'TUE~SDAY, JAN ARY 12, 19~26 TI-6.F [MIrt ir i q.AN D'f. 1_aILY 4, . . _ _ . ...w____._ - --___________.__ ._v,..._ . _ - 4 t, URGES SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT LITTLE "P'ractical W'orking Idealism" Namecd As Greatest Contribution Of Sororities PRESEANT OFICERS r '_ ;' ' . >, Support of President Clarence C.I Little's ideas concerning prohibition as one definte stand for Pan-Hellenic Intersoroity association was urged by _V Elizabeth Parrott, '26, president, at the annual Pan-Hellenic banquet held l ast night in the main ballroom of the Union. More than 630 women weref present.f "I wish that every member of this organization would pledge herself not to stay at a party where' drinking pe pr-vails," she stated. Miss Parrot also urged that Pan-Hellenic give consid- eration to the National Federation of Students of America, what phase it should take on the Michigan campus, S and how it should be organized. She pY ressed the importance of creating discussion of national and interna- tional questions as preliminary to a meeting to be held in Ann Arbor next fall when definite opinions will be needed. Norma Bicknell Mansfield, president of th~e ,Women's league, expressed tier appreciation of what Pan-Hellenic has done for the league, commenting es- pecially on the completeness of so- rority house organization. Support of the campaign for the new "Women's League building was y' solicited by Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of women. "Because you realize what the contact of social life means, it is the duty of every sorority woman to see that Michigan has a Women's leaaue building." Miss Helen C. mowers, reporter for the Detroit Free Press, declared "practical working idealism" as the greatest contribution of sororities to the world. "After a sorority girl gets out of college she discovers that no one organization has a monopoly of any sort, brains, talent, or beauty. She comes to realize that all rituals,,, are founded on the same principles. It is snot the sorority woman's contribution we must remember but the dream of the. women of 50 years ago which has come to be realized-the value of practical working idealism in a comc- ~munity." > ~ 'Miss Bowers {observed, that, sorority women after graduation leave their fraternity badges at home, but added that they always carry with them the ideals of their organization. Introduction of the officers for the ~new year were made by Miss Parrot., Francis Parrish, '27, Pi Beta Phi, was 11 presented as next year's president; r Melda Platt, '27, Kappa Kappa Gamma, S as next year's secretary; and Jean Kyer, '27, Alpha Phi, as next year's treasurer. E a i ai n Fo Te c e sO f 1fl r E0 D I 7o HID ':;May Play On Boleh N O TICES Iiules of legislation for womren on this Ex m n to s n- ixa h r 7C campus, in which all sides will be A nnL ClI ~ ~ass And II tJOUsC etaken up and which will involve the Indians Given In An ArboriUI L BurboIur Gyn un t iiIrules of other campuses. Bas etb ll ear; Jnio (irsl' ay reearsals will Portia Literary socety will hold it Wome wh wold e iterstedin~dens a~l iioaie tliiwie qaii~ P~ TE~ ~ ~ TES Teuasasfollows today: chorus 6 at430 joint meeting with Adephi at :5 poiin as teachers ini the United' fled are urged to apply, as there. is,~fi UIhbl 'lc, n hrs1 t5ocok o'clock tonight in the Adelphi rooms. States Indian Service must make ap- a constant t emand for such eligibles 1e( i v 1' or To' 1; 1..9,i1~i n metn o tehod Athletic manags will hold a sleigh plication to the United States Civil;On account of restricted living guar-1 aied 'oar A lnls* e i iliigei ti,,, 0 O',lkcoucil at 4:15 0oloch tomorrow. ride party from>$ to 10 o'clock Fri 'l'd~~ A Mcii~g oin ileS(i ys and lirstays, in bas- lection of officers