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January 14, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-14

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AY, JANUTARY 14, 1926


'-PAGE WT71t

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Board Supports [rT
Views Regarding I
Student Council J NIL"
"The board of directors of the Wo-


Sen jor Societis
Guests Of'Wyvern
Vl Will en itMin the iem'bors of
tVi : oard nmi iSenior society at
a slel;h.Aide party ;at 5:,0 o'clock to-
0n oIroVw afternoon. It is the custom
of the society to entertain for the lion-
era senior societies every year, and
ka year the (ntcr1tainment will take
(.e. .e' of a sli abride party. em-
ttis of thlie societies are ruslC(n t-d to

Judeiry Cc uieil Of League To 3beet
Today.Th Discuss New
Re sjpoiSibilities

men's league heartily support Dorothy
Cline in all she said in her letter to
The Daily of Wednesday," said Norma
Bicknell Mansfield, president of the
Women's league.
"It is a doncise, forceful, Nell

('loxig Hour At 11 :3d G'cleck &aue
Iis atfon Amnong
tSlulens 9


Duties of the Judiciary council of
the Women's league as outlined in
the constitution are going to be em-
phasized and realized, according to
Norma Bicknell Mansfield, '26, presi-.
dent of the league, who is calling a
meeting of the Judiciary council at
3:30 o'clock this afternoon in the Wo-
men's league office of Barbour gym-
This student governing body has
not been active for some time. At
the first meeting of the school year
of the newly elected group, consist-
ing of the president, and vice-presi-
dent of the league together with one
senior and two juniors, considerable
discussion concerning the real pur-
pose of the group was held. They dis-
covered that they were not perform-
ing the functions allotted to the di-
vision by the league constitution.
Agitation for recognition of their
power was made before the board of
representatives of the Women's league,
and culminated with a suggestion
from Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of wo-
men, that the Judiciary council should
take over some of the responsibilities
of the office of,the dean of women
which they were capable of handling.
Miss Hamilton favors a more definite
recognition. of the Judiciary council
by Michigan women.
At the meeting this afternoon the
league president will bring up the
question of what decisions shall be
made by student government. "Of
course," she said, "any change that is
to be made will have to be made
gradually, and only when we fe
capable of handling the situations re-
,erred to us can we expect to prove
of real service.
Because the junior members of the
Judiciary council are eligible for the
presidency of the Women's league
they have been asked to attend the
meetings of both the board of repre-
sentatives and the board of directora,
the two main divisions of the league.
o1 '"Unless thes aeligible members are
acquainted with the functions of these
bodies the league president does not
feel they are sufficiently prepared to
h'old the leaderslip of the Women's
Models of the latest Parisian fash-
ions will be shown at the style show
to be held at 4 o'clock, tomorrow in
Newberry hall. Through the efforts
of the undergraduate campaign com-
mittee, one of Detroit's leading shops
will send out a fashion expert who
Will bring with her a complete line
of Paris dresses. The main feature
of the show will be a display of eve-
1;,Ing gowns. This should be espec-
cialy interesting to those who have
not yet purchased their dresses and
accessories for the J-Hop. The models
shown will be made up in any color
or material desired, the work done
by experts in the Detroit establish-
ment. Each person will have the ad-
vantage of the experience of the rep-
resentative who has been with this
shop both in Detroit and Paris.
One woman from each sorority
house and dormitory will be selected

