ESTABLISHED 1890 it 4b ~IaiIv MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ,, I VOL. XXXVI. No. 83 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS CONFERENCE FAILS TO END DEADLDCK;1i STRIKE' CONTINUES, ANTHRACITE PARLEY CLOSES! f1 CHICAGO TO BE BASE FOR LAKE PROHIBITION FORCE (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 12.-Twelve vessels and two seaplanes will be based at Chicago by the United States coast guard next spring to clear Lake Michigan of rum runners, it was learned today with the opening of a re- cruiting drive for 1,500 men. Atlantic campaign veterans will be brought here to train the recruits and direct the campaign, which will begin March 1, or earlier if navigation is possible. The Tuscarora and the Morrill, 100-foot cutters now used off At- lantic City, will be ordered here as flagships. Ten speed boats ranging from 50 to 75 feet in length will complete the fleet. '( lJo urn alist To I Speak Friday WITH 11ORE FRUITLESS DISCUSSION COOLIDGE IS SILENT Governor Pinchot Expected To Lay Views Of Situation Before Legislature Today .(By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 12.-Fruitless dis- cussion for many days on ways to draft a new wage contract brought an end to the anthracite conference today and indicated the continuation f the strike of 158,000 men and boys for an indefinite period. . At present there appear's to be no way out unless the federal govern- ment steps in an tries its hand at mediation. Outwardly there has not been the slightest indication that Washington is ready to step in. Pennsylvania Plans Unknown aTthe negotiations that came to an abrupt end today were initiated by Governor Pinchot, of Pennsylvania, through the mayors and burgesses of the anthracite regions. . Tomorrow the governor is expected to lay be- fore the Pennsylvania legislature in extraordinary session his views on the' .strike situation as it now exists. Whether the Pennsylvania legislature hasr any definite plan to bring the miners and operators together again was not known here tonight. The miners and operators left for their homes and no move will be made by either side to end the industrial1 struggle that is now in its fifth month. The next step, both sides indicated, must come from the "outside". The miners, before separating, is- suged a call for a meeting of the an- thracitescale committee at Hazleton Thursday afternoon. A report of the , sub-committeethat has been negotia- ting on the conducting of the strike d the policy of the United Mine' }Workers, will be considered. The-Ends Unexpectedly Th disr1ption of the conference, which had "been imminent for a week, came rather unexpectedly. There ap- peai's to be a better feeling despite. the fact that the operators yesterday indicated that they had said their last word when they presenteda new plan as the "utmost concession" they could make. When the conference met today,' Chairman Alvin Markle, who has no vote in the conference, submitted. some communications giving sugges- tions for ending the strike. Letters and telegrams of this character have been streaming into the conferehce for days. It was soon evident that neither side had anything further to present. After some desultory remarks, Jesse B. Warriner, one of the operators' representatives, referred to the pro- ceedings of last week when the miners were said to have told the operators they lacked courage to end the nego- tiations. This led to some heated comments from both sides. COED CLUB PRESENTS BERNARD SHAFV'S1PAR1 Bernard Shaw's farce in four scenes, "Great Catherine," was pre- sented last evening under the au- spices of Comedy club before a ca- pacity house, and will be repeated to night at 8:30 o' the Mimes theatre. A few desirable seats are still left for the performance this evening, and will be on sale at the Mimes theat're box-office from 11 to 5:30 and 7 to 8:30 o'clock today. At Lane Hall Norman Thomas, journalist and member of the League for Industrial Democracy, who will speak here Fri- day afternoon in Natural Science auditorium under the auspices of the Round Table club, will speak at a noon luncheon in Lane Hall Tavern on the same day. This luncheon will be limited to 50 guests; any students who wish to hear Mr. Thomas may reserve their places by calling either Lane hall or Arnold Anderson, '28, who is in charge of the luncheon. Mr. Thomas is a very ardent ex- ponent of the policy of the League 1 for Industrial Democracy, which is seeking to educate the labor and capital of the country to a point where they will "produce for service, not for profit." This and other social reforms have been the chief work of Mir. Thomas for some time. He has written many articles for newspapers and magazines along these lines and, is a frequent contributor to "Nation," through his intimate connection with Oswald Garrison Villard, the editor. Following his speech in Natural Science auditorium at 4:15 o'clock, Mr. Thomas will go to the Lawyers' club, where hie will give another talk! in the eveninig.I FIRE INSPECTOR DOES NOT LIEVE SUPPLY IS INEXHAUSTIBLE BE. LEA VITT SPEAKS ON CONDITION OF CANAD'S TIMBER CONSIDEREURO9PEn DEBATE QUESTIONS. -- 14chigan Debating Team Will Make First Trip Abroad In The Spring; Financing Assured WILL SAIL ON MAY 1 Two debate questions which the Michigan team might use when it makes it Spring trip to England to meet college university debate teams in that country are at present being considered by the debating board. 