will tae place. day night, Jan. 15. Managers who Serivee Commission before JIan. 27 in ters only persons without (ependelts 1In Gyiitasiia ngynsi.Jnir and senior' oretoe osdrdfrtefis frwo iigqatr ol adam prmci>e seaf for r;' Members of the oudoor sport class wish to attend should bring .40 to the examination, or"lbefore Mlarch 17 tin to be provided will be admitted to l 1 ' ,. aD~~Jj~*]JLehei 1( ~~ln re rqese to biig skis, snow- meeting at 4 o'clock Wednesday. order to. be considered ,for' the see- thzese examinations. I1 arriedl women i'L will lioc5, tobagfrnm,5adtsleds to clas onr examina~tion. Alnn Arborits one will not be admitted to these exai- Requ ireet ortepstrcnes ieah' womn matoy p'lyboth wih themtodaty. TeEpeso aa smc n of the cities listed in which the exami- jnations."eqieetfoth Ite'(IPS Thsva omn aypaonbh-- tereste in sericulture and personally nation may be taken.; The date foir The age requirement for these ps-for the junior Girl's play were (U thuPeiarcompeandenti'eaurltemi lltascreothslk rmanfed the assembling of competitors for tions is not restr'icted1 as is that for' i sutly decided Minn ~y the meme s ofleg ti Black Quill meeting at So'clock to- ing theme on mulberry leaves. examination will be stated on the ad- the Phiippn evc.(plcnsof tne adveriising omteea 'h t oeIo ne-caso day, in 204 South Wing. Elections misson crdssentappicans ater ust e btwee th age of20 admetiuig hld Sudayafternoon at ftme trninura1 Iaskethall, as has formerly will be hl.IMn.Fn eTrihabsa the close of the receipt of app lica-140 years. Six months of actual teach- olgaeSrssLus.Teer,_ente ae n oa h a Athena Literary society will hold dor to London, is considered "ad- tions. ingleperieceemus be dne beore.ais re enth aeay oa h a pn ingexpriece ustbe onebefrequirements Wll e annouiiCCr d by l psed her hear't and lung examrina- noe forum at 7:1 o'clock tonight vanced" by her compatriots. She Is The salaries paid to these teachers appointment will be made, however, r ln np,(hnla ftecrn-loadwomitisshlrsi in the Athena rooms to discuss the the author of a number o books. are in three groups: the entrance sal-Ithe ivil service examination may lbeimittee t a maeting v hich wiill be eligibilty a ccrding 10 the regular ary for elementary grade teachers isitaken prior to this teaching experi- heihl at 4 o'clock toay in the1co(NI laiesv iuin- is ligibl1e to try $1200 a year and the maximum salary ence. jrect ie room of I at-our gym nas unrn out forrIthe ~eae. A poter will bed is $1500; the entrance salary for jun- Go.hat soeo h togs o l u 0'wmnW)aeii~' ~ae nteblei or nBr iood hhh coltahr s$40arqieenlthstonappontmentrtontees t itfoaljuioe po~sl role re(;Intelt.placoil ym na siun boar nmenfo ih coo ecesi $40arqirmnsttopitett hee signhttepsercne .;botgnmian o oe i iAh0 year and the maximum salary is4$1680; positions and with this end in view, This ('ueti nana n mdtp for' basketbal. The entrance salary for senior high a physical nnaloe nd byhyialeampiin i n etlhe ed-1 ist not yoenSeeshe pa r o- j _ .."- school teachers is $1560 and the maxi- appontee e aminatioin is n c the winreoaoll-I e wr mum salary is $1860. These salaries erdieric.tramuad by heagns fel ay ising f1 J I are augmented by the fact that fur- Firmvedte nr lavetsn hours will be allowed for tm u loi therepnt(t nished quarters, heat and light are Fiepr.e u lo, h eairno %, M V 4- allowed appointees free of cost and( civil service examination and the a $10) prizo eo r ro f4 s e a i ai n wl egvno b~n fe i .l. is0expected 1 ~ ii Orn 11 nn I Hr , meals are furnished at cost. Where eaiainwl egvn naStr lobigchro.I.i 8eta ha ~ Uf UL~ a physician is included in the person-eday.iTaosulbjes anfrainof th geer l display will o blitade ot all i eaiainwlbeafolw: lu(sters enrtred