PAGE FIVE TITURSDAY, OCTOIER 1. 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY D 6 1 ... . .......... .... . ....... VA V AIL ) 0 I V AAfl wl Dean Hamilton TolJUILUHolds Reception; IflThIIII H ftrIn honor of all senior women Miss Jea Hamilton, dean of women, will 1)e :t home at Martha Cook building i°P.antar Sacd~y Abudons Page:1nts; from 4 to 6 o'clock this afternoon. Saets "The radle 5g, civin with Miss Hamilton will Si'ra be ars. Clarence Cook Little, Mrs. _.1 __ John R. FEfinger, Miss Norma Bick- *" nel, '2, Miss Constance Clark, '26, MISS LOOMIS TO DIRECT Miss Geraldine Knight, '26, Mrs. Rob- I --- rt Angel, Mrs. Waldo Abbott, Mrs. Miss Amy G. Loomis, '22, a graduate Arthur Aiten, Mrs. R. A. Sawyer, Mrs. of the American Academy of Dra- L1ertha Johnson, Mrs. James Cork, matic Art, New York, and assistant Mrs. Russell C. lussey will preside to Prof. Richard D. Hollister, of the over the tea tables. Mrs. A. S. Ho- Public Speaking department, will hold bart, Miss Grace Richards, Miss Elva tryouts for Masques' annual play at Fornerook, and four women from 3 o'clock today and tomorrow in Sa- Martha Cook building, Helen New- rah Caswell Angell hall. Miss Loom-. berry residence and Betsy Barbour is was the director of last year's un- house will assist. or Girls' play, and embers of Masques are very appreciative of hav- ing secured her to direct their play,Z according to Elizabeth Strauss,'26 president of Masques. GROUP CI TESPLN In their selection of a play for this year, Masques have abandoned their usual pageant form of production, and- gone back to the Little Theater move-C roup activities for the Women's ment, characteristic of their earlier League fund will be emphasized all ears, according to Miss Strauss. i over the country this year instead of ~'Te retet uces Msqesthe individual pledge plan. The ".The greatest success Maslues t m M a o e ever had was 'Quality Street'," says plelge plan, which was followed last lis6 Strauss, "and we believe we are y ar, has been thoroughly covered. ,doing right in returning to the more Soliciting through henefits, bazaars intimate productions. We have found and other co-operative work is bein that the Little Theater productions, organized into a solid working plan. in which we first won dramatic dis- T1 h large annual benefit sale at tinction at Michigan, are the more Grand Rapids is an example of this artistic performances. 'The Cradle type of work. Last year the Grand Song', by Sierra, our choice for this Rapids group was able to turn over a year, is admirably suited to produc- considerable sum to the league office tion by women," through the success of their bazaar. Approximately 14 women will be Work that is done in groups is or- chosen for the play from among the ganized and as a rule reaches many members who try out, and rehearsals People who have not yet contributed. I will start immediately after the cast The national campaign committee, . , has been selected. The product ion is which met for the first time this fall scheduled for the second week in No- riday in Detroit, outlined a general vember. plan of getting in touch with the groups who are working for the fund. Each group selects its own method of Society To H ave; earning its quota. In this way the Outside Speakers best possibilities for earning money in a certain section may be used. Athena literary society held an im- That 128 women were either on portant business meeting in the so- warning or probation at the end of ciety rooms Tuesday night. A new the second semester of last year and program system is to be tried out, summer school is the statement is- addresses on personal topics will be sued by the office of the dean of wom- x r ade bymembers of the faculty and en. Nine women formerly on, proba- speakers from out of town. tion have been reinstated in the Uni- The old probation system of giv- versity. Seventeen women were sent ing try outs three weeks in which home at the end of the second semes- to prove themselves able Athenians ter of last year, while ten women were is to be re-enforced. The date for admitted this fall on probation direct Athena try outs is to be left to a from high school or college. committee which will set it at the nearest possible date. , SIWSCRIW TODAY FOR DAILY! " i **x lllll lll11 III ii1 l I III IIllIIIII ifil l11ll II Il 1111111111111111111111111111111til"Ill Programs and Invitations_ FOR THE YEARLY SOCIAL EVENTS Order engraved inviations and programs for the house p~arties and dance. Our knowledge of what is most approved by smart usage and social convention is at your call. The Mayer-Schairer Co._ PRINTERS-ENGRAVERS Phone 451~ 112 South )ain St. in lnllilltliilllio~ilinono'iidiillililllsolaoin u uia ltlaliuuunnniitlillll niik t lilllflliiiUilll ti liill ilifllilllili ~ i iillill " I"" WESCH HAT SHOP t C ' r Ill!iliiill lillli11 lilitililili 11111Uilillilitl DISTINCTIVE FALL MODELS Individual Designs 206 East Liberty Dial 3848 I _ra M E ILL . PLAN League Invites Entering Women TYE OF TOURNAMENT To Formal Party . 