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January 15, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 85








Two Groups Will Meet In Near Futur
To Adopt Questionnaire For
Prospective Students
Steps toward carrying out his pol-
Icy of raising the entrance require-
ments of the University were taken
yesterday by President Clarence Coo
Little, when he announced the per.
sonnel of a committee to cooperate
with the committee of high school
principals which was appointed last
fall to assist him in his undertaking
In the selection of those to repre-
sent the University, President Little
attempted to make the committee
representative of all divisions of the
University which deal with students
coming directly from the high schools.
He felt that these persons realized
clearly what changes are necessary
to culminate a more selective process
of admission to the University.
Registrar Ira M. Smith was named
chairman of the committee. The
other members are as follows: Prof.
". B. Edmonson of the School of Edu-
cation, high school inspector and
chairman of the committee which de-
termines what high schools in the
state- shall have the privilege of hav-
ing 'their graduates admitted to the
Universty on diploma; Prof. William
A Frayer, of the history department;
Prof. Charles C. Fries, of the English
department; Dean Jean Hamilton,
dean o women; Prof. Margaret E-
fqt, of the School of Business Adin-
istration; Prof. H. F. Adams, of the
psychology department; Prof. Emil
larch, of the Engineering college;
Prpf. C. C. Glover, secretary of the
College of Pharmacy; Prof.C. S. oa-
kuim, of the School of Business -Ad-
mnflistration; Prof. L. A. Hopkins, sec-
retary of the engineering college.
Th~e committee of high school prin-
cipals with which this committee is
to cooperate was appointed at a meet-
ing of the Michigan State High School
Principals' association held in Lansing
Dec. 3 and 4.
It is planned to have a joint meet-
ing of these two committees in Ann
Arbor at an early date, at which time
it is thought that a questionnaire will
be adopted for circulation among pros-
Aective University students. This
questionnaire will be used to judge
the qualifications of the student for a
+ollege education.
FOR 1926 15 AWADED
M. Siegbahn of the University of
Upsala,- Sweden, and former associate
of Prof. George A. Lindsay of the
Physics department, has been award-
e4 theNobel prize in physics for 1925.
Mr. Siegbahn was given th award
for his work on the measurement of
X-ray spectra. This -was accomplish-
ed, for the most part, at the Univer-
sity of Lund, Sweden, where he was
assisted in his experiments by Profes-
spr Lindsay. A book dealing with
modern research work in X-ray spec-
troscopy written by Mr. Siegbahn was
translated from German to English by
Professor Lindsay last year.
'au Beta Pi Has
Formal Reception
Tau Beta PI, national honorary en-..
gineering fraternity, will entertain
nembers of the faculty of the engi-
neering college and their wives at a
formal reception to be given tonight
at the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity
h use. An out of town orchestra has
been secured for the event.
Detroit Society
Hears Aiton Talk

Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history
department spoke before the Detroit
Historical society at the Detroit pub-
lic library last night on the conflict
between the Spanish and French
along the frontier between the found-
ing of Louisiana in 1699 and 1763.

