SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1926 TIfs MICHIGAN DAILY ma PAr ivo . _.. __._ __5 :1 .._: 5 - .s- it i YEW11WILLEXTEND UCMPIGN DRIVE $00) Still Necessary To Reach Quota; Committees Urge Contributions; Awards GITven To Teams MASS METING TODAY With a total of $1434.50 solicited for the Y .W. C. A. finance drive which has been conducted this week, the coin- mittees in charge have decided to ex- tend the campaign until the remain-' ing $600, necessary for the realization of their aim, can be raised. Yester- (day's work netted them a total of $549.75. The quota which they have set out to raise is $2000, and they hope that it will be unnecessary to extend the campaign into next week in order to accomplish it. The leading team in the contest dyesterday was Happy Lil Sal, led by ! Virginia Hobbs, '28, with a contribu- ti on of $48.50. This team was also in the lead Thursday. Katrinka team led by Louise Carlisle, '26, is still leading in amount of money brought in for the whole campaign, with a total of $128.50, but is followed very closelyf by happy Li' Sal whose total is $125.50. Third place is given totthe Patsy team, having raised $106.50. This team led by Katharine Pearce, '26. A mass meeting of all the captains i and team workers will be held tomor- t 7 rrow noon at 1 o'clock in Newberry hall, and this time the prize will be ~ awarded to the team which has sol-t icited the largest amount of money. Prizes have been given every day. toc the team whose total is the highest.r These consisted of clever trinketse 1 such as necklaces which were placedt around the neck of the doll leading in the contest.t It is essential that during the re- maining days of the campaign, every woman who has not already givenv something to the organization do so when they are visited by a member ofc the teams. It has been impossible to see all the women during these firsti three days but it is hoped that they can be visited today. It will be ap- preciated by the committees, if anyc one *vho has not been solicited andt who feels that she can give somethinga 4 will come into Newbery hall and sign a pledge. Although the committee have put forth every effort to reach all the women it is possible that they 7 have missed a few.c ALUMNAE NIGHT SUGGESTED AS, PLA Y TRADITION Considerable discussion concernings the forming of a new tradition has taken place among the junior women interested in the annual Junior Girls' play. The members of the Centralr committee as well as others not soJ closely connected with the play thinkp it an advisable and plausable scheme to set aside one performance of the I week for alumnae, just as the first 4performance of the production is de- voted to the entertainment of senior women. It is a fact that after graduation the former students of the University lose contact, and to some extent, even interest in campus affairs. This reac- tion is a perfectly natural one, be- cause the undergraduates live entirc- ly for themselves and their personal interest, seldom wasting a thought on those who have gone before them, even though at one time there might have been close friendships formed be- tween the outgoing students and the undergraduate. Some of the organizations on cam- pus have endeavoyed to bridge this seemingly unsurmountble gap by en- tertaining their alumnae at least once j a year at a week-end house party. If these organizations and others willing to undertake a similar plan would co- operate with the proposed alumnae night for the Junior Girls' play, by setting the date of their entertain- ment on the week end during which, the play is given, a new tradition would be started and undoubtedly a closer tie would be formed between the graduate and their student friends. A.A.U. W. Invited To Tour Hospital' University hospital officials have ex- tended an invitation to the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of University women to go th'rough the hospital at 1:30 o'clock this1 afternoon. Guides will be furnished for this purpose. The women will hold a meeting at 3 o'clock in the hos-! pital after , their tour of inspection. Dorothy Ketcham, director of the Ann Arbor social service department, will' speak to the association on the work of her staff, particularly in relation - z the work which is being done for children. r'or etery article for sale, there Is l lGovernment Requirements For W' orkers Needed Wyvern Conducts NOTICES FoTeheAnd For Candy Booth Bluebook SaleE oreign,___C_____Announced____.Barbour_ _mnasum ahl women iuter;Aed in working at Wyvern, junior honor society, is Meeting of the board of representa- Women who are planning to teah pointd will be given preference in the' Woens