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January 17, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-17

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 87






Committee Appointed To Investigate
Charges Of Inefeciency By
Recent Petitions
Robert J. Cooper, '26M, vice-presi-
dent of the Union representing the
Medical college, was elected tempo-
rary president at a meeting of the
board of directors of that organiza-
tion yesterday afternoon pending the
action of the Administrative board of
the Literary college upon the petition
of Albert Adams, '26, for removal
atom the warned list. Adams was
placed on the warned list of the Lit-
erary college Dec. 17 for deficiency
in academic work, and was summarily
notified to that effect by the officials
of the Literary college and Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students.
Cooper will hold the office of presi-
dent until some time this week.l
Should the Administrative board re-
move Adams from the warned list,
the latter will Kresume his former
office, otherwise a special meeting of
the board will be held and a new
president elected at once.
Board Issues Statement
The following statement was issued
by the board of directors n con ne-
tion with the presidency of the Union
following yesterday's meeting:
"On Dec. 17, the Literary college
placed Albert Adams on the warned
list, and this action automatically put
Adams out of o ice as president of the
Union. The ruling of the University
is that any student placed on the
warned list is ineligible for any ac-
tivity other than academic. Adams,
however, has final recourse to the
Administrative board of the Literary
college for special consideration of
his case . If the action of this board
removes Adams from the warned list,
Adams will be qualified to resume his
"In order to fill the vacancy thus
created, the board of directors elec'ted
Robert J. Cooper, '26M, vice-president
of the Union representing the Medical
college, to act as president until the
final action of the Administrative
board and consequent status of Adams
is known. .
"The ineligibility of Adams is not'
the action of the board of directors
but of the Literary college. The
board of directors of the Union has
delayed filling the vacancy thus cre-
ated until Adams has had recourse
to an appeal to the Administrative
board, and also deemed it unnecessary
to make public the fact of his ineligi-
bility until the temporary election of
Cooper yesterday.
"After the Administrative board'
meets and final decision in the case
is made, the board of directors will
hold a special meeting, and if Adams
is still ineligible, will elect a new
president of the Union. If a new
president is elected, he will hold of-
ice for the remainder of the school
Because of the possibility that, a
feeling may, at this time, exist on the
tamppus that the Union board of di-
rectors has not acted in response to
the. petitions charging inefficencvy
within the Union, the board author-
ied Cooper to make the following
statement relative to the investigation
now being conducted of the accusa-
Cooper Explans Action
"The board of directors on Dec. 5
appointed a committee of four mem-

hers of the board to investigate the
charges made against the Union as!
enumerated in the circulated peti-
tions. This committee was composed
of Albert Adams, chairman. Thomas I
Cavanaugh, '27L, Prof. H. C. Ander-
son of the Engineering college, and
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the politi-
cal science department.
"The board of governors in meeting
Dec. 17 voted 'that matters relative
to the management brought to the at-
tention of this body by Adams, when {
submitted in writing, shall be referred
to a joint committee of the board of
governors and the board of directors.'
"Since this action was taken, Adams
was declared ineligible by the Lit-!
erary college which resulted in Pro-
fessor Anderson being made chairman
of the investigation committee with
the retention of Adams as a member,
this latter position not being con-
sidqred a student activity .I
"Dn eto th fiet that there mieht l


WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-President
Coolidge was charged in the Senat2
today by Senator Norris, Republican,
Neb., with violating the laws of the
land through secret understandings
with his appointees to independent
Speaking in behalf of resolutions
for the investigation of the tariff con-
mission, Senator Norris declared that
the President belonged to the group
that believed the commission should
be used for partisan purposes, and
that he had used his high office toj
misconstrue the letter and spirit of
the tariff law.
Registrar Commends Student Interest
In Election Of Classes For
Second Semester
Gratification was expressed yester-
day by Ira M. Smith, Registrar, for
the interest which students have dis-
played in preparing for second semes-
ter classification which begins tomor-
row for the literary college. Numer-
ous requests have been made at the
Registrar's and Recorder's offices for
the supplementary announcements
which list changes, cancellations, and
additions to the courses of instruction
for the second semester as given in
the bulletin published last fall.
Classification is to be carried on be-
fore examinations this year, Mr.
Smith said, so that it might receive
due attention at the proper time. For-
merly, when it was done at the time
of the examinations, the students were
too busy, and sometimes neglected to
arrange their courses for the next
semester, causing considerable con-
fusion later. This year all election
blanks and class cards must be pre-
sented to the Recorder before 5 P.
M. Thursday, Jan. 2-1.
The election and -classification,
which begins tomorrow and contin-
ues through Thursday, is to be made
upon the assumption that this se-
mester's work has been entirely satis-
factory. In planning elections, it is I
necessary that all prerequisites for
the course being elected shall have
been satisfied. Any unavoidable
changes which might become neces-
sary may be made Thursday and Fri-
day, Feb. 11 and 12.
Overflow From
Museum Removed
To Angell Hall
Because of the lack of adequate
space in the regular University Mu-
seum, three groups of foreign ma-
terial have been placed in the base-
ment of Angell hall. Prof. Carl E.
Guthe's collection from the Philippine
Islands, a group of stuffed animals
from all parts of the world, and an
assemblage of preserved sea animals
have been placed in unused rooms in
the literary college 'building.
Limited space prohibits the display
of the Philippine articles, most of
them remaining packed until the new
museum is built. Included in the
collection is a 20 foot piece of Philip-
pine vwood, 2 inches thick, as it is
hacked from the trees by the natives.
NEW YORK. - Despite Gov. Al
Smith's insistence that his announced
intention to retire to private life
"must be", some Democratic leaders
are hopeful that he will be induced to
run again for the gubernatorial of-
DETROIT.-Purchase of the Judson

