will then introduce President Little. Baltimore Loses To Louisville, 8-7 TAKE MEASURES TO SHVE COLLPSE OF FRANO DEBT PACT AMERICAN DEBT COMMISSION PRESENTS FRAIL PLAN TO FILL GAP CAILLAUX HOPEFUL Arrangement of $40,000,000 Annuity For Five Years Would Only Be Temporary (By Associated Pre'ss) Washington, Oct. 1.-The frail for- mula of a tentative -arrangement, which must be ratified by the French government, today was thrust into the breech to prevent complete col- lapse of the Franco-American debt funding negotiations. Thus, one week after Finance Min- ister Caillaux and his associates had laid down the first French proposal for funding their government's four billion dollar war debt they departed for France taking with them a docu- ment intended only to fill the gap sufficiently to assure continuity of negotiations-even at long range. The arrangement, proposed by the American Debt commission as a fnal move to overcome what appeared to be insurmountable difficulties, would have France pay an annuity of $40,- 000,000 a year for five years and would enable the two governme ts to continue consideation of a pto- gram of final settlement to succeed the proposed temporary pact at its expiration. Further, it concedes that the an- nuity thus paid shall be in lieu of all interest on the debt during the time it shall run--or an interest clu-> of approximately 1 per cent a yea 1 ! Caillaux gave American Commis- sipners the hope that he believed the French government would accept the agreement. He declined to sign it as a plenipotentiary, inasmuch as he had been intrusted by his government, he said, to sign only a final settlement and he questioned his own right to act on pan arrangement of a provision- al character. "Consequently, being as desirous as you are not to interrupt the negotia- tions which cannot fail to reach an agreement," M. Caillaux's last state- Mont to the Americans said, "the minister of finance can do no more than submit to his colleagues of the French cabinet in Paris, the compos- tion which you have made today and he will do his utmost to give an an- swer as soon as possible." It was after making that statement that M. Caillaux and his associates I marched in single file from the meet- lug and the end of the conversation between the 'two commissions had come. M. Caillaux was unhappy that a premanent arrangement was not reached. Secretary Mellon, too, was .disappointed, but he,snevertheless, re- garded the result as a step forward and he felt that a better understand- ing between the two nations had been developed. But observers and vene members of the commission held varied,. opinions as to the tangible results of the seven day conference. Disap- pointment and dissatisfaction pre- dominated in some quarters that the Americans had been unable to do ' more, in others the prevailing senti- ment was that France can do better in the way of terms, five years hence, than her reprsentatives felt able to do at this time. " Among all those di- rectly concerned with the negotia- tions, however, there was a noticeable sense of relief at there conclusion. ZOOLOGY JOURNAL CLUB rHEARS TWOLECTURES Dr. Frank N. Blanchard and Prof. f A. M. Chickering spoke for the facul- ty at a meeting of the Zoology Journal club last night in the Natural Science y building. Dr. Blanchard spoke on the progress made in the study of garter snakes and announced some of the e recent zoological publications. Professor Chickering gave a review - on "Origin of the Germ Cells in Al- Sbino Rats," by George T. Ilargitt, and "On the Nature of Mitochondria," by Ivan E. Wallin. Professor Chickering is head of the biology department of Albion college and is on a one year e leave of absence fmtm that college to r do research work here. S in's Condition eIn Now Improved i , . I 1 k J r i 'r f our leading cities; the erection'of sitatioin calls for a mmincriil)Crshmipof " v I dnay o reacn ca LLImeuion I Traffic violators numnberedt over 130y(Bry Associated Press) Trae hoursatorsnum3redno r513 (cyockocttodare s temples and super buildings; and the 40 mnim, 20 of whomi are chosen from the hours of 3 and 5 oclock today up to last night as the result of a Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1.-Their jinx U. S. Government's exhibit which will thi junior class and who serve for and 9 to 12 o'clock tomorrow morning campaign inaugurated by the police hun led, the Louisville American as- be the finest ever made. It is ex- two years. RichardI Freyberg, '26, ;for this purpose. Idepartment to reduce the violation sociation club was prepared today fo pected that fifty million people or will act as tIenporary chairman until There are a number of rooms still of traffic laws among student drivers.imthe second game of the junior world more will attend. , permanent officers are chosen. available at the Union this week-end I Parking without lights constituted the series with Baltimore International _-__-- - -~-- -~~ - - ~ -~----- for alummni members, although few majority of offenses, a fine of $3.65 league penant winners. are now left for the remaining home being imposed. Reports for yesterday Jack Ogden, who won all three o BANNERS rILL M AKE ANN ARBORgames. show a decided decrease in the ar- Baltimore's games in the 1921 series BE T EC R TE C LL G T i 'rests nmade. I xith Louisville, weakened in te int BE~ST DECOR ATED COLLEGE TOWN __nhS~ityn I Spanish Society anh7Tiesnaecnn iing of the first game yesterday .Manila,Oct. 1. - The senate con- and the Colonels scored four runs to "An Arbor will be the best deco- forming the decoration. All these Considers Dram a firmed the nomination of Honorio win 8 to 7. rated college town in te Unitedflags will be sold at cost through the j___Ventura as secretary of the interior The nine game series will terminat States if present plans carry through,, Chamber of ommerce. olors of te Committees were appointed for the to succeed Felipe Agoncillo, resigned. when one team has won five games aseted Roert A.Brhans,'25 whro, opposing teams this fall are as fol- cominig year at the meeting of La asserted Robert A. Burhans, '25, who' lows: M. S. C., green and white; Sociedad llispanica held last night at FIND ENGINE ROOM OF STRANDED under the authority of the Chamber Indiana, cardinal and white; Navy, the Union. The following were select- of Commerce, is conducting a cam- blue and Old gold; Ohio State, scarlet e as heads by Loran G. Bartley, '26, .SUB1MARINEFLOODED WITH WA4TER paign among the homes and fraterni- and grey; Minnesota, maroon and old president of the society: Lecture_ ties in an effort to place at each house gold. -(committee, Marshal 11.Levy, '27; i The use of college colors, i tie membership, harry M. Siclair,'27; (y Associated Press) I "Diver cut exploring hole in engine U .e .ro b ea ins ha sp, o w L ndrn .yyrM . S i n c l a.i ra no s en;d(v These sets, identical with those form of 1\ichigan's "Al" flags for both entertainment, Margaret Clemens ., Submaine Base, New London, I room flooded. Plan to send dives seen along the streets at the time of home and street (ecoration at the '26, ipublicity, Simon .l. Roscnbaonn, Oct. 1.-The engine roon. wOfthrough engine room hatch to inves many university events, comprise a time of university events and their '27; and dramatics, Loran 1. Bartley, tie submarie -51 is flooded with tigate motor mr." large "M" flag and an American flag, alternation with the American flag on '26. water, divers who cut an exploring T nQ01 i, f,m, rrcin lnn- on af A , ainni,1 h rnidavs s n ioiin lwith the Plans were made for the lecture i hole that hatch of tihe submarine i budge fromheri red of sand at th [fur Tetheraij