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January 19, 1926 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-19

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~T"17 1f r.h"IrT'-ANT-MATTV.


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(Continued From Page One)
"Every economy consistent with
safety and convenience" was advo-
cated in connection with the buildin
of the new stadiun. No attempt, should
be made to give it the form of a
monu'mnent . or memorial. While at-
tractiveness of appearance should not
be entirely neglected, the total inyest
ment in the structure should be kept
as low as possible, the delign repro-
senting the utmost simplicity.
The increased revenue resulting
from the enlarged capacity of the sta-
dium would increase the fund from
which the financial support for other
athletic activities may be drawn. Cer-
tain intercollegiate sports which can
never be made to pay their own way
have always drawn heavily on foot-
ball, and, intramural sports have also
been aided in considerbale measure
by the department of intercollegiate
athletics. Intramural sports, the re -
port declares, are just as deserving o.
support as intercollegiate, and have
just as legitimate claim on the 'reve*
nue from intercollegiate contests. Tho
increase in revenue should make pos-
sible the desired expansion of the
"athletics-for-all" program.
However, reorganization of th
means of control of athletics Was
thought by the committee to be more
important than the development of
any particular element of physical
education or intramural sports, and
that the control of athletics should ie
made subordinate to the control of
education. To accomplish this pur-,
pose, all parts of the athletic program
should be brought under unified con-
trol and the President and faculty
should be given a prevailing voice. To
accomplish this, the report recom-
mends a change in the composition of
the Board in Control of Athletics
through the inclusion of five addition-
al members-one to be an ex-officio
member (to be the director of the
University division of hygiene and'
public health) and the other four to
be representative of the University
Senate, appointed by the President.
This will bring the total membership
on the Board to 16. It is believed
that this reorganization will place th&
development of athletic policy defi-
nitely and squarely in the hands of
those charged with the development of
the University's more general educa-
tional policy.
In the opinion of the committee, the
present system is not so seriously de-
fective at any one point as it is es-
sentially out of balance. As matters
Anow stand, intercollegiate athletics
may be said to exist "in excess."
The committee which drew up and
presented the report last night was
appointed in response to a resolution
adopted by the Senate council on May
11, 1925. Acting under this resolu-
tion, Acting President Alfred Lloyo
appointed Dean Edmund E. Day of the
School of Business Administration;
chairman; Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of
the Law school; Prof. Arthur E. Boak
of the history department; Joseph A.
Bursley, Dean of Students; and Prof.
Alfred H. Lovell of the engineering
Trade and industry, according to
Bradstreet's, show considerable de-
creases compared to the feverish ac-
tivity of the holiday weeks, but the
,trade of the first week in 1926 exceeds
that of the corresponding period in
1925 on nearly every point-
Whiolesale housesf are completing
their inyentories, getting their sales-

men out on the road, and in other
ways are preparing for the spring and
sumsmer trade. Optimism prevails in
all distributive lines: retailers' stocks
are low, and most jobbers expect to do
a good business. The Shoe Style show
at St. bouis is attracting buyers from
all parts of the country; and the Na-
tional Automobile show at New York,
with announced price cuts from some
manufacturers and rumors of others
to come, is also making claims on
public interest.
FLORENCE. - The Region around
Monte Amiata, in the Tuscan Sub-Ap-
penines, which was the center of a
sharp earthquake early this month,
was visited by seismic disturbance
Sunday night and this morning.
Little investment-big returns, The
Daily Classifieds.-Adv.
For Men's Used Clothing.
Phone 4410 1 W. Washington
11. BENJA1IN ,

