'TUESDAY, J'AN-UA1)Y 11, 19 126 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PAOE SEIVRN TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1920 PAOE SEVEN - - I TiI1S fflTM dCLOSES L SIFECLOSES AT 3 Ptmo ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. # T i '. it {i } ,....., DAILY oFFCA BULLETIN -. ProhItibition Fines Pay. Fr EBildin r E' i i I f 1ui~ iaion 11ill the 11131 iteti is coII~truenAvCinoticto O6l11lmembersi5of t he I tilvevrit y. Copy received, by the Asistanit, to the President until 3::30 p). iti. 11:;0 a. ni. SaIurdaysI i I f LOST WA' NTE B VIoti'1 I IIIISDAY, RnN me v) 1t :'f Numbier LOST---Watch, gun-metal case, black, WANTED-Suite or singlc and double spc.11il lc('ture itn Forestfry wrist ribbon, on campus, Tappan or room for three university women in E Th Fom~eti'vSituationi iim Canada" is the topic of a lecture which 11. University Ave.. Phone 8298 after small house. Call 6887. 81-82-83:'wl.egIe usly aur 2 a .51.AI nteNtta cec 9J. p. Rwrd in.82 Reward.________________________ 80-l81-82.Tesa, Jnu r2,a 415 .M.i teNaualSiec _________________________-WANTED-A cultured young lady ,A(1iioI' P mu.by ?1,1.Clyde Leavitt, A. 1B..o'01. 1lS. F1., '04, now Chlief I+Fre NOTICE wvishes to rent room in private 1 n:>;ect n of the Board of Railway Commissioners of Canada. 14r. Leavitt ________________________________________ home -or wouild enjoy tutoring child is a forester of niote and the p)ublic is cordially inivited~ to hear hlim. 1e sSuits sponged, pressed :t3 cefcny ts , te compn tt k j t IU. tIJIt 1 1Utt4I ', ,v33jir L11ut. a'1. Student's Tailoring,. Phone 8040, C;or.: preferably on or near Wasble..; nv n Lhyr f Eeyrfrne o 3 Lcuei 13;el o C* 81- 82-83.J The sixt it lecture in 1-1 giene for' men will be givent in Watc'ruman ( riua- TYPEWMIiNG & 3IME(GRAPHINtGnsuTusa n rdy aur 4hadlta ,4 n Promptly and neatly done by compe-, W AN I D -Theses to type. M. V aim hrdyadFia,.aur 4had1ta 3 ,an .M ten oeraor atmoerae ate. artsuff. Call 9387. 81-82-83. ['his requirement includes all freshmen in the regular p~hysical trainin" grountadopterathatrs ati modxcuedatenithestgrups College work a specialty for seven-i -A AZgoNEsmenntcrewthmanagersen ecs-edVfomrtheA.grMup. teen years. ;_MGAIN_____crwangesdi-______A.nity 0.-D. ORRLLtrlct' managers, organizers experi-I 17 Nickels Arcade,eneontopylalssecl College of Literaiture, Sciece and the Arts: Th Tperier&Sttiney toe offers. Write or wire today for real , rl1hc1.e will be a meeting of the Mathematics sta. ff on Tuesday.i January The yperite & tatiner Stoe),proposition. State fully experience. t tf. yd . Rme,2-7 pr lc 12, in room 3201 Angell Hail, at 4 P., I. NE VCORReod eeaeseer Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. estdand.estonVay iortRecords. WANTED-Two tickets to the J-Ilop.! M;Vechiaiical EntginieeriungCourse 3: eschaedbeaset&onV110oS.RMaindst. Must be connected with a booth. The Wednesday Lecture section in M. E.3 will not meet January 13th. Call568. S23. ou ae ivitd to attend the lecture to be given by Mr. C. M. Eaton, Chief ____________________________________-I IMechanical Engineer of the Westinghouse Company, at that houer in Room FOIE. RENT 348. l.C nesn NOTICE-Piano Tuning-The Stein- I 1 .Anesn way Concert Artist Tuner available FO RN.Tiodbl rom fr excruvyounoeraorhre.Universt four boys. Dial 6037 or call 109 N, Senior Mlechanical Enigineers: Scholusofeusic.forPh n iversic- Ingalls. 