'They are: "Resolved: that extra territorial rights of foreign powers in China should cease." and "Resolved: that the submarine should be out- I lawed." Other questionssuggested by faculty members and students will also be considered and the questions on which the Michigan international debaters will prepare will be an- nounced in the near future, when try- outs for the team will be held. The trip to Europe this year will be the first that a Michigan debate team has made abroad to debate for- eign schools. The team will be ac-j companied by Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the public speaking department. Financial backing for the trip has already been assured. At a recent meeting the Regents voted $900, half of the $1,800 Angell fund, to help de- fray expenses. More than $200 was added to the fund for expenses 'from the receipts of the Cambridge-Michi- gan international debate held several weeks ago in Hill auditorium. The Oratorical association has voted to furnish the further financial assist- ance that is necessary, providing the money cannot be raised in some other way. According to present arrangements, the team will sail for England on the steamship, Regina, May 1, from Mon- treal, Canada. It will return to Newv York from England on a different line. G-E Promotes Lang, '15, To, Budget Post C. H. Iang, '15, was recently pro- moted to the position of comptroller of the budgets for the General Elec- tric company. This position, which carries large responsibility, came as the result of his past work with the company. During his undergraduate days, and since graduation, Mr. Lang has been prominent in Michigan activities. He was manager of the baseball team of 1915, of which team George Sisler was captain. He was also prominent in the campaign for the building fund of the Union. As one of the editors of The Daily, he first became ac- quainted with printing and publishing generally,-a knowledge which later served him in the employ of the Gen- eral Electric company. Mr. Lang first came to the General Electric company in 1919 immediately following his discharge from the' army as a first lieutenant of the field artillery. His work in the account- ing department, where. he was then employed, brought him into contact with the publicity department. In 1922, he was given the position of as- sistant manager of the publicity de- partment, which position he has since held. In his new capacity, he will pass upon all of the budgets of the entire General Electric company, and will report direct to the vice presidents in charge of the several departments. -___ _--- W1LL PRESENT NEW Wilfred .To Give Second Ann Arbor Recital To-1orrow light t In Hlt Auditorium WILL OFFER 6 NUMBERS Thomas Wilfred, the Danish-Ameri- can artist, will present his second Ann Arbor recital with the Clavilux at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi- torium. This performance will come with something of a new significance for Mr. Wilfred's invention, since dur- ing the past year he has used the color organ both to provide a colored et- ting for a theater production in New York city, and to accompany the Philadelphia Symphony orchestra in its recent presentation of the Rimsky- Korsakoff "Sheherazade." The Clavilux is still a distinct in- novation, as it was a year ago, though whether or not it will ever come into prominence in the musical and the- atrical worlds no one can say at present. Although contrivances simi- lar to the Clavilux had been tried sev- eral years ago in America, it remain- ed for Mr. Wilfred, with his unusual artist and mechanical ability to make the device a practical thing, and to present successful recitals. The color organ plays a silent mu- sic of color in much the same way as an ordinary organ plays auditory mu- sic; the designs grow ;and fade, change shape, drift and slide in a manner difficult to describe. Mr.1 Wilfred's program for tomorrow night's recital includes the following numers: "Vision Fantastique," "Pastel: A Study in Sphere and Spir- als," ".Study in Complex Motion,"{ "Through"and Enchanted Forest," "Visual Prelude to a Modern Drama," and "Motive of Sheherazade" from a visual setting for Rimsky-Korsakoff's music POLITICAL SCIENTISTS HOLD1.0ANNUA9L MEETING, During the recent vacation Prof. Thomas H. Reed, Dr. Paul M. Cun- cannon, Dr. James K. Pollock, Jr., and Dr. James Hart, of the political sci- ence department, attendedthe annual meeting of the American Political Sci- ence association which was held Dec. 28, 29 and 30 in New York city at Col- umbia university. The meeting this year was the largest meeting ever held by the national society, and it was decided that the meeting next year