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January 14, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 84





Appoint Committee To Draft New Plan
For The Election Of Members
To Student Council
"Reorganizing the system of select-
ing the Varsity cheerleader and his
squad, the Student council last night
removed the office from the list of
those filled by campus election and
placed it on an appointive basis, simi-
lar to that used in the selection of
managers for Varsity teams. The
cheerleader under the new arrange-
ment will be chosen by a committee
f.nine, composed of the captains and
managers of the four major sport;
teams, football, basketball, baseball
and track, and the retiring headcheer-
The new plan includes tryouts for
men seeking the position of Varsity
cheerleader at the beginning of their
sophomore year. Four of these men
will be selected as junior cheerleaders,
and the Varsity director will be chos-
en by the committee from these four
mnen, all of whom will have had two
full years of experience on the squad.
The committee will be well qualified
to judge, it was pointed out, as the
members will have had abundant op-
portunity to see the candidates in ac-
tion during this period.
The change, which will go into ef-
feet at once, has been taken, accor-
Jng to members of the council, in an
effort to improve the efficiency of the
cheering squad and to place the se-
letion of its members on a perma-
nent basis.'
nThe hpresident of the council also
appointed a sommittee at the meet-
ing last night, for the purpose of
drafting a new plan for the election
of members of the Student council.
The new system will attempt to in-
sure in the future the selection of
only men of the highest qualifications!
for positions on that body, and to
maintain this high standard perma-
nently. The plan, when completed,
will be referred to the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs, together
with' the three petitions requesting
ipcreased disciplinary powers for the
council, which were given to tile
senate committee last month and re-
turned by it to the council with the
request that some measure be taken
to insure a continued high standard
of councilmen before the adoption of
such drastic changes.
The council passed a resolution
suggesting to the University adminis-
tration that, in the event that fresh-
man dormitories are erected in tie
future, one of the buildings be desig-
nated as a "Language building", this
dormitory to be reserved for the use
of those studentsspecializing in some
foreign language. Tables in the din-
lng room of this building would be
designated as "French tables", "Span-
ish tables", or any other language de-
sired, according to the council sugges-
tion, and would be presided over by
professors from the appropriate de-
partment, which language only would
Ibe permited to be spoken. This move
has been taken in conjunction with
the council's campaign to establish
more efficient instruction in foreign
languages in the University.
Two Alumni Will
See Solar Eclipse

Included in an expedition from
Swarthmore college to Sumatra for
the purpose of viewing an eclipse of
the sun scheduled to be visible from
Sumatra and east Africa today, are
two Michigan alumni, Dean McLaugh-
lin, '23, and Heber Doust Curtis, '92.
McLaughlin is an instructor in as-
tronomy at Swarthmore college. Cru-
tis, at present director of the Alle-
gheny observatory atiPittsburgh, was
y a member of the United States Naval
Observatory eclipse expedition to Su-
xnat'ra in 1901.
According to predictions the eclJpse
will first be seen from east Africa,
whence it will cross the Indian Ocean,
Sumatra, and disappear in the Pa-
cific Ocean.

Shipstead Renews Opposition
To Entry Into World Court

(By Associated Press)1
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-The Sen-,
ate returned today to consideration of
the World court which will remain
the unfinished business at least un-
til the tax reduction bill is reported
about the middle of next week.
In renewing the debate, interrupt-
ed last week by consideration of the
Nye case, Senator Shipstead, Farmer-,
Labor, Minnesota, called on the State
department for copies of all commun-
ications passing between the depart-
ments of the American government
and between this government and the
League of Nations regarding Americ-
an adhesion to the Court protocol.
He also introduced a resolution di-;
recting the Senate foreign relations
committee to have prepared for the
use of the Senate an indexed and ab-

stract of all correspondence in the
possession of the State department
bearing on the subject. The resolu-
tion was referred to the foreign re-
lations committee.
In delivering a prepared address
against American adhesion to the
court, Senator Shipstead said that ifI
"you are content to see the whittling
process applied to our untrammelled
and unaffected liberty of action and
freedom from external committments,
then by all means promote in every
way possible the entrance of this
country in the economic political class
to which the eastern hemisphere has
been reduced."
American adhesion to the court pro-
tocol was urged by Senators McKinley
of Illinois and McLean, Connecticut,