t i i tse octest'1a-i- nel of the government Indian Schools, . Pedagogy (questions on edluca- l m u h iialshsl ota e U i for n all ucationl inthe geej n employees receive free medical at- cmt1ough i P1 tit III Of t mnot as d ha tnindicsintional methods, school discipline and ben sttlo.I en lterore ttio ofthe omonlas' Inaoah lgiiiyo dmiitrion, itr n cec fbe o oetni h omnya anadsuso fteeiiiiyO dmintation, itoy5n0S~~ I h diaiiyc (hil.te cpied reason vhy the colleges ands candidatestegvrnetblei 2.ldcton trii, il gram out of Itown to be printed'(1as iviil ies of tie land ]ave been ff11-! says, "Single women without depen- experience 501 u te bds OlI 1; iel oin(loo it and I tn ltanlaredr ut such an in- bis (Cii ei ~ti erpre>tt o samc very broadl amoli M outs~id riters. he pinos for uoi-! -" Local Actresses Total 100 . T m >' ~iVp, otsoacurte as it nigt Tngt Applicants should apply for examsi-lw's.$25dollus or a ulln itd ~b.~en h vrready ustionire,Q '6 Ap e rT ng t nation to the Civil Service Commis- los,.. lol s o fl dae111 hinit at the U.niverity c ka p.!~,soWsigtnD .bfr h veitisement, $20 for half a Iii>', 18 lomra determined to find the truth of in f .,a&,erne da tes mentioned above. ifor one third pag6 andl t12.51) for one' the mratter. Professing strict conf- °", fourth a page Tihe cover novei l oene on the matter, they found that 1 Included in the cast of Bernard i ments, which necessarily are limited ili out of 100 women who answered the l "n t ~ o ~ ubrwl mon o$4)apgeol ueies, 15 ame to their school be- Shaw's Grea Catherine hich is! l BE I . with tihe additional cost of $15 forecuetehm onwstoda" being presented at 8:30 o'clock to- u cauere tolr home tocovnrwas too dead i night and tomorrow night by Comedy during therwinerrmonts.nTher NT R 9N OT O et.club at the Mimes theater are the weH~I~I lO cs.____crce 2 o cane to enlarge their names of many womeon students who LII circleLo acquaintances and friends have appeared in previous campus grans which this branrch is going Ic iOf the remaining answems, 12 were I productions. Committee members and the ad- carry out tired of oarding school and 22 con-10 O ON Theply hih eal wthon o Ivisory board of the University Y. 1V Elizabeth P'arrot, 26,i,oing td fessed that they just wanted to have the many love affairs of Catherine III C. A. will be entertained fronm 4 to speak to those pesent about the n- a good time.j 1fRsi a o t edn ayI6 o'clock this afternoon at the homueitional sudents conerecee cii the! -- Ary Loomis, 22, director of Masques of Mrs. Stanley G. Stevens, 640 O- IWrorld court, which 'sheate attenedat AYTLR SUB~SCIiPTIOf)XNOW -IN_________________________________________ and unio Gir's pay. Elizabeth ford road. The regular cabinet meet- Pinceton, 'Ew Jersey(In Dec. 11 a1n(1j and wIno ilspa.Iilntb ed : ,c':wiltl ftep~ ies'h Straus, '26, will play the part of Va- r wilntbIed 1.Seiu 0) epa i5CSClI_______________________ rins; ar Lo Mile,'2, wo i Stunts will be arranged by some of. at that conifoeece, lading un to the IT~r ,,A r.-rov--a-ID- nink; May Lo Miler, 26, ho wlle conmittees andi a number o1fhfisFormiation ofape.rmneint os'gaia beremembered as the Spaniard with the. £ - the flashing teeth of last year's Jun- ( omte himnwl give short; ion ofsluoent eles tlislo' ior Girl's play, will interpr'et Claire; ( talks acquaintinug members of other the odscusionr of internatinadl prob',- - Lilliani Bronson 27 will appear as J committee with the work that tihey are!