PIRIDAY JANUARY 15, 1926 THR WC.1-ITCANI DAII Y T.I.....-F IVA A ~A1V**L ~~~A tjk-xt-%LN 14* ~ A A£~J2IJ.IVJJ J'AUlli 01-1 vnil MEMBER OF I.C.C. F NISOOOSESCOLUMN CLOSES CSS A I AT 3 P.M. A DVERTISING AT 3 P.M LOST WANTED-Suite or single and double room for three university women in I LOST-Mesh bag containing two small house. Calf 6887. 84-85-86. looks of stamps and gold fountain pen. Call 7117.., Reward. 85-86-87 PORTER WANTET) LOST-Sheaffer Life Time FountainPORTER.WANTED-For fraternityt Pen, between Field House and: house, only those having recommen- University High School. Call Fur- ( dations need apply. Address box mas, 5082. Reward. 85. 47, Michigan Daily. 85-86-87. LOST-In meeting room of Union, black leather notebook and "The RDOOM WANTEI) English Language by Smith. Re- ROOM WANTED-Cultured lady stu- ward. Plaut, 7139. 85-86-87. dent would like rooni in private LOST-Blue and yellow silk scarf, family near campus for second se- Monda night. Call 21-754 ask for mester. Box 46. 85. GROWING PRESSURE IS EXERTED UPON U. S. FOR LEAGUE ENTRY "Each year a stronger pressure is ton whatever relating to the well-be- exerted upon the United States in re- ing of mankind. Instead of spasmodic gard to entrance into the League of conferences dotted over a score of Nations," asserts Raymond B. Fosdick, years, it established the tradition and former under-secretary of the league, habit of conferences. It marked a an a recent article in the League of new train of thought, a new method Nations News. of approach, rooted in the mechanism "Officially or unofficially," he con of Geneva. tinues, "there is United rStates repre- 'That is why the League of Na- sentation at nearly every meeting at tions is so outstanding an experiment Geneva, and Americans are members in human relationships. It represents of many of the important commissions foresight and preparedness. It repre- that originate there. Surely the day sents the ingenuity of man trying .;o will come when America will take her ,rationalize hisrelations with his fel- place at the council table of the na- logs and adapt himself in orderly tions and join in the great new ven- fashion to his new environment. ture that is laying the fo.undation otf "Every conceivable sort of human a better world. problem has been brought up for dis- "The technique that was born in cussion. Matters of peace and war, 1920 was new, in that it was based of health and disease, of economics, on the principle of continuous con- trade and industry have been thrown ference. It brought 50 nations to- on the conference table. gether automatically in the uninter- "It is from these small and uncer- rupted discussion of problems that tam beginnings that the League of are always overflowing national boun- Nations has grown to its present pro- dary lines. It set up machinery that portions. Every year adds to its ef- was permanent, ready for any emer- fectiveness and prestige. Internation- gency that might develop, able to fo- ally speaking, nothing can be done cus immediate attention on any ques- without reference to it." -3 1VVL iy 1161. N l t.- V , 4P L * Cook. 85.1 LOST-Blue Corduroy coat left on bench on boulevard, Sunday. Finder please return to Phelps, 1824 Geddes. 84-85. MUSIC Music by Boxer. .Dial 8871 83-84-85. NOTICE AV ANNIVERSARY WEEK at Elson Beauty Shop. Starting Janurary 18. Shampoo and Marcel, $1.50 with a lemon rinse free. Marcel 75 cents. Elson Beauty Shop, 321 S. Main, Phone 4404. tf. SCHAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. The popular place for all kinds of musical instruments. It pays to trade here. th, f., sat., tf. Men's Suits sponged, pressed 35 cents Student's 'ailoring, Phone 8040; Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer., tf TYPEWRITING & MDLEOGRAPIING Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. O: D..MORRILL, I17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. :NTEW VICTOR Record releases every Friday. You'll always find the lat- est and best on Victor Records. Schaeberle & Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. NOTICE-Piano Tuning-The Stein- way Concert Artist Tuner available for you. No extra charge. The _ exclusive tuner for the University School of Music. Phone 6776. Vic- tor Allimendinger. Office at resi- dence, 901 Granger Ave. Not with any Music House. tf. NOTICE-Manuscripts typewritten by experienced operators at Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. t., th., sat. tf. FOI RENT FOR RENT-Single room and double room with sleeping porch. Clean, and warm. Dial 8519 or call at 714 S. State. 85. - FOR RENT-Rooms next semester for boys, one block from the campus,! 719 Oakland. 85-86-87. FOR RENT-Two large single rooms for students, 610 So. State St., phone 8420. 85-86-87. FOR RENT--Rooms for six or seven boys, $2.50 to $3.00 each. Separate beds. No other students. Phone 7906. 85-86-87. FOR RENT-Several well furnished suites. Roon for about ten boys. Very attractive, new furniture.The very best accommodations for both study and sleep. 