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January 12, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-12

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VOL. XXXVI. Noa 82





r _ 1

Capital Stock Levy Of $1 For Every
$1,000 Of Stock In Excess Of
$5,000 Repealed




Feminine witticisms, accompanied by
illustrations drawn by feminine ar-
tists from all parts of the country,
as well as the Michigan campus, are
contained in the annual Girls' number
of Gargoyle, campus humor magazine,
Which will be placed on sale on the
campus and at the bookstores this
morning. The prizes, two silver lov-
ing cups, one for the best drawing
and the other for the best editorial
matter submitted, will be awarded at
a meeting of the Gargoyle staff today
and the winners announced by The
Daily tomorrow.
The cover design, "Virgin Wool",
carried out in red and black, is the
work of Mary Louise Miller, '26. Three
full page drawings are included in
the issue; the first, "Sonnet, to H" is
the work of a student at an eastern

girls' school, and the latter two are
local products, one, "The College Girl",
by Dorothy McGonigal, '28, and the
other a collection of female faces and
figures, with which the Gargoyle of-
fice was flooded when the Girls' num-
ber contest opened.
According to Gargoyle staff, contri-
butions were received from Vassar,
Mt. Holyoke and other of the eastern
schools for girls, and from as far west
as the University of Missouri, in ad-
dition to scores of contributions from
the feminine students on the campus.
Editorially, Gargoyle objects to the
use of the word "co-ed", believing that
women, as well as men, have made a
place for themselves in a state uni-
versity, and advocates the use of the
generic word "student", in referring
to both sexes.






Marking the first production with a taken by Valentine Da)
nixed cast ever to be presented in l thor of "Tambourine"s
n the Mimes theater, final dress re- ly cast in such former
iearsals for Bernard Shaw's "Great "Outward Bound" and
Catherine", which Comedy Club is ble Bashville"; Lillian
[resenting tonight and tomorrow at who played the Prior
8:30 o'clock, were held last evening Cradle Song"; Thoma
in the Mimes theatre under the sup- who has appeared in
ervision of Prof. J. Raliegh Nelson, of "Engaged"; and Elizab
the engineering english department. who also appeared
The present performances are among Bound."
the first in America, the piece having The entire productio
been played previously only in New direction of Phyllis Lot
York and Boston. The story of "Great the incidental music is
Catherine" burlesques Catherine II, rection of Joseph Ellis,
Empress of Russia, treating one of Tickets for both ever
her many romances with visiting am- transferred from the
bassadors. Street bookstores at

vies, '27, co-au-
and prominent-
productions as
"The Admira-
Bronson, '27,
ess in "The

Express Powers Of Student Officers
To Be Reported; Want Stu-
dents On Lecture Committee

s Denton, '28,
"Spring" and
eth Strauss '27
in "Outward
n is under the
ughton, '28, and
under the di-
nings are being'
three State
1 o'clock this


COEsm roHWKEYES, 22-1


Superiority Of Varisty Five Is Abi
To Brea k Away For Short Shots
Under Basket'


p(By Associated Press)t
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-Vital ratef
reducing provisions of the House reve-
nue bill, including the important in-t
come tax schedules, were accepted to- _
day by the Senate finance committee
in rejecting the Democrat program
calling for a total tax reduction of
Bi-partisan support was given the
reductions in normal income tax rates
and the increased personal exemp-
tions approved by the House measure,
and to some alterations voted in the
bill, but the committee divided on
strict party lines on the three propo-.i
sitions by which the Democrats plan-
ned to increase the total reduction byl
$170,000,000 over the $330,000,000 al-
ready provided for.
The following changes in the non-
partisan house bill were ordered:
Repeal of the capital stock levy of
$1 for each $1,000 of stock in excessE
of $5,000.t
Increase of the corporation tax
from 12 1-2 per cent to 13 per cent
on taxes paid in 1926 and to 13 1-2
per cent thereafter.
Increase of the admission tax
exemptions to apply to tickets cost-
ing 75 cents or less instead of 50
cents, the present limit.1
Elimination of the House provision
allowing exemption. from the admis-
sion tax on tickets sold for the!
"spoken drama".
Restoration to the bill of a two I
per cent tax on automobile trucks.
The House had voted to repeal theI
present three per cent levy on trucks.
Further reductions in the taxes on!
cigars selling for 5, 8, and 15 cents.
Increase by double the tax applying
on foreign built yachts and motor
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-The resig-
nation of Representative Langley, Re-
publican, Kentucky, was received and
accepted today by the House. It was
tendered in a letter after the Supreme
court had refused to review his con-
viction for violation of the prohibi-
tion laws.
The resignation was sent some time
ago to Representative Burton, Repub-
lican, Ohio, who beaded a spec ta
House committee to investigate the
charges against him, to be tendered!
immediately if the court should ren-f
der an adverse decision, and was pre-
sented to the House by Speaker Long-
The Kentucky member reiterated in
the letter that he was innocent of the
charges against him and predicted
that time would vindicate him.

