)'AwQB Q~ E THE MICHICAN DAILY ' SATURDAY, JANUARY 9. 192( Americana Exhibit Now Displayed by Clements Library "Representative Rarities" is ti title of the exhibit now on display at the William L. Clements Library. This exhibit was arranged for the 40tl annual meeting ff the American Tis- torical association here. It repre- sents an arbitrary selection of item; to illustrate thecharacter and scope of the Americana available in the Ii- brary. I Four types of material are shown: editions 'of one of the great collections of voyages, a few representative maps, some early printed books of the period of English colony planting, and somne= of the original manuscripts written during the Revolutionary war period. DeBry's account of the overseas ad- ventures of the early explorers is an example of the first type. Every ac- count is illustrated tiy copper-plat( engravingsawhich have made theI books popular. John Smith's map of Virginia, Hen- nepin's maps of the Mississippi region some of Hakluyt's maps, and a map-t view of Mexico are some of the speci- Inens of the library's maps which are ksed in the exhibition. Hariot's Virginia and James Ro- sler's account of his expedition to Kennebec are examples of printedi books of the early colonial period. The Continental Army Register, Howe's Orderly Book, and the 'Shel- burne papers are the three examples of original manuscripts. Sees Race Going Back To Monkeysi -- ... ------- F *1 e 'I 3I lam :R I' 0 '1 I 2 Nmn- Vmm l / T, N WHE'N 1O1 11'- DAWN DONUTS DELICIOUSLY DIFFERENT DIAL 2164i A REPUTATION FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE THAT HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALED TUTTLE'S 11 "nAi - -.. Robert (0 Flers. member of the French academy, abode of "the im- mortals," declares the human race is i etrograding towards monkey ancest- ors raster than it is getting away from them. .auutaunl nrna rnnu nrnnn-r COM E! OEAll eStudents! The BEST Place to Buy the BEST Food! Good Old Fashioned Sandwiches a La Carte. GAUSS PRYD. LUNCH ROOM ; 338 MAYNARD nuI mili i vuv HilIJIRIHI KilIIUIIL JL ULUUI IIL I UIi Want HistoricalI Papers Published NT N - ltlla ll allimttjl llll l 1ll tlldlllil11611ttll lllil ll ldt ldd ll il lll l dll ldH Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! Drop in some time and enjoy some of our Chinese Dishes. They are specially prepared by a Chinese chef. "A fine place to eat and be entertained." COLLEGE CAFE ANNEX 14 NORTH WASHINGTON-YPSILANTI -* I~I I nI lllltldl llllt iil l l llllllli lltllili il llltlllliHlt11UtilllttldltNJ As usual, we are making a special of coffee cake for this Saturday.' It is '1 Resolutions requesting Congress toE publish certain documents of impor- tance to the history of the UnitedE States were passed by the AmericanI Historical association at its meetings here. Among these are records of the! Continental Congress, of the territor- ies, and of recent foreign relations. J. Franklin Jameson, of the Carne- gie Institute, Washinglon, 1). C., urg- ed that the association request that' publication of a series of annual re- ports of foreign relations, now morej than ten years behind, be brought up to date. The numbers yet to appear cover the period of the war and the peace settlement, which are of vast importance to the student of diplonY- acy, hie said. It was -ointed out that the official journal of the Continental Congress' zire not complet% for the last years of that body, and a resolution was pass- ed asking that it be finished. At the monthly meeting of the Geo- logical Journal club held Thursday in 'the Natural Sciepice building. It L. Belknap, of the geology department, provided the principal subject of dis- cussion in a report on the important papers delivered at the annual con- vention of the Geological Society of America, held the latter part of De- cember at New Haven, Conn. in his summary of the papers real at New Haven, Mr. Belknap mentione(d that given by Prof. W. I. Hobbs, of the geology d(epartment, who outlined briefly the proposed .University expe- dition to Greenland in the summer of 1926. He also told of the papers pre- sented by Roy Chapman Andrews, who gave the results of his third Mon- goliant expedition under the auspices of the American museum of natural history. A feature of the New haven gather- ing, Mr. Belknap declared, was the dedication of the new Peabody muse- um, called in the East, "Yale's gift to Evolution." The next convention will be held at Madison, vis. Professor Lawson, of the University of Califor- nia, has been chosen the new presi- dent of the society. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified columns.-Adv. i, . ., . Across fromi Literairy IRuildiiig Phlonie 4481 e wilt elver anywhere in tCity. BIRMINGHAM, Eng.-The temper-' ance reformer, Joseph Malines, is (lead at 81. He founded the first British lodge of the Order of Birmingham. crosged' the Atlantic 40 times and helped to extend, the order in Europe,, Asia, Africa, America and Australia.' Patronize Daily Advertisers. "The Pride of the Town" Come in and try our deli- cious, golden-brown waf- fles after the show. We are open to serve you any time'day or night. Try our deliciouf Sunday dinner. 329 S. MAIN ST. OPPOSITE WUERTH THEATRE % $.00 CHICKEN DINNERS 10 Saturday and Sunday --at- The Tavern Hotel . SALINE, MICH. MENU Chicken Noodle Soup (Home Made). Queen Olives Pepper Relish Sweet Pickles . Spring Chicken Fried in Butter Sweet or Irish Potatoes Biscuit Chicken Gravy Tender Sweet Peas Cranberry Sauce1 Baked Apple Bran Bread (Our Own) - Apple and Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream - Coffee Milk Tea Serves Continuous from 12:30 to 8:00 P. M. Phone Saline 63 Vanilla, Lemon Ice and T ut ti Fr uit ti in the Special we have prepar- r ed for you this week end you'll like it we know. SDial 4101. t-_ rAnn Arbor Dairy Co. wj THE HBIOME OF PURE MILK Patronize These Advertisers, 6u"UST J S MILK T "Every day is a visiting day." II * I *1 *1 'U *1 ys' 51 6 EAST LIBERTY t. Cra PHONE 5501 ornwell-- Coalm-Coke" Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret is "GIVING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS." home-made, fresh and deficious. Try it for Sunday-breakfast or supper. Che CITY PASTRY SHOP w e believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. think so too, let's get together. If you Cornwell. - Coal a- Coke NI The Oaklands Ann Arbor Mich. PHONE 8088 Ph hones 4551 and 4552 . ,I, Office, Cornwell Block ,..' 1' ro I * * The Pleasure of A Cup of Hot Chocolate ! a t7. j , t r ;. Y M404 Quality Service with Quality Meat The service we give t> all our accounts is as unfailing as the quality of our meat. The size of your order has no bearing on the attehtion that you receive. How- ever, we are very well prepared to handle especially large orders of fraternities, sor- orities and clubs. We are certain that you will not be dis- appointed in us. A. R. GFEL L I On a brisk, frosty night means nothing to you unless you have stopped in here and partaken of this delicious drink Delicious sandwiches and salads too, if the walk has made you hungry. -A F MM " PM U1 0 , 223 North Main St. Phone 4208 We Feature Quality, of course. . e: L - I