Single Sheet To Contain List Of All
Courses To Be Elected Through
Classification Committee
Adoption of a new plan in the elec-
tion of courses in the literary college,
through the classification committee,
which will be in session Jan. 18 to 21
inclusive for the election of certain
second semester courses, was an-
nounced through the registrar's of-
fice yesterday.
In place of the class cards which-
have in former years been printed for
individual courses which must be
elected through the classification com-
mittee, a large printed sheet on
which are entered all courses to
which the committee will assign stu-
dents, has been substituted. As stu-
dents appear before them to elect
courses, members of the classification
committee will mark, on the printed
sheet the course elected by the stu-
dent and assign him to one of the sev-
eral sections in each course. After
obtaining approval of' a committee
member for his elections, the student
will then make out his own class
cards in accordance with the sec-
tions to which he has been assigned.
Class cards will then be filed with
the recorder along with the election
blanks, as has been the practice here-
The new plan, officials believe, will
simplify classification, and reduce
chance for error by elimination of the
individual printed cards.
Courses which must be elected
throughthe classification committee
include certain courses in botany,
chemistry, French, geography, geol- i
ogy, German, Greek, history, Latin,
mathematics, military science, physical
education for women,sphysics, public
speaking, rhetoric, sociology, Spanish,
and zoology.
Forseniors and juniors, th'e com-
mittee will be in session in room 4,
University hall, from 9 to 12 o'clock
daily;. and for sophomores and fresh-
men, in 1025 Angell hall from 2 to 5
o'clock daily.
iugo-Slavia May
Pay U. S. Is Full
BELGRADE, Jugo-Slavia, Jan. 13.-
Coincident with the arrival of the
Jugo Slav debt funding mission in the
United States today, King Alexander
gave an exclusive statement to the
Associated Press in which he de-
clared he regarded the debt to the
American as one of honor, to be set-
tied on that basis up to the limit of
the countries Tresources.
Ice skating at the Coliseum tonight
will be reserved for faculty members,
administrative officers, and their fami-
lies. This faculty night was original-
ly to be held Jan. 6, but was post-
poned. The rink will open at 7:30.

CompelIion Keen For Trophy Offered
To Iligh Solicitor; Findt, '26
Now Leads Field
Active solicitation in the Student
Christian association drive will be
concluded at midnight tonight follow-
ing a week of canvassing.wThe re-
sponse of those students who have
been solicited has been generous, and
it is hoped that by the time all male.
students have been called on, the.
$5,500 will have been secured.
The greater portion of this budget
is expended on functions in which
any student on the campus may parti -
cipate if he desires. University ser-
vices bring to Ann Arbor more promi-
nent figures in the religious field, con-
ferences and conventions fostered by
the Student Christian association ad-
v.ance the interests both of the Uni-
versity and the students. These func-
tions require an expenditure of funds
which is met through the contribu-
tions of students made during this
Leaders in the race for the trophy
for high individual in the amount of
subscriptions secured are very close
at this point in the campaign. Albert
Flindt, '26, is at present leading, with
Philip Culkin, '28, and George Preu-
ser, '26, pressing him closely. The
subscription made last night by Delta
Tau Delta fraternity placed them at
the top in fraternity contributions
over Beta Theta Pi which had given
the highest amount up to that time.
Competition is running high be-
tween the two teams captained by
Ezra Young, '26, and Albert Boeh-
ringer, '26 which are doing the "clean-
up" work in the canvassing the re-
remaining students.
Speaking before the University unit
{ of the R. 0. T. C. in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium yesterday afternoon,
Col. C. C. Chambers, executive officer
at Culver Military academy, said that
the R. . . C. was a call to the col-
lege men of today to rally against the
insidious propaganda now being
spread against national patriotism.
"No one is more anxious for the end
of all wars, he said than those who
have taken part in the former ones
and have witnessed the agony of the
blood and mud 'of the battle field.
But these same people have also wit-
nessed the agony that comes from
failure to properly train our citizens
against the emergency of war.
"In time of peace," he continued,
"few people feel their duties as citi-
zens of America. Military training
inspires those who receive ib with a
renewed sense of national pride as
well as providing them with an op-
portunity to perform their duty to
their country."