Planes For Polar Flight Near Completion FA MOUS AUTHORITY ON ICEBERGS WILL
Dr. Barnes Has Won Recognition For the last Shaketon expedition to the V. Stefasson attended. The latter
xper iiments On Large ice tlhm s Antarctic. also gave a dinner at the New York
In St. Lr Urene River The only way in which the iceberg alumni club to the leaders of three
___St _menenace is now being confronted, Pro- exploring expeditions: Professor
OTHERS SIGN FOR TRIP fessor Hobbs said yesterday, is by 11 bbs. Cant. George H. Wilkins, who
means of two or three vessels of thelwill lead the Detroit Aviation society
i-n f t otr ur servic expedition to the Arctic, and Carl
; .With the engagement of Dr. Howard wich explore the north Atlantic wa- Akeley, who spoke in Ann Arbor last
T.Barnes, who is probably the world's ters and advise other ships by ,wire- year and who is leaving shortly for
greatest authority on the iceberg as less of the location of the bergs when Central Africa for the purpose of o-
I menace to trade vessels, to accon-s taining anmal groups for exhibition
pany Prof. William H. Hobbs on his seen. . in AfricanImal of the American Mu-
'° 1university of Michigan expedition to The problem should be attackedi n ACm of Natural History.
Greenland next summer, one of the Greenland," Professor hobbs Another development in the niver
'-,<., t, " t x I outstanding features of the arctic "where they originate, which is also -ity expedition plans, as announced by
->project will be the attempt to solve~ the iew expressed by Lang Koch, Professor Hobbs yesterday, is the anu c-
- the iceberg problem. professor Hobbs, famous Danish explorer. "Icebergs quisition of Capt. Robert Bartlett as
who returned Sunday from a week's are all derived from the icecap of skipper. Captain Bartlett was with
trip in the East in connection with Greenland, explained the geologist, ; th last Perry party in 1909 which
the expedition he will direct, spent where they are formed largely m ' teasdthi er party In 1h0 which
s , 4a reached within 120 miles of the North'
hhsom time with Dr. Barnes in Men- small district some 200 miles north
-treal where he is senior pofesso of the location where the main ase Toey
Physics 1t ciluniversity, of the Universityex i wl e s trot as promised a unique snow
fKIn addition to having made an ex- Atit ilb md yPoesrnotor to be taken on the epdto
tensive study of icebergs, Dr. Barnes Hobbs and his party to break up the which will be used for carrying sup-
has conducted many experiments on great bergs by the use of thermit, and plies. The machine has been on the
the large dams of ice that form in also another method, so that they will imarket for only a short" time but has
the St. Lawrence river and flood the never reach the trade routes of the proved extremely successful, accord-
rounding country in the winter. Atlantic. The smaller ice masses sel- ng to Professor Hobbs, the principal
Last year Dr. Barnes broke an ice dom, if ever, reach the Atlantic, he being that it floats over the surface
- dam near Montreal which was 15 said, becoming trapped in the many of the snow.
'Imiles in length and weighed more fjords of the Labrador coast. -
A - than 1,000,000 tons. He did this, Pro-Ho rset t e a1sorfssi ESM NE -Resoeimnt
fessor Hobbs explained, by using a Hobbs presented the plans of the Uni- DES MOINES.-Rules to eliminate
Two Fokker airplanes, equipped with the litest iniventions for combatting Arctic conditions, are nearing ery small crt, appoximately 95 ersity exedition to the board of gnv - ojectiabeen formeofte b hares
complgtion at Hasbrook Heights, N. J., for the North Pole flight next summer. This expedition is to be at- m ounds, of nhe xide mitue alumni association at which meeting instructors.
tempt d under the auspices of the American Geographical society, and the Detroit Aviation society. It will beeu andin o.
commanded by Capt. George H. Wilkins, aviator nd explorer. Photo shows general scene at Hasbrook steel welding.
Heights plant as ien put finishing touches to the wings of one plane. Inset is of Wilkins. Dr. Barnes performed several ex-
periments with ice in the St. Lawr-
ence for Professor Hobbs' observation. Ladies Footwear Choice
Shear Unearths "ncovered, al.wthl mosaic floors ofI ALB3ION, Neb.-Mrs Rose Garvey,!Acopayrgp ,MRi Vroeso
beautiful and intricate patterns. 113, Nebraska's undisputed oldest in- on the University expedition will be
Roo an 1'a In I "The villa stands in a pleasant lo-habitant, is dead at her farm home his assistant, G. Vibert Douglas, Ha'5-
cation, with the rich plain sloping inna rard instructor, who was a member o
GdCondition front othears'the Corinthan gulf,-
while in the distance behind rises the
citadel of Acro-Corinth. It was sup- -
kplied with excellent water from an ! C EAMERA SUPPLIES
cover the Great Theater, dating in abundant spring." Blonde and Grey Kids-
the sixth century B. C. at Corinth, by Five rooms have so far been un-
the American expedition under the di- covered, all of them with the mosaic; Nyat A
rection of Dr. T. Leslie Shear of ifloors intact, the colorings bright,
Princeton university, a magnificent fresh and undam ged by the centuries
Roman villa, in perfect condition was during which they have been hidden L ea h eFootw earC
uncoverei, which must have been one from sight. These mosaics are ui-I
of the city's leading residences at the doubtedly the finest that have yet been Sp ciat
dawn of the Christian era. Dr. Shear, discovered in Greece.
who is enthusiastic about his new
find, describes itas follows: AUGUSTA, Me-Cold weather is no 00
"While the main excavation was inshould buy
progress, it became necessary to di reason that a mnoto ist hudby 4 2
pathreveraltworme netsay taoui half a pint of denatured alcohol for Educator Shoes Have Stood
patch several workmnen to a spot about' his radiator, in the view, of Chief
a mile west of the Theater, beside iseld of the state highway police. the Test of Time
the Sicyon road, to clear an protec Enforcing the prohibition law, he has
bit of mosaic pavement that was in given 'warning against such sales. e
danger of being washed away by aeing___________________that______
led to the discovery of a RedihlW ntAss sA IfY~ 1905
rivulet from o inen ryTm s wreRe d h W nt A s , '0 71
Ro of isch ofiv sumptuosR upon their agencies for good shoes.
Romanvilla,offvrooms 719 N UNIVERSITY AVE.
You don't want to be bothered with IIS


1 1.



laundry when you should be studying
for your exams. Send your things here
and we will do the rest.
a M IL
INewVI ct orReodg
For That

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