Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
Volume Vi FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1926 Number 79
To All Men Students:
Students intending to change their rooms at the end of the present se-
mester are hereby reminded that according to they Ulni've ity agreements
they are to inform their landladies' of such intention at least two weeks
prior to the close of the semester. It is advised (hat notice of such intention
to move be made at once. J. A. Bursley.
Householders having available rooms for men students are requested to
list them in the Qtfice of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, at
once. J1. A. Barsley.
University Women :
All women who are moving into dormitories or sorority houses at the
end of the first semester are requested to notify the Office of the Dean of
Women in person before noon, January 9th. Any changes in addresses of
undergraduate women are to be reported promptly to this office.
Jean Hamilton.
Public Lecture:
Hon. Albert Mansbridge, M. A., L.L.D., will lecture at 4:15 P. M. today
in Natural Science Auditorium on "Education, Democracy and English Life."
The speaker is an outstanding man in Great Britain today, in both national
and international affairs.
The lecture is given under the auspices of the Michigan School of Re-
The public is cordially invited.
L. Waterman.
Fraternity Presidents:
The attention of the presidents of the following fraternities is called to
the fact that they should have on file in the office of the Dean of Students
before 3:00 o'clock Friday, January 8th, a list of the officers of their build-
ing association and their addresses. If you have no alumni group owning
your house, submit the officers of your alumni association:
Delta Alpha Epsilon Phi Rho Sigma
Delta Sigma Delta Sigma Alpha Mu
Delta Theta Phi Sigma Nu
Phi Beta Delta Theta Delta Chi
Phi Delta Epsilon Theta Kappa Psi
Phi Gamma Delta Theta Kappa Nu
Phi Kappa Xi Psi Phi
J. A. Bursley.
To Those Wishing to Elect Courses in Business Administration:
Business Administration students and Literary seniors interested in
Business Administration courses are advised to consult Professor Mitchell
regarding their elections for the second semester. Professor Mitchell will
be at his office in Tappan Hall, Room 2020, every aternoon between two
and four from Monday to Friday inclusive, beginning January 8th.
Edmund E. Day, Dean.
School of Education:
Registration for the second semester will be held for students in this
school, in Room 105, Tappan Hall, January 18 to 21 Monday to 'Thursday,
Students may register in the afternoons only. Hours 2 to 5 P. M.
A fee .of $1.00 will he charged for students who have not' completed
elections and classifications by 5 P. M., January 21.
Unavoidable, changes in election may be made Thursday and Friday,
February 11 and 12.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
Women Students:
All women students are cordially invited to attend a New Years danc-
ing party from 4 to 6 o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Music will be furnished by the Women's league orchestra. A' special feature
will be the presence of two fortune tellers.
Marion Huston, Social Chairman.
Michigan Glee Club:
The picture will be taken at Rentschler's Studio 319 East Huron at 12:30
today. It is important that every member attend. The Glee Club Orches-
tra's picture will be taken today at the same time and the members should
bring all their instruments. Members must wear full dress.
Kurt J. Kremlck, Manager.
PI Lambda Theta:
All members of Pi Lambda Theta will meet at 11 o'clock, Sunday, Jan.
10, at Spedding's to have their picture taken for the Michiganensan.
Doris Glines, President.
Rifle and Pistol Club:
Rifle range will be open Friday from ten to four and Saturday ten to
twelve for additional practice in preparation for next week's match. The
team for this match, has not been definitely selected yet so all members are
urged to come out at the above times if possible.
0. IW. Dunn.
Economics Club:
The next meeting of the Club will be held Monday evening, January 11,
at 7:30 in Room 104 Economics Bldg. Professor Carl N. Schmalz will speak
on "Some Current Developments in Department Store Operation."
I. L. Sharfman.
Tryouts for Annual Spanish Play:
Tryouts for the Annual Spanish Play, "Contigo Pan Y Cebolla," by
Gorostiza, which will be put on by the, Sociedad Hispanica, will 'be held
Saturday, Janu.ary 9, at 3:00 o'clock p: ni., ,Abm 201 South Wing. All stu-
dents who are interested may try out. Candidates need not necessarily be
enrolled in Spanish classeaat, the present .time.
;f.VA. Mercado, 'Director.
Oral Interpretation Contest: Play Productio Series:
Tonight promptly at 8 o'clock. in University Hall a contest in oral in-
terpretation of poetry will be presented as the next number in the Play
Production Series. The program will last until about 9:15. Admission will
be charged. It, D. T. Hollister.
For notices not otherwise mentioned in
The Daily. Items will be published on
two successive days only. Copy must j
be submitted toythe Local Events
Editor by a P. M.
Fraternity lodge No. 262 will con-
fer the first degree at 7 o'clock in
Masonic temple.
meet at 2 o'clock in Dey's
pictures, business meeting
hall following.
studio for
in Lane
Tryouts for annual
will meet at 3 o'clock
South Wing.
Spanish play
in room 201,
R E L I G 10 U S
Women from other churches are in-
vited to the New Year meeting spon-
sored by the Women's association of
the Presbyterian church, at 2:30 o'-
Members of the Hindustan club will clock today in the church. Miss Cath-
} Jr
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AModeled in *cetl
black and brown
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