Grocer Co. of Grand Rapids was an-
nounced today by Lee & Cady of De-
troit, wholesale grocers.

AlhvnI I 11JUl11 lIiJu
Molenda And Oosterbaan Tie For High
Score Honors, While Petrie And
Gawne Shine For Reserves
!By Joseph E. Kruger, Sports Editor
Although Coach Mather made lib-
eral use ' of his reserve material,
Michigan's Varsity courtsters experi-
enced little difficulty in registering
their sixth straight victory of the sea-
son at the expense of the Michigan
IState college five 38-15, last night at
the field house.
The Skipper, taking advantage of
the opportunity to test his substitutes
under fire, employed 12 men during
the contest, but the visiting five never
The work of Petrie, Gawne and Oos-
terbaan was the bright spot in the
play of the reserve forces. This was
the first taste of real competition for
the first two men, and their exhibition
showed considerable promise. Petrie's
general floor work and two sensa-
tional shots made towards the close
of the gamne showed that "Red" Cherry
has a brilliant understudy.
Gawne Displays Good Form
"Dick" Gawne, sent early in the fray
to replace Reece at forward, gave in-
dications of developing into a splendid
player. Getting into his first college
game, the lanky forward showed no
evidences of stagefright, handling him-
self on the floor like a veteran. Oos-
terbaan, starting the second half at
center, tied with Molenda for high
scoring honors, sinking four baskets
and one free throw.
With Hari'igan and Cherry being
saved for the important Illinois game
tomorrow night, Coach Mather started
Reece and Chambers at the forwards,
Capt. Dick Doyle at center, and Mo.-
lenda and Petrie at the defense po-
This combination exhibited a splen-
did passing game, working the ball
by the Michigan State defense for
short shorts repeatedly. Molenda was
especially adept at sinking baskets,
accounting for four during the first
State Defense Ragged
Michigan started slowly, but after
Molenda scored his second field goal,
the Wolverines found that the State
defense was ragged, and scored goals
with greater regularity. Michigan's
defense was practically impregnable
the first half, the State five account-
ing for but one field goal. The halt
ended with the score 19-5.
Ed Chambers, who played a splen-
did all-round game, was the only reg-
ular to resume play at the start of the
second half. Schroeder, W. Kuenzel,
Gawne, and Oosterbaan completed the
five for the closing stanza. Martin
and Mogaridge saw service in this
half, while Rasnick played a short
time in the opening period.
The reserves, disorganized due to
the frequent substitutions, were un-
able to play together in the second
half, but individual work on the part
of Oosterbaan, Chambers, and Petrie,
who returned to the game, kept the
Wolverines far in advance of State.
Coach Mather held a shooting and
passing practice for most of the mem-
bers of the squad immediately after
the game in order to prepare the en-
tire squad for tomorrow's clash with
the Ilhini.
April 23 Selected j
For Military Ball
Setting Friday, April 23, as the date
for the annual Military Ball, the com-
mittee, of which George C. Weitzel,'
'26, is chairman, has begun arrange-
ments for the affair. Waterman and

Barbour gymnasiums will both be
used for the event, as in past years,
land three orchestras will play.