- . ....,. ' Princess Dashkoff; while Marion Le-ca'iin in.'2sonilet 1 :. W. Owu t3s a'vt o n\ land, '27, amnd M~inerva Miller, '27, will) Kathryn WLilson, 6 rsietofi - u5'' Csug :) crit i act as two ladies of court. tueognzto, iltl ftepm J t-utabe wood arnd IdraiYn n at rials, I ... si, The entire production is being di-etv.iihthJimmla fitorIcoln av.tvnott8 l(i '(ltI~ reced y Pilis ougto~ '8, hogoing to sponsor dring theo.coimig Iand graves i e ei.'h t foia ~iuP Tertwo byPhills beore tring8,theomonths, and also of seine of th( pmro-defraiys burial o o-ts oft' :sunmuh- s:. ____________'. -*' -., University of Michigan was assistant y ) p " r 7 stag mangerfor Miss Jessie Don- j- ~ :---i,~. stell0's stock company of De'troit. C . I 1 Margaret Effinger, '26, and Marion Clothes 7 , tg-r 4 .r..h i Leland, '27, assisted in theo"execution Ulofe^a.' yet ' -_ -I of the scenery for th'e productionj . "' K' which is representative of seventeenth r, .. tht lohcm v. century Russia. clarr ~2~~~ The play presents in ia farcial man- here.yXdea clfo r wanyu n deliver. ner tie triangle formed by the visit.Hr. - l al o n \ie' y r)iIL,.tq f i ing English captain, the queen her- foNgE HEGjUN ^ H N M O HE FA seli n her Prime Minister, Patimn - I E TF TI E U NEU(iTHE NAME - ON THEY FLAP ..P Mi "A i;1 ti. j'- {A tI INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL BEGINS NEXT SEMESTER1 In order that the intramural bas- ketball tournament may be started as soon as possible in- the new semester, it is essential that all teams be or- ganized and have their medical exam- inations before Jan. 25. At 4 o'clock tomorrow, a meeting will be held' in Barbour gymnasium for all athletic managers. It is hoped that there will be a full attenadnce as. the entry blanks for the tournament are to be distributed. Managers are asked to sign up their teams on the bulletin board in flarbour gymnas- ium. In the coming tournament, the teams will be organized into leagues of four each and the schedules will be so arranged that each team pleays every other team in its lea- gue. At the end of the season, an elimination tournament will take place containing the league winners.. The leagues are "to be formed on a basis of playing time, and games will be played frnom 4 to 6 o'clock on Mon- day, Wednesda Y, :ano Friday, and from 7:15 to 8:15 o'clo,.ck on Monday and Wednesday. Tickets for either tonight or tomor - row night performances may still be obtained at Graham's Slater's, or 3j Wahr's bookstores. The price which I provides for a reserved seat is 5oi cents. The MOE LAUNDR 204 N. Main Street Dial 3916 ...wr+ ,.C . U New Spring Time Fabrics Tempt One to An Early Start What does it- matter how the winds blow outside, when these lovely fabrics promise such a joyous, colorful Spring? Start your sewing now. You'll find these gay prints a source of inspiration. A breath of spring b.p --each of them, in their gorgeous blends of color that will feel at home wherever you choose to wear them. 7 4 l ; 4 t c 1 i i k: ummmoolk Fashion a Clever. Gypsy Scarf or a New Spring Frock from These Gay Prints The three-cornered gypsy scarf that ties smartly 'at the back of the neck or at the shoulder ! The smartest and gayest frocks for spring ! Get out your shears and patterns and start transforming the new fabrics irnto these lovely spring clothes! Fascinating colors in a variety of materials are priced at pleasantly moderate cost. y I Und er New Management Our $logar - Quai y anq Service at i owest Prices' (TIC A, SUEY AND AMEJ ACA: DINNER Ser i A at All Hiours 81fF,,VIAL lDINNERiS 11:80 iaduik-2 p.m. & 5:30-8 p.m. versity Inn E cumbersome. wallowing gaiter. And aMethod of fastening unequalled. Don t funk in styl;--add Zippers to yo u r wardrobe, 36-inch Springtime Prints in attractive color combinations, $2.00 Figured Canton Crepe and Crepe de Chine is priced at $2.35 and $3.50 40 and 54 inch Pussy Willow Taffeta in floral designs, $5.00 and' $8.75 (MAIN FLOOR)' Yd. yd. yd. THlE B. F~. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO Vim'? t is I lilt