thought out argument and reresents here is nuch disaatisfaction with15 o'clock to-
clearly, the opinion of this governing ti,paesenttat::1 o'clock ts-
body. Discussion concerning the Stu- t
dent council and women on the cam- ior women's houses during the week ' I )OtifIey iue1l, '27, has been placed
pus was begun during the presidency end. This was evidenced at a recent incsrnsge of the party, and as ar-
of Chrlott I~ladon, nd urer he i ibr a sleigh from Mullison's
of Charlotte Biagdon, and under her meeting of the board of representa- r *cdm The party will re-
direction investigation was made con- tives of the Women's league when t 7 O'clc y. the Kappa Kappa
cerning the position of women on the varied opinions representing nearly a h e her hm ts
councils of other universities." every house on campus were ex- >.' l hhous estere Tefr'7men s
"At present the council of the Uni- pressed. in charge of the refreshments.
versity of Michigan is purely a men's 1Whether the clos'ng hour of Fri- -___arge ____iremes.
organization, run by, for, and consist- day and Saturday night shall be ex-
ing of men only, with the privilege tended from 11:30 o'clock to a later Campus Groups To
of voting denied to the women, who hour is a. question which is being pre-
are after all included in the student sented to all house heads by n an: Enter Tournament
body which the council's very name of a circular report issued by the of- -
says it is supposed to represent." fice of the Women's league. Departing from the custom of past
"The question in the minds of the i Dr. Margaret Bell in presenting a y ars, the women's intramural basket-
women of the University at present scientific phase of a possible change ball tournament expects to include
is-'How long is this masquerade go- said, "It is a general opinion that we among its entrants, teams represent-
ing to continue.' " can get along for a certain length of ing arious caimjpus organizations,
time with a limited amount of sleep. sich as literary and sectional clubs,
Z *?,, In my experience with women I have societies, class groups, and honorary
6 t, l6discovered that it is impossible to do- organizautions. In addition to these
New Developnment velop to your greatest efireiency with - j 'oups, tm 1from sororities, dorni-
- out a nminimum of nine hours of sleep. I cries, and Ilcague houses Will cuter i
For Scenic Arts!,m en are physically fit longer than ; he conlletitioin, as has fornorly been
Women, the reason being that ren get at Cae,
Seieetsf more exercise, sleep, and recreation ." Miss IPhaulline a Iodgsou, of the lysi-
yw"Wmen get old sooner,' she do- cal educatimn department, anl DydiaI
duced by the Clailux lt sprg in clared. "This is the result of non- Kahn, '27, are in charge of intramural
New York for the first time in history. hygienic living. Irregular sleeping is basketball for the season, and are
Those who saw it claim for it the one of the greatest faults of woiren. jplanniing a tournament to start the
same marvelous beauty as in all the It is necessary for us to make rules first week after the beginning of the
recitals in which Thomas Wilfred has to alleviate the situation because it new semester. 1fowever managers of
appeared. At present Mr. Wilfred is is so serious. We are paying very ex- teams are expected to sign up immed-
giving only two months of the year pensively for those extra hours, an latiely for the groups they are repre-
to cover the entire country, devoting do not realize how much they cost seating, and to see Miss Hodgson
the rest of his time to research work us in human energy "labout procuiing entry blanks. Inter-
in his laboratory. This makes the Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of wo- est in the t iournameont was manifest-1
coming of Mr. Wilfred to Hill Audi- men, stated that two angles must be (A by the fact that 13 teams sined1
torium tonight an event not to be considered: frst, the injastices that up for baskeball the first (lay thati
overlooked. a change would correct, and tie dan- the postei- was put up in Blarbour
Appearing last Tuesday night in gers or injustices which a change gyminnasiumn.
Carnegie hall he played the Clavilux would make. "We must think," she'
as an accompaniment to the Phila- said, "of the girls on our campus who j The first woman to a ppcair in prat-
delphia orchestra, conducted by Mr. are extremely young and need the tice before the: supreme court of the
Stokowski. The selection, "Schehera- rus United State.,-as the late Marilia
zade, ws payedwit th orcesta Protection of rules. Last y'ear titeSae a the lae Mnil
)Idc", was played with the orchestra were more than 200 girls under 1 M. Ricker, the famous woman lawyer
entirely hidden, the sound emanating years of age.
from behind a black cyclorama, with It is the wish of the comnittee who
Mr. Wilfred and his Clavilux alone have investigated the present rule
visible on the stage. As various por- that houses further discuss the pro-
tions of the symphony poured forth pOsedl change. A vote on the possi-
in melody Mr. Wilfred flashed the ble change will be taken at the next
visual interpretation on the screen. meeting of the 1card of reprsenta-
Critics do not hesitate to say that tives wicm. will be held Jan. 28.
the visual interpretation was so
beautiful that the sound was practi- Thme new French national typ wri1
cally forgotten, a great triumph and ing champion is Mlle, Odette Pr 1,
recognition of the new art of light, age 22. She won 2,5C0 fran-s and a

Vocational Aid NOTICES
To Be Given To
D E DSONLTEAM| Kansas Students Group BarouruniorGirls playre-
Shearseat 4:30 o'clock today in arah
Next week the biggest rifle match Choose Your Career 'Week is being Caswell Angell hall.
of the season is to take place when instituted at the University of Kan- Women assisting in social dancing
the Women's Natioalintercollegi sas the first week of for the class report at 7 o'clock tonight.
team championship will be decidedlping the. tce Costume committee for Juior Girls
Captain L. M. Blricker, the rifle coach purpose of pingte women of thelplay meet at 4:30 o'clock today in
has chosen the following women to university to decide what they are middle parlor.
comprise the teams for this event. going to do after leaving college. Dr. Newberry Ial
First team, Lucille Walsh, '28, Anne Florence Sherbon of the Home Econ- Special meeting of the Y. W. C. A.
Wheeler, '26, captain, Mary Allshouse, omics Department is in charge of it., cainet at 4 o'clock tomorrow after
27, Frances Gosline, '27, Caroline The first day will be devoted to the noon
Ste, 2, aolCeae, 2, rncsmedical profession, and several wom- 31iscellancous
Huff, '27, Gertrude Benham, '27, Mau- en of the profession of Topeka and
rine Jones, '28, and Stella Sturos, '27.1 elsewhere will speak and will answer Tickets for the Clavilux tonight may
Second team, Norma Barlow, '26, any questions which the listeners ube otiu at the box office at Hill
Frances Walser, '28, Mildred Lewis, wish to ask. Concerning the medical' Auditorium from 10 oclock ths morn
'27, ona Iddings, '26, Miriam Hos- profession as one for women, Dr. ing until time of the entertainment.'
mer, '27, Grace Colby, '28, Frances Sherbon stated that it did not seem All house organization committee
Dunnewind, '27, Florence Foster, '27, to her that any more than before are members who were to invite the larg-
captain, Irene Fields, '27, and Mar- entering. She gave several reasons er houses to breakfast Sunday re-
garet Cole, '26. The alternates are for this, seemingly so strange in the port to Dorothy Cline, '26, 8620, im-
Mildred Vance, '27, and Etruria Dost- face of the mbdern woman's indepen- mediately concerning the number of
er, '27, and Alice Felske, '27. 1 dence. !acceptances.
All women's rifle clubs of credited The expense attached and the length Mummers picture taken tomorrow
colleges are putting teams into this of time necessary to finish the most noon at Spedding's studio. Dues must
I match. It is to be fired in three important hinderances. The difficulty be paid today or tomorrow.
stages, an entire stage being shot in of the course and the knowledge ofMummers' dramatic society will
?ihold oe uiesmeiga,40
one day and each stage con- abstract sciences which it involves is open business meeting at 4:00
sisting of two strings each of two enough to frighten the average wom- ' clock today at Martha Cook build-
I sighting shots and ten shots for rec- an, though the practical side of the mng.
,ord in prone position. The prizes are work is what she is really fitted and
to be three silver medals and the title desirous of doing. Mrs. Dallett H. Wilson, of New York
"Women's Team Gallery Champion Dr. Sherbon further stated that the and Washington, is the first white wo-
1926". The teams coming in second medical world is essentially one for man to hunt big game in certain parts
- ni third receive bronze medals. The the woman, and hopes by the first (lay of Africa. She spent seven and a hall
match which must be finished before of the Choose Your Career week to months in Africa and recently return-


