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January 09, 1926 - Image 1

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vattv 4


VOL. XXXVI. No. 8o






GIFTS PA SS 32,354'

Complete Scenes For Comedy
Club Play, "Great Catherine"
Designed By Whlker Everett; Settings1
Follow Modern Tendencies As PREISIDENT FAVORS ARMY-
AMY LOOMIS IN CAST (By Associated Press) I
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-While
IP_ -- Iidont Cnlidi e does not



Foreign Students Canvassed By Men
Of Own Race; Filipinos Give
One Hundred Per Cent
Subscriptions turned in so far by
members of the soliciting committee
for the Student Christian association
° drive last night brought the total of'
ihe fund subscribed so far to $2,354.48.
,ccording to the figures compiled
from the results turned in up to last
night, Philip R. Culkin, '28, was lead-,
ing all the solicitors in the amount
of subscriptions securea, with George
W. Preuser, '26, pressing him closely
for the lead. A loving cup will be
presented to the solicitor who secures
the largest amount of subscriptions.
In the team competition, the men in
the group lead by Burr Coe, '28E, have1
secured the most subscriptions. The
group which is second is that of
George Foulks, '28E.
Nearly three quarters of the fra-
ternities have been solicited du'ring
the first two days of the campaign by I
members of the campaign committee,
resulting in an average subscription
of more than $22-for all the houses,
One of the new features of this
year's campaign was the policy of
racial solicitation, that Is, Japanese
students canvassed the other students)
on the campus from Japan; Indian-
students were solicitea by men o
their own land and so on. Every
Filipino who was visited contributed
to the fund.
(By Associated Pres) . ~.:
WASHINGTON, .an. 8-Legislation
creating new machinery to displace
the railroad tabor board as an agency
for settling railroad labor disputes
was introduced today by Chairman
Watson, of the senate interstate com-
merce committee.
The measure was worked out by
representatives of the railroad exe-
cutives and labor organizations after
a long series of conferences. It has
been presented to President Coolidge,
who is in sympathy with the princi-
The main provision of the bill would
establish a federal board of mediation
to be composed of five members ap-
pointed by the President with the ap-
proval of the Senate. This 1pard
would be called in where effort at
direct negotiation between the carrier
and their employees had failed and
where adjustment boards to be set
up could not come to an agreement.
Another important feature was a
provision that the right of an em-
ployee to quit work shall not be
abridged, and that no court of the
United States or of any state could
issue a process "to compel the per-
formance by an employee of such
labor or service" without his consent.
Injunction proceedings have been re-
sorted to in the past in railroad
,4argent Testifies
In Investigation
Of Mellon's Firm

'Special settings, designed by Walk-
er Everett, '26, editor of the Gargoyle,
have been completed in the Mimes
theatre workshop for the production
by the Comedy club of Bernard Shaw's
burlesque, "Great Catherine", Tues-
day and Wednesday evening, January
12 and 13, in the Mimes theatre.
teFour scenes in the period of seven-
teenth century Russia are required,
shifting from the Imperial bedcham-
ber to the banks of the Neva, and as
executed represent the modern ten-
dencies in primitive Russian design
made popular recently in this country
through the success of the continen-
tal revue, "The Chauve Souris".
"Great Catherine" is one of Shaw's
latest plays and has been produced
but few times in America, notably at
the Neighborhood playhouse in New
York and at the Repertory theatre
In Boston under the direction of Hen-
ry ,Jewett. The theme of the comedy
deals with one of the many love af-
fairs of Catherine II of Russia, and
treats in a farcical manner the tri-
angle formed by a visiting English
captain, the queen herself, and her
Prime Minister, Patiomkin.
Miss Amy Loomis, director of
4Masques and the Junior Girls' play,
is cast in the title role, while Valen-
tine Davies, '27, author of "Tambour-
ine" and who played such productions
as "Outward Bound" and "The Ad-
mirable Basville", plays the Captain,
and Robert Henderson, '26, the Prime
All seats for both performances are
reserved and priced at 50 cents.
Party Members Of Committee Agree
On Program Of Greater Tax
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - Senate
Democrats decided today not to con-
duct a party fight for continuation of
publicity of income tax returns; re-
peal of which is provided for in the
house revenue bill now before the
Senate finance committee.
The Democratic members of the
committee, under the leadership of
Senator Simmons of North Carolina,
did agree, however, on a program of
tax reduction which they will propose
as a substitute for that written into
the bill by the house.
The substitute schedules, which are
to be completed at a final conference
tomorrow, will call for tax reduction
amounting to more than $400,000,000
this year, it was indicated, at least
$70,000,000 more than provided by the
house measure, which has been en-
dorsed in general by Secretary Mel-
lon and the administration.
In their program for greater tax re-
duction, the Democrats are expected
to propose repeal of the automobile,
admission and other numerous mis-
cellaneous taxes not touched by the
house, and a slight reduction in the
corporation tax.
There are indications also that the
Democrats will seek revision of the
income surtax and inheritance tax
schedules in the bill to increase the
I maximum rates of each from the 20

