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January 12, 1926 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-12

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ttTESDAY. 'JANVARY 12- 1 q gi

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-, -0 1 ft I wo -amk

Thirty Tv ToCeais Will Meet In First
Itound . Of Tournament; Last
TEur's Rules Reiuin
With the openig of the interfra-
ternity basketball tournament tonight,
22 teams will meet in the first round
of the qualifying series. Within the
first three days all of the 71 teams
scheduled to play will meet at least
one opponent while some will meet
A round robin series within each of
the 12 groups formed will determine
the teams that are to enter the sec-
ond round. Games will be played on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
nights of each week, and on the Mon-'
day nights on which the Varity has
no home game scheduled. Games
will start at 7, 7:45, 8:30, and 9:15
o'clock on each of the four courts.
The same eligibility rules will be
used that have been in use in pre-
vious meets. Anybody in doubt as to
eligibility may inquire at the intra-
mural office.{
Entries for the class B tournament
have already been received, but the
games in this group will not begin
until after the final examinations.
The following twelve groups are
those of class A. The frst team
named in each group is the one seed-
ed from last years championship con-
Group 1: Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Psi,
Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Gamma Delta;
Sigma Pi, Phi Delta Chi.
Group 2: Pi Kappa Alpha, Hermi-
tage, Phi Kappa Psi, Zeta Psi, Phi
Chi, Phi Epsilon Pi.
Group 3: Delta Chi, Alpha Kappa1
Kappa, Trigon, Delta Tau Upsion,
Zeta Beta Tau, Ta Delta Phi. I
Group 4: Alpha Sigma Phi, Psi
Omega, Delta Alpha Upsilon, KappaI
Nu, Kappa Sigma, Delta Sigma Delta.
Group 5: Phi Kappa, Delta KappaI
Nu, Delta Signa Pi, Alpha Kappa
L~anbda, Sigma Delta Kappa, Tau
Epsilon Phi.
Group 0: Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi,I
Theta Chl, Chi Phi, Theta Kappa Psi,
Gamma Sigma.f
Group 7: Phi Sigma Delta, Omicron,
Theta Xi, Triangle, Phi Kappa Tau,t
Xi Psi Phi.
Group 8: Phi Lambda Kappa, Phi
Beta Delta, Phi Delta Epsilon, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Delta Phi, Sigma Phi Ep-
Group 9: Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta
'Theta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Lambda
Phi, Phi Mu Delta, Theta Delta Chi.
Group 10: Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi
MNu Alpha, Sigma N, Psi Upsilon.
Group 11: Delta Sigma Phi, Acacia,
Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Sigma Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon.
Group 12: Alpha Rho Chi, Delta Up-
silon, Kappa Delta Rho, Alpha Chi
Rho, Phi Beta Pi.
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Mich., Jan. 11.-Michi-
gan is the, first state to have a state-
wide agreement on interpretation of
football and basketball rules and the
technique Qf officiating, A. W. Tomp-
son, state director of intercholastic
athletics of the Department of Public
Instruction, believes.
Mr. Thompson's belief is based on
the results of the second basketball
rules interpretation meeting of the
Michigan High School Athletic asso-
ciation. About 250 Michigan high
school football coaches and officials,

together with representatives of state
normal schools and colleges, attend-
ed the meeting.
The meeting went on record as oppos-
ed to abolishing the dribble or limit-
ing it to one dribble.
The decisions of the meeting consti-
tute the official recommendations and,
regulations of the state high school
association and as such are binding
upon all schools in the state, in all
games between Michigan schools.
Fouls came in for much discussion.
It was decided that fouls should be
thrown in the order in which they oc-
cur, that is, if a personal foul is call-'
£d first, it niust be shot first, and any
technical fouls that may have been
called, following and must be shot in
that order.
Another important interpretation
dealt with the throwing for goal. The
meeting recommended that a player be
held absolutely protected while in the
act of shooting until he has complete-
ly regained his balance. If another
player charges into him from any di-
rection. two free shots are to be

