- --.._.,
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a m. Saturdays).
Seek Remedy For World Unrest
Volume VI
Number 9
Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
You attention is called to the Attendance Report Cards which are
being distributed through the Dean's messenger service. All instructors
are asked to read carefully the directions on the back, and to deposit the
necessary reports in the Dean's messenger boxes.
More cards may be had at any time upon application, either in person
or by telephone, at my office. W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean.
Aero 15: Mathematical T1heory of Aerofoils:
The first meeting of this class will be Thursday, October 1, at 11 o'clock
in Room 306 East Engineering Building.
Donat K. Kazarinoff.
Teacher's Certificate in Rhetoric:
All students interested in meeting the requirements for the teacher's
certificate in rhetoric may consult with me this week in Room 3228 Angell
Hall. Office hours: Thursday 9 to 12, 2 to 5; Friday 3 to 5:30.
I. W. Cowden.
Geography 1:
Lecture Thursday morning as usual in Room 25, A. H. The same seat-
ing list will be used. Be sure to set in your assigned seat. People absent
from this morning's lecture will be considered as intending to drop the
course. It is estimated that there will be enough drops to care for the ex-
cess number already enrolled.
P. E. James.
Zoology I:
Seats in the lecture are assigned in a list posted in the ,corridor be-
tween the doors of Room Z-234, Natural Science Building. Members of the
class should ascertain and make a record of their seat numbers at once,
then proceed to the lecture room at an hour when it is vacant to locate
their seats. Failure to do this in advance will cause needless confusion
and delay at the next lecture. Those not in their proper seats on Oct. 6 will
be regarded as absent. The seating list will be removed within several
days. It will not be accessible to any one on the day of the lecture.
A. Fran'klin Shull.
All Engineers:
Mr. M. J: Riggs, of the American Bridge Co., Toledo, will speak at the
Engineering Smoker to be held this evening in the Michigan Union Assem-
bly Hall at 8:15. This smoker is open to all Enginers. Smokes as well as
cider and doughnuts, will be served. The Smoker is held undei the aus-
iic'e of the Engineering Council.
u Frank A. Reid, Jr., Pres.
UivrMty ofi lelliigan Band:
The Varsity Band will meet for drill on Thursday, Oct. 1, 4:00 P. M.,
at theSouth Gate, Ferry Field. Lieut. Turner, D. O. L., will have charge.
A full turnout is imperative.
i= Wilfred Wilson, Director.
Vreshman Band :
An 'examination of tryouts for membership in the '29 Band will be held
at 7:15'PIPNM Oct. 1, at Varsity Band Headquarters, Morris Hall, corner
of State andv Jefferson Sts. The Freshman Baud will be directly sponsored
by the University Band, hence a large membership is desired. Tryouts will
please 4ring instruments.
T. C. Schneirla.
Some of the officers of the American
section of the Interparliamentary Un-
ion which will meet this fall in Wash-
ington "to unite in common action the
members of all parliaments constitu-
ted in national groups, to secure the
co-operation of their respective states
in the firm establishment of the work
of international peace."
The Hague, Sept. 30.-The perma-
nent Court of International Justice
called an extraordinary session to
meet Oct. 22 to consider the questions
concerning the disposition of the Mo-
sul territory.
Phone 21820
Musicians Wanted
Just Count
'Em Up
How many friends can
you think of right now
who would love to
have your photograph.
for an
Zoology fournal Club:
-Thplirst meeting of the Zoology Journal Club
P, MT Thirsday, October 1, in room Z242 N. S. Bldg.
andAia 44 M.C hickering will speak..
will be held at 7:30
Dr. Frank Blanchard
Peter Okkelberg.
Learn the Latest
Modern Dance
Open Daily 10 A. Mt to 10 P. M.
We teach all modern, fancy,
ballet, stage, tango and folk
dances for children and adults.
22 Wuerth Arcade
Phone 8328
La Sooledad Ilispanica:
An executive meeting of La Sociedad ispanica will be held in room 304
Michigan Uinion, Thursday, October 1, at 7:30 P. M. All officers and com-
mittee chaifrien are requested to be present. Interested old members are
also invited to attend in order that committee vacancies may be filled.
Loran G. Bartley, Pres.
Craftsman Club:
StudentlMasons will meet for a smoker at the Masonic Temple, Satur-
day evening, Oct. 3, 8 P. M. Russell Pryce.
Chinese Stuflets' Club:
All Chinese students are requested to attend an important business
meeting to be held in Lane Hall at 7:30 P. M. Friday, October 2. Invitation
dcIads fothe coming celebration will be distributed.
S. G. Chen, Secretary.
The Inlander:
Manuscriyts for the first issue of The Inlander will be received at the
The Photographer in Yomr Towel
jI 619 East Liberty
Read the Want Ads
Press Building until October 15.
The Editors.
Notices to appear i
Ie left in the box
provided for uiat
o'clock preceeding
Production held i
University hall.
4:00-Band meets
south gate, Ferry
club held in ro
4:00.6:00-'Tea for
at Martha Cook
per held at chur
7:00.9 :00-Women
Production held
of University hal
7 :30-Christin Sc]
in Lane hall.
7:30-La Sociedad
room 304, Union.
7:30-Blue Key soe
302, Union.
7:30-Zoology Jour
room Z-242, Nat
the Union assem
7:00-Corn Buskin(
Congregational c
7:30-Erie club m
in this column must
at the Da'ly office
purpose before 4
tale day of issue.
tryouts for Play
n the auditorium of
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, faculty
manager of the Oratorical associa-
tion, expressed gratification yesterday
lililNH~i11111111 ~ilHIilImili 1HIIIfil fillII tiHHHll Ii 181m!
r to order that
~Oratorical Association Lecture
~Course Ticket
By Mail
Mail Order to Treasurer,
Room 3211 Angel1 H all
Enclose self addressed stamped envelope.
PRICES $3.50, $3.00, $2.50
IInnH11HH1HHH1H lill1H1 HH1till HL11111 ||11iHIHH IHH I lIIHlii 11131M II li11I
No need to sit at a crowded counter and "bolt" your
food amid clamor and iacket.
Walk another block to the tavern. Order anything from
a sandwich to a banquet and enjoy eating it.
A spacious, well lighted room, clean and quiet, will
at the number of applications that
for drill at the are being received for reserved season
y field. tickets to the regular lecture course
for the firls' Glee = of the; association. To date nearly
om 216, School of j 800 applications for tickets have been
received with the expectation that
all senior women before this week is ended the total
dormitory. will have mounted to 1,200.
al Men's club step. Records of sales last year have been
ch. broken according to Professor Hollis-
tryots for PlayI ter. A great number of applications
in the auditorium have been received from out of town
1l patrons, as well as older patrons of
e sc Ann Arbor. The student request for
tickets during the remainder of the
Ilispanica meets in week is expected to be large. The
public sale of the tickets will not
eiey metsin oomstart until Oct. 12, after all orders
~iety iets i1 room for reserved season tickets haverbeen
rnal club meets filled
ural Science build- Applications are being filled in the
order received at the office of the
sniokor given i treasurer of the association, Theodore'
bly hall. Thornberger, '26.
g Bee meet at the__
hurch. All freshmen in the Literary
eets in room 302, and Engineering colleges and in
the Pharmacy school who have
I .1..T-'---'r - c --
add much in the way of enjoyment to
superior meal.
an already
Read your check and chuckle.