should be held somewhere west of the Allegheny mountains, theyex- act location to be decided later by a special council. The convention elected Charles A. Beard, of Connecticut, formerly of! Columbia university, president of the association for the coming year. This year, as last year, the system of round table conferences was sub- stituted in the morning for the formal reading of papers which had been pre- valent in preceding meetings. One evening a joint meeting was held with the American Economics association! and one afternoon was spent in a joint meeting with the American So- LAUDS PROF. ROTH Forests Important Part Of Canadian Life, Offering Sole Means Of Support To Inland Areas Canadiap timber resources are not inexhaustible and can not be consid- ered a perpetual supply to the United States, according to Clyde Leavitt, fire inspector, board of railway commis- sioners for Canada, who lectured yes- terday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium on "The Forestry Situa- tion in Canada." It will eventually be necessary to reforestate denuded areas in the Dominion, although the present problem is the protection of forests from fire, he said. Stating that one-third of the total area of Canada is acuta ly forested, or potentially able to be, Mr. Leavitt pointed out that because of this, 92 per cent of all forests are controlled by Provincial or Dominion govern- ments. Because of this, improvements and policies are always possible through the government, he continued. Large Capital Invested Economically, the forest plays an important part in the life of Canada because it offers the only means of livelihood over a great proportion of the land areas of the country. Capi- tal amounting to $600,000,000, of Swhich two-thirds is il pulp and paper companies, is invested in the indus- try, which employs more than 100,000 men. Forest products comprise oe- fourth of the exports, and bring in 12 million dollars annually to the government. Because of the economic interest, Mr. Leavitt asserted, the maintenance of forest is a national project which should interest every citizen. Comparing the forestry services of the United States and Canada he said that, while the work is in general the same, the main difference is in the per-centage of forest areas managed by the respective governments. Can- ada controls 92 per cent of its forests while in this country only 15 per cent is in the hands of the government. Fire Protection Important The problem of the forester in Can- ada was given mainly as :fire protec- tion, which was chanacterized as "the groundwork of the forestry situation." While research is being done with studies on the natural regeneration of pulpwood species and on inven- tories of forest resources, the greatest problem is in the control of fire. Pre- vention, detection, and suppression were given as the main factors to be considered. Prevention is largely a matter of public instruction, accord- ing to Mr. Leavitt, and is being car- red on through newspapers and forest I bulletins. Forests in Canada, considered as a reproducible crop, is the objective ideal of the forester, and considerable progress has been made along this line. Many private concerns, particu- larly the pulp and paper companies, now maintain forestry departments, recognizing that the future of their industries and the safety of capital investment depend upon the perpetual maintenance of a supply of raw ma- terial. Although the stage of waste- I ful exploitation has not yet passed, ,Mr. Leavitt explained that steps are being taken to make the towns, as well as the forests, permanent, by a scientific cutting of timber. Before beginning his talk Mr. Leav- itt paid tribute to the late Prof. Fili- bert Roth of the forestry department, under whom he received his first for- estry instruction. NUMBER Of AUTO LICENSE VIOLTIONS REACHES 151 Student Offenders Again Warned To Obtain -,rrect State Plates More than 95 arrests were reported to police headquarters by early after- noon yesterday resulting from viola- tions of the law pertaining to the lic- ensing of cars, according to Chief of' Police O'Brien. Monday's toll of vio- lators numbered 116. Last Saturday was given as the last date for the use of the 1925 plates. Large numbers of the offenders are students who are apprehended for4 driving with the license plates of oth-° Citizenship Is Topic Of Army Officer's Talk As one of the first steps in the plan of the University R. 0. T. C. advisory committee to better acquaint the stu- dent body with the great advantages of the corps training in its application to civil life, Col. C. C. Chambers, exe- cutive officer of Culver Military acad-1 emy will speak at 4:15 o'clock today in the Natural Science auditorium. His subject has been announced as "Training for Citizenship". The lecture will be illustrated by several reels of films covering the training work at the government mili- tary camps and at the Culver academy. Among the other military tactics of the school the horsemanship of the' cadets will be shown in a number of riding tricks as