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January 17, 1926 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-17

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AY, JANUARY 17, 1926 TI,. 1-I MICHIG/


r.LOT 'Mesh bag containing- two
bok' of stamps an~d gold fou~ntain
pen. Call 7117. Reward. 85-86-871
,LOS-In meeting room of Union,
black leather notebook and "The
English Language" by Smith. Re-
ward. Plaut, 7139. 85-96-87.'
LOST-A pair of~ glasses and a purse,t
'on E..Uirtversity, Friday morning.
Reward. Phone 3627. 1030 Oakland
LOST-Blue and yellow silk scarf,
Mfonday night. Call 21-754, ask for
Cook. 87.

eiri n e,


'y n v l ±,i --r O1r $trre aa l irtkAnt, n i
Q#LtIM400111,m bedroom and bath. Phone
RF I 01 LO$ 23 Ni-ssBarber. __87.
;LTISING JQAT ! P.M. jWAA.N TR-Student to do room wort
3751." 87.
NEW VICTOR Record releases every
Friday. You'll always find the lat- WAN'VD-Two Senior Engineers de-
S eat and best' on Victor Recordst. - ,e thijrd student as roommate in
S~ahaeberle & Son, 110 S. M~ain sit. large'suite. Price $3.50. Call Ar-
Ttf. 1f6ld "or Swain, 9697. 87'88--89.
' WHlEN ITS any thing ia Music. or PiTE:.NTI
"'Musical instruments see Schaeberle "Prfaent
& Son, 114 S. lYlan St.'. PORTER WA'NTEDFrfaent
jhouse, only Those having reconiuen-
REIAL P1 SERVICE ~dations need apply. Address box
' 3uy your Fountain Pens and ink 47, Michigan Daily. 85-86-87.
at Rider's Pen Shop. It casts no more
and you leave the advantage of spec- I V001 MANTED

to selectfromn.
1oInour new location
315 State St. tf.

LOST-k o C ring, Wednesday morn-.
ing, ou Ingalls, between kE Wash-
in-,ton and N. University. Call
21749. Reward. 37-89-89.
WST-Gold Sjphinx Pin. finder will
please call 4917 or adddress Box 50,
Daily office. 68-8
L1OST-Horned rim sipectacles-onei
Tense missing. Call 6642. 87.

Here is AA Opportuinity
WE REQQUIRE several intelli-
gent students, both sexes, who can
devote part of their time during this
semester to our business. An oppor-
tubity is offered for advancement.
Commission basis. Mr. Morley, 709
Werst Cross St.,'Ypsilanti, Michigan,
Phone 428. 84-85-86-87-88-89.
Rehult nd ~r-nd UcnlLUfUal4 iadlt.c

ROOM WANTED-Cultured lady stu-
dent would like ro6m An private
family, near campus, for second
semester. Box 46. 87-88.
DRES 11A1JN(G W N1;1
DRESS MAKING-Sport dresses and
evening dresses a specialty. Prices,
f$5 to $15. Estimates given. Also1
remodelling. Dial 5982. 87-89-91.1

FOR RENT-Large study room, steam
'icated, with sleeping porch, for one W ed . - 5U4tc to 52.50s
! ARRIC WdMt (ct
or two students' or busine(ss men.:s.. Mat. 51)c to $2.00'
500 E. Catherinc St. Dial 9571. I LAS'S WLUT(
8 5-84-85-86-87, _ \ L
j ORt IEN 1 Apartmetnt, aluo r~om) O F 'D F.SOUTHJ SEAT;
Ive'y ireasoniable. Lx413 Greenwcod. Un'u4-t hi Girth Hawaiian M111ie
Phone 3671. 86-37-S8g 'Ban
1FOR VENT--Front- roonm for one or WV(odward at Eliot %1. Glendale 9792
two girls, private fancily, ineals if The BRONSTIELLE CO.
desired. Phone 4052. 744 Packard In the lMost ThriliiiwIExciting
St, 36-87-83. ILaugg Play EFver Writtenj
FOR RENT--Attractive sing le roamBy CroeeWilbur___
inl private home, graduate s~udenl Lafayet Ie aWayelle -at Shelby-
01' ~ nSt~tI2' r)refetrEd. Southeast ' idrubrt * el= ,,11,5cc to $2 ,
viciity.Garge tV~lldi),. all ~t.Mat Seto .y_
viciity. Garge aailbe. allPop.Tliurs.Mtat. Be -,t seats $r o Cadilltic S705
21678. 86-87-88 GAY. GOLDEN, GLU~i tIiJs
FOR RENT-Room for six upperclass- j3 os on . l iine
mwir oil Oakland Ave. Call 3441. .
86-S7. 'the Idva Bros wacy Cvt