Orders Tax Cut
Bill To Senate
By Compromise
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. - Senate
Republicans, and Democrats on the fi-
nance committee compromised their
differences on tax reduction today,
and ordered by unanimous vote a re-
port of the Housce revenue bill to the
'Senate with consider le modif'ca-
The compromise, which involved
principally further reduction in the
surtax rates, repeal of the inheritance
tax, increased the total reduction pro-
vided by the House measure for this
year from $330,000,000 to $360,000,000,
and cleared the way for early pass-
age of the bill by the Senate.
Spokesmen of the two parties in the
Senate expressed satisfaction with the
compromise, and declared that a fin-
al vote on the bill by the Senate
early in February was almost cer-
Chief Of U1. S. Division Of Geodesy
Will Give Illustrated Lecture
On Mountain Forming
William. Bowie chief of the Division
of Geodesy, U. S Coast and Geodetic
Survey will give, an illustrated pub-
lic lecture on "Mountain Forming.
from the Geodetic Surveyor's Point of
View," Friday at 4:15 o'clock in Natu-
ral Science auditorium. Mr. Bowie
has been connected with the Coast
and Geodetic Survey since 1895, and
headed the division since 1909. Al-
though he is to give two scientific
lectures while lie is here, the lecture
which is open the public will be given
in terms that the lay mind can readily'
grasp. He will also show a large and
complete collection of reputedly inter-
esting slides of the work that is being
done in his department.
Mr. Bowie is a graduate of Trinity
college, and received his doctor's de-
gree from both-Trinity and Lehigh
University. On his graduation from
Lehigh in 1895 he entered the govern-
ment service, and has been with it
ever since. He was in charge of the
summer course in practical astronomy
and geodesy at Columbia university
from 1912 to 1917. Since 1910 he has
represented the Division of Geodesy
at a great many international scien-
tific conferences held in all parts of
the world.
During his connection with the de-
partment, he has written a number of
publications of the Coast and Geodetic
Survey on the various branches of
geodesy, including measurement of
lines, primary triangulation, gravity,
and isostasy, a comparatively new
theory on the formation of land areas
in which he is considered an an-
EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 16.-Showing
lightness of argument in its main
speeches, but skill in rebuttal, the
Northwestern debating team lost to
the Ohio State trio here last night.
Neither side seemed to hit the issue
much, and the material showed lack
of organization. William A. Volger
of Notre Dame, was judge, and Judge
Martin M. Gridley, local alumnus,
I acted as chairman of the debate which
was staged in connection with the
annual Central League debates.
Vern Thompson, Otto Nickels, and
Douglas Bryant composed the North-

western team, and Nelson North,
Clare Tranck, and Ben Braunstein
represented Ohio State on the nega-
tive side of the question. The ques-
tion was: "Resolved: that the federal
government should subsidize our com-
mercial air service."
Mail Applications
For J-H opopera
Applications for tickets to the J-
Hop performance of "Tambourine",
the 1926 Union opera, will be mailed
to each holder of a J-HFtp ticket with-
in ten days, it was announced yester-
day at the Union. Following the cus-
tom of previous years, the perform-,
ance will be given at the Whitney.
-theatre the Saturday afternoon fol-
lowing the Hop. The date this year
! Feb. 6.
Tickets for this final production of
"Tambourine" will be placed on pub-I
lic sale the three days preceding the

Head Of National Association Suggests
Drinking Rooms In Fraternity
Houses For Alumni
Centering the majority of their dis-
cussion upon the campus liquor prob-
lem, more than 200 representatives
of the fraternity alumni associations
met with President Clarence Cook
Little yesterday afternoon in the Un-
ion to consider various housing prob-
lems which are of interest both to
the University and the fraternities.
Culminating the discussion, a mo-
tion was passed that "the gathering
go on record as being in entire sym-
pathy 'with the aims of the University
administration in dealing with the liq-
uor question."
President Little opened the meet-
ing by stating that he wished to make
this University constructively differ-
ent from other universities. He as-
serted that "the greatest single need
is a realization that it is a place
where students get something more
than academic leairning."
"There are two courses of action
which might be followed by the ad-
ministration in meeting the problems
confronting it," said President Little.
"One is a slow, bit-by-bit process; the
other is by going straight to the mat
with a definite and uniform method
of treatment."
Misunderstanding Cleared
In bringing the matter of the liquor
situation before the alumni, President
Little said that there had been con-
siderable misunderstanding concern-
ing his methods of attack a month
ago when he gave the fraternities
their choice of three methods of cop-
ing with the problem. "Fraternities
are here to stay," he asserted, "and
the University is here to stay. For
this reason there should be some defi-
nite action."
"There has been too much curative
administration in the past. Now is
the time for preventative administra-
tion," he continued. "I want this Uni-
versity to be the first in the world to
adopt such a policy whole heartedly
and honestly. But this entails trust
of the administration. Obviously, the
place to begin is with the undergradu-
ate body."
"No university has yet a tradition
among its students of thinking more
of the university than about individual
desires," continued President Little.
1 "An individual who wishes to develop
his individuality by broaking the laws
of the. state and the land must seek
an endowed rather than a state sup-
ported institution."
"So far as the University is con-
cerned proper administration involves
a frank stand, an honest administra-
tion of that stand, and an education of
all units on the principles relating
to it," he said.
"I am more interested in the stu-
dents than in the subjects taught,"
asserted President Little. He appeal-
ed to the alumni to try and make
the students make use of their col-
lege careers as they would do if they
had it to do over again. "We want
boys and girls here who are willing
to see what they can put into the
institution rather than what they can
get out of it. We don't want selfish-
Although there were a number of
problems which it had been planned
to discuss at the meeting, the majority
of time was taken up with considera-
tion of the liquor problem. Alumni