Capt. G. AV. Dunn yesterday
announcedl the= personnel of the
R. 0. T. C. rifle team that. will
engage the University of West
Virginia squad this week.
This match is the first of a
series of fifteen that has been
scheduled(. The shooting in the
nmatches is to be from four posi-
tions, stamdin!g silting, kneeling
and prone, 10 shots being firel
from each position. Although 15
men from each team will partici-
pate, the totals of the highest
ten will be taken to determine |
the victors.
The 15 men who have been
chosen by Captain Dunn are as
follows: A. W. Myers, R. W.
Northrup, W. E. Taylor, C. P.
Peeple, C. R. Tuttle, W. -I. Van 1
Koughnet, IL P. Kopp, Hr J.
Kerr, R. L. Taylor, A. G. Bane,
W. C. Groff, W. A. Greig, T. 0.
Cockerille, F. J. Drittler and II.
C. Walker. These men and the
five alternates R. L. 1-arnish, R.
D. Layman, L. Pereny, C. L. Pet-
tibone, and G. P. Vollow are to
report to Capt. Dunn immediate-
I t
IEntries ark being received at the in-
tramural office for the all-campus foul
throwing tournament. Anybody car-
ing to enter the contest should appear
at Waterman gymnasium any after-
noon from 3 to 5 o'clock.
In ordering to qualify for the sec-
ond round the contestant mustmake
at least fifteen free throws out of a I
possible twenty-five. Each qualifier
will then be allowed thirty-five addi-
tional throws, and those surviving this
round will have forty more throws inI
the final round. The one having the l
most free throws to his credit out of
the 100 attempted will receive a silver
loving cup.E
NEW YORK. - The middle West
gains most of the national indoor
championshhip features of the Ama-
teur Athletic Union for 1926, accord-
ing to a list of the awards so far. Four
out of seven major othletic title meets
go to that section and one goes to the

ii t

i i'

I'OIIIIA.LLraiLU OnWokwagrsss
For Friday's 'Ofloals1 .lhl fffffffh Ifh~
rAll-Capus Meet [M l RLLIIUIVIUV IbI wFeld House BG
With only four days left in which I A'ITY, Ia.an. - \rchi-
Ito work out before 1he start of the Cach larrhl., vcter Irak men- Robert Crab, '26, track manager, sets' plans are being translated into1 Sevei Year. Old ir'l T1
all-campus tournament, the prelimi- tor, will hold the a u d track rally and chairman of the meeting, has pre- reality as a large force of men labor And S wimnzimIg E
na!'ies of which will be held at 7:30 at ' 7': t))'clo ton I r'roW night in ada very interesting program of on the construction of the liniversity.At Meet
o'clock Friday evening at the field rooms :-- , , 1 a:nS d 8'29(i: I lie 'tInion. speakere. Besides Coach Farrellj of Iowa's armory and field house.
house; the grplers are busy polish- ah yar a ineeting of Ithis sort is there will be Prof. W. A. Frayer, Prof. Work of putting in the footings for RIVALS BOAS]
ing up their favorite tricks in prepa- rsk the building, which will be the largest
ration. Some of the men are still h of its kind in the country has been
overweight and are spending a good the coming -track season and to dis -1tain of the track team under way sice eceber. Coach Matt Mann,
saeothitieotietakadcuss the schedule for the year. All! wmigtasoe
share of their time on the track and Professor Prayer will speak on i Present plans call for the erection swimning team, showe
in the sweatbox. The finals will be onm asked to be preent, as el 'kEligibility in the Conference," while , of the steel between March 1 and May to let down in the squad
ruin off Saturday afternoon. arofessor Carver will speak on a top- 1 and work will be pushed with the terday's nractice after
The coaches are of the opinion that are iterested in tra campus w ie of general track interest. , expectation of having the huge strue- over Indiana Saturdaya
the small attendance at Conference Although somewhat weak in the ture, 430 feet long by 412 feet wide ' his natators through
wrestling meets is chiefly due to the sprints at present, 'the track team ready by November, 1926. 1drill.
fact that only a small percentage of ing are the best at 175 pounds and 1 looks forward to a good season this The new home of Ilawkeye athletics Wiscobsin, the next C
the students on the campus know should decile the winner among them- year. Coach Farrell has men in most will contain snace for a regulation will be met here on Fri(
enough about the sport to understand selves. of the events who are good perform- bakketball court, baseball diamond, prove a dangerous op
it. For this reson, Cranage and The best bets in the unlimited ers, and with practice should develop football gridiron and cinder bath, six I year Mann's team defea
Donahue, Michigan's two best mid- weight appear to be lPalieroli, Ewen, into champions. The team is working laps to the mile, the largest indoor ers in the dual meet bu
dleweights, will put on an exhibition George, and Smith. Although lie has out daily and is slowly rounding into circuit in the United States. Around behind Northwestern a
match between the halves of the Mich- not been out for work as often as shape for the Illinois relays on Feb- the vast enclosure, 12,000 people may in the Conference meet
igan-M. S. C. basketball game Satur- the others, Palmeroli should figure ruary 27. the first meet of the sea- be seated in two decks of stands. A i In ,'erschberger Wis
day night in an attempt to stimulate well toward the top, son. swimming pool, 150 by 50 feet; equal one of the fatest free
interest in wrestling. to the largest in the country; great the Conference, and Dar
Captain Baker should have things space for intramural athletics and Jack Gow will have to
his own way in the 115 pound class'physical education classes; a large of speed if they expect
unless he strikes a stumbling block Sinumber of class rooms, administra- in the coming meet. T
among the freshman aspirants. In b r( ~ihit icau iIr r tLot of +tr0stUo P1 jtive ofices and rooms for minor relay team last year wo
the 125 pound weight, however, there i sports are among the features of once championship and
is little opportunity to pick the win- ,_Iowa's structure. the Michigan quartet F
ner, as Soloman, Nagelkirk, and Sul- I _Thefield house, which will contain, As- an added attraction
livan have kept evenly matched so TYample facilities for athletics, physical Coach Matt Mann has
far this season. education for men and military train- have Miss Caris Beatty
Williams, Kailes, Maynar, and Kos- iug, will be fnanced from the net pro- seven year old youngsb
ter have been setting the pace for 1eeds of intercollegiate athletic con- hiltion of swimming a
the 135 pounders. Kailes is the like- 4%tests. Beatty, a protege of C
ly winner, as Maynar, his chief rival,A recognized as the most
has been bothered of late with an in- CEDAR RAPIDS.-The Coo football swimmer and diverof1
jury. The 145 pound contest wieam will -play Notre Dame at South country. She came i
all probabilities narrow down to iBend on Oct. 1, 1927, Moray Eby, head Mann's supervision w
Cranage and Sauer. coach at the local college, announced coaching at the Detroit
The hardest battle of the evening today. Eby also said that the Ko- and since the age of
is expected when Donahue, a leading hawks would play Illinois at Urbana giving exhibitions.
Varsity man tangles with Parker, the on Saturday, Oct. 2, of this year. Paul Starrett of Mic
eresyarimanctan aotrlePte irs het faIdiin them
f,~remn stae~r. at 158 honds. 1 Rich.i I 00h n i II Barrett of Indian-a nlah

