PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN $A L DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publiuation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI T1tRSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 Number 78 Special Lecture in Forestry: Mr. Samuel T. Dana, Director of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station of' the United States Department of Forestry, at Amherst, Massa- cusetts;, gito speak in the auditorium of the Natural Science Building at 4:15 on January 7th, his subject being, "The Place of Forest Research in the National Forest Program." The general public is cordially invited. John R. Effinger. To All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at the endof the present se- mester are hereby reminded that according to the University agreements they are to inform their landladies of such intention at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester. It is advised that notice of such intention to move be made at once. J. A. Bursley. Householders: Householders having available rooms for men students are requested to list them in the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, at once. J. A. Bursley. University Women: All women who are moving into dormitories or sorority houses at the end of the first semester are requested to notify the Office of the Dean of Women in person before noon, January 9th. Any changes in addresses of undergraduate women are to be reported promptly to this office. Jean Hamilton. Final Examiations: Following is the schedule of final examinations for all students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the School of Education, the School of Business Administration and the Graduate School: FIRST WEEK A. M. P.M. Monday, Jan.25......Monday at 11 classes...Tuesday at 10 classes Tuesday, Jan. 26.....Monday at 9 classes...Math. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 51 Wednesday, Jan. 27... . Tuesday at 1 classes...Ec. 51, 185 Thursday, Jan. 28 .....Tuesday at 9 classes.. .Rhet. 1, Psychology 31 Friday, Jan. 29......Tuesday at 2 classes...Tuesday at 11 classes Saturday, Jan. 30.....Tuesday at 8 classes...French 1, 2, 31, 32 SECOND WEEK A. M. P. M. Monday, Feb.I1......Monday at 8 classes... Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 'Tuesday, Feb. 2......Monday at 10 classes...Monday at 3 classes Wednesday,Feb. 3.....Monday at 2 classes...Tuesday at 3 classes Thursday, Feb. 4.....Monday at 1 classes Irregular classes which cannot be examined as scheduled without caus- ing conflict must be examined at one of the following periods: Jan. 26, 2-5; Jan. 27, 2-5; Jan. 28, 2-5; Jan. 30, 2-5; Feb. 1, 2-5. Hours for all examinations are from 9 to 12 in the morning, and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon - Florence MoIhr, Recorder, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Courses In the Sumner Session: The Abridged Announcement for the Summer 6ssion of 1926 will be ready for distribution in the registration offices of thevarious schools and colleges on Monday, January 11. The Announcement will contain a list of the courses to be given next summer. Students planning to attend the Sum- mer Session are advised to consult this Announcement before filing their elections for the second semester. E. H. Kraus. Public Lecture: Mrs. Helen Wooley will lecture at 4:15 P. M. today in Boom C, Law Building, on "The Problem of the Family." The address today will be a continuation of the series of public lecturesI given under the auspices of The Mihigan School of Religion, in connection with Professor Lake's Seminar on The Moral Issues of.Modern Life. 'The public is cordially invited. [[ L. Waterman. Seniors, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: All students who expect to graduate in February, 1926, should come to the Secretary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building, and check over their credits without further delay. Camilla B. Green, Assistant Secretary. Bureau of Appointments-J, K, and L: All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names begin with J, K, or L and who have not called at the office for personal in- terviews this week should do so today or tomorrow during the following hours: 10:30 to 12:00 A. M. and. 3:00 to 4:00 P. M. Margaret Cameron. Teadier's Certificate: I will hold a special conference period on Thursday from two to four o'clock in Room 106, Tappan Hall. Sir Oliver Says World Will Not Come To Catastrophic End LONDON, Jan. .-"Gradual disinte- end of the world. Sir Lodge believes gration rather than final catastrophe" that there will be an end eventually. is the way in which Sir Oliver Lodge, "Regarding evolution my thesis is noted British scientist, predicts the that there is no essential opposition between creation and evolution", he C E Edeclared. "One is the method of the LOCL Eother. They are not two processes For notices ,not otherwxise mentioned in " but one -auloe vrtigte The Daily. Items will be publised on tgradual one. Everything-the two successive days only. Copy must 1 undifferentiated, all-extensive subs- be submitted to the Local Events Edit or 4 p . M. Lance, the raw material-is comnposedi GENERAL Thursday Coach Mann will hold his semi- weekly swimming and calisthentics drill for faculty members at 12 o'- clock in the Union pool. Mandolin Club meets at 4:15 o'clock in Lane hall auditorium. Military Ball committee meets at 4:30 o'clock in room 306, Union. All enrolled members of the Fresh- man band are requested to bring mus- ic stands for rehearsal at 7:15 o'clock in Morris hall. Web and Flange will meet at 7:15 o'clock at the Union. Business Administration club will meet at 7:30 o'clock in room 302, Un- ion. Friday Fraternity lodge No. 262 will con- fer the first degree at 7 o'clock in Masonic temple. RELIGIO US Thursday Christian Science Society meeting at 7:30 o'clock in Lane hall auditor- ium. University Club: Club night Friday, January 8, at 8 P. M. in the Club Room. Clarence T. Johnston. Economics Club: The next meeting of the Club will be held Monday evening, January 11, at 7:30 in Room 104 Economics Bldg. Professor Carl N. Schmalz will speak on "Some Current Developments in Department Store Operation." 1. L. Sharfman. Zoological Journal Club: There will be a meeting of the Zoological Journal Cldb Thursday even- ing, January 7, at 7:30. On the program are Miss Wu, Mr. Kuster, and Mr. Dempster. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Frank Ni-Blanchard. Geological Journal Club: The next meeting of the Geological Journal Club will be held tonight in Room 436 N. S. Bldg. at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Frank Leverett Will review the geological papers read at the meeting of section E of the A. A. A. S. at Kansas City. Mr. Ralph Belknap will review the papers read at the meet- ing of the G. S. A. at New Haven. Walter A. Ver Wiebe. Faculty Women's Club: The regular monthly meeting of the Faculty Women's Club will be held at the home of Mrs. U. B. Phillips, 1954 