1,0S I-Monday, Jan. 11, 11 a. m. Naught, sold, rented, eYChanged,
Angell] Hall, Room~ 215, Black cleaned; repaired and rebuilt. Larg-
rimmed glasses andi Wahl fountain est stock and best service depart-
pen in' ljxiversity"Health Service went in Ann Arbor.
Glasses case. Calli 3O1. Huda 0,o D. MORRILL,
Smiith, Heclen Newberry Residence. 17 Nickels Arcade,
8-87-88.i The Typewriter & Stationery Store
Dealer: L. C. Smith R, Corona
ANNIVERSARY WIERE at Elson! Arnold's State St. Jeweler
Beauty Shop. Starting January 18.E is now carrying a complete line of
~ Shinpo an Macel $1.0 wth 1 fountain peas-all makes, all prices.
Slenion rinse free. Marcel X15 cents, Wbzateer tyke you may need, come in,
Elson Beauty Shop, land see us, we can satisfy you.
321 S. Main, Phone 44:44 02 Arnolds State St. Jeweler
tf-j!_________30_____ S. State St. tf.


Nenl's Suits sponged, pressed Uf cents
SStudent's 'Tailoring, P~hone 8040, Cor.
N~. Univ. And 'I4ayer.t
INTICE-Tutoring in English Litera-
ture for final examinations. 1207
Willard. Phone- 6642. 87-88-89.
PIANO TUNING-" By the Steinway
;.pCncert Artist. tuner. Phone' 6776.
Victor Allmnendinger, 901 Granger,
Ave. Tuner for University SchooilI
of Music. Not with any music
house. 87-88-89-90-911-92.
1'romptly and neatly done by compe-
tent operators at moderate 'rates.
College work -a specialty for seven-'
teen years.
17 Nickels Arcade,
,Thae Typewriter & Stationery Store

FOR RENT-Twco suites and on6
large front 'room, one" block from
campus. Call at '533 Church St.
FOR RENT-One suite and one double
room. Shower bath, steam heat,
and dorm~itory. One. block from
M ichigani Union. 536 Thompson or
call 6453. 87-88-89.
[FOR RENT-Double rooms $65.00 p~er
.sem~ester, single $100.00, hot and
cold water in each room, towels~ fur-
nished, showers. Phone 9023. 91 5
Sybil St. Kimbrell or Mrs. Wight-
man.. 87-88-S9..
FOR RE~NT-One double and one sin-
gle room on second floor. Desirable
location. 606 E. Catherine. Phone
!7359. 87 88-89.
FOR RENT-Large front room for
two or three students. 403 E.
Washington. Phone 3751. 87.
FOR RENT-A suite for two boys, 2
blocks from Ferry Field. 717 Arbor
St. 87.
FOR RENT-Pleasant, warm, com-
fortable suite for two students. Very'
near campus, reasona ole rent. Ap-
ply 444 So. State St. Phone 8538.
FOR, RENT-Large front ro~rn, priv-
ate bath. Two men students. 238j
S. Thayer. Across from Hill Aud.

!WANTED1-College or high: school
Igirl to~ wait 'table in a tea room for
board. Polly Little 'Tea Shop,
}Phone 3941. 85-86-87.
WNTED-Place in booth for J-H~op,
for from 3 to 5 men. Call 5964
from~ 12 to i today. 86-87
W NANTED-Room for two students in
Iprivate family, preferably south of
camnpus, for $3.00 each. Box 48.
W#ANTED~ TO RENT-Room, prefer-
ably with fireplace, and place for
Spiano, or priviege of keeping one
omewhere in house. Must be near
campus. Box 46. 86-87-88-
Want a room? Read Page ,Seven
and use the Classified columns.-Adv.



FOR RENT-Rooms next
boys, one block from1
719 Oakland.

semester for
the campus,

I 'A.








If you would have it, you may have- your own "Lamp of Aladdin,"
which, when you rub it, will 'produce for you many of the things in life
you most desire.. We do not mean such a lamp as his. We have reference
to something far less mysterious and awe-inspiring. But 'in its capacity to
-produce material things for you it is far= more wonderful than Aladdin's,
for'it will give- you many things which he, in his time, could not have
thought of.
We have reference to savings, in whatever manner accumulated. If
from day to dlay and week to week you lay aside a part of whatever you
make, bye and bye the time will come when for the asking you can have
the things you desire.

It will not bring you everything. It will not buy
and friendship, those most worth while things in life.
in gaining all of them, if used rightly.

health and happiness
But it will aid you



Little need to tell you of the advantages of laying aside something for
the future. If you but think a moment you will recall living examples which
prove the truth of what we say. Count these men you know whom you
consider most succesful. How many of them are not thrifty?
There is no necessary relationship between men who. are thrifty and
saving and the fact that they are loved, admired and respected in their
community, but the :two usually go together. In a material sense it is
different. They have the things they want because they have' the means to
buy them. They have the means because they have not squandered all.


And what price all this? Very little indeed.
once determined uIpon, is easily acquired, Shortly
habit, as natural as any other habit you acquire. It
required to live on a little less than you make.

The habit of saving,
it becomes a genuine
demands only *the effort


The cost is small, the reward is great. A good tin~e to begin saving


1S today.


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