well as in the regu- lar drills. BINSHAM PRA1IS FARMING COUNCIL Says Co-Operative Marketing Plan Only Solution For Troubles Of Agricultur. SEEKS GOVERNMENT AID (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-Only in co-operative marketing, and not in tariff juggling or federal handling of crop surpluses, lies solution of the farmers' problems, the National Coun- cil of Farmers' Co-operative Market- ing associations was told today by its chairman, Robert W. Bingham of Louisville. Thecouncil, in annual session while committees of Congress were debat- ing various farm relief proposals, heard Mr. Bingham appeal for a thor- ough trial of co-operative marketing by growers, with government support, but not interference. Relating that the joint marketing movement had reached its present stage only after a long fight, Mr. Bingham declared the leader of the movement in this country "now sits in the White House; and we who have dreamed and hoped for this day-we must now follow that leader." The most important development in co-operative marketing during the year, he said, was the "unreserved recognition" of the movement by President Coolidge and Secretary Wil- liam M. Jardine. Crediting cotton and burley tobacco marketing associations with great successes during the past, Mr. Bing- ham admitted that "what the move- ment is actually going to accomplish with the great national products, we can not now speak with assurance." "We are just at the threshhold of the real accomplishments of co-operative marketing," he added, and "we are learning from our failures to make our new efforts promise great suc- cess." EARLIEST FOTPINTS DICOVERE IN CANYON (By Associated Press) PRINCETON, N. J., Jan. 12.-Foot- prints believed to be those of the earliest land vertebrate, described as a race of animals that evolved di- rectly from the fish, were discovered in the Grand Capyon recently by R. Milton Fuhle, of Montclair, N. J., mem- ber of the senior class at Princeton, it was announced today. Plaster casts of the footprints were made and are being studied at the National Museum of National History. Mr. Fule came upon the footprints just off the Yaki trail in the Grand1 Canyon, where he spent three days with Dr. R. M. Field, of the geologic department. The footprints are thought to be those of an ancestor of + the frog or salamander and a not dis- tant relative of the "dawn fish," traces I of which recently were discovered by Dr. Howell, of the Princeton faculty. KIENTANS WILL. SUPPORT? RECREATIONAL DIECTOR' Action was taken at a meeting of the Kiwanis club Monday to provide for the maintenance of Miss Edith Milnes as full-time recreational di- rector for underprivileged children at the University hospital. The club has 1 aciefsl i thn ennnrf f n lirnfm Rep. Fred A. Britten Congressman from Illinois, who has been leading Chicago's campaign to persuade army and navy officials to sanction the moving of the Army- Navy football game this fall to Sol- diers' field, Chicago. Final decision on the question is expected to be reached today. Representative Britten is a member of the naval affairs committe of the House of Representatives. REFORMERS OBJECT TO SPOILS SYSTEMl !Civil Service League Calls Present Appointment Method Nation's Greatest Waste PROHIBITION DISCUSSED . NEW YORK, Jan. 12.-The spoils *system in operation of government bu- reaus constitutes the greatest leak in revenue with which the nation has to cope, the council of the National Civil Service Reform league stated In its annual report made public tonight at the 45th annual meeting of the league. "One of the grossest sources-of waste of the taxpayer's money," the report said, "is caused by the method now employed in appointments to postmas- terships. This is due to the continued operation of the spoils system in mak- ing these selections." Attention was called to the report of the postmaster general, who said the postal department was managed with "a scrupulous exactness and re- gard for safe economies not equalled in any great industrial corporation." Nevertheless, the league's report adds, the postmaster-general calmly an- nounced a prospective deficit of $49,- 000,000 for his department. "The tax collection forces, in which efficiency and integrity are of the highest possible importance," the re- port continues, "represents one of the most glaring examples of the spoils system still existing in the federal civil service." Prohibition enforcement was touch- ed upon in the report. "No good will be accomplished," it stated, "if con- gress classifies as prohibition - agents and covers not only those. who are honest and efficient, but also croks and corruptionists who now infest it. [Secretary Andrews has done some- thing toward weeding out this assortf ment of criminality foisted upon- the country by politicians in congress and, elsewhere under the Volstead law, but the work is still far from complete." Picture Contest To -Start Today One 1926 'Ensian will be given to the person submitting the best col- lection of campus feature pictures to the editorial staff of the 