607 East liberty. Dial 8439. 85-86-87. FOR RENT-Pleasant, warm, com- , fortable sute for two students. Very near campus, reasonable rent. Ap- ply 444 So. State St. Phone 8538. 85-86. FOR RENT-Room for six upperclass- men on Oakland avenue. Call 3441. 83-84-85. FOR RENT-Large study room, steam heated, with sleeping porch, for one or two students or business men., 500 E. Catherine St. Dial 9571. 83-84-85-86-87. FOR RENT-A single and a double! room. 433 S. Division. 83-84-85.1 FOR RENT-Front suite, for two boys'l also garage for one car. Second;3 semester. 708 Church.a83-84-85. FOR RENT-One double front room, with alcove. Suitable for two or three students. Reasonable rent. 1710 Geddes. Dial 4707. 83-84-85.1 FOR RENT-Large mrom, first floor, two ,students. Near Union. $4.50 each. 517 East Madison. 84-85-86. I a Richard V. Taylor Southern Democrats are denying charges of independents that they made a patronage "deal" with Presi- dent Coolidge to obtain appointment of Richard V. Taylor, (above) Ala. bama Democrat, as member of Inter- state Commerce Commission. Taylor mayor of Mobile, was for 20 years general manager of the Mobile and Ohio railway. I 1 r Y 70R RENT FOR RENT-A large room for one or two girls, three blocks from campus. Dial 5942. 84-85-86. FOR RENT-One sleeping porch. 1024 -Church St. double room with Two single beds. 8231. 84-85-86. FOR RENT-Rooms for boys. One large room suitable for three. Hot and cold water in room and also one front do le room, $3.00 each. Steam heat. T o blocks from the Union. 555 S. Division. Phone 8072. 84-85. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Good tuxedo, has never been worn. Dial 5153. 83-84-85. FOR SALE-Ford Coupe six months old. Absolutely in excellent condi-1 Ition, just like new. Phone 5204. 83-84-85. FOR SALE- One Simmons day bed with mattress; one two-burijer oil stove with oven. Call 7541, be- tween 9 and 5:30. 83-84-85. FOR SALE-Good business proposi- tion for two students. Am leavingI town. Dial 6472. 85-86-87. FOR SALE-White Spanish shawl, hand worked. Call 8531. 85-86-87. t. , Look Pleasant It's easy enough to look pleasant amidst pleasant. surroundings. - Ever notice Harmony Cafeteria's patrons and the air of c pleased satisfaction. Ever notice the atmosphere at The HarmonyCafeteria? Ever notice how Harmony Cafeteria's customers feel about it? They're an optimistic bunch. a They come in with an air of pleasant anticipation. They are happy while here. They go out with pep and vim and vior, at peace with the world and their surroundings, and they have money in c their pockets. Good doctors say all this helps the digestion. May we serve you today? HarmonyCafeteria 508 EAST WILLIAM STREET- i- I- "One Block' from the Campus" FOR MEN AND WOMEN SNAPPY STYLES IN SCOTCH GRAIN OR LIGHT CALF BLACK AND TAN $4.98 117 S. MAIN STREET I p Read The Daily ."Classified" Columns Read the Want Adsl FOR SALE-Complete call Stuey. 21774. drum outfit, 85-86. Read the Want Ads f ,, Yr rrrrar.r r..rr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.' 1 Specia UOs I'S WHEN ITS any thing in Music or ' Musical Instruments see Schaeberle SALE STARTS & Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. REAL PEN SERVICE i SAT. JAN. 16 Buy your Fountain Pens and ink at Rider's Pen Shop. It costs no'more and you have the advantage of spec- ialist service, and the largest stockWh Now in our new location 315 State St. tf. Here is An Opportunity WE REQUIRE several intelli- gent students, both sexes, who can devote part of their time during this semester to our business. An oppor- tunity is offered for advancement. Commission basis. Mr. Morley, 709 West Cross St., Ypsilanti, Michigan, Phone 428. 84-85-86-87-88-89. S TYPEWRITER$ Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- - est stock and best service depart- / sj' '::' ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL,fs 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store=" Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona RX tf. Arnold's State St. Jeweler is now carrying a complete line of j fountain pens-all makes, all prices. h u sa dn ae *ts.r:";yo" ,"n""cThe Outstanding Sales Whatever type you hmay need, come in and see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tf. A C le r ___WANTED Suits and EXPERIENCED two payment men to open office covering entire district. Full co-operation and protection. Blues E Send $1.00 for supplies and com-' plete information. Clyde A. Ram- 25-27Opera lyace ,ininatThat Brings the Ohio. tf. T a rn s Cu MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict managers, organizers experi- enced on two pay plan; also special offers. Write or wire today for real 'S LAC SALE STARTS SAT. JAN. 16 Co s IN o Clearance 0 I 11 le! 4 I I r , *c 80 Cat From Which to"',Choose Event in Our History ace of all Overcoats Closed Cars Open Cars . " . $182 to $211 $96 to $180 . xcepred Greatest Saving Some for less than $100 g ,'WeA m m F A xI f U