Inglis Denies Lewis' Statement That
Operators Will Not Arbitrate
Property Rights
(By Associated Press)I
NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-The anthra-I
cite strike situation brought about by
the disruption of the wage conference,I
will be discussed by the miners at
Hazleton, Pennsylvania, by the tri-
district scale committee, which has
the power to approve or reject the
decision of its sub-committee which
conducted the fruitless negotiations
with the operators. The committee I
numbers 35 including John L. Lewis,
president of the United Mine workers
and other International officers.
Mr. Lewis will present to the Hazel-
ton meeting the report of the sub-
committee. He expressed interest in!
the statement issued by Governor
Pinchot to the Pennsylvania legisla-
ture today attributing the breakdown j]
in the negotiations to the operators.
Mr. Lewis also showed interest in the
bill which would make the anthracite
industry a public utility but he would
not comment. I
He said he had no information from
Washington concerning a possible at-
tempt to bring the opposing factionsa
together and placed no credence in
published reports that some of thev
operators may atempt to open the
mines. Spokesmen for the operatorsp
gatly denied the reports.
Major W. W. Inglis, chairman of the
operators sub-committee, before leav-e
ing for his home in Scranton today,
issued a statement commenting upon a
Mr. Lewis' reiteration yesterday that a
the operators were willing to arbi-
trate human rights, but refused to
arbitrate property rights.
The statement follows: "In offerings
to submit all phases of the wage dis-a
pute to arbitration, the operatorsc
meant exactly what they said-thatr
the offer was made without strings orv
reservations, and that in making ita
they realized fully that the arbitration
board might rule that some things, in-y
cluding the opening of their books
and the granting of the check-off were
"Should it be so ruled, after exami-
nation of the facts, then operators1
would be bound to abide by the ruling.
Specifically as to the opening of the
books to show cost and profits it will
be for us to admit to the board any
and all information and dates it might i
ask and might be required to prove
our contentions."e
Rufus' Work Winsr
Recognition From
Science Society j
Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the astron-
omy department, was elected chair-
man of the section on the History of!
Sciences of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, at!
the recent meeting of that body in
Kansas City.
The astronomer's appointment is in;
a manner, recognition of the pioneer-;
ing part he has played in the develop-
ment of the study of the history of!
science in America. Professor Rufus'
initial contribution appeared during
the 1920 meeting of the Association,
when the History of Science section
was organized. Professor Rufus read
a paper on the "History of Astronomy
in America, during that session. The
section developed, and in 1924, the

independent History of Science So-
ciety organized, Professor Rufus read-
ing a paper on "Early Observatories
in the United States" at the time.
The course in the history of Amer-
ican astronomy offered in the astron-
omy department by Professor Rufus,
is said to be the first of its kind to
be given in an American college.
Republican Club
Will hear Sink
Charles A. Sink, secretary of the
School of Music and member of the:1
state legislature, will speak before the
meeting of the Republican club at
7:30 tonight in room 306 of the Union.
Mr. Sink's subject will be "Practical
Politics", and following the speech
there will be an open discussion of
the question.

Michigabi's negative debate tea im which will meet the Ohio State de-
baters at Columbus tomorrow night: Left to Right, Thomas V. Koykka,
'27, Harry L. Gervais, '27, and Philip N. Krasne, '27.