-res Ue1 uOu1g g~ nt
know whether it would be prac-
ticable to have the army-navy I
football game played in Chicago I
next tall, he would be pleased if I
a decision should be reached to I
hold the contest there.
The President recognizes that
a trip to the middle west would
take not only members of the
teams but the :,:udents at both
the military and naval acad-
emies away from their studies
for a greater period than is cus-
tomary on the occasion of their I
annual gridiron clash.
While he feels it would be im-
practicable to make an extended I
trip every year, he believes
that benefit could be derived
from holding the game occa-
sionally in the interior. In his
opinion, the question this year4
is whether army and navy of-
ficials believe too much time
would be1 lost from studies and
whether discipline would be
made difficult to enforce.

Meeting Of Antlracite Miners
Operators Adjourns ,ier
Reaching No Agreement


(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-Anthracite
miners and operators .who are at-j
tempting to negotiate a new wageI
contract to end the long coal strike,
l adjourned tonight until tomorrow
afternoon without announcing any
agreement. The only official word
that came from the conference room
to the public, was as follows:
"At today's session of the anthraciteI
committee there was a continuation
of the effort to reach an agreement.
At the suggestion of the chairman, an
adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock
An impression had gone abroad
that the negotiators would follow cus-
tom and not sit on Saturday, but with
the fannouneement of a session tomor-
row, came immediately the question
whether the conferees were getting
anywhere. This was strengthened by
a report that one of the miner's rep-
resentatives earlier in the day had
said a plan was receiving favorable
consideration. Spokesmen for the
miners said there was no basis for
such a Treport.
Major W. W. Inglis, chairman of
the anthracite operator negotiating
committee, and John L. Lewis, head
of the miners' sub-scare committee,
were appealed to for an amplification
of the brief official announcement.
After consulting with their respective
press representatives, it was made
known to the newspapermen that
there was nothing on which to en-
large the statement.

