THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA A THIS CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVER NOTICE TYPEWRiTERSM L. C. Smith, Remington, Royal, Un-( derw66d, Corona and portables, sold rentlt, exchanged, cleaned and re- pali d. The largest and best stock' in Ann Arbor at considerate prices. 0. D. MOR ILL 17 Nickels' Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery StoreI Dcale L. C. Smith and Corona type- writers. EXPERT MARCELLE WORK I JBentley Beauty Parlor 106 E. Liberty ,Call 6373 for appointment USED CARS I FOR SALE--1924 Ford Touring $125 COLUMN A-1 shape. NIXON'S CLOSES NXO' I Oren Evenfligs TISING AT 3 '.M. 416 So. Main Phone 6914 TYPEWRITER REPAIRING FOR SALE The best equipped shop in the city backed by eighteen years experi- FOUNTAIN PENS ence. - Over 500 Waterman, Conklin, Sheaffer, o. D. MORiRILL Eversharp, Swan, LeBoeuf, Parker, 17 Nickels Arcade Holland and others from which to The Typewriter & Stationery Store make a selection. Price $1.50 up. All good standard nationally adver- MUSIC tised makes. O. 1). MORRILL EMMA: FISCIIER GROSS . RTeacher of Piano and Pipe Organ. 17 Nickels Arcade formerly on faculty at School of The Typewriter & Stationery Store fmesly ndfpultyfaLeSchool y, IMusic and pupil of Leschitizky, FOR SALE-Ford touring. Good Vienna. Studio 610 E. Liberty St. motor. New tires. Top and paint Apt. 8. Phone 3565. in good shape. Need cash. Phone MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- 6510, Waring, 549 Packard St. eve- I er, thirty years experience; banjos, uings. f mandolin, guitar and chord con- Ran Death Ship DAILY TJOUTTS The Michigan Deily offers the members of its staff an eijoyable way of spending s urplus dine and practical work in journal- ism. A few more men and wo- mcn are needed for the editorial staff. All persons interested are requested to see the News Edi- 1 tor of The Daily at its offices on Maynard street, from 3 to 5 o'clock any afternoon 'this week. Moscow, Sept. 30.-Almost daily armed clashes are reported along the! Dneister at the Russo-Rumanian fron- ; tier, increasing the tension in Bessa- j rabia. APK Nights soc to $2.50 8at. A at. 0 o$2.00 191*t'rtme-22nd big Week ANE NICQ$1".1 ABAE'S IRISH ROSE SEE ITI eu vwl ituayt The most popular telephone In ~ Wri~ SD S , - Woodward at liot tcndnta97g2 CHIOPODIST AND IThe Hou ell Col any ORlTH OPEDIST In the First Production of 707 it. iIrerslty' Ave. Phone 2i122' 'I ._. , - 7"* heShxgingfflgd~bd-?:e SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR DAILY? SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR DAILYI A Linen 'Supply For 'Your Convenience PRINTING We ve an excellent new equipment Yo domn~g letter work. Nw type 1ian ' et byt skilled labor willyin- sure a satisfactory and pleasing job. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' ArcadeI The t iionery & Typewriter Store *1 TROANOWSKI BEAUTY SHOP F4pert") hair bobbing, marcelling, mah1ifring, face and scalp treat- meife. tAI N WATER SHAMPOO 110+"S. University Ave. Dial 5535 IMEQGRAPRING & TYPEWRITING Workpne by experienced operators at moderate rates in our own shop. 0. D1 ORRILL .,« 17 Nickels Arcade The fW-ewriter & Stationery Store VXPERT Marcelling, shampooing, scalp treatments, facials, manicur- ing,'nd hair dyeing. All work ab- solute1yt guaranteed. Open' Thursday eveliigs. Dial 21379. WkESYL BEAUTY SHOP Over Arcade Theatre Kewpee Hotel On So. U. Near E. U. a$ Hamburgers pen 9 A. M. to 1 A. M. WiDeliver Dial 9636 UNTAIN PEN REPAIRING m Exp t factory workmen do your re- pating all makes. 24 hour service atiRIDER'S PEN SHOP, 302 State Stet. THEEMARCEL SHOPPE, your satis- faaion our paramount aim. Open evp' ings. 527 East Liberty. Phone 219. EXP3RT permanent waving. Com- plotely equipped for all lines of beity work. Mack & Co. SCHAEBERLE & SON-110 S. Main Sta The popular place for all kinds of giusical instruments. It pays to trie here. INK See ourself Against loss of your n Use our ink. It won't wash of when set. RIDER'S PEN S , 302 State St. LOST LOS -Key ring with 5 keys. Finder Lp acallUniversity 262 or 5623. LOS, Monday, a white, goldGruen w . Initials on back "A. H. B.' Fi r please return to J. F. Wuerth Cl ing Store or call Hathaway, 65 Reward. GOL Fountain pen somewhere be- tw f South U. and Forest St. P1 e return to 625 Forest. PIP Orlik Dogout Saturday. Re- wE $5. Call Bell 8566 and leave na and number. BOS BULL pup, brindle color. W on back of paws. Unusually s , no collar. Lost Saturday at U LOS Shell-rimmed glasses, gray in ca Sunday evening between Con- gr tional Church and Jefferson St al 21322. GR FUR Neck piece probably on E Liberty St. Sunday