who bring liquor to the fraternities
as well as the boys who drink were
scored by the gathering. In explain-
ing his stand on the question, Presi-
dent Little said, "The University is
not attempting to say to any individual
that he shall or shall not drink. It
is not trying to discriminate between
fraternity and non-fraternity men."4
The climax of the discussion came'
when Mason P. Rumney, president of
the National Alumni association, 'sug-
gested that in each fraternity house a
restricted zone be established in
which;alumni could drink if they
wished, to the exclusion of the un-
dergraduate members of the frater-
..nity. This, he claimed; would elimi-
nate the problem of students drink-
ing as they only do so because they
are offered drinks by the older men
who return.
Runmney's Statement Refuted
President Little, taking exception to
this statement, entered the discussion
at this time and compared the Uni-

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-A move to
invoke cloture on the world court is-
sue so as to get it out of the way
speedily to make way for the tax re-
duction bill, developed late today in
senate circles.
Some of those initiating the move-
ment said =the effort to limit debate
to one hour for one speaker might
be niade Monday. A two-thirds"ma-
jority would be necessary to make the
cloture rule operative.
This subject was discussed today
in the finance committee with a num-
ber of members favoring such a step
uit(Lerthe apprehension that some
opponent of the Court might under-
take to delay action on the tax bill
if that should displace the court on
the senate calendar.
Manager Of Associated Press Tells
Of Romance And Idealism
In Reporter's Life
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-The re-
porters' contribution to newspaper
idealism and to general human under-
standing was described by Kent
Cooper, general manager of the As-
sociated Press, in an address tonight.
before the American Society of News-
paper Editors. He urged that, through
the newspapers themselves, there be
given a clearer picture of the ro-
mance of, newsgathering, so that
readers can better understand the
ideals and emotions of those who pro-
duce newspapers.

Students May Enroll In Courses For
University Credit Without
Additional Fees
Six Courses will be offered in the
Michigan School of Religion during
the second semester according to the
special announcement jus.t released.
Prof. Shirley Jackson Case, professor
of early church- history and New
Testament . interpretation, Divinity
school, University of Chicago; and
Charles T. Paul, FR. G. S., president
of the College of Missions, Indian.
apolis, Ind, and professor of linguis
tic and Oriental missions, will com-
pose the teaching staff.
Professor Case has been 4associated
with, the University of Chicago since
1917, in his present capacity. For
several years before accepting that
position he taught Greek, mathema-
tics, and literature in various minor
Eastern schools, and in 1905-1906 was
an instructor in New Testament and
Greek at Yale university. For eight
years he acted as editor of the Amer-
ican Journal of Theology, is a mem-
ber of the Society of Biblical Litera-
ture and Exegesis, and of the Ameri-
can Society of Church history. Pro-
fessor Case has written several books
touching upon various religious sub-
jects, among which are: "The Evolu-
tion of Early Christianity", "The Mil-
lenial Hope", and The Histricity of