louse Takes Up Bill To Establish
DivIsi?n Of Cooperative j
(By Associated. Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-The drive
if farm relief legislation by the pres-
nt session of Congress moved today
oward a full stride, with hearings,f
n agricultural bills, getting under
ray in the House, and farmer's rep-
esentative gathering for the National
,ooperative Marketing conference and
or discussions with administration I
The House agriculture committee
ook up for first consideration among
he numerous pending measures, a billI
y its chairman, Representative Hau-
en, Republican, Iowa, to establish a
evision of cooperative marketing in
he 'Department of Agriculture.
Secretary Jardine, endorsing the
ill, told the committee that the co- 1
perative idea was fundamentally
ound, but the farmers organizations
hould "stop fighting among them-
elves" if they expected to reap the
>enefits. Something must be done
mmediately, he declared, to stop "ag-I
icultural mortality".
ie also conferred for an hour and
lalf this afternoon with Frank O. Low-
en, former governor of Illinois, and
ne of the leaders in the movement
or farm relief, S. A. Thompson, pres-
dent of the American Farm Bureau I
ederation, and Aaron Shapiro, attor-
iey for the Cooperative Marketing
Beyond saying that this meeting
ad been harmonious none would dis-
uss it afterward, although Mr. Low-
ten and Mr. Shapiro said they would
et forth their views in speeches be-
fore the National Cooperative Mar-
keting conference.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-Debate on
whether Peter Nye is to be seated as
a senator from North Dakotia by ap-
pointment of the governor got out
of the hands of Senate leaders today
and developed into a free-for-all argu-
Both the Republican and Democra-
tic leaders sought to mark an end to
the discussion and have a vote by
3:30 o'clock tomorrow. But their
proposal for an unanimous consent
agreement failed. The question for
unanimous consent was put twice.
The first time, Senator Blease, Demo-
crat, South Carolina, objected on the
ground that "jag rule" was being
proposed, and later Senator Dill, Dem-
ocrat, Washington, blocked agreement
contending senators should have a
free reign in the discussions.
Each proposal would have limited
senators to one speech of not longer
than 30 minutes. Upon assurance that
no senator desired to speak longer than
a half hour, Senator Blease withdrew
his objection, but Senator Dill insisted
that as far as he was concerned, he
wanted no limitations.
Debate then was resumed, with Sen-
ator Frazier, Republican, North Da-
kota, who has led the fight for the
seating of Nye taking up the discus-
sion. He expressed the view that if
Mr. Nye were a "regular Republican
instead of a progressive," there would
be little question as to his right to a

(By Associated Press)f
CHICAGO, Jan. 11.-The mem- t
orial which the William Jen- t
nings Bryan Memorial associa-
tion plans to erect in Washing-
ton, D. C., will take the form e
of a Bryan Commons, with a p
suitable useful structure for the I
service of the people. It willl
include a central chimes tower t
and the prospective cost is $1,- E
That was the decision reached I
today by a meeting of Josephus J
Daniels, president of the Bryan P
Memorial Association and a f
group of seven state leaders.
There will be another meeting1
in Washington next Saturdayat t
which a committee from the as-
sociation will concur with the .
committee appointed in Wash- n
ington to work out the precise
form the memorial to the Great e
Commoner shall take. a
Campaign Will Close Thursday Night;a
Silver Trophy Will Be Given a
high-Point Manr
Captains of two teams to lead thet
"Clean-up" squiads in the last three1
days of the Student Christian associa-t
tion drive, were appointed at a break-1
fast last Sunday morning in Lanet
Hall Tavern by Harry G. Messer, '26,
chairman of the campaign . The two
rien chosen were Ezra Young, '26 and1
Albert Boehringer, '26, who will have}
under them ten teams of five men each1
each. These teams will endeavor to
canvass every student who has not I
already been solicited by a member
of the committee.
The drive closes at midnight on
next Thursday night, and the man
who has the high total of subscrip-
tions will be awarded the silver tro-
phy which was donated by 0. D. Mor-
,il. At present, the man who is lead-
ing in the race has obtained subscrip-
tions amounting to more thian $100,
and there are several others who are
near that mark.
More than half the fund has already
been subscribed and it, is hoped that
the total will pass the $5,500 mark
before the end of the drive on Thurs-
day night. Since all subscriptions are
in dash or check this year, solicitors
are finding a little difficulty in obtain-
ing the subscriptions at the time of
making the call.
Many students who have not been
canvassed as yet have brought their
subscriptions to Lane Hall. Any stu-
dent who can bring his subscription
to Lane Hall will assist the commit-
tee greatly by doing so before Thurs-
day night.