night. Re- tu 314 E. Liberty Dial 4765. Re- THE -ail off of a brown fox scarf, a k ago Sunday near Maj. or on St St. 22148. SO HERE between the Union a Granger's and Washtenaw A e a pair of lady's small black ki loves with fancy tops. Dial 92 Reward. LOS Small black leather notebook va d for information concerning M n Novels, notations on Edith W ton. Margaret Ricker, 3597. LOS Around State St. Platinum br , 11-2 in. long filigree work, d nd in center. Call 8321 or re- touIo 829 Tappan. Reward. FQR RENT LAR Study room in private home foO o men. Steam heat and fine sle ing porch on Catherine one bl from State. Dial 9571. FOR' NT-Three room light house- ke g apartments on first floor; als wo single rooms andone dog t room. Rates reasonable. T.A ;Beautifully decorated room in VORSAE- ad Fatclarint Plush case $208.00 outfit Will nsell for $100.00 cash. Penzel make. jBoehm system. 502 E. Jefferson St. Phone 7157.1 FOR SALE-Harley Davidson motor-. cycle and sidecar. In perfect con- dition. $65 cash or $75 time. 1107 South State, Phone 8784. TAILORING Sidents Tailoring Phone 8040 Cor. N. University and Thayer 3lIEN'S SITTS CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1.24 TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY also LADIES FURS, PRESSES AND COATS REASONABLE PRICES FOR SALE-Saxophone ,E flat Alto practically new. Very reasonable. Dial 5623. FOR SALE-A Tenor saxophone. Per- feet condition. Ansberry Apts. Phone 22329. FOUNTAIN PENS Buy your Fountain Pens where you get the good repair service. RID- ER'S PEN SHOP, 302 State St. WANTED TENOR SOLOIST wanted 'for church work. 312 South Division St. Dial 6328. struction. Telephone 4757. Flat Feet Remedied by Arches Made from Impression of the Individual Foot. Louise M. O'Brien Featherweight Arch Supports Appointment by Telephone 21579 410 South Division MANN ARBOR, MICH. Patronize Daily Advertisers. Phone 42u Capt. John H .Diehl was in command of the steamship City of Rome when it collided with and sank the United States submarine S-51. number today is 5659. No ./dddddd. ". " r"s «0'°d1,ldd. "~ddddd.I"" _ ...r WANTED-Hustler for work. Call Ypsilanti tween 7 and 9 P. M. local sales 1040-M be- inL WANTED-Musicians dance work. Call C. 9588 or 5917. for steady J. Lundquist WANTED-Dance musicians to play E in orchestra now being organized. Must be competent. Call Kern Midgley at 4147. WE WANT a secretary and a secre- tary pianist. Apply at Physical Education Office, Barbour Gym- nasium. WANTED-Student washing. Will call for and deliver. Phone 7319. WANTED-Students to take orders for photographs. Call L. Leip- Schsutz, student representative Thurs. at 7 P. M. Dial 9761. FOR SALE FOUNTAIN PENS Rider's Masterpen. 230 drops ink ca- pacity are selling fast. Have you got yours? RIDER'S PEN SHOP, 302 State St. WANTED-Young woman student to do light housework for room and board. Apply 1624 Hill St. after six. WANTED-Reasonably priced single room within one or two blocks of Press Building. For several weeks only. Address Box 5, Michigan Daily, WANTED-15 University fen to sell guaranteed fountain pens among students. Excellent profits. Pens sell fast. See C. P. Teeple 1214 Willard Or Dial 6568 after 5 P. M. Style is of paramount imporIance - 1 ' \ - Have you dropped in yet to look at our line of Fall Suits? We carry only the very latest models-made specially for us by R. & W. and other leading houses. Let us talk it over with you-we can fit your needs, what- eveii they are. The prices of these specially tailored suits are $40, $45 and $50. Also, now is the time to get your overcoat. We carry a fine line to pick from. Be prepared for the cold weather. Dress Well and Succeed. TOM CORB1E3TT'S I II I I Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal wonder--it reaches Barney's Shoppe, where there is a Free Delivery of all kinds of Sandwiches. Barney Shoppe 516 East William Solvay and Gas Coke I L e ornwell -- Coal -C II I This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret is, "GIVING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you hi k so too, ets get togetlhr. Conwefl4 Coa -e Phones 4551 and 4552 Office, Cornwell Blok -_..-_ IIII IItfill mlIW iU;Iiul1IllI11l1I~l~ II IIIuISI 11 i t l oo H IIr tfl tr i 11 11 I WANTED-Mending, especially icry. 418 N. Stat St. 3784. hos- q COLLEGIATE SHOP 116 E. LIBERTY ST. STUDENT'S washings.' Will call for and deliver. Dial 8929. I ow wilocclow 61, L BIRD BROS. Vie J.1 i1ign Dail wishes to announce that ClassfiedAs maybe phoned into the Daily lusiness Office Dial 21214 You 'll obtain servie and sure results GOOD USED C A R S.r rrr.r rr. I CASH, TRADE OR TERMS DIAL 21120 I z lI 9 0