'I All managers of intramural hockey teams will play the first game of the season tomorrow at Palmer field, after 'which it will be decided whether the type of tournament to be played this year will be elimination or league. Elsa Ruoyl, '26, and Helen Worton, '28, captains of last year's champion, teams will captain the managers to- morrow. Due to the rezoning of League houses a number of zones have not yet organized teams. Any woman: living in a league house, interested in playing'on an intramural team is urg- ed to sign under her zone today at Barbur gymnasium. Women living at private homes interested in play- ing intramural hockey are asked to join the Outlaws. These entrants are also urged to sign today. Intramural athletics for women have been organized this year with Kath- erine Wilcox, 26, as manager. MORTARBOARD EECTS GLOVE SALE CHIRAN Margaret Effinger, '26, was elected chairman of the glove sale to be con- ducted by Mortarboard this year, at a meeting of that society held Tuesday afternoon. This sale of gloves is conducted ev- ery year by the members of Mortar- board and has proven successful. Wo- men are delegated to visit the differ- ent sorority houses, league houses and dormitories for the purpose of dis- playing the goods and taking orders, and these orders are sent in early enough so that the gloves will be re- 'turned some time before Christmas. The gloves are imported French kid. Offer Start In Campus Activity Freshmen women who are interest- ed in getting started in campus ac- tivities will be allowed to do clerical work at the community fund offices in the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- merce building. This work is in connection with the community service committee of the University Y. W. C. A. in the charge of Charlene Shiland, '27. Miss Shiland requests that all women, freshmen or upperclassmen, sign up this week at Newberry hall for the hours which they can tome with Miss Ruth Deem- er, secretary of the association, so that regular work can start next week.; Erma Schultz, '26, was elected sec-1 retary of the Portia Literary society at their first meeting held Tuesday. Mlusic for the lirst Women's League party to be given at 8 o'clock Friday evening at Harbour gymnasium for ' all freshmen and entering women will be furnished by Jean Buck's orchestra. The party, which is formal, is under the (irection of Katherine Kelar, '27, and Mary White, '28. Juniors who have been assigned as advisor; to freshmen are urged to at- tend with them. Freshmen without, adN :sors should feel no hesitance in coming as they will be welcomed at the door by a committee in charge. Present in the receiving line for this occasion will be Dean Jean Ham- ilton, Mrs. Alfred 11. Lloyd, Dr. Mar- garet Bell, Mrs. E. L Whitman, Mrs. Clarence C. Iittje, and Ncrma Bick- nell, '26. NOTICES Miss Jean Hamilton will entertain the social directors for the first in-' terdormitory conference at luncheon at 12:30 o'clock tomorrow at her home, 923 Olivia avenue. There will be an imnortant meeting of Wyvern at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. In the interest of all women desir- ing to use the parlors of Harbour gymnasium for meetings, announce- ment has been made by the office of the dean of women that permission for the use of these rooms must be secur- ed far enough in advance of the time meeting to prevent any confliction. Requests later than 48 hours previous! to the time of meeting will not be considered. Canoeing classes which were an- nounced for 4 o'clock on Wednesday and Friday have been changed to 4 o'clock on Monday and Wednesday. Tryouts for the University Girls' Glee club v lhe held from 4 to 5:30 o'clock today in room 216, School of Music. Miss Winifred Harley, director of the Merrill Palmer school, will speak to the mothers at 3 o'clock today at the Faculty Women's club house, 226 South Ingalls street. The schedule for inter-class hockey for today is as follows: sophomores and freshmen at 4 o'clock and seniors and juniors at 5 o'clock. The Kappa Phi party which- was an- nounced for 8:30 Friday evening has been changed to 3:30 Friday after- F acdlty Won2: W.A1A1BOARD [[[CT Wiacty ortnAILY TRYOITS -Plan Actiitis - ---[ - Opportuniies for women to THEM EH T W TIND, o; nizaionove try out for the Editorial staff of ECairyingt;er organization over The Daily are now available. A fron t [ y<, ) r hOwFaculty Women's meeting will be held at 4 Ayra Finsterwald, '27, was hostess club :havd alreat: hel their initial o'clock today at the Press Tuesday evening at Betsy Barboii fall mee jug to plan activities for thelI Building on Maynard street of house to the nemlbers of the execu- "ing sson. 'ie first evenot onI all women interested. Those un- eable oard of the Women's Athletic;tir r is a:tea in honor of a to be present at this time r are requested to see Helen Ram- association. At the business meeting Airs. Clarence C. Little, to be given say Women's Editor before Margaret McNally, '27, was elected Oct. at he Alichigan Un.ion. Fac- that time. treasurer. Elizabeth Nut,. '28, will uitwonn Who are on the campus manage canoeing and Alargare[ Law for hei year wi also be wel- lor, '28, will have churge of hiking 7 and will organize a hiking club. Kath- coied at this tea. The hospitality YLeadership crine Wilcox, '26, the manaer for in-