WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13; 1926 T11 IF".. MICI lTGANT DATI Y FACE SEVEN I Northwestern Professor-Poet :~sE u:LAS S I ,F I En D ci~m Renounces Jazz Life Of city A wVL TvT 3 PA. b I 'A ETISINGU A 3 P.M, / .LOST LOST-Oine glove, Mlonday night to or 1from the UBsketball gamne. Finder lease call Crawford at 4418. 93-84-85. LOST - Bla~k fleece lined, glojve, in or near hill auditorium, Monday nright. Call 9721. :Reward. 83-84. FOUND FOUN D-A pair of gloves, near Pen- dileton Library, will be returned to. owner if he calls 9717 between six and seven o'clock, Wednesday even- ing. $3. ' sic I Music, by Boxer. .Dil. S871 83-84-85. NOTICE NOTICE-Lessons taught in marcel- ling and bcauty culture. Phone 2 1348. 83.' WANTED WANTED--Theses to type. M. V. Hiartsuff. Call 9387. 81-82-83. MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis-j trict managers, organizers experi-, enced on two pay plan, also specialj offers. Write or wire today for real proposition. State fully- experience. Clyde A Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. 'WANTED--Two tickets to the J-Hop. Must be connected with a booth. Call 5685. i82-83. WANTED-One: billiard table in good condition :at :a; reasonable price. Please call Mlr. "Cheatenn, 9217. 83-84-85d WANTED-Student wants warm, clean, land well lighted room, singlef or double in vicinity of S. State. Box 44 Michigan Daily. 83. ]FOjtRENT Lew Sarett. 'Tired Of Civilization, T Live As Recluse it Wi1ls } Of Wisconsini IS FAMOUS AS WRITER (By Central Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 12.- Lew Sarctt, professor in Northwestern university, and noted poet, is renouncing civil- ization, or that part of it representedl by the city, to live as a recluse in the!I wilds of northern Wisconsin. He is surfeited with the jazz life of! the modern metropolis, he comnplains. in one of his poems are the lines: "Oh, _weary of the pruning knife that shapes my prime dlecorous life, Let mec flower as I will,j A shaggy rambler on a hill! I am weary of hot-house. nurtured I columbines." ( le is now putting this philosophy into practice. "Much of our civilization is a fraud. and life in a great metropolitan cen- ter is a tragedy=," Sarett says. "Why sell out the only life one has; to live on earth, the things that make happiness-health, clean air, a bit of leisure to read good boolks, trout- fishing, rambling in the woodis, theI opportunity to live with trees, flowers and birds-why sell all. this for a' porcelain bathtub anid gilded radia- tor ?" I 1S499S.":v: ti4 FILL. HEALTK SERYICEE $KAM Christmas vacation is making itselfI TALLY CARDS PLACE CARDS felt at the Health service with num- SETS erous cases of grippe, the result of' BRIDGE S T sleepless nights and run down condi- Lions, colds, the consequences of'! e draughty :train rides, and poison ivy' -E THE EVERY-PLAYER-YOUR-PARTNER SY'STEM . and other infections acquired in such'Coyit12.Pa.ApidFr activities as -rabbit hunting, keeping!s. oyih 23 a.ApidFr the bed capacity of the infirmary over- Chas. S. Clark Co., New York taxed. However, Dr. Warren E. For - ' J sythe, director, reports that none of!= the complaints are of a serious na - ETile thoughtful hostess will appreciate the, advantages ture. The monthly report just issued from!= of the Every-Player-Your-Partner System. It is only fair, Dr. Forsythe's office shows that stu- from the standpoint of the score, that every player should (lent health was unusually high dur-.- ing Deember Cold, whih areapt -have as a partner every other player, whether good or idf to increase with the colder weather, 1 were fewer than in either October or i= ferent-but it also adds much pleasure to a party for each November. The number of bed pa-M e~t etan akt vryohrget tients, operations, eye refractions and, gus-ometadtl t vr thrget X-ray examinations also showed .a de- crease from thre months preceeding. !. Four contagious (diseases were re-' g = ported, all of which were promptly ; -_ e e rw c ha ire r Co. cared for anid, as fad. as the Health : , service could ascertain, no exposures=- PIINTEES, EM.'4RAVERS, OFFICE OUTFITS ccre.1 12 South A ai St, Phone =11.; Want a room? Read Page Seven 2 and use the Classified columrns.-Adv. "ilII1111111111111111111d11111111111111 1l II1i1N111111 :' Ii d.i p, V: / 1 sV k, I ANNIVERSARY WEED at 44Elson Beauty Shop. Starting January 18. Shampoo. and Marcel, $1.50 .with a lemon rinse free. Marcel 75 cents. EMon :.Beauty Shop, 321 S. Main, Phone .444. tf. ment's Suits sponged, pres&O# 1 cents Student's Tailo ing, Phonie 840,Cor. N. Univy. and Thayer. tf TYPEWRITING & 1 MEOGRAPAING Promptly and neatly lone by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. FOR RENT-Room for six upperclass- men on' Oakland avenue. Call 3441. 83-84-85. FOR RENT-Large study room, steam heated, with sleeping porch, for onej or two students or business men. 500 E. Catherine St. Dial 9571. 8384-85-86-87. FOR RENT-A single and a double It Iroom. 433 S. Division. .....§ ..... --'*.. ". *'*''* . . .... 83-84-85. FOR RENT-Front suite, for two boys also garage for one car. Second semester. 708 Church. 