Crystalizing claims of student mem-
bers of the Oratorical board that they a
are not at present enjoying all thet
rights and privileges guaranteed to F
them by the constitution and by-lays
)f the organization, William C. Dixon,
2814, at a meeting held yesterday aft-
ernoon in Angell hall, appointed a
committe of four students and one
faculty member to investigate condi-
tions and affect a reorganization of
the Oratorical association if neces-
Robert S. Miller, '27, was named
chairman of the committee and Prof.
R. D. T. Hollister, of the public speak-
ng department, was the faculty mem-
ber of the Board named. The other
three appointments follow: James J.
Dunn, '28L, Albert E. Sawyer, '27L,
and Florence Pollock, '28L.
The functions of the investigating
committee as outlined by Dixon were
presented at the meeting in written
form. They are:
1. Consider other means of organ-
2. Consider proposal of equal stu-
dent representation on lecture com-
mittee of the organization.
.3 Consider advisability pf broad-
ening the scope of the association's
work to include dramatic activities.
4. To ascertain the express powers
of the student officers of the body.
Dixon explained that the purpose of
his action was to effect more.student
control of affairs of the Oratorical
association, to promote more efficiency
in handling affairs, and to define de-
finitely the various powers of the fac-
ulty and student members of the
Board. On several occasions lately
disagreement has arisen in the body
as to the control of different functions,
and no definite conclusions could be
At a meeting held just previous to
the Christmas vacation period, Dixon
claimed the right as president of the
organization to introduce speakers on
the lecture course. He was supported
in his claims by student members of
the board and a motion authorizing
him to introduce speakers was intro-
At the same time a -motion to ap-
point student members to the lecture
committee was introduced. It pro-
vided that the students should have
the same number and same votes in the
committee as the faculty. In the past
the selection of numbers for the lec-
ture course has been entirely in the
hands of a faculty committee. The
motion will be held until the investi-
gation committee makes its report
back to the Board.
Albert E. Sawyer, '27L, student bus-
iness manager, made a proposal at
the meeting yesterday that the adver-
tising system of the body be changed.
He advocated more use of the mails
as an advertising medium, and told
of new filing systems that have been
put into use this year to promote
more efficiency. In advancing his
proposals he said, "Let us .make the
organization an institution rather than
a theatrical competing body".
Glee Club Will
Give Concert At
Ypsilanti Tonight

(By Associated Press)
two Americans were passengers
on the Guadajara-Mexico City
passenger train which was held
up Sunday night by bandits
who murdered at least 50 per-
sons. They were G. N. Win-
kott, of- Berryville, Virginia,
representative of the Buick Mot-
or company and a mining man
named Russel from Pachuca.
Both were robbed of all their
belongings but were not harm-
Mr. Winkott reached Mexico
City today bringing the first eye
witnesses account of the affair.
He said all male passengers in
the Pullman were lined up out-
side the train and were robbed,
but were not hurt physically.
The women passengerssin the
Pullman were not molested.

Amy Loomis, director of Masques If
and the Junior Girls' play, is cast inI o
the title-role; of the Empress, and 1
Robert Henderson, '26, plays the Prime!t
Minister Patiomkin. Other roles are, r