82-83-84. You are urged to attend the lecture to be given by Mr. C. M. Eaton, Schol f 'Vluic.'hoie 776 Vi- IChief Mechanical Engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Coln tor Allfmendinger. Office at resi- FOR RENT-Front room, twin beds,! plany, at 10 A. M. Wednesday, January 1, in Room 340 Eg. lg l aec,9 rngeMsicHou e Ntfwt. oepiiee o w uieso seniors attending the lecture will be excused from cl'asses at that hour. an ui os.student girls. $7.50 per week. 1i. (. Anderson. 'WHEN ITS any thing in Music or Bunpr u ie 41Wls Phone 4329. 82-83-84. Musical Instruments see Schaeberle' _________I_________ All Uniiversity 31en : l & Son, 110 S. Main St.. FOR RENT-Front suite of rooms for ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per either two or three boys. 530 On the invitation of the University Advisory Committee to. the R. 0. T. manntwain, ndmacel avng Thompson St. Phone 8039. 1 C., Colonel C. C. Chambers, 'technical Officer of Culver Military Academy of. nmannt wving andmarcll wving82-83-84u o our, specialty. 319 S.. Main. Room i 8. Culver, Indiana, will speak in the Natural Science Auditoriu, at 4:10 o. Fines collected from persons convicted of violating prohibition stat~f utes, completely p~aid for this building in Milford, 0., which houses the loca I liquor court and the town fire dlepar tmnent. ~inninn S. Berry of the School of 1Educatlou! wyas reported at the Washtenaw pri- DDO[ECtOD1 a nd Clarence S. Yoakum of the Schoolvrate hospital, where Staebler is con- [HO 1, LUU PRFLS9 U ;of Business Administration also at- valescing, yesterday. He underwent tendd th conerene. ithe operation on Dec. 28, after being _________________________-tak~en ill in Kalamazoo. S-- Staebler Improves 1IIIE oN.--The Cabinet has accept- Three members of. the psychology ie asa egY-sagsrsg department, Profs. W. B. Pillsbury,J Continued improvement in tihe eon- i nation as head of the national peo- Henry F. Adams, and John F. Shep-1 dition of Neil Staebler, '26, managing {pie's army. of editor of Chimes, who is recovering ard, attend'ed the annual meeting o from an operation for appendicitis, PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. the American Psychological associa - __________________________________ tion held recently at Cornell univer -__________________________________________________ sity, Ithaca, N. Y.j At the session devoted to the dis- cussion of psychological tests Profes-1I SPECIA LT fL LT sor Pillsbury presided, and at another meeting gave a paper on "Gestalt Psy- chology and the Concept." Professor;an Adams presented the results of ex-!'~T periments here. Professors CharlesO i TSu B u :° 202. Dial 4404. tf. NOTICE-Manuscripts typewritten by i experienced operators at Biddle's Bopk Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade.j TYPE WRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makesf bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D.:AORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, FThe Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tf. Arnold's State St. Jeweler is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever. type you may need, come in, and see us, we can,,.satisfy you. ° Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tf. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment.1 Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S.1 University, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. ATTENTION fraternities and sorori- ties. Try our Special Blend Coffee.. F Per pound 45c. The Schultz Groc- eiy. t., th., 11tf. 'FOR RENT-Suite to rent for 2 or 3 boys. Rent reasonable. Phone 9152I ii '82-83-84. FOR RENT.