83-84-85. FOR RENT--One :double front room, with alcove. Suitable for two or three students. Reasonable rent.1 1710 Geddes. Dial 4707. 83-84-85. IfProfessor Sarett isn't going to i .,. anp back: to Adam" stunt. lieis g ing into the woods with clothing an food, his fishing reel, a gun and a box aret L C; ii oti i of books, to live 'atinormal life." Lw Brretiroesswilds d cotme. i His is the author of "Slow Smoke,"______________tot__e___il __s"_cost ____e. "Many, Many Moons," andi "The Box of Gld."MEXICO CITY.-The supreme court has' rendered a decision in the long'- FOR SALE? standing A guila Oil company strike, ~ ~----' in which the contentions of the strik- FOR SALE-Farland Tenor Ballio, ers are generally sustained. The first class c'ondition, fine tone, !strike is (declared legal and the comn- Priced very low for quick sale. See ! pany is ordered to pay part of the Pratt, 509 S. Division St or Call strikers' salaries. OFFICE SUPPLIES Diaries, Calendars Expense Books, etc. 1926 WW A 5 BOK STORE 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. p. ..... .. . FOR RENT-Two -dotuble four boys. Dial 6037 or .nalls. rooms for call 109 N. 82-83-84. itm i), DUt~weenlU i na48 p. in1. 82-83-84. PALY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. NEW VICTOR Record releases every Friday. You'll always find the lat- est and best on Victor, Record§. Schacherle & Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. NOTICE-Piano Tuning-The Stein- way Concert Artist Tuner available for you. No extra charge. The exclusive tuner for the University School of Music. Phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Office at resi- dence, 901 Granger Ave. Not with any Music, House. tf. WHEN ITS any thing in Music or Musical Instruments see Sbhaebere' & Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and best service' depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tf. Arnold's State St.. Jeweler is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens-all. makes, all prices. Whatever type, you. may need, come in and see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tf. WANTED FOR R1ENT-FTront room, twi beds,. home privilege for two business or student girls. $7.50 per week. Burnspark bus line. 1411 Wells. Phone 4329. 82-83-84. FOR RENT-Front suite of rooms for either two or three boys. 530 Thompson St. Phone 8039. 82-83-84. FOR RENT--Suite to. rent for 2 or 3' boys. Rent reasonable. Phone, 9152 82-83-84. FOR. RENT-TLwo single rooms in new private house, for second semester. 1303 Horman Court. Dial 4720. 82-83-84. FOR RENT-Three large double rooms, well heated sand lighted. First second and third floors. Priced reasonable, 822 Oakland. Dial86110 FOR RENT-Room, free for student girl who will do two hours house work per day. Phone 4329. 1411 Wells St. 82-83-84. FOR 'RENT-;One nicely furnished' room for two men at 533 Thompson directly back of Union. Phone 6950. 81-82-83. FOR RENT-'Single room. 1321 Vol- land. Call 4536. 81-82-83. FOR RENT-Double rooms $65.0'0 per semester, single $100.00, hot and cold water in each room, towels fur- nished, showers. Phone 9023. Kim- brell or Mrs. Wightman. 81-82-83. FOR SALE +WHY 1DELAY FlNISH l~xTHAr1~r~TTHESIS? Have it done early, before t he big rush. PL us take care of it for yoiu. .Excellent typing and binding done. We also havie a full stock of typewriting paperTanid supplies at your service. 4744 1111: South University 4741 .. . .. .. .. .. b .z After all, the Arcade's superiority is summed up v e ry briefly - finest foods; lowest prices.p B3ut don't take our word for it FRENCH AND DANISH PAST RY We always carry French and 'Danish pastry in our stock but we will be glad to make up special orders upon the short- est possible notice. That applies to other fancy pastries, too. Cuhe CITY PA STRY SHOP 11 I' A reade C afeteria Upi-stairs, Nickels Arcade I 516 EAST LIBERTY PHONE 5501 ii r'.... -ter!' EXPERIENCED two payment men to open office covering entire district. Full co-operation and protection. Send $1.00 for supplies and com- plete information. Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati,' Ohio. tf. WANTED-Suite 'or single and; double room, for three university woven in small house. Call 6887. 811t82-83.1 WANTED-A cultured young lady wishes to rent room in private home or would enjoy, tutoring child or company for lady. Best locality, preferably on or near Washtenaw. Every reference. Box 43. 81-82-83. ____ FOR SALE-Good tuxedo, has never ybeen worn. Dial 5153. 83-84-85. FOR SALE-Ford Coupe six months Jold. Absolutely, in .excellent condi- Ition, just like new. 'Phone 5204. 83-84-85. FOR SALE- One Simmons day bed with mattress; one two-burner oil stove with oven.. Call 7541, be- tween 9 and 5:30. 83-84-85. -i saesmtatmoerdir -I a --I Dia 411 There is Convenience in this Service Phone 4219 and our driver will call * w1 I Classified .. w p dertiSin1g- .feilssfidCoumYelsrnt, oats w _ publishes notices and announcements. It is - an excellent business medium.- And all these many advantages to be, C7 w _ - w If you desire to place a Classified, come into ww- Vhv m w - r ~ 4 4 ~ ~ , j 5 ~ d l, c ~ ' s ~~ '