league candy 0booth are taking charge of the sale of blue books tives of the Women's league atc in te PilipineIslndswil notlpe apoiirrnets., loclock today. Pictures for the Mich- in the Philippine Islands will not he ap inntn ts." ased to call Marian Welles at 7717. during the two week examination iganensian will be taken after the required to take a special civil ser- The Cdlat ion equiemets whici So far this week it has been impos- period, in Angell and University halls Imeeting vic exmwto co~ln otea-oul apply to individuals graduaiz eting. vice examinationfaccordingtocthehasatis ad-sible to keep the booth open all the before the morning and afternoonI nouncements received from the United uation with English as the major sub- time because we:men -who had been eiscelanios StatesfhCivil Service Cnmission it to'jet and ith at Icast one year of ex 'workng there before vacation n e has sponsored their sale in Woman's league point system com- Bureau of Appointments of the Schoo perience s a teacher of English inal'ts orpr.Bgnigwt ln h mtore,1egu5osends-mttee will meet at 1 o'clock todayi of Education. Ijrecognized secondary school. The ,Icted to report. la gil wnu o:-ith dormitories, leafoe houses and so room 110 of the Main library, The Phili iesriei iied -,da, all wvomen wia bae bern work- rority houses, and for the convenience l1braryr ntel~~l ppns pgn .he Philippine serce s diidscool year in the Pliippines ning there wll be oxpeced to repoen tof the students these additional placess Sigma Delta Phi picture will be into two classes of teachers, teachers in the early part of June and ends Tuesday a oftsecondays nglish for wich o- ihthe mont of March, Weth c an- o ewishing to help may get are to be added at this time. taken at 12:30 o'lock Tuesday at sitions both men and wornen will be weeks acation 10 of whicha ale con- .,a s :et by calling s Welles. Lucille Walsh, '27, who has charge Dey's studio. accep t anoralsch lbemscat ding eowhi o rItis iterestigtootthat in theof the sale reports that $42 has been Portia Literary society picture will ace te normal schooldemoin ecutive during the nnth a of ritwo months preceding the hcljdays realized from the venture thus far. be taken promptly at 12:30 o'clock stration tachers, for which positions Maya tJune and two of which come r25) xr.1s Clemr d and deposited in the Four sizes of blueooks are being Monday at Dey's studio. womn ol appoill mens arceljt. M re at- Charismao time.n(f mj'c')r(grad V' c'amnp gil IUn. - ffered, including the 16, 24, 32, and members of the Freshmen Girls Itan 51) appointmentsa 'e made ech Slary is made in pesos, Philippiney - - -I40 p:ges at the regulation prices. Glee club will have their picture ta- year, five or six of these filling vacan- money one of which is worth about Wood-pulp prices have been raised ken at 12:15 o'clock Sunday at Sped- cies in the normal sc(hools and theJ . 0cents in American money. Thei u Germany. hYvOUR SUSCRIPTION ding's studio. rest as teachers of second ary English salary for the teachers of Secondary in the normal, agricultural, and other English is 1,00to $,200 pesos a yem ,, high schools. 'With the exception o t about $1600) to $1600. The rorml I S I the few demonstration teachers, mar- School teachers are paid from 3,080 0t tied couples and single men will be 4,000 pesos a year or about $1,500 to given the preference in making the $2,000. In some of the provinces ti K INlh appointments. living expenses are comparativelyWHERE r IC The age limits for these applicants low, whereas in other provinces ]iV-SA-TSPECIALWHERPFRICA is: Single women from the ages ofing expenses are about the tame as 28 to 38; married women, from the those in the United States. Trans ages of 22 to 38; and men from the portation for the initial trip is made4 ages of 23 to 33. In the appointment by the government and then deducted to the secondary schools the bulletin from the monthly salary, however at reads, "Men and married women the end of two years successful teach- Ou I-t dreci aw Fifty New 1 llts whose husbands are also being ap-|ing, the money is reiundedl and at the e . - /i-' J" -id of three years successful tea h1 Attrac re Lrij';t Cjhrs 1 , S 1I ngtefof t he) teacher is ai --N Hold JuniorP y " Crepe and Brad Comtiuinatv i back to the tnilividutal. Poster Contest fOR Every year there is a poster con-WMMITTEES T I W ILA Oal Y $ 5 .0 test between the women of the junior rPrR IAX-Fo FOsRo h uno il'pay h l G USEO IM1N91UM i A SO Closng Out All Wlinter Hats xWith Barbo poster selected from the number hand- Wf ed in to the chairman of the adver- Constant congesti on in a at Cost and LessfWonderful Val Cosatcnlto arbour a tising committee, and given