Meet Ohio Debaters Tomorrow

Will Give The SocIalist's Solution Of I
The General Problem Of
Economic Waste
"The Challenge of Economic Waste"
is the subject Norman Thomas, au-
thor and lecturer of New York city,
will discuss at 4:15 o'clock Friday in
Natural Science auditorium under theI
auspices of the Round Table club.
Thomas will outline the solution
which socialism offers for the general
problem of waste.
Mr. Thomas last fall was socialist
candidate for mayor of New York
city, and is now executive director of
the League for Industrial Democracy,
and contributing editor of the Nation
and of the World Tomorrow.
Born in Marion, 0., Mr. Thomas is
a graduate of Princeton university,
1905, and of the Union Theological
seminary. He was a varsity debater
at Princeton, valedictorian of his
class, and a member of Phi Beta Kap-
pa. He spent two years in settlementj
work and some months in travel I
around the world before entering the
Theological seminary. In his senior I
year there he became associate pastor
of the Brick Presbyterian church in
New York city, and later of the
American Parish, doing exten-
sive work amnong the immigrant popu-
lations in New York's upper East side.
More recently he has served suc-
cessively as secretary of the Fellow-
ship of Reconciliation, editor of the
World Tomorrow, and associate edi-
tor of the Nation. He was also, in
1923, editor of the New York Leader,
a short-lived attempt as a labor daily.
In the fall of 1922 Mr. Thomas re-
signed his position on the staff of the
Nation to devote his time to the or-
ganization which he now represents,
the League for Industrial Democracy,
with headquarters at 30 fifth avenue,
New York.


Debate Is, "Resolved:

Question For

That Federal Government Should
Subsidize Air Service"'
Training of the Michigan debate1
team of the Central League which
will meet the Northwestern trio Fri-
day night in Hill auditorium and the
one which will meet Ohio State uni-
versity debate team the same night at
Columbus has been completed except
for final instructions, it was announc-
ed yesterday. G. E. Densmore and
Ralph Harlan are the coachers of the
The question for debate is, "Re-
solved: that the federal government1
should subsidize our commercial air
The affirmative team which will re-
main in Ann Arbor is composed of
John H. Elliott, '26, E. R. Gomberg,
'27, and John 0. Yeasting, '27. The
negative team which goes to Colum-
bus is made up of Thomas V. Koykka,
'27, Harry L. Gervais, '27, and Philipf
N. Krasne, '27.- I
EVANSTON, Ill., Jan., 13.-North-
western's debate team which .>will
meet the University of Michigan three
at Ann Arbor Friday night has com-
pleted its training for the debate. The I
team will leave early Friday for Ann
R Arbor.
Preliminary training for the team'
which will meet Ann Arbor was given
Monday when it debated the commer-
cial air service question with Knox
college at Galesburg, Ill.
The Northwestern negative team
will oppose the Ohio State team Fri-1
day night here.

Device Provided Visual Interpretation
For Rimsky-Korsakoff's
What is considered by critics and
public alike as one of the most Im-
portant artistic innovations in recent
years, will be seen at 8:15 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium when Thomas
Wilfred presents his second Ann Ar-
bor recital with the Clavilux. The
initial recital last year marked the
first public demonstration of an in-
vention which was the culmination of
twenty years of experimentation on
the part of the Danish-American ar-
tist. This year's performance comes
with the advantages of added experi-
ence and an entirely new program of
The Clavilux, or color organ, has
aroused the public's imagination and
while people directly concerned with
art are still searching for adequate
terminology with which to describe
this new medium, it is certain that
the device itself is capable of pro-
viding excellent entertainment, and of
arousing distinct emotions-which are
accepted qualities of all worth-while
art. Previous to Mr. Wilfred's achieve-
ment, American inventors had been
occupied with the same problem, but
it remained for Mr. Wilfred, with his
combination of artistic ability ad me-
chanical genius, to the make the con-
trivance a success, and to give it its
first public introduction.
The Clavilux has, in a manner, en-
tered the fields of music and the
theater. Last spring Mr. Wilfred
used the color organ to present a
colored background for the perform-
ance of "Sooner of Later" in the
Neighborhood Theater in New York
city. During the past week the organ
was used in conjunction witli the
Philadelphia Symphony orchestra, to
provide a visual interpretation for the
Rimsky-Korsakoff "Sheherazade". In-
teresting as they are, it is at present
impossible to say just what these
steps presage for the Clavilux in tho
Way 'of alliance iwith other arts.
For those who have never seen the
Clavilux, perhaps the .clearest method
of description is simply to say the the
color organ is a mechanical device
for throwing colors upon a screen, for
playing a silent music of color in
much the manner that ordinary music
is played by a pipe organ. One of the
principal virtues of the Clavilux is its
surprising mobility. There is no sug-
gestion of merely mechanical means.
The colors fade, grow, dissolve,
change shape with perfect rhythm in
instant response to the artist's play-
*The program for tonight's recital
includesthe following numbers, all
of which are new: "Study in Complex
'Motion", "Through an Enchanted For-
est", " tel: A Study in Sphere and
Spirals", "Vision Fantistique", "Vis-
ual Prelude to a Modern Drama", and
"Motive of Sheherazade" from the vis-
ual setting for the musical composi-
tion. of that name.
The box office sale of tickets will
start at 10 o'clock this morning in
Hill auditorium and will continue un-
til the time of the performance. Seats
are priced from fifty cents to $1.50.
The doors will be open at 7:15 o'clock.
"Great Catherine"
Will Have Extra