S. C. A. DRIVE ENDS WITH Cast11Will Play
Solicitation for funds for the gain on gh
IStudent Christian association j g iIT n fG
o'clock, but at a late hour no ac-
cu'rate report of the amount sub- Bernard Shaw's farce in four scenes
scribed was obtainable. Due to "Great Catherine", which has played
difficulty in making a complete f to capacity houses both Tuesday and
canvass of all male students, the Wednesday nights, is being repeated
entire amount of the budget was for a third performance at 8:30
not secured, although it is hoped o'clock tonight in the Mimes theatre
that subscriptions will continue to meet the demand for seats.
to come in. Tickets will be on sale at Wahr's,
Early in the evening, Albert Graham's, and Slater's, bookstores un-
Flindt, '26, and Philip Culkin, til noon, when they will be trans-
'28, were leading in the race ferred to the Mimes theatre box-of-
for individual honors and a team fice and placed on sale there from 1
of foreign students was leading Ito 5:30 o'clock and 7 to 8:30 o'clock.
in the team race. All seats are reserved, and priced at
50 cents.
The cast includes Amy Loomis, di-
rector cf Masques and the Junior
tGirls' play, Valentine Davies, '27, and
C Robert Henderson, '26, in the leading
H U N roles, while other characters are be-
ing played by Elizabeth Strauss, '27,
ThomasDenton, '28, and Lillian Bron-
son, '27-
Phyllis Loughton, '28, who has di-
Senator Simmons Suggests Early Date rected the entire production, and who
To Senate For Consideration was Miss Bonstelle's assistant stage-
Of Reduction Measure manager for two years in Detroit, is
replacing Mary Lou Miller, '26, un-
E expectedly called from the city. Miss
LOWER ALCOHOL LEVY Miller was to have taken the part of
Claire, Captain Edstaston's fiancee.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-An. offer LHaydn Naned
to set Feb. 10 or earlier as a date for 1 Q '
the final vote on passage of the tax High Official
reduction bill was made to the Senatej
today by Senator Simmons of North Ii' Elections
Carolina, spokesman for the Demo-
cratic members of the finance com-
c ic e berh s of nsh e rinn ge thn- As a result of recent elections made
mittee, which is considering the by the executive council of the Amer-
measure. ican political science association, Prof.
The proposal met with approval Joseph R. Hayden, of the political
from Chairman Smoot of the commit- science department has been appoint-
tee, and Senator Simmons said he ed secretary-treasurer of the national
would put his proposition up to the association. This position has been
Senate after debate of the bill had formerly held, continuously since 1919,
started, by Prof. Frederick A. Ogg of the Uni-
The North Carolina senator, who is versity of Wisconsin.
ranking Democrat on the committee, ry this appointment all the admin-
told the Senate he made this offer to
stop "this cowardly propaganda ema- istrative work of the association is
yprtransferred to the University of Mich-
nating from administration sou-rces igan. This work consists in the col-
and papers, that the determination lection- ot'4lues for the association;
Democrats to remedy the bill by pro- disbursements, correspondence with
posing their substitute would delay other societies ad individuals, and
tax reduction beyond March 15, when also controls the business manage-
first income tax installments are due." ment of the American Political Sci-
Agreement for a vote on the date mn fteAeia oiia c-
named would continue the frevenue ence Review, which is published by
bill on the record-breaking course set the organization, the editorship of
by its speedy passage in the ;ouse, which still remains with Professor
and would assure application of taxO
reduction by March 15. During the Christmas holidays the
Rushing its consideration of the ntationalorganization was in New
bill, the finance committee today act- haYork city for the annual meeting.
ed upon several controversial items, I Charles A. Beard, of Connecticut, for-
including the provision repealing the ed merly of Columbia university, was
law allowing publication of amounts elected president succeeding Charles
of income tax returns. No record was A.Merriam.
taken on approval of this proposition, f Next week Professor Hayden will
but Senator Simmons was said to have ceave for New York city to attend a
reserved the right to present an meeting of the 12 societies represent-
amendment proposing continuance of ing the American council of learned
publicity. societies.
The committee also accepted the
following provisions of the house bill: senate Court
Repeal of the stamp taxes onr
conveyances in deeds, instru- Enem ies ]Iust
ments, or writing.
Repeal of the stamp taxes onT
proxies for voting and grants of alk Or ote
power of attorney.
Reduction of alcohol tax of
$2.20 a gallon to $1.65 after Jan. (3y Associate 'ress)
1, 1927, and to $1.10 after Jan. 1, WASIINGTON, Jan. 14.-Senate op-
1928. ponents of American adhesion to theI
Oreation of a tax of one-tenth World court were shown today that
of one cent a gallon on cereal they must either talk or vote.
beverages to give the prohibition After the resolution of adhesion had
bureau the right to inspect brew- been debated for more than four
eries. hours, Senator Lenroot, Republican,
In additon, the committee also voted Wisconsin, in charge of the fight for
for the repeal of the stamp taxes on ratification, insisted that the Senate
custom house entries and withdraw- remain in session, remarking that the
als, and on steamship passage tickets, proponents. had been "very lenient."
which were not touched by the house. This move took the session by sur-
Reduction of the alcohol levy has prise. Chairman Borah, of the for-
been strenuously opposed by drug eign relations committee, who a short
manufacturers on the ground that it time before had made a second argu-
would stimuate bootlegging and pat- ment against the ratification resolu-

