'FIRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1926 THEF MJCHGANrDAIL'Y ogamistic relationship with the hope + equipment, and that now in a daa kiy.lodf'laIo ^ e~en W oolley ThinkS .1 odern Iand intention of eliminating the un- arge scale manufacturing that un- C lk Ad T lao Family Org nization ogical desirable and unessential elements. tion has been lost, hence the womanx en i no r Soia enenissatngtata te om.This move is meritorious and________ present time the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~only static element and in many cases necessary, she in-j TwoDsit Universityac s o ar ubl pyhooicl yaextenfaiysiotoni tereo- iatd creditsigtonhs e, w Prof. Texesincrdt.rfT SCIENCE SpIEY espite the modr any rania- o mrsutespyhooial rnitin the nedofanidlsperiteog iaedthat i h vge okn courses have been organized in D-dpr Amer~iaivnaturalits Elect Zoology lion, that relationship seems uinder Turning to the argum ent for the ual relationship between the parents class family it is necessary for the troit in connection with the College; morning rofessor To Seretaryship, the circumstances most logical and family, Mrs. Woolley indicated the be-I and toward their children, and that women to thus assist, since the huse-; club, one in French conversation and It is al At -few Haven patcbe codn otecnls ifta h rsn aiyasca much of the customary complaint! band's' wages are not equal to the the other on 'The Novel." The French and und tionicblaffcordinst the bocu-le ta h pest fmth so c fbin-;against the married state is merely demand, class, conducted by Prof. Rene Tla.- In the OTHERSGIVE APERS ions of Mrs. Helen Bradford Wooley,igu hlre n htintttoa omplaiint against unchanging human Prof . Kir,opp ae Amdie teion, o the French department, mets pays ha Detroit eucator, reveal'ed in a tc- l nature. sekr weekly on Tuesday ights and has an .br payl tacres0 not operate successully as1 paeenoletf26cnstigfgrd cuss Seeral members of the zoology de- ture given in Room C. of the Law indicated by the records of juvenile ! IDefning the woman's position in___________enolntf26cnisngfgrdcuss building yesterday. Mrs.n rmnlcut.mdr oitMs Woolleyrcl- WSIGTN h hi ts ates, undergraduates, and others in-.club, oti partmfenlt attended the annual science _,adciia on:,mdr oitMs Woolleyrcl- WSIGON - h hita terested in keeping abreast with pok- tendanee metings during the Christmas vaca- who s-asistant" psych~logst -of =the - The 'speaker cnclfuded that society ed that in the past women manufacur- business of 1925 broke all records in en French. ets of tion. ° At the meeting of the American Merrill Palmer school of Detroit, mutceave to the ideal of f.the mpn- e, in the home, much of the family's? the postal service. The other course, codcted by sion wo societyr of naturalists at New Havenj spoke on "The Plrobrlem of the F amn- Conn., Prof. A. F. Shull was reelected fly" in the fifth of a series of popular,________________ secretary for the coing year and iletures given under the auspices of. ICK 0 THE PICTURES --- Prof.