'Ensian. Any unusual snap shots taken on the campus are preferred.' The contest- will begin today,' and all contributions must be mailed or submitted' at the Press building before - Feb. 5. ' Only pictures having a glossy finish will be' accepted. Fail To Ratify Debt Settlement' (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-Ratifica- tion of the Italian debt settlement was opposed in the house today by Repre- sentative Oldfield, of Arkansas, the I Democratic whip, who charged the American debt commission had ac- Chicago's Leader DETRUITERS HEAR LITTLE DISCUSS, CHILD TRAIiNG UNDERSTANDING OF CHILDHOOD NECESSARY, PRESIDENT DECLARES RACE NEEDS YOUTH Urges Women's City Club To Consldei Posterity As Essential Factor In Cvilization (By Associated Press) DETROIT, Jan. 12.-Declaring he was advocating no particular methods or propaganda of the control and training of childhood Dr. Clarence Cook Little, President of the Univer- sity of Michigan, addressed the Wo- men's City club yesterday afternoon on the necessity of a better under- standing of childhood and youth, and the function of youth in civilization, "There never was spoken a truer word," Dr. Little said, "than in the New Testament, which tells us that unless we become as little children we shall not enter into the Kingdom. "The point of view of childhood is not crystallized as is that of adults. The child can recover from many shocks. There are no snobs or class distinctions among children, and that social attitude is absolutely essential in any democracy which shall endure. Youth has its own essential contribu- tion to make to civilization, and with- out it our civilization, I am afraid, is doomed. Emphasis On Youth "It becomes a matter of fundamen- tal importance,atherefore, that society should shift its emphasis from the goal of a satisfactory middle age to that of a satisfactory youth. And ' that means that children must be con. sidered as an important end in them- selves, not merely as a by-product of a selfish sex instinct. And if they are to be considered as the most essen- tial factor in the problem of the con- tinuity of our civilization, then what kind of children they are and how 'many there shall be, ac cdin to the ability torgive them their rightful en- vironmen and training, becoie prob- lems which every conscientious per- son must face. "The objection has been made to me that discussion and information con- cerning birth control is exceedingly dangerous because young people will make an immoral use of it. There is no truth in that objection or sanction for it.. If young people are selfishly immoral, would it not really be better for them to use information to the end that there should be no children in- heriting their false attitude towards society? And if young people are true in their attitude toward life, as I certainly believe most young people are, why should they be handicapped by ignorance and prejudice in their purpose to bring the right sort of children into the world and give them a fair chance to attain high character and usefulness? New Understanding Needed "If our educational methods are to keep pace with the rapidly accumulat- ing forces ad changes of our times there must be a new understanding r and a new emphasis of youth. There are twov pntures in us all, the selfish 'and' tho'nselfish; in response to the latter' we shall find it necessar'y to change our educational machinery to the'end that school merely as a prepa- ration for greater gain shall be chang- ed to school for the sake of develop- ment of thetintrinsic character and value of youth itself. "Our children start out in life with the selfish attitude of self-preserva- tion. Any party of three-year-olds is a miniature meeting of Balkan states. But the glorious unselfishness and idolism of youth will assert itself early in life if we give it a chance. We are not giving it that chance. The average high school student looks up- on the educational process as getting as much out as he can for as little as possible put in. And that attitude persists--through college.. It is not the fault, of -outh that this is so. It is entirelr the fault of our false em- phasis on a successful middle age, henceg our reqiuirement that our chil- dren' shdll' get in school and-college that which will enable them to assure material '"4coess in mhiddie age." Lawyers To Hear Three guests will speak at the Law- yers' club this week. The first, Judge Hulbert, of the juvenile division of the Detroit Probate court, will be enter- A review of last night's per- formance of "Great Catherine" will be found in the Music and Drama column on page four. k I f The cast includes Amy Loomis, Valentine Davies, '27, Robert Hender- son,:'26, Elizabeth Strauss, '27, and Lillian 'Bronson, '27, in the leading roles. Special settings have been de-{ signed , and -executed by, Walker I Everett, '26, - editor of Gargoyle, and the seventeenth century costumes are from the Brooks Costume company of New York city. Incidental music is also furnished by a trio under the di- rection-of Joseph Ellis, '26A; SOrivath I-,1 3