Clyde Leavitt Will Give Lecture OnI
"The Forest Situationc
In Canada"'
Clyde Leavitt, '04, chief fire inspec-
tor of the board of railway commis-P
sioners for Canada, will speak at 4:15 t
o'clock this afternoon in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium on "The Forest Sit-r
uation in Canada." Mr. Leavitt grad-I
uated from the University with the
first forestry class, and has sinceZ
been engaged in forestry work, both
in the United States and Canada. Y
Entering the United States serviceE
in July, 1904, he remained there until
1912, during which time he had ex-
tensive experience in field and ad-I
mninistrative work. In 1912, he ac-
cepted an offer from the Canadian
government as chief forester for the1
commission of conservation for Cana-t
da. When the conservation commis-
sion was'discontinued in 1921, he was
transferred to the board of railway
commissioners with headquarters at -
In 1920, he was sent to London, as
the delegate from Canadia to the Brit-
ish Empire Forestry conference, visit-
ing forests in England and Scotland,
and making a side trip to the Vosges
mountains in France to inspect the,
forestry operations of the French gov-
Mr. Leavitt is a native of Michigan.
Charges Against
o. S. U. Faculty
Prove Groundless
COLUMBUS, 0., Jan. 11.-Investiga-
tions of alleged liquor law violations
and communistic activities among the
Ohio State unversity faculty and stu-
dents today lost itself in a maze of
vague rumors.
. S. A. Propst, deputy state prohibi-
tion enforcement officer, star witnesse
before the University investigating
committee admitted before the hear-
ing that with the exception of Dadney{
Horton, former instructor at the uni-
versity, he never has known of a
member of the university faculty or
. student body who has violated the
prohibition laws.
It was Propst's report, following ar-
rest of Horton a month ago, for li-I
quor law violations, that alleged drink-

ternoon to the Mimes theatre box- By Joseph Kruger,
fice where they will be on sale from Sports Editor
to 5:30 o'clock and 7 to 8 o'clock Michigan's Varsity basketball five
oday and tomorrow. All seats are still in the experimental stage, but
eserved and priced at 50 cents. showing considerable improvement,
opened the home Conference schedule
by defeating the strong Iowa quintet
22-16 -last night at the Yost field
~EN HOSE FOR house.
Close guarding and frequent fouling
hindered both teams in unleashing a
powerful scoring offensive, and as a
result there was little to be seen in
--- the way of basket shooting. Iowa's
Lffirmative Trio Meets Northwestern- close guarding tactics gave the Wol-
ers; Negative Teams Goes To Ohio verines 15 tries from the foul line, but
State; Contest Friday this department was weak, only four
attempts being successful.
EWBANK WILL BE JUDGE Coach Mather used four men at the
left forward position in an attemept to
Prof. Henry L. Ewbank, of Albion find the fifth man of what is destined
rof. HsenL. Ebank to Abion thto be a strong combination. Ooster-
ollege, has been named to udge the baan received the first call, but soon
lebate between the Northwestern trio gave way to Ed Reece, Jim Martin and
nd the Michigan team which will be then Ed Chambers were sent into the
eld Friday night in Hill auditorium game in the second half. Judging
n connection with the Central De- from last night's game, the position
ate league, Prof. Thomas C. True- is still open.
lood, of the public speaking depart- The superiority of the Wolverines
nent announced yesterday. Michigan's lay in their 'ability to break away for
egative team will debate the Ohio short shots under the basket, eight
State three at Columbus at the same of the nine baskets being thus ac-
ime. counted for. Molenda was the scoring
G. E. Densmore, debate coach, has star of the contest, sinking four
een putting the two university teams baskets and two free throws for a.
hrough intensive drill for the de- total of ten points.
ates Friday since school began after Although playing little part in the
he vacation period. He is devoting actual scoring, "Red" Cherry proved
his time this week applying the finish- to be the outsanding player on the
ng touches. floor. The Wolverine guard was at
John Yeasting, '27, John II. Elliott,I his best In getting -possession of the
26, and Ephraim R. Gomberg, '27, baill and in bringing the ball up the
make up the affirmative team and floor.
Thomas V. Koykka '27, Philip N. The game started slowly, with each
Krasne, '27, and Harry L. Gervais, '27 team unable to penetrate the other's
compose the negative team. Robert defense. Cherry started hostilities
S. Miller, '27, and Emanuel J. Harris, with a free throw and Molenda then
27, Mr, '2 aternates, negative and followed with a clever overhead shot.
affrmative respectively n Captain MConnel then tied the score
f i ' with a free throw and a long shot.
Elliott is an Ann Arbor boy and Harrison soon sent the Hawkeyes one
was winner of the Atkinson Oratorical point ahead with a foul, but Molenda
medal in 1923. Yeasting comes from tied things up again with a foul, and
Fostoria, Ohio, and was a member of Cherry sent the Wolverines ahead
the Fostoria high school debate team. with a long shot, a lead that was
Gomberg lives in Duluth, Minn. He never relinquished.
represented Michigan in debate against Ed Reece, who replaced Ooster-
Illinois last year. For four years he baan, scored Michigan's only other
was a member of the Duluty Central basket of the opening period when he
high school debate team. made a fast overhead shot on a signal
Koykka is a graduate of Harbor play. -The half ended 10-7 with Michi-
high school, Astabule, Ohio. He had gian in the lead.
experience at that school as a -varsity I Molenda scored the first goal of the
debater, and won the University ex- second half immediately after the re-
temporaneous speaking contest which sumption of play, and McConnel added
was held recently. Krasne attended a point to the Iowa total. Harrison
Abraham Lincoln high school,, Council was then ejected from the fray Via
Bluffs, Iowa. He had three years ex- the four personal foul rule, and Phil-
perience on the high school team lips replaced him.
there. He also was a representative This change added new life to the
of Southwestern Iowa in the State ex- Iawkeyes, and both teams began to
temporaneous contest, as well as a speed up their play. Phillips scored
Michigan representative in the North- on a long-shot and brought his team
ern Oratorical contest for 1925. within two points of the Wolverines,
Gervais is a graduate of Western but Harrigan, suddenly coming into
high school of Detroit.For two his own, made one of his specialty
years he held a berth on the high shots. Phillips again kept Iowain
school team. Miller attended the the 'running with (another long heave,
Bellefontaine Ohio high school where and again Harrigan followed with a
he received debating experience. clever basket. Harrigan broke away
Harris is a graduate of Northwestern again, but passed to Molenda who
high school of Detroit. He was a sent Michigan's total up to 18,
member of the high school team which his tird long shot, andtutdone, made
held the Detroit champi'nship for ' i hr ogsoadtesoe read
heter D18-15. Successive shots by Molenda
two years,' and Doyle then decided the contest.
R26 M U [ P9CF.G. F.T. t
Oosterbaan, . f0 0 0
Harrigian, r. f........ 2 0 4
POPOSLISREJECTE Doyle,.(Capt)....... 1 1 3
Molenda,1 r. g. ....1 210