Showing Friday
To meet the large demand for seats,
lComedy Club is presenting an addi-
tional performance of Bernard Shaw's
farce, "Great Catherine", tomorrow
evening in the Mimes theatre at 8:30
.o'clock. The performance last night,
as on Tuesday, drew a standing-room
house, and in order that' persons .de-'
sirngtickets might not be disappoint-
ed the third repetition of the play has
been arranged.

. Dean John R. Effinger of the-liter-
J-Iop Invitations ary college, left Ann Arbor yesterday
Ito attend the annual meeting of the
Association of American Colleges,
r -.which convenes this afternoon in the
Personal invitations to the 1927 J- Hotel Astor, New York city. Dean
Hop have been extended to Univer- Effinger is chairman of the, committee
sity officers including the President on academic freedom and academic,
and members of the Board of Regents tenure, and will report on the findings,
and a list of 40 faculty members re- of that group during the meeting.
cently approved by the J--Iop com- The association is composed of lib-
mittee to act as patrons and patron- eral arts colleges of State. universi-
esses for the prominent Junior social ties and of independent colleges, to
affair. consider their common problems. Thej
A 30-page program will be issued' college of Literature, Science, and the
the night of the Hop, Feb. 5, to each !Arts is thus the only department of
couple attending the event.,I the University represented.

ATHENS.-A written declaration of
policy by the new Bulgarian govern-
ment, particularly emphasizing a de-
sire to maintain the best possible re-
lations with Greece, was presented to
the Greek government by the Bul-
garian charge d'affaires. ,

During the convention which meetsJ
Jan. 14-16, the Metropolitan Museum
of Art will offer an exhibit of paint-
ings, photographs, and drawings from
American colleges. Included in the
collection is a photograph of Angell
hall, submitted by Albert Kahn, ar-

Snow Motors For Polar Trip
Being Assembled At Seattle
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 13.-Assemb- average of 35 miles a day, and to take
ling of the snow motors to be used 35 days for the trip.
in the Wilkins trans-Polar flight ex- IOther members of the expedition,
A. Malcolm Smith, who will be in
pedition has begun here, the outfitting charge of the motor caravan and Earl
headquarters for the trip which is Rossman, expedition photographer,'
sponsored by the Detroit Aviation So- were due here today and the party
ciety. will sail for Seward, Alaska, Saturday.

Opera Company Will Broadcast
Selections From 'Tambourine' Sogn
Selections from "Tambourine," the play the overture and the accompani-.

Michigan Union opera, will be broad-
cast in the Michigan Night prograni
on Tuesday, Jan. 26, in addition to
addresses by four members of the
faculty. The speakers will be Prof.
Francis W. Kelsey, director of Near
East research, Dean Alfred H. Lloyd,
of the graduate school, William W.
Bishop, University Librarian, and

ments for the soloists and chorus.:
Dean Lloyd will open the program.
Professor Kelsey, in his talk, will tell
of his discoveries at Antioch of Pisi-
dia. Mr. Bishop will speak on "The
Abdul Hamid Manuscripts," and Pro-
fessor Waite will discuss the relation
of concealed weapons and crime, ex-
plaining the necessity for federal ac-
tion to prevent the sale of guns by
mail order houses.



A review of last night's per-
formance of "Great Catherine"
will be found in the Music and
Drama column on page four.


u atherMn

Seats for the Friday evening per-
formance are being placed on sale

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