--Two single rooms in new private house, for second semester. 1303 Horman Court. Dial 4720. 82-83-84. FOR RENT-Three large double rooms, well -heated 'and lighted. First second and third-- floors. PricedI reasonable, 822 Oakland. Dial 6110. 82-83-84 FOR RENT-Room, free for student girl who will do two hours house work per day. Phone 4329. 1411 Wells St. 82-83-84. FOR RENT-One nicely furnished room for two men at 533 Thompson ' directly back of Union. Phone 6950. 81-82-83. FOR RENT-Single room. 1321 Vol- land. Call 4536. 81-82-83. Wednesday, January 13, on the subject "Training for Citizenship." Time lecture will be illustrated by motion pictures. Alfred H. Lovell. 1 Tryouts for Annual Spaisih Play: Tryouts for thme sixth Annual Spanish Play will be held Tuesdayevn ee-ing, S8:00 o'clock, Room 201 South Wing. E. A. Mercado, Director. (Continued on Page Eight) "70IL RENT FOR RENT-Rooms for 6 suites, 1 large double, $3.50 each. Phone 9394. or 8 boys,31 $3.00 and 80-81-82,. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Frontenac, overhead valves. Brand new, never unpagled. 1303 Wilmot. Dial 4829. 80-81-82. FOR SALE-Ford Coupe, 24 model, 1926 license. Will trade for open car. 1303 Wilmot. Dial 4829. ( ~80-81-82.' , i FOR SALE} FOR SALE--Five dlay sale 7th to 12th on all watches, 20 percent off. The Watch Shop, 1121 S University. 78,79480-81-82. FOR SALE--Man's heavy overcoat, belted,' size 38. $15. call 21852. 80-81-82. FOR SALE-Farland Tenor Banjo, first class condition, fine tone, Priced very low for quick sale. Lee Pm~tt, 509 S. Division St or Call 4531, between 6 and 8 p. m. ' ~82-83-84. Z LEARN THE LATEST DANCE C 91926, the lerry Widow Valtz Adults class every Monday and Fri- day. Fifteen oiie..hoir lessonis, $.00. TERRACE GARDEN STUDIO 2'20 Wuerth Ar aile P~honxe8328; STATE STREET JEWELERS WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING BY LYNDON Also Developing and Printing' Done with Care 719 North University Ave. Phione 4.514 FOR RENT-Double rooms $65.00 pei semester, single $100.00, hot and cold water in each room, towels fur- niched, showers. Phone 9023. Kim- brell or Mrs. Wightman. 81-82-83. - Read the W ant IAdPA BEST PRICE For Men's Used Clothing. Phone 4310O 115 W. Washington It. BENJAMIN -I OUR REPl-,UTATION ; .IS TO BE LIVED UP TO--RATER THAN + RESTED.ON KTUTTLE'S.r II 3MYADLUNCH ROOM - 'I I rid 610 TYPEWRITING }Leighton Leathermnan East Ann St. Phone 22134 77-78-79-80-81-82. ladies Aso WANTED SLADY AND GENTLEMAIJ,- SWanted young lady and gentleman who can dance "Thee Merry Widow >Waltz". Must be graceful and ,moderately slight in weight. See SMgr. Arcade Theater. tf. EXPERIENCED two payment men to -open offce- covering entire district. Full co-operation and protection. Send $1.00 for supplies and com- plete information. Clyde A. Ram- Ssey, 25-21 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. Ru ad y pond~ 17 black' degrees' Superlative in quaity, the world-famnous .opyin S give .best service. and longest wear. Buy Pan nspr o. $1.00 Rubbr eds, er oz.1.20 Sa c't all dealers American Lead Pencil Co. dozen 220 'Fifth Ave., N. Y. -r r - r - r r-Ir an exclent bunes eigm 1= r rs - rIfTyouCdesireito placenasClassified,,comeainto Choice We have just received our new Blonde Kids and Grey Pumps. Call and see them. u I 50 11 One Price Educator Shoes are not sub-. /' stituted because they government protected. are Try Taie Your Notes in S4IIRTLIAND Write lour Notes, Themes and Theses them and learn why they are different. HS r 's I U1 N