ent medicine manufacture, but the tion, announced that he would take'
house provision was retained by a the floor again, and after some hesi-
vote of 7 to 6. tation suggested the absence of af
Lo Th Upon the conclusion of the call of
the Senate, Senator Blease, Democrat,
Patronize Great South Carolina, spoke for half an
hour aganist the resolution, and then
Art Of Sargent a recess was taken until tomorrow.
In concluding his remarks the South
Carolina senator said he was "a good
(By Associated Press) soldier and obeyed orders", and added
LONDON, Jan. 14.-Braving the that he "might find it necessary to
worst blizzard of the winter, great.
speak again on this subject."
crowds today paid tribute to the Senator Lenroot said privately that
genius of the late John Singer Sargent, he had served notice on Senator'
on the occasion of the first public Borah that in the future the opponents
showing of the Sargent memorial ex- must carry the burden of debate un-
hibit, which is the greatest collection less they are ready for the issue to
of one painter's work displayed in come to a vote. He added that a vote
England for many generations. on the adhesion resolution was not
More than 600 of the American ar- imminent today, since this would have
tist's pictures, gathered from all parts to be preceded by a reading of the
of Enrone. filled 11 rooms of BurlingrM- _ 1__ -A_ - on m--li" f .


Will Talk On Conscientious Objectors
At 11 O'clock Saturday
In Union




Norman Thomas executive director
of the League for industrial democ-
racy, and one of the country's fore- It r
most socialists, haying been Socialist #
candidate for maydr of New York city
last fall, will speak at 4:15 o'clock The three Michigan debaters wh o will meet the Northwestern team at
today in the Natural Science audi- Hill auditorium this evening. From left to right: E. R. Gmberg, '27,
torium on the subject, "The Challenge John H. Elliott, '26, and John 0. Yea sting, '27.
of Waste; What Ioes Socialism Of- II
fer?" He is appearing here under the
auspices of the Round Table club.0
Mr. Thomas wasbrnnMrin
Ohio, in 1884, and graduated fromI
Princeton university in 1905. While
fat Princeton he represented that uni-
versity in debates with Harvard and
Yale; he was valedictorian of his One Rescued After Crawling On Numerous Changes And Additions To
class, and was elected to membership ; lads And Knees Through Debris Literary College Curriculum
in Phi Betta Kappa. He spent two I For 24:Fours Are Descrbed
years in settlement work and some
months traveling around the world
and then entered Union Theological MANY S'TILL MISSING FROST GIVES SUBJECT
seminary. In his senior year at the
seminary, he became associate pastor (By Associated Press) All courses of instruction for the
of the Brick Presbyterian church in WILB1Ul1RTON, Okla, Jan. 14.-les- College of Literture Science, and the
New York city, an4,later, as director cue wor at the wrecked mine of theita r ina t
of the American parish, did extensive A Mcronel wrcmnnea thes otherwise than, or additional to,
work among the immigrant population Degnan those stated in the announcement is-
of the upper east side of New 'York here tonight had resolved into the "sued last fall have been descried in
city. dreary task of removing the bodies of a supplementary anouncement
More recently he has served suc- 91syvictimspyester fry sond issued
cessively as secretary of the Fellow- A spark of hope flared lip, but yesterday for the second semester,
ship of reconciliation, editor of the j quickly died today when two miners 1925-'26. More than 70 classes have
World Tomorrow, and associate edi- were rescued alive. After crawlingi been altered or added to the curricu-
tor of the Nation. lie was also in 1923 on hands and knees, sometimes over lum as previously announced, and 17
editor of the New York Leader, a the bodies of dead victims, for 23 classes originally scheduled have been
short-lived attempt' at a labor daily ho Cec Mcki yos, white canseys
newspaper. = In the' fall of 1922, Mr. miner, started from the shaft. Hiscancelled.
Thomas resigned from associate edi- clothing was watersoaked and lie was Included among the new courses of-
torship of the Nation to devote his exhausted. fered is one in writing under Robert
time to the League for industrial de- "I crawled and crawled after the ex- Frost. This is a general writing
moc'racy, with headquaters in New plosion in utter blackness. There are course, covering either verse or prose,
York city. - 15 dead bodies in entry 16, East, where intended chiefly for those who would
