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October 01, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-01

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a i * f of the vote indicates that the vista
6 r f"., A t imay not be entirely a mirage.
== ~ .v; Wisconsin, apparently, has no
Published e-cry morning except Monday
during the L :ersity year by the Board in mu.re ylve for the smooth grooves of
Control of S %nt Publications. placid iarties.
Members of v cstern Conference Editorial
As csiat __ et_ isxcu- v ----- PEACE-TIME AVIATION
Th . A, t d P * tusivel en

,I I

. ,

d.e soc 7 c 1ress Is exlvel y <
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatchecs credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
F1itered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
liigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Ofces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.
Telephone 492 x
Chairnman, oard . .Norman R. Thal
City E d~f,,o.... Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor-------...Manning Houseworth
Wo'ree's Editor........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports lEditor.............oseph Kruger
Tcelgrph lEditor.......William Walthour
Music and .rama. Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith 1-. Cady Leonard C. hall
Willard1. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olians lsrederick H. Shillito
Gertrude ,. Bailey Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed
L. Farnum Ruth Rosenthal
Buckingham Milo S. Ryan
Ed g - Carter Abraham Satovsky
Katherine Fitch \Gilton A. Simpson
)ugen Ii. Gutektn -1 Git Sinclair
Jances . herald stland C. Suia
Russell T. litt s A. Sprowi
j. AMunro Iunes, i-vThurnau
Elizabeth S Kennedy J elm Thurnau
Marion Kubik . 1) t. , CVokes
\Walter H. Mack (1elrrJ. Whipple
Stanton Meyer N> em th\VWickware
Helen Morrow ' a S. Williams
Herbert Moss (': m'\. Wilson
Margaret Park,-r, I1< n~ .C. Winter
S Stanford INi. r'!ds =arguetc Zilszke
TelelphoeiI 21214
Advertisi ng.. ....... .....J. J. Finn
Advetising . . .T. D. Ohmsted, Jr.
Adv. t .n FIrank R. Dentz, Jr.
A Wer.tn L. Mullin
Ciru yIi!l . II. L. Newman
i.Rudolph Bostelman
Acou --..Paul W. Arnold
j l AAssitants
n reFrankE.Mosher
Cori ' l~g. -,Julius C. Pliskow
.C1 C Robert Prentiss
John i 'Wim. C. Pusch
(GeorgecI ,jLg, i'anklin J.
1 llen X )l ti r~ich 1",asS n
james Pin- H. Wer :
Myra I' irastefwald iu-.'ae Weinbti:
Oscar A V.ai1;. J. Weinman
!. E. LitheCTO ER , 2
" TI 1URFIl I, OCTOBER 1, 1925

The problem or defending the
United States from a possible air at-
tack in case of war is now holding
the attention of the people of the
country to an extent that has no
precedent in the annals of aviation,
due largely to the vocal bombard-
iments of the energetic Colonel Mit-
chell, who is daily coveriig Washing-
ton with a barrage of charges, rang-
ing from plain incompetency to gen-
eral boneheadedness on the part of
the chiefs of the air service.
If the claims of the fire eating
colonel are proved to be substantially
correct, Lhere is a serious defect in
the defene plans of the United States
and it be;omes increasingly import-,
ant to determine just what resistance
could be offered in the event of an
invasion by air. With the breakdown
of the incompetent 'my and navy air
fprces, the prolem -of defense would
be left in the hanIs of the peace-time
aviators of the United States, and
here we find a record that is a cheer-
ful contrast with that published by
Colonel Mitchell in regard to the
military service.
The United States has the largest
number of -civilian aviators in the
world, many of whom are veterans
of the World war-and this list is
growing annually, due to the develop-
ment of commercial aviation in this
country. In 1924, seventy per cent
of the world's recordls in aeronautics
were held by Americrn flyers. The
United States Air 11,.il srvice ranks
far ahead of any othr line of peace-
time aviation, either here or in
Europe. Its service covers the long-
est air-line in the world and it has
no equal for continuous day and night
flying. There is no record of arti-
filially light airways or scheduled
night fliihts anywhere else in the
The transportation of passengers
by air has not been developed here
as it h in Europe, where the Lon-
don-l'arr' air passenger service has
long been established and where
other lii; are rapidly being formed.
How v(r, iany proposed air lines are
now under way and will soon have
another group of planes available for
, work in case of emergency.