Jan. 28 will be fired in the basement
of the It. o. T. C. building which has
been newly equipped with lights and
Ilight protectors. First lieutenant H.
1 11. Turner will be the official judge
during the firing of this match.
I of Dover, N. 11., of whom Robert In-
gersoll said that had she been a man
she would have become chief justice
of the United States.
Out of 20 English fellowship stu-
dents to come to this country under
the American foundation fund for re-
search work in our universities, Miss
Kathleen M. Drew, of Manchester,
was the only one who enrolled at a
west coast college. Miss Drew chose
the University of California in which
to complete her two-year botanical
course. She is interested in the study
of California seaweed.

clear up some of the doubts which as- ed to this country. Her husband is a
sails them when they think of medic- prominent New York and Washington
ine as a profession. attorney.

The Dimattia Beauty Shop
340 South State St.
Open every evening until 8 P. M. by appointments.

All experienced operators.

Soft water used for all shampoos.

Dial 8878

p. 'I

, , " ,
-- ua
muwu uaao aasaaa aw a r.Y ortam rinrr e

The program for this evening ln- lovinig cup in the annual typewvri:ic
cludes Scheherazade visualized after competition in Paris. She 1lolis th e
the Rimsky-Korsakow music. Mr. I position of secretarial eni rapher
Wilfred played in Rochester, New of the International Vuraau of Work
York, Monday night and in Syracuse of the League of Nations in Paris.MIile.
Tuesday night, reaching Ann Arbor Pau's father was killed in the world
last night. Both last year and this war.
he appears under the auspices of the
A. A. U. W. who have sponsored nun- BERLIN.--Richard Pellzer, lirector
erous entertainments in their work of the freight department of thme 1an-
for the league building. burg-American line, is dead at 54.'

4F .,
' .:; '

w ti
CIL "is


In order o launder clothing prop-
erly, the right sort of equipment


to model. A liberal percentage of the
proceeds from each order will go to
the undergraduate campaign fund.
"Elizabeth-Nutt, '28, has charge of the
plans for the style show.
Pleasantville, which lies in the Ven-
ango Valley, a few miles from Titus-
ville, Pa., has a woman 94 years old
who says that she has not taken a
drink of water for 60 years. When




New Sports Froclks
AUNTY. Dashing. Debon-
air. The very spirit of
springitself is in these
gaittle sports frocks.
r In their bonny colors.
Their animated dancingsilhouette.
Their very young necklines. Their
saucy jumpers and handypockets.
Of so ft wools, balbriggan, Jersey,
flannel and novelty fabrics.

_ -
{ !;'

is necessary.

But that is not all.

T he" laundry must be 'run system-,
aically. Trhi*nk o' the confusion
and d sorder, and of the time lost
if there was no system. Then, too,
each employee must have a per-
sonal interest in his or her work
that the patron might get the best
ri- service. The VARSITY LAUN-
DRY embodies all of these essen-
a3s in order that they might give


r ,

1._ 1
.. t-
f .
s -;

she was in her early thirties sne e-
cided to quit drinking water, fearing
that she would put on flesh.

432 Maynard St.
Across from Helen Newberry

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k 1


Corner Liberty St. and Fifth Avenue

satisfaction to all con-
Phone 4219


Marcelling and Shampooing, 50c
Special in Facial and Scalp
Graduate Scientific School
of Beauty Culture.
Phone 21308
Day or Evening.


- *a5E* S

m I

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