=I. V. HIelbrunn read a paer on the Michigan School of Relgion. ______________________ "The Structure of Protoplasm in Sea- Cnsdering ,first the ase against °M A Urchlin Eggs." the family, the psychologist pointed KEITH VAUDEVILLE T D Y A D S T R A Thmeigso3h meia s out several of the outstanding -wieak -_______________ soclatlon for the advancement of sci- nesses of the present mon~gamistic The ence 'at Kansas City, Mo., was at- relation. She said that in certain; It's Natio a auj ° igh . Jn at The 'iovies ~,mi tended by Prof. G. R. LaRue, Prof. A. cse teuaillrlChickepr-ihngJTI anPodd t Dunrli UWIII I I [)XVII li I(l tL1YIIi I MI Chceig n*D. F. N. Blan- vents the full development of the in- 11 IJLIlII I\FI'r~ lltl ~IlIn\~\~NII chard. Professor LaRue read a paper' dividuality of its members, and that --= ~ _______________ on 'The Relationships of the Trema- undue dominance of children by their. Pretty Girls Keith T~% ~ g tode =family Strigeidae" at the first parents often rob the child of en- rU O H HAM SNEV RR" meeting of the newly-formed Ameri-9 ergy and initiative. Undue solicitude' Peppy Parties Vaudeville T OUGLY M SN V R can ocity f Prastoloist. Po- he urrondig o th chld wth n iMIN TE fessor Chikering read a paper be- atmospheric and exaggerated on- wt PaceFetr forea section of the Association on cern, and the complete absorption' of jI More Girls "The"Golgi Bodies and ChrondrisomesI the child's, emotions, tended to pre- I IRVLNG_ Authe± Spermatogenesis of the Spe- ent the individual from rsosiiiyassutming a Brllancy AT~1J.tLL Everybody Er il a n ot npae t eoeDco Bncadra apaebeoethe She alomentioned he tnecoft- NM FU u u lM ~ e Ecoloc, Dgical society of America on "The en encountered, to curtail the outside ,' I Eggs and Young of the Eastern Ring- interests and associations of the memn- AeAlPce i Neck-'Snake." hers of the group, and the workings"1C WNmyOD¢E FI / ( rI InW ( ni Conduct- ses In Detroit E. Rankin, of the rhetoric ent, meets every Saturday and has a similar enrollment. [so conducted as a graduate lergraduate course. se courses, the College club Jf the course fee, the mesa- ing the other half. While the' are run through the College hers than members are in at- ~it being a ruling of the Re- the University that all eaten- k must be open to the public. ijoys An r y Drama 1 i "{ r t Changes In A utomotive D esign, WillFetr Detroit Exhibiti e taRadiical changes in automotive de- viewed. This model was built by stu I sign will feature Detroit's Silver An- dents of the University of Detroit. niversary Automobile show, to be held Recently several concerns have been during the week of Jan. 23 to .30, in diverting their attention to a small but powerful six cylinder cat to meet: Convention hall. A recent addition ofI the demands of prese'nt traffic con- 40,000 square feet of floor space will I gestion. in addition to the Ajax, the1 make the exposition the largest one1, New-Day Jewett and others, it is rui- of its kind ever held in the United mored that the Gen eral Motors Cor-4 States. poration will have on. display theE Elaborate plans have been made by much-discussed Pontiac. Also many1 the automotive industry for the com- new passenger cars in the Detroit} ing show, as it marks the rend of 25 show has been increased some 25 per years of remarkable progress. There cent and this end of the exhibit willi will be on display all lines of the be far more complete than in past; automotive industry including passen- years. Also more room is being de-1 ger cars, commercial cars, busses, voted to the accessory and motor boat I miotor boats, aeroplanes, and a spe- divisions of the show, while the motor cial feature in the way of a model' bus department has grown to suchl shop exhibit showing a fully equipped proportions that it is necessary to1 service station in operation. Amin- create a new division devoted exclu- lature -aeroplane which ,won the P1- siviely toi these large vehicles. litzer trophy and holds records for