In addition to the speech this after- I was working at the time of the ex- be writing whether they were in the
noon in the Natural Science auditori- plosion. I do not know where I course or not. Two hours credit is
um, Mr. Thomas will deliver another crawled or how long I crawled, but II given for this course, which is open
speech at 11 o'clock tomorrow in just squeezed through and finally only to those who obtain permission
S om 320 of the Union. The subject I(found and came to the bend where through the departments of English or
of this latter speech will be "The Fate yufudm. l~trc
ofte40 osiniu betr fyou found me." Rhtrc.
of the 4,00 Conscientious Objectors o Shortly after noon a negro miner The announcements, which are
under the aspiceswof the Ann Arbor was found alive on the 14th level. He available at the Registrar's or Re-
unerh the Wapicess ters'nArgorwas too exhausted to tell his story. corder's offices, also describe the pro-
branch of the War Resisters' league, The bodies of 34 men, most of them cedure in elections and classification
tional organization, with headquarters negroes, early tonight had been taken for literary students.
tionalfromatheamine, wwhichewasudamaged
in New York city, which in turn is from the mine, which was damaged
part of an international organization by a gas explosion yesterday.
represented in 18 countries. theborisigne reoveadej
In 1923, Mr. Thomas wrote a book yesterday, but little headway was Of .-
entitled, "The Conscientious Objector made, because of fire in the mine and O U .3Inly,2
in America," with a foreword by the the debris which had to be cleared
late Sen. Robert M. La Follette, and away. Early today, a passageway Greatest Ever
it is the material in this book which was cleared throughout the mine and
will be treated in his speech. This bodies of the victims were brought to
book describes the penalties inflicted the surface at intervals until about (By AssocJan Press)
upon the conscientious objectors to 4 o'clock.
the late war, and contains data col- At19t time, work slowed own and eign trade of the United States for
lected from the National civil liberties bodies were being brought to the top 1925 was the greatestof any year in
union, and also quotes various War more slowly. Those close to the cage history, i volume though not In value,
departient reports on the treatm !shaft were firstdplaced in a huge Secretary hoover announced today,
of teseobjetor. Mr Thmas illbucket and hoisted out. Then the res- j holding that the totals were evidence
} not deliver this speech from the view- cuers ranged farther back into the of a degree of prosperity higher than
point of a Socialist or member of the mine and dragged some of the bodies ever before experienced.
League for industrial democracy, nearly half a mile to the shaft. The year's exports were valued at
An admission charge of 25 cents More than 45 men were searching $4,908,743,259 and the imports at $4,-
will be collected at the door for the for bodies throughout the afternoon 224,225,962, leaving a favorable com-
speech this afternoon in shifts relieved at six hour inter- modity trade balance of $684,517,297.
For 1924 exports were valued at $4,-
Mr. Thomas will also give an ad- vals. 509385 n m ot t$,0,6,
dress at a noon luncheon today in 590,983,845, and imports at $3,609,962,-j
dre Ha anoon lunceo to aysins 579, leaving a favorable trade balance
ofLane Hall Tavern under thauspices LE WE 7IS F _ VORS of $981,021,266. Figures on the vol-
ofthe Student Christian association , FEDE RAIL J'~~1 ue ee otaaiabe
Reservations for the luncheon can be1 FEDERAL MrHo over explained that in 1919
m a d e b y a n y s t u d e n t w i s i t t r o v r e x l i e h t i 9 9
med by an Lunt wshing to at- SALAR Y RAISE and 1920, foreign trade figures had
t bthis morning. The attendance has_ reached a higher total than in 1925,
been restricted to 50atean s but but , that the war-infated level of
bee restic t 0 u persons, bu (By Associated Press) prices then prevailing, had caused
there remain a few unreserved placesI
which can be secured today. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-Endorsing these totals, the volume of the trade
pending legislation to increase the being much lower than that of last
pay of federal judges, John L. Lewis, year.
Honor Fraternity president of the United Mine workers,.
H uhaswritten to the house judiciary
Has Banquet For I committee his reasons for supporting To Start
Twelve Initiates the proposal as a labor leader. Phone Camvai,/
.f. ve /t'tites "A, l nc~I- f or~nin nrandnh1 e V44/Lpl~tgnf