The code of newspaper ethics Student Of Languages
drawn up by the society, he suggested, Mr. Paul graduated from Hiram
should be published so frequently and college in 1901, and subsequently
so prominently that the public would studied foreign languages under teach-
come to recognize it as the badge of ers in America and Europe. In 1894
the profession. ; he founded the Toronto School of Lan-
"The editorial effort which per- guages. .He founded, in 1897, and
ceives that its opportunity is founded edited the Christian Messenger, the
upon sentiment for an idealism, not ,official organ of the Disciples of Christ
only contributes to constructive hu- in Ontario, and The Tibetan, a maga-
man relationships, but it brings finan-- zine devoted to the ethnology of Cen-
cial success," said Mr. Cooper. "In ,' tral Asia and Christian missions in
fact, the former is responsible for Tibet. FolloWing this association he
the latter." . became a missionary in China and pro-
"A successful journal may disavow fessor of English at the University of
any idealistic aims. Its owner. may j Nanking. He founded, in 1910, and
have no sentiment, and, unconscious conducted 'the College of Missions in
of any idealism himself, he may look Indianapolis, and he has since been
upon his property as a machine for closely connected with that institution.
producting money. Such a conception Mr. Paul is a member of tle board of
is apt to sneer at sentamentalists and Missionary preparation of New York;
idealists. But whether or not owned he was a member of the Panama Con-
by him who disavows ideals, I do not gress on Christian Work in Latin
know of a successful journal which American in 1916; and wrote a his-
has, not somewhere at the heart of torical introduction to the report on
the enterprise a throbbing idealism message and method and visited capi-
which may be embodied in the per- tals in South America, delivering ad-
sonality of the editor or managing dresses in Spanish. He is the author
editor, or better still, in the entire j of "The Call of China", "The Presen-
staff. I tation of the Christian Message to
"I do not know why newsmen are Buddhists", as well as several other
surcharged with sentiment for their works on similar subjects. He is
work, or why they put into their work known widely as a linguist and au-
that which savors of the' human' ap- thority on Christian missions.
peal. I say I do not know. But if I The courses announced for the com-
were called to suggest a reason why Ing semester are headed by that in
successful newsmen have a moving the rise of Christianity, which is a
sentiment, I could not answer. that study of the Jewish and Gentile set-
they come by it intentionally, or ting in which Christianity arose and
through any studious process of ob- a rapid survey of the growth of the
taining it. Nor do I believe. that news- new religion from its beginnings down
men are born, not made. ' distinctly to the time of its recognition by Theo-
hold that they are made, and that they dosius in 392 A. D., as the only legiti-
are not conscious of the processes mate religion of the Roman Empire.
that make them. This course will be conducted by Pro-
"Any number of reasons may throw fessor Case.
a youngster into journalism, but only Offer Course In Oriental Religion's
one reason can keep him there. If he Mr. Paul will offer instruction in
begins at the point of greatest advan- Religions of the Far East, treating
tage, he begins as a reporter. And I Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto.
what amazing number of sources of i The special aim of the course is to
human contacts are open to the re' interpret the contribution of these re-
porter. He must have to do with all ligions to the civilizations of China
kinds and classes of people. He sees and Japan.
mankind in all his moods, and sees A second course by Professor Case
him at close range. He sees him in will be in the life and teachings of
misfortune and in fortune. He' sees Jesus, offering a historical account of
the hovel and the palace, and if he has the career and public utterances of
I the stuff that makes good reporters- Jesus,' the religion of the Jews of
and please don't forget this-he .sees Palestine at the time 'of Jesus, and
:matters of news interest in .both the value of the gospels as historical
places. sources of information. He will also
"Human' passion; in its .arying offer a 'course iii Christianity and -the
aspects is revealed to' him, aid if ihystery 'religions, a seminar treating
he has gotten. the reportorial spirit,"a series of" problems connected with
he glories in the opportunity to re- the early growth of Christianity in
veal to others through the printed relation- to its Gentile environment.
word what it has been his to see and In addition to the foregoing, the
learn. Veritably,.reportorial experi- seminar lin the moral issues of mod-
ence is a baptism in th, stream of ern life, offered during the present
humanity if anything is, and report-" semester by Prof. Kirsopp Lake, will
ing is recording the human spectacle." (be'continued. Two of the questions
to be treated are the effects of the
evolutionary hypothesis on human con-
duct in practice and in theory, and
l. CfQ Wather'aBl j the Far Eastern question.


ThomasSpeaks On Objecting
As HandiCap To Future Wars

"War cannot be stopped by con-
scientious objecting, as there are too
many economic and{ other important
conditions which enter into the bring-
ing about of a war, but if there is a
movement in many countries of those
objectors, or those who may refuse
to fight, our" hastening towards an-
other war will tend to be greatly

ophy of objecting, Mr. Thomas made
the following statement. "This re-
ligion of state is very wrong. Do we
owe our life and everything else to
the government? We trust our gov-
ernment with our lives and con-
sciences-and are afraid to trust it
with our coal mines. Why should
we submit? It is too bie a price to1

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