(By Associated Press)4
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-Senate op-
position to one of the two Interstate
Commerce Commisssion nominations
submitted last week by President
Coolidge virtually collapsed todayx
after the Interstate Commerce com-
mittee voted unanimously for a fav-
orable report on the appointment of
Richard V. Taylor, of Alabama.
The nomination of Thomas F. Wood-£
lock, of New York, who was given a.
recess appointment last summer after.
the Senate failed to act at the last4
session, still is pending.l
Before acting on the Taylor nomi-;5
nation, the committee without dissent,
but with only eight members present,
approved the principle of the Smith
bill for regional appointments to the
Interstate Commerce commission in
the future. A sub-committee was au-
thorized to work out details of the
proposed legislation.
"Mowa. ~


Members of the University Glee!
club will go to Ypsilanti tonight where+
they will present their second out of
town concert at 8:15 o'clock in Pease
auditorium under the auspices of the
Pan-Hellenic association of the Norm-
al college.I
A special feature of the program
will be the "Lamp in the West" _by]
Parker which will be dedicated by the:
club to the memory of Stanley Wil-
son, a member of the organization in
1915 and 1916. This number has also
been chosen as the prize song of the1
intercollegiate glee club contest to be
held in Chicago, Feb. 22.
Special emphasis will be laid on
Michigan songs, the program includ-
ing the "Victors", "Varsity", and "The
Yellow and Blue" besides several col-
lege songs.

(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 11.-Plans for
spending more than $1,000,000,000 for
good roads in the United States are
to be made by 35,000 delegates and
visitors here tonight to attend the
23rd annual convention of the Ameri-
can Road Builders association.
Road building machinery valued at
more than a million dollars, on dis-
play at the Coliseum, attracted the


(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 11.'- Another'
peace plan popped up in the anthra-
cite wage conference today and was"
promptly knocked fiat.
The new plan was presented by the
operators and embodied according to!
them, "the utmost concessions that
can be made and still preserve the
essentials of a workable agreement;"
The miners in rejecting it placed on1
the record, a statement detailing -their
opposition to arbitration. In the
statement John L. Lewis, president of
the United Mine Workers, declared
that "in a final desperate effort" to
break up the conference a plan was


Cherry, r. g.. .... 1 3
Reece, 1. f..........1 0 2
Martin, 1. f...........0 0 0
Chambers, 1 f........0 0 0
Totals....... 9 4 22
t ~Ionia
F.G. F.T. Pts.
Harrison,. 0 1 1
Van Deusen, r. f. .... 1 0 2
Mier,c... . 0 0 0
MIc~onnel, 1.. (Capt) 1 3 5
Hogan r. g..0 1 1
Phillips, I. f. ... 3 1 7
Keel, c.....;.. ... 0 0 0
Totals ..........5 6 16

Referee, Scllomer (Chicago). U
pire, Young (Illinois' Wesleyan).



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