The decorations are being carried! both speed and' altitude will be one out in silver in commemoration of of the many interesting features the 25th annual show, and prove to! - form a striking background for thel rIt~~n~rI~ brilliantly colored exhibits. The l NEW1 TELII SHNIS, show 'will be open at 7:30 o'clock on Saturday, Jan. 23, and will be open' II each day throughout the week, in-1 FINANC19 1 [I cluding Sunday, from 10 o'clock in the IN,~ IIhb~l morning to 70:30 o'clock at night. YE P EYou 1'ant Heavy IPraiia You'll N eed Seek Elsewhere- PH1ELPS and Company of Eight in a lMusical Puzzle "1CROS SWORDS"i Mack Sennett Comiedy "OVER THEREABOUTS" OTHER EXCLUSIVE 31AJESTIC FEATURES, Where Did He HOW Did He Get Prodc~i N G 'o i.t ('o-Starring ' Wh Q)U UUwQ) OU SUNDAY- l-lac LEAN "INTRODUCE Lightning ! l t E f r f t 7Tt 1 7 Clarence P. M~il~o a Threatens To °,P l Ujsurp Power iOf J. IP. .Morgan NEW YORK, Jan. 7.-Morgan pow-h er in Wall street is threatened by a young financier, little known. to the public~ at large a year ago. Clarence P. Dillon, head of Dillon, Read andi company, is the new wizard of "Myon.- i ey Alley". He is following. a series of gigantic (eals, worthy of Rockefeller and Mor- gan, with a venture into internation- al finalnce and business. According to accounts, Mr. Dillon is now quietly workin~g on a merger of German steel comipanies, which would include then Krupp interests and give him enor m- ouls power in European industry. ) Pulrchlase of the National Cash Reg- ister company and the distribution o its securities to the public is his most recent achievement. Within the past y-ear lie outbid J. P. Morgan and company in a struggle for the Dodge Brothers' automobile interests.I DIETROiT THEATRES T HIS WEEK I Eves. - 50e to $2.501 OAR I Wed. Mat. 50~c to $1.50 Sa.Mat, 0cto $.0 THIRID DIG WEEIL OF THE SOUTH SEAS lb IHului-Halet Girls Hawaiian Music Bonstfle layhusNights 75c to $1.50 Tn r.M at.Soc&7.Sc Sat, Mat. 5Oc&79c R',oadward at liliot Tel. Glendale 9792 Th~e BONSTELLE CO In the Most Thrilling, Exciting Laugh Play Ever Written 2 ""THIEMNSTER" By Cran.ua Wilbur SchetfhY I'fm Lafayette at ShelbyI ,)IIIU~lILafayette Nights, soc to $2.50 1 Thurs.Mat.5oc to $ Sat. Mat., 5cc to $i.5o Cadillac875 c .. in "The Judge's Husband" !% TODAY'S SPECIAL CREAMED SALMON ON TOAST r.. ; :. r-- ,. ,,r d>;, ' i +t e f ^ / 111 / '/ d / f / . 11 Yj J f, , ' 1; 11 - ''.s °____._.. A Splendid Overcoat at a Splendidly Reasonable Price! Buy One at Allen's For $34.50 y .ti ?7 c " L z N ,. t °. '8 I I I C ix 7 IF ci 3 I ' i l . i I '1 Matinee )iC, loc CONWAY TEALE AILEEN End MITCHELLA TIEWIS A 1fetro-Goldwyn Picture SUNDAYJn. I0 JUST TWO MORE AY'S TO WAIT ANDTENf 1 1 r \ ' t \ l f \ I I \ ./ i 1 i : K'S " " g . ' / ii Y / . jl / d' . . N /f l\ V. - °J t 1 l ' Z ' 3 fF / k e~"" ., 1. I. A late purchase of fine fabric, hand tailored overcoats. We're featuring this lot at $34.50 and such excellent quality coats as these should be priced much higher. Snappy models in doublceLbreasted style. Silk trimmed and. beautifully finished. A variety of thle season's best shades. Your choice i I a i A. Top-Notlier for Fun I'lA Cli LORS'S B~ABlE S" A S 0 SPOlRTLIG NFU "WHAT PRICE TOUCHDOWN" A Novelty Pictorial News { Romance and Comedy ( f~c-, sif l w.nd'T~y zmnt istpea (D v, c.! 11111)(r !:tet ~rywo' thnor age Is no faster th"11 the, maveinent in this P ~ :rs IINFar,> kspitrsOu rehuN lo a super-nielodra- I T~I12rle.r Every Svfcond, Jiust as You Would .Exec Iitnto Be-PERFECT. ( I