first place, or Men a .I gymnasium due to the number of ac- is to be used as the cover design for!gniai u otm ubro c 1 s stivities using it for headquarters has the programs distributed to the play ; audiences, and also on the general ad- brought the request that all commit- vertising posters that are placed in ; tee chairmen make applications for Detroit, Flint, and other outlying places for meetings at the desk in cities. the office of the dean of women. c H IN1 d This year's contest will begin next The Physical Education department week with a meeing of all women in- use the parlors and Sarah Caswell terested in this line of work at 4 Angell hall daily until 3:45 o'clockA - o'clock Tuesday in the corrective room :and on Tuesdays and Thursdays until- of Barbour gymnasium, Helen Knapp, 4:45 o'clock. Beginnig Monday, Jun- li7 S.MAI chairman of the advertising commit or Girls' play rehearsals will monop- I -Tin.-- -.'l----------'r.--m f -.'I;-- h',1- -----. bl- h i I Pictures of the Un'iversity Girl's Glee club wvill be taken at 12 o'clock Sunday at Renchler's studio. Sigma Delta Phi will hold their ini- tiation at 8, o'clock Sunday morning, Jan. 10, at 1035 Martin Place. Athena Literary society picture will be taken at 10:15 o'clock Sunday at Speddings studio. Junior Girls' play tryouts today from 9 to 12 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Announcement has been made of thei engagement of Anne D. Gilbreth, '26, and Robert E. Barney. Miss Gil- breth is a member of Collegiate So- rosis. Barney is a member of Nu Sigma Nu and Alpha Delta Phi fra- ternities. University Girls' Glee club picture will be taken Sunday at 12 o'clock at the Rentschler studio. YS S ARE LOWER 0 DS-Tan or Black r Storm Welt ues in Silk Hose d Women. 98 TE IN STREET tee will have charge of the contest olize al the avai ap e ours in ese i and will.explain the directions for the two places. This limits the resources construction of the posters. for committee meetings so that ar- Many of the past inactive commit- rangements must be made even more tees of the play are becoming active. carefully than before the holidays. There is a meeting of the advertising The point system committee, Or- i committee at 4 o'clock Sunday at the chesus club, house organization com- Sorosis house, the music committee mittce, honor council, board of di- is working on the lyrics and music, rectors, board Of represtatives, and and the make-up committee is almos+ V. A. A. are among the activities complete and will begin their activi- meeting regularly in the building. ties at an early date. This does not include rehearsals for Cards notifying the women who the plays given in Sarah Caswell An- have made the play will be sent out gell hall by Comedy club, Masques, Saturdayafter the last group of the and Mummers. second tryouts. Each card will be When the building is to be used i gone over twice by the central com- the evening it is subject to the Uni- mittee and its owner properly placed versity regulation that a requisition in the cast or choruses of the play. must be made. This is to cover the Jean Kyer, assistant chairman'of the cost of keeping the building open and play, will have charge of sending out the services of the matron and Jani- I the cards. As usual the cast will not tor. be publicly announced until the week; before the play. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. ~ T 'i 1 I i f 1 V' The First Sign of Spring- A New Hat Don't let the calendar depress you. Get yourself a new spring hat and see what a change it will make in your costume and spirits. Here are gay little felts to cheer you up. Or silks prettily embroidered. Or taffeta combined with straw. Moulded to the head or turned up at becoming angles. Hundreds of hats, all with the springtime touch, in every new color and material. Get yours today. (SECOND FLOOR) - U SS 7- / r - .inesIdentify eons Form 2l ~ - t \ j'AkI the Newa [al / * / /1 [eavily beaded and rhine- stone studded models, slender- ze and minimize the figure. Y -A Subtle drapings, bodice or skirt, in the model above, both gracefully draped. Youthful dancers adopt the Oriental girdle-or nothing. The formal brassiere has no straps. The hand painted shawls are deeply fringed-lovely. Feather fans are many shades to choose. Hose can be had to match face powder. The chiffons, and romas that georgettes flare wide- ly from the natural waist line or swing into motion by means of godets at the knee. All the shades of rose, from palest flesh to deep- est coral, misty blues and o-chids and very especial- ly the greens with the yel- lowish cast. Black and white, of course. ee-- 67. . oAIT-year's ON MAIN ST., NEAR WASHINGTON 11 ItI II