Decorations For 1927 J-Hop
To Reflect Futuristic Design
Waterman and Barbour Gymnasiums
STAG LINES AT SORORITY ! Will Be Divided Into 53 Booths
(By Associated Press) WILL CONTRAST COLORS
DALLAS, Jan. 8.-The "Stag
BELIEVES INDIVIDUAL REQUIRES Line" at college sorority dances Wr
SPIRITUAL LIFE AS WELL AS I is to be eliminated if the Na- With color contrast as the main
SCHOOL INSTRUCTION tional Pan-Hellenic congress has scheme, the 1927 J-Hop decorations
its way. The congress, which planned by J. Dale Darling, 26A, will
sforeflect a futuristic design. Waterman
GUEST OF LLOYD istarted the final session of its and Barbour gymnasiums will be di-
five-day meeting here today, vided into 53 booths, the-large chaper-
I voted to restrict the number of
Characteristics Of British Schools men who attend without part- one booth at the end of Waterman t
Dicussed By Chairman Of ners. gymnasium forming the center of the
World Association The congress recommended a decorations.
j shortening of the rushing season The back walls of the booths will
English methods of educating the 1 which precedes the pledging of T be carried out in rich, red-violet satin.
working-class man were described by new members and advised that This will form a striking contrast to
lin.Aler Mnsrige o Lndn, entertainments should be held the pale lavender used around the
Hon. Albert Mansbridge, of London, enetimnssol ehl running track. Below this faunt will if
chairman of the World Association in chapter houses rather than at t n track. Bowdhi flcubilt
hotels and clubs. They also ad- be arre order of cubis
for Adult Education, in a lecture giv- }jvocated limitation of expendi- nforms, carried out n strong colors
en yesterday in Natural Science audi- tures and stricter penalties for ( and circling the entire gymnasium.
torium. The English educator, an- violation of rushing rules. A cartouch formed of conor pyramids
nounced his subject as Education, Miss Rennie Smith of New will cover the chaperone booth, this
Democracy and English Life", and I York, member of Delta Zeta, was motif forming. the center of interest
spoke under the auspices of the Michi- j elected treasurer, the only elec- 3for the entire scheme. Panels dec-I
gan School of Relgion. j tive office. By rotation, Miss seorated with various cubist figures will
"Education", he said, "is of no pos- I Louise Leonard of Syracuse, N. separate the booths.
sible use unless it has its roots deep j Y., became president, and Miss IThe three orchestra booths will
down in life itself." Referring to the Irma Trapp of Kingston, N. C., s give the appearance of large stages r
efforts made in modern Europe to secretary. I set off by tall panels. The panels are
acheive the ideal system of adult edu- f ' decorated with cut-out patterns from
cation, he discussed the Danish high which colored lights will play upon
school, which he characterized as the the orchestra.
foremost movement in the field. He Forming the background for eight-
indicated that the success of that sys- een rainbow-inted chandeliers, the
tem is based upon a recognition of L FII U1ceiling of the scheme will be carried
the necessity of an individual spiritual, out in.a deep, dark blue tone. Coloredt
life. banners of cloth serving as guy ropes
"The object of education" he con- Fun CL SSIF INGjoin and tie at the chandeliers and
tinued, "is clearly not the mere ac- complete the futuristic plan. Special
quisition of knowledge or skill, but electrical effects and color transfor-.
rather to assist in so ordering the ma- f Election Blanks, Classification Cards mations will bring out the scheme inn
terials of life as to prove conducive to Will Be Issued Next Week From detail.
the welfare of man and the love of Recorder's Department
God. That knowledge is necessary l
which the student can use In accord- ALL INFORMATION GIVEN CADM N TO SPEAK
ance with his gifts."
movement of adult education in Eng-
land, Mr. Mansbridge related how, in electing courses and classifying in the
1807, the universities of England, and literary college, will be availabl
4~~ printed form early next week, it wa
several peoples unions, cons, eod- announced yesterday at the office of
ing the trade unions, comberdato Florence Mohr, recorder. Literary Head Of Church Federation Will Give
develope a system of education for college elections will be held Jan. 18 Seventh Lecture On Oratorical .i
people of the working class. Under to 21 inclusive, earlier than has here- Association Program
the new plan, which was conceived orebntheratce
by the people and approved by the tofore been te pracice. ficati EMINENT IN
universities, working men and wo- Elect blaswi nks andct asisscaon E NENTHEOLOGY
men bound thems elves -for:three yearsjcairs illtbe isedeto'sni os and
to study a particular subject, reading, juniors at the recorder's office, rosfo Drm.sParkes Oadman, pastoro
and writing theses upon their find-4-,Uiesthalduigtefr D.S.PksCdmnpsorf
s derg thes condton thar t- , Udays of registration. Applcation for one of the largest churches in Brook-
Suniversities furnish a scholar, compe- election of more than 16 hours may lyn, N. Y., and internationally recog-
tent to give instruction in the par- also be made at the same time. To nized for his preaching ability, will
ticular subject. The English univer- elect less than 12 hours, written per- give the seventh lecture of the sea-1
sities welcomed the plan, hoping to mission must be obtained from Dean son course of the Oratorical associa-
achieve thereby a more intimate and W. 1H. Humphreys, of the literary col- tion, Feb. 2, in Hill auditorium. Y
enlightening contact with the real lege, excepting in the case of seniors The noted preacher is head of theC
problems that confront English life. who need less than 12 hours to coi- Federation of Churches, and througha
The first class that was organized, plete graduation requirements. For his accomplishments as leader of this
continued for four years without los- election of these courses which may body and other endeavors, he hast
ing one of the original members. The ( be elected only upon approval of the built up a reputation, as a scholars
second class continued for seven classification committee, upperclass- and thinker along theological lines.c
years, and of the members, two pot- t men may consult with the committee Dr. Cadman received his training ats
ters had not missed a single session. I from 9 to 12 o'clock daily, room 4' the Wesleyan college, Richmond, Lon-
Many of the workers, the lecturer University hall. don, and began his career in thet
revealed, spent as much as 17 hours Sophomores and freshmen will ob- United States in 1890. He is wel I
each week in study, in addition to tam election blanks at the recorder's I known and admired in Great Britaint
following their regular occupations. office. Freshmen continuing their Canada, Australia, and South AfricaI
Within a few years, classes of this regular first semester programs, may as he is in this country. During the
type were sponsored by every uni- have second semester elections ap- past few weeks Dr. Cadman has gain- 1
versity of note in England, Australia proved by a representative of the ed additional prominence through his c
and New Zealand. In England there 1 freshman elections committee who utterances in behalf of a world plans
were 528 classes, including over 5,000 will be stationed in the re'corder's of- to establish lasting and universalt
people, in session at one time. fice until noon each day. After se- peace. .
Mr. Mansbridge expressed his opin- curing approval for the second se- His pastorates in New York city t
ion that such study has already af- j mester program, fresnmen may go have covered a period of 30 years.
fected English politics, and educa- directly to the classification commit- Each summer and winter he fills aa
tional legislation favorably.. Refer- tee, meeting from 2 to 5 o'clock daily, j limited number of lecture dates in
ring to the eagerness of the working in room 1035, Angell hall. Freshmen various parts of the United States and
people to learn, he said, "There is a making changes in their courses of Canada. At other times he devotes
real desire for knowledge and train- study must obtain approval of the his attention to moral questions and
ing if it is presented in accordance elections committee. charity problems.
with their personal interests and l The sonhomore elections committee He is also a distinguished literary.
needs." will be in session from 2 to 5 o'clock figure and among his well know writ-
Dean Alfred A. Lloyd of the Grad- daily in room 25 Angell Hall. ings are: "The Victory of Christmas,"
uate school, who is Mr. Mansbridge's Students of other schools and col- "William Owen: A Bioraphy",
host during his stay in Ann Arbor, j leges electing courses in the literary "Charles Darwin and Other English
introduced the speaker, college must also obtain approval of! Thinkers", "The Three Religious
the classification committee from 9 to Leaders of Oxford", and "Ambassa-
ninth in nul rrn nn A 112 o'clock daily in the recorder's of- dors of God".