Gomberg, Elliott, and Yeasting To Try
To Prove Commerelal Air Serv.
ice Should Be Subsidized
With Michigan's team . upholding
the affirmative side and the Northwes-
tern trio taking the negative, the
qustion, "Resolved: that the federal
government should subsidize our com.W
mercial air service," will be debated
at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium
in connection with the annual debates
of the Central league.
E. R. Gomberg, '27, John H1. El-
liott, '26, and John O. Yeas ng, '27,
will be the men who will attempt to
bring victory to Michigan this year,
by defeating the Northwestern team.
The team from Evanston, Ill., has
been drilled intensely for the past
several weeks and advance reports in-
dicate that the visiting team will have
a slight edge in actual debating ex-
perience on the question to be disa
cussed. The Northwestern three de-
bated "government subsidization of
our commercial air service" last Mon-
day evening with Knox college of
Galesburg, Ill.
The Michigan debaters have had no
outside competition so far on the air
question, but Gomberg is an exper-
ienced Varsity debater, having been
one of the men to oppose the Illinois
team last year. Elliott won the At-
kinson Oratorical medal in 1923 after
he had eliminated a large number of
competitors. Yeasting, before trying
out for the team this year, had been
a member of the Fostoria, Ohio, high
school debate team. During time elim-
ination process of a large number of
tryouts here he showed exceptional
ability as a debater and won a place
on the team.
Regent Ju nius E. Beal will preside
at the debate tonight in Hill auditor-
ium, and Prof. Henry L. Ewbank, of
Albion college, will be the sole judge
pof the contest. GtE. Densmore and
Ralphi Harlan, both of the phic
speaking department, coached the
Michigan teams.
The Michigan negative three will
leave today for Columbus, Ohio, to
meet the Ohio State debate team there
this evening on the same question
which will be the subject between the
affirmative team and Northwestern.
Thomas V. Koykka, '27, Philip N.
Krasne, '27, and Harry L. Gervais, '27,
make up the affirmative team. The
debate at Columbus will. also be in
connection with the' Central Debate
league activities.
The purpose of the Central Debate
league is to foster discussion in pub-.
lic leading questions of the day, and
in this way to develop ready and use-
ful speakers. The medals and testi-
monials are the gift of Sen. James
Couzens, of Detroit.
Postponement of the lecture by
Prof. James T. Shotwel of Columbia
university, announced for next Mon-
day night, has been decided upon, :t
was announced last night.
Some time ago Dr. Shotwell agreed
to speak at a meeting in New York,
the date of which was not then fixed.
That meeting has now been set for
Monday night, conflicting with Dr.

Shotwell's Ann Arbor engagement.
The local League of Nations Non-
Partisan association, .which is spon-
soring Dr. Shotwell's address, agreed
to the change both because of con-
venience to the speaker and because
the meeting Monday night would have
conflicted with an important session
of the University Senate.
Professor Shotwell has promised to
come to Ann Arbor in the near future
and it is expected that a .definite date
will be announced soon.
Crowds Increase'_tNtoa
At National Auto
Show In New York
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-With the na-
tional automobile show nearing -its
close, the daily attendance which reg-


As a result of exper enc ana oI -
servation," Mr. Lewis wrote Chairman I
At its semi-annual initiation ban- Graham, "I am convinced that salariesl
quet last night, Alpha Epsilon -Mu, of federal judges should be substan- e
honorary musical fraternity, initiated tially increased in order that we may q
12 men into its membership. Follow- have an absolutely independent judi- fi
ing the initiation, a business meeting ciary." it
was held, at which time the officers Outlining various reasons why the ti
for the coming semester were elected. judiciary should be adequately paid o
W. L. Chadwick, '26M, was elected di- that its members would be required to n
rector for the ensuing term, and Roy give no thought to their needs of liv- IS
McPherson, '26, was chosen to assist ing, Mr. Lewis expressed the opinion i1
him. W. J. Meader, '28L, was elected I that the increases were none too;
to succeed R. A. Burhans, '28M, as li- large.
hvr n'n

Subscribers to the 1926 Michigan-,
nsian who have not yet paid the re-
uired fee at the Michiganensian of-
ce will have to do so before Feb. 1
n order to receive the yearbook. A
elephone campaign will be carried
n by the business staff during the
ext few days to remind delinquent
ubscribers to make their payments





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