o Vive hling
of the Varsity
d no tendency
's work in yes-
their victory
and sent all of
a strenuous
vonference foe,
day and should
ponent. Last
ated the Badg-
t placed third
nd Wisconsin
at Chicago.
consin boasts
style men in
nell and Capt.
show plenty
t to best him
The Wisconsin
on the Confer-
should defeat
grid ay.
n Friday night,
arranged to
of Detroit, a
er, give an ex-
nd diving. Miss
oach Mann, is
her age in the
under Coach
hen he was


t Athletic club
five has been,
higan and not
Iced second in

11 b11U 7a , U LO l U~ . .1.11,
another freshman, Preston, and Greil-'
Robert Wagner, '28, won the
state championship in the 220
yard free style in the champion-
ship meet held last Saturday
night in the Detroit Athletic club
pool. In winning his event Wag-
i ner was forced to defeat Trow-
bridge, of the Detroit Athletic '
club, former champion and state
record holder.





We are offerin


suit and


coat in our, annual January 25° sale.
Nothing Excepted. Blues included.

Two shipments of Spring

Suits are

Oxfords for Spring
A complete showing
of new models is
now open for your
inspeetion. $10.13 50
the Johnston & Murphy shoe
Jor M/en GZASnce I&4

also included.

Expert alterations

under personal supervision of Mr. Del
Prete free of charge.

$35 Suits and

Overcoats .

$40 Suits and Overcoats ...
$45.00 Suits and Overcoats
$50.00 Suits and Overcoats

... $30.00
.. .$33.75
... $37.50


1 l
'' i
. !

For every article for sale, there is the fancy dive in the meet held last
a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds. Saturday.



.......... w


213 F~ast Liberty St-Worth the :Walk.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Golf Hose
COMPLETE range of pattlerns
in the most complete stock of
of Golf Hose we have ever
carried. Every pair radically re-
duced in price curing January. ow
is the time to buy Golf Hose.,





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