PII fiT.
U I U .U U The classification committee will bec
in session for seniors and juniors from Iterpretat n
9 to 12 o'clock daily in room 4, Uni- Held1
R00 UU S S IFC11 ersity hall; and for sophomores and Co ts netI l
freshmen from 2 to 5 o'clock daily iu
Property Damage Will Amount To I room 1025, Angell hall. From this Donald F. Lyons, '26, won the Oral'
Abuot $17,500,000, Report committee, must be obtained class Interpretation contest of poetry held1
cards for the . following courses: last night at University hall as the
(By Associated Press) botany 1; chemistry 3, 6, 15; French fourth number in the Play Produc-;
1, 2, 31, 32, 97, 102, 112, 113, 114, and tion course. Gail L. Oldham, spec.,
PARIS, Jan. 8.-Paris is saved from 115; geography 2; geology z; German was adjudged second. '
a flood catastrophe, i the opinion of 1, 2, 31, 32, and 34; Greeac 2, 32; his- Lyons, who gave "Wet Weather1
an offiial of the ministry of public tory 2, 4, 6; Latin 2, 4, 6, 8; mathemat- Talk" and "Martha Ellen" by Riley, +
works after an extensive survey of ics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7; military science 2 received a copy of the Home Book of
the flooded areas, but the damage to for literary students only); physical Modern Verse, by Burton E.: Steven-t
property will amount to something I training for freshmen and sophomore son, from the Oratorical association
like 500,000.000 francs, approximately i women; physics 35, 36, 37, 38; public as a prize. Miss Oldham, reciting
$17,500,000 at the present rate of ex- speaking 31, 42 62, 143, 144, 172; l Kipling's "The Explorer" -was given,
change. - rhetoric 1, 2, 31, 32, 150; sociology a copy of Modern Poetry by Louis r
Technical experts, who have ven- 51 ; Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32; and Untermeyer
tured all sorts of prophecies since the. Zoology 1, 52. Judges of last night's contest were!
flood began, concerning the probable !,Prof. J. S. -Lathers of Ypsilanti State1
fall and rise of the rivers, now say Normal school, Prof. T.,C. Trueblood(
that th dr and somewhat colder !Economies Club I nthN rf Tmal HN Eich of the. public#

