.4~~ ~ ., , r PADE MIGHT 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY "' DIL01Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN. (Continued from Page Seven) X. S. 3 and 33: Claises in Ammunition M. S. 3 and 33 will meet today in rooms lows:, as fol- Section 1-9: 00 A. M. room 209 Engineering Shops Bldg. Section I1--1:00 P. M. room 307 West Enginee rng Bldg.. Section I111-3:00 P. M,. room 209 Engineering ,Shps Bldg. L. Mf. Bricker. T 4dii'2fj1 Mental Measuremnent wil meet :at 2:00 o'clock ;(inAdditio to thez i# iar ;eveing feetingY tday in ;om ,PS2 N. S.. Bkd: A deion- etz't hi t~e t *411 bbe given to a clinical case subject. H..IL Mayberry. R u of 1 8i U n o o poii n'Attention of Juniors planning to elect this cue is !' ed At6, the de - scription in the announcement. The manuscript to be submitted in compe- tition may be anything the student has done in Prose, that he regards as representative of his ability. Manuscripts should be left in my office, room 3228, Angel Hall or In the Rhetoric Office not later than January 18. IL W. Cowden. Sociology, Second Semester: The beginning course (51) will be given as a three hour course instead of a four hour course as announced. Elections requre the approval of the Classilotion Committee. Prxofessor A. W. Hays is giving Professor Wood's courses. See the Sup- plementary Announcement. C. U. Cooley. Sociology 12; Second Semester: Xl those..itending td elect Sociology 12 for the second semester will leave their Hames with the Secretary of the Department In Room 106 Wlonomics Building before Thursday night, January 14. A .Iit o jbe stu- deits gccepted for the course will be published in this Bulletin 'next Sun- tay. .. R.ILC. Agel.. Btudets. electing Sociology 154 (Modern Social Problems) net sees- ter will be expected to attend one of two or ore discussion sections to be held on Fridays in place of the Friday lectures., The bor o these; se- tions will be arranged at the first meeting. The class will meet in Room 2225, Angell Hall, not in the Economics Building. L. J.Carr. Circolo Italiano Lecture: The lecture. "The Present Situation in Italy," by Prof. Wm. A. Frayer, which was to have been ;given Tuesday evening, January 12, under the auspices of I Circolo Italiano, has been postponed to Tuesday evening, January 19, at 8:15 o'clock, Room "D" Alumni Memo ral Hall. Michael De Filpis, Director. Secledad ii spanics Lecture The Spanish lecture, "Bits of Popular Spanish Humor," to have been given" by Mr. Sanchez, at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday eiing hs been postponed until the second semester. )..iereu oDirctor. Fculty. Women's Club: The art section of the Faculty Women's club will 'meetat 2:00 P1. U. Tuesday; Janury 12, at the Studio. Mrs. 1'P. C. Loulsel, Chairman. Scalors Preparing to Teach: *; All students (except those In French and Spanish) expecting to elect one of ,the Special 'Methods Courses In Education next senester add to' ia bbservation privileges' extended to them ae required fo rpor fo a pre- limrinary conference with the fistrctor oQferip the opuro wJibh they ex- pet to elect. These conferences9 wil be 'Held ozi Thursday at4 'acick, Friday at 4 o'clock, 'and Saturday at 9 o'clock aur 14, 15 ad 16, re- spectively. Students must preset themselves o oppe of tos ilay. The places where these conferences will be hield are as follo~s': Latin,(Prof. Carr) Room 301, U. H. S. Science-all aspects (Prof. Curtis) Room 105, U. H. S. History (Prof. Stephenson) Room 205, U. IT, S. Mathematics (Prof. Schoring) Room 12, U. IT. S. English (Prof. Pries) Conference at time' and place of the Comprehen- sive 1Examnation. C. 0. Davis. Observation and Practice Teahing Of-Campus: All students who have signed up for observation and practice teaching in Detroit Highland Park, Flint, or Grand Rapids ae requested to meet with me at 4 o'clock sharp on Thursday, ;January 14, in room 109 Tappan Hall. C.( 0. Dai. There dill be no discussion of laboratory experiments on Tuesday, Jan. 12. The discussion of the experiments on Color Inertia and Color Zones will be given on Thursday of this week, Jan. 14, and Tuesday of. next week, Jan. 19, at 4:4a P. 12 in Room P162,..N. S, - Dotanical Journal Club: s ' ~Will meet at 7:30 P.M1. on Tuesday, January 12th. Acolytes:' Acolytes will meet Tuesday evening, Jan. 12th, at eight o'clock, in Room 106 M. H. Professor John F. Shepard will read a paper on Gestalt Psychology 1 ' ~Gerrit T. Yan der Lugt. Michiganf Glee Club: The Ypsilanti concert is tonight at 'Pease Auditorium. The men who are going in our special car meet at State andf Packard a~t seven sharp. Those' who plan to drive over report at Pease Auditorium at 7:45. Kurt J. Kreunick, Manager. Mtembers of Senior Education Class: There will, be a -Senior -Class 'Meeting;'Wednesday, Janiuary: 13; Rcoom 110k, appan 11a11,, at 65:00 P." M. ] Everyone please be present. Erma Schultz, Secretary. Sociological Journal Club:> -Members' of thfe stdffsand gradutate. studente of the ,conontiee°topart- ment, inter~ested in forming a sociological :journal lub, are" requested " to w~ l d b N l YLI YrgrY II 11' meet in Room 104, Economic building, Tuesday evening, January 12, at 7:30. a ,. :..-L. IJ.Carr. IAdeiphi: { Regular business meeting at 7:30 P. MW. Tuesday for the purpose of nominating +a Speaker for next Semester. This will be followed by a joint Imeeting with Portia Literary Society. A. N. Stern, Speaker. Tan Beta Pi: . . ' Thierer will lie a ,Tneeting of, Tau Beta Pi at Lane'' all oh1 y sd y; Jan.- uary 12th, at. 1:00 P. M. 1). -an. Osenbruggen, Corresponding Secretary. r Physics Colloquium : - The 1TysicW-'C lldquium will meet at 4:i, 1'P. 1. Tuesda, January 12, in Room 1041, New" Physics Building. Dr. ..M. Cork will speak on "The Mesee . ~Short Wa ive-lqpth a All "interested e cordia._lly ihvited to attend. 'F'1. F. Colby. Mathtematical Club: Regular meeting will January 12, at .8 p. m., Theorems." All persons meetings of the Club. be held in Room 3201 Angell Hll, on Tuesday, Professor Hildebrandt will present "Interval interested are cordially invited to attend the WY. W..,lDenton, Seecretary. ATOMIZERS FOR MEDICINAL USE. A De Vilbiss Atomizer is .of great assistance in the treatment of catarrhal conditions. We camr a comp lete line of the De Vilbiss Sprays. Eberbach.-& Son Co. 200-202 E. Liberty St. - - I 1 A comprehensive showing of Woolen Scarfs and Hose from 'the Man's Shop Greenwood &Kigr State Street Over Calkins Upstairs Advertise in "The- Daily"'. :Catherine , Empress of Russia, f ortunitoev never a1oweleeltofrtde G rw necessary love interest on an enormous and -utterly indecorous scale. - I