. 1


N ght I EO ARD C. HALL } If the aircraft investigation board
- ' - ;finds that the sensational charges of
LA FO 21 ,TTE, THlE G. 0. P., Colonel Mitchell are true, or seven
A '0PAWRY IS',IIES partially true, another urgent reason
W m"n k(sinetd nte for the encourasgement of peace-time
aviation will be evident. The larger
wedge in )th sturdy Republican oak, the organization of the Air Mail serv-
has paift 1i Vte to a m n who aught ice becomes, the more passenger and
courage 1 r iss -' conceived freight air lines are established, the
to be ri pit, and has ,vn its ad-- more commercial aviators there are
miration for a comparative youth by au " United States-thebetter will
Y oortM. a FlleteJr. tobe e air defense, regardless of the
electing Roert M. La Follette, Jr., to the army and navy.
the seat in Senate made vacant 'h second line of defense should
by the dea h"I he senior La Follette. not be neglected during the whole-
The ele returns in case are sale exchange of words regarding the
startling. Seventy out of seventy-one first line, which Colonel Mitchell is
counties fell to the La Follette forces, now conducting at Washington.
and among La Follett's support is
on Q W, ntl::-.jeviously considered a TIE NEW UNIVERSITY
Coolid e- RePublican stronghold. Such A tendency away from making the
nels inoises will give the party university but a factory-like place
l ders pause. for quantity production is indicated
a Follette, running on the Repub- in the annual report of Dean Hawkes
t an tic4 m0,oved' the teeth from of Columbia university.
i a politial bite that was intended In his report ,the dean explains a
wl en the famous expulsion from par- plan which, when carried out will, he
ty proceedings took place after the says, graduate ninety per cent of
latest Presidential election. The son those that enter colleges and uni-
shows no more regard for staunch versities, instead of just the present
Republi n; planks than did the fifty per cent. The plan includes a
fat er. y ei true Republican was psychological test which would aid
forced to 'in npon the Independent the "gif' T" who have been hindered
tficket. by "laziness," "social diversion," or
The vote that was cast may indicate temporary bursts of enthusiasm. And
that the electors in Wisconsin have it aims to benefit the average student.
taken a belated opportunity of dem- Most of us-the average-have an
onstrating their appreciation of "Old innate inelinat i:l to ret away with it
Bob's" work by naming his son to until we are c!:lt.
teplnce him, that the elder La Fol- Most of us-tin average-have so-
lett had established such a foothold cial inclinations.
as only time will erode, or that the Most of us--the average-and this
populace has come to recognize the is more important than all else, are
vaie of clear-et issues enunciated really capable of discovering what
by an individult who will stripe to the good Lord meant us for, if we
1a, e those PSs "ts. but half try. But we do not. It is
Michigan recenib encountered only incidentally that we want to dis-
miuch the same situation in the in- cover whether we are fitted for any-
dependence of Senator James E. thing in particular.
C6izens, whoa. popu'uv was such The Columbia policy, at least so it
tiat kid glocs proved . rough sub- :'fms, is endeavoring to give a defi-
stance for u in, handling. However, iiteness of aim to she freshman,
Couzens was chiefly .independent; La rather than to the ' tate. Event-
Follette, irom it Repuhlican view ually some such poI _ 1 have to
po-int, is decidedly unruly, be worked out whe the average
From the news of the younger La student actually rt. es what he
Follette's methods, he is quite likely needs and what he wants, instead of
to develop into as much of a stum- just floating around and happening
Ming block in the Senate as his to land here or there.
father was before him. He has an- If the Columbia policy can over-
nounced that his father's issues are 1"ok the laziness and diversion, and
his own, and the enthusiastic vote uiao-r the ability, it will indeed
accorded him would show approvali makc t quantity worth while, of
at least. So liftle does the element superior qaality.
ofl reverenc for the father influence
the average Aterican voter i ' the The principal of the French loan is
Senator-elect may i .cerL.'t l hat $340, 43.72; accrued interest as
the overwhelming 'I was sincere of a . $870,040,904.55; total in-
and loaded with m--,ung. Armed debt $4,210,446,948.27; the
with mcI' feeling, 1e will probably princ i in-udes $400,000,000 repre-1
etend msef as a token of grati- sentmn_ a u i s war materials sold to

"Dear Sir:-
Suppose you were offered DIA-
Suppose something you rarely think
of makes radically low prices for
even the fine quality diamonds
Suppose this all were offered by
the largest and oldest diamond
banking institution in all the
world. '
Wouldn't you be passing up a real
opportunity or having one dear
to you wear a sparkling gem of
fiery brilliance. Or, wearing one
yourself as a reflection of your
own prestige or standing."'
Above letter was received by one of
our friends recently. It really doesn't
strike you until you read it over a
few times. Then it arouses your
curiosity. It's a mighty clever letter.
This business about something you
rarely think of, for instance. Now
what can that be? There are lots of
things we rarely think of; the sewage
system of Seville, for example. Now
we hardly ever really think of that,
yet we can hardly imagine how that
can bring diamonds down to $60 per
carat. We never knew that you
bought diamonds by the carat. We
understood it was by the stone.
We don't see what they would do
if a man ordered seven carats o
diamonds and the only stones they
had were jsix and three carats each. It
would be something like these psy-
chological tests; except that you can't
pour a diamond from one pail to an-
other. And how do you bank dia-
monds? We've heard of wearing and
swallowing them but not banking
them. It seems to us that that is
something they do to roads, Another
new thought is this business about
wearing a diamond as a reflection of
your prestige and standing..... Ac-
cording to that Coolidge should wear
the biggest diamond in the country,
and so on down. But we doubt that
the President wears a sparkling gem
of fiery brilliance, as the letter so
poetically puts it.
The insidious part of that letter is
it gets your curiosity all worked up!
If we read that once more we are go-
ing to send for a half a carat's worth
of diamonds just to find out about
these things.
* * *
Iehabod writes us to suggest that
re. these new courses in Polish the
University should offer Fdnnish as
well. He gives as a reason some-
thing about a Finnishing as well as
a Polishing school...... It's pretty aw-
ful but we hate to discourage begin-
We don't approve of teaching Polish
anyway. We think the house-maids
should be taught English instead......
even though it would be harder.
* * *
Just to show that we have the right
idea about this faculty board we are
about to repeat one of the stories
which a member of the esteemed
faculty tells. He claims that while
motoring this summer his life was
enriched by the following gem of
PROF: (While stopping for Gas)
"How far is, it to Quebec?"
GAS MAN: "Quebec? Why you
ain't half way there yet."
PROF: "Is that so?"
GAS MAN: "Yes, why you won't
be half way till you get to Pen-

PROF: "Half way from where?"
GAS MAN: "Why half way from
here, of course."
* * *
There was a young student named
Who in study spent all of his hours
But the strain was too great
And failed to cheat fate
Now he's six feet beneath pretty
Another young student named
Devoted his time to Lacrosse
By dint of the tussle
He strengthened his muscle
And at present is strong as a horse.
* * *
And now for a few songs. This is
positively the last day-farewell ap-
pearance, etc., etc. SIR UP has the
"Trio" song "Trio Clock in the Morn-
ing;" and the same wit has the
"Ivan" song "Ivan To Go Back to
And we have been humming the
"Oswego" song-"Oswego Marching
Sir Tob Tiffin.
The Roumanian government, which
is coming over to arrange a settle-
ment regarding its debt of about 44'
millio n dollanrs .Ia aki +o p n



meeting of llasqiies at 3
Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
* * *




Mr. Palmer Christian's program.
will include the Finale to the elevenutli
act of Puccini's opera, "Madame But-
-Mich. Daily, Sept. 30, 1925.
A review, by Edward Heyman.
The Shuberts have formed a very.
fascinating triumverate and put them
all in a pleasant entertainment. They
call it "Naughty Riquette," why, 1
really don't know. Riquette is a very
sweet telephone operator, quaintly
enough, not at all saucy or wicked
as the title might suggest. You know
she is a good little girl the moment
she appears on the, stage, for she
sings a pathetic ballad about "Dear
Little Brother of Mine." .. .
Mitzi plays the part of the girl who
supports an adopted brother. She
loses her job, and in a moment of
desperation promises to become a
conspirator in a plot far too compli-
cated to mention here. It is har4
to find a new adjective for this little
star. She has been called inimitable,
lovely, diminutive, dainty; and I find
myself heartily agreeing with these
descriptions. She is much of every-
thing-comedienne, dancer and sing-
er, She can laugh and cry easily, and
her adoring public cry and laugh with
A young Englishman, Lupino Lane,
is making his American debut as an
all around office boy, detective, and
man about town. He is an excellent
co-star for Mitzi. I cannot think of
any of our comedians who have the
combined personality and bag of
tricks that Mr. Lupino has. His per-
formance calls for every enthusiasm.
Oscar Straus, composer of Viennese
waltzes, completes the trio. His mu-
sic adds a touch of opperetta to the
piece. The numbers range all the
way from bright marching tunes to
the higher type of love song, and all
good. Also a word of praise for Sey-
mour Felix for his unusually clever
dance arrangements; the chorus for
its fine sense of rythm Alexander
Gray, a capable hero with a real
voice, and a young man and woman
who sing the song hit, "Someone" in
blackface. I wish all musical com-
edies were as bright and gay and
tuneful as "Naughty Riquette."
A review, by Kenneth Wickware.
One can overlook the creaky eccen-
tricities of the old organ, and the in-
cessant coughing, and the rustling of
programs in the audience; there in
the mellow half-light one can forget
those things that should be forgot-
ten. With the powerful strains of
Maitland's "Concert Overture" we
are in mood . . . there are but few
vacant seats today. The, professor's
assignment leaves our mind; swell-
ing, fading, the impressive chords
quite fill the vast auditorium . .
then presently we are watchmin
Madame Butterfly kneeling at the
window of her house, looking out
across the sea-curiously enough, we
may be great some day.
* * *
e t

Cecilia Hansen
Miss Hansen is a Russian of Danish
ancestry, one of the Slavic immortel-
les that include Stanislavsky, Chalia-
pin, Soudekine and Baskt. "A younger
sister of the spiritual Heifetz," Gil-
bert Gabriel calls her, "a violinist
who looks like a Greek goddess and
plays as one inspired." Along with
Geiseking, she is the most interesting
artist to appear in Ann Arbor this
Mr. McIntyre is presenting Barry
Conners' "Applesauce" at the- Whit-
ney theatre Saturday and Sunday
evening, October 3 and 4. The play
is a comedy of middle-class America,
much after the manner of "TheI
Show-Off," I believe, and is shortly toE
open on Broadway after a, surprising
success in Chicago. Now it is true

.., .




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