Harold 0. Steele, Assistant Freshman
Mentor And Former Player,
Named Aid
(By Associated Press)
LAWRENCE, Kan., Jan. 8.-Frank-
in C. Cappon, assistant coach at
he University of Michigan, today was
named as head football coach at the
University of Kansas. Cappon su-
eeds George "Iosty" Clark, who re-
cently resigned.
Harold O. Steele, assistant fresh-
man coach at theUnversity of Mich-
igan, waselec-
ted- a s s istant
St o Cappon.
Steele succeeds
Karl Schlabe-
man, who will
leave the Kan-
sas school a t
the end of this
Cappon is a
former Michi
gat football
,R ; player, having
held positions
on that team
in 1920, 1921,
and 1922. He
has b e en a
member of the
coaching staff
for the past
three seasons.
Steele is also a former Michigan
player. He was on the team in 1922
and 1923
Franklin Cappon and Harold Steele,
who have accepted to direct the foot-
ball activities of the University of
Kansas next fall, won three football
letters as members of the Michigan
gri teams, and were-teammates on
the Wolverine eleven of 1922.
Cappon played football and basket-
ball An his undergraduate days at
Michigan winning fame as a fullback
in his senior year as a member of the
Maize and Blue championship team
in 1922. At the close of his three
years competition he was awarded the
Conference medal for pro-Iciency in
athletics and scholarship.,
Immediately upon graduation from
the University Cappon accepted a po-
sition as athletic director at Luther
college at Decorah Iowa. After two
successful years at the small college,
Coach Yost recalled him to Michigan
to aid in developing the Wolverin
eleven. The addition of' Cappon to
the football coaching staff gave Coach
Yost an all-Michigan coaching staff.
Steele was a member of the coach-
ing staff last fall, aiding Coach Mather
develop the 1929 fresnman footbll
squad. Steele was a member of the
Steele-Slaughter guard combination
that won fame on the 1924 football
team, the season that Slaughter was
selected as guard on Walter Camp's
all-American mythical football eleven.
Canada's Forest
Situation, Topic
Of Clyde Leavitt
Clyde Leavitt, '04, chief fire inspec-
tor for the board of railway commis-
sioners of Canada, will give a Uni-
versity lecture at 4:15 o'clock Tues-
day in Natural Science auditorium,

speaking on "The Forest Situation in
Canada." Mr. Leavitt was chief for-
ester for the Commission of Conserva-
tion of Canada from 1912 until 1921,
at which time the Commission ..of
Conservation was discontinued and he
was transferred on a full time basis
as chief fire inspector.
While working for the Commission
of Conservation, his work involved
educational publicity work along for-
estry lines, and the direction .of a
small staff of foresters in the invedti-
gation of forest resources in British
Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Ontario.
He also worked on research projects
in the pulpwood forests of Eastern
Ontario in cooperation with timber
owners - and Provincial governments.
The work for the railway commis-
sion, since 1921, has comprised the
enforcement of laws and regulations
applicable.to railway companies
throughout Canada, with respect to
the prevention and control of forest
and other fires, presumably due to
railway causes. The field inspection

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-Attorney
General Sargent indicated today to a
senate investigating committee that
the department of justice had not un-
dertaken to compel the federal trade
commission to furnish information ob-
tained from the Aluminum Company
of America, which the commission de-
cided to hold as confidential..
Mr. Sargent was called as the first
witness in the Senate inquiry as to
any failure of the Department of
Justice to bring contempt proceedings
against this- company in which Secre-
tary Mellon is a stockholder, and
which was charged in. 1924 by the
trade commission with violation of a
federal court consent decree entered
in 1912.

per cent to at least 25 per cent, but run JUIUL I U IU Ul
will be satisfied with the increases
voted by the House in the personalO
exemptions from income taxes. It is itle Ac epts Office As Honorary
also doubtful that they will propose head Of Organzation
any change in the normal income tax - -
rates, which the House bill cuts from 'Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the
2 to 1 1-2 per cent on the first $4,000 geology department, will leave tomor-
taxable income, from 4 to 3 per cent row for Washington and New York
on the next $4,000, and from 6 to 5 city in connection with the organiza-'
per cent on the remainder. tion of the University expedition which
he will direct in Greenland next sum-


World's Largest
Semi-Rigid Airship
On Trial Flighti

President Clarence Cook Little has
accepted the office of honorary presi-
dent of the expedition, Professor
Hobbs announced yesterday. The
committee of organization, which is
just being completed, includes three

SCOTT FIELD, Belleville, III., Jan. members of the Board of Regents,
8.-The RS-1, the. world's largest Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the engi-
semi-rigid dirigible, which took the air neering college, ,And a number of
from Scott Field late today on its ! well known citizens. The Regents
trial flight, made a safe landing at who have agreed to serve on the com-
6:20 o'clock tonight, after an haur's mittee are: James O. Mufin, William
cruise in a mild snowstorm. L. Clements, and Junius E. Beal.
The giant airship was christened by I
snowflakes as it was draw from itsiL'
hangar shortly before 5 o'clock, aft-r
er observers, who had been watchingL fe I P curs
weather conditions closely all day, ad-I
viser that conditions were favorable.
Carrying a crew of eight men and Eight reels of motion pictures, de-


LaL Le UIy U tuC.YI4 ,, /~IVii4: ,-1.1ana roL .L.. n ,iu, pL ut
weather which set in today will hasten T H r Schmalzspeaking department, and Prof. Q. D.
the limit of the height of the water, Thorpe, of the Rhetoric department.
and that the Seine after rising another ISMarguerite Dutton, '26, was chair-
10 or 12 inches, will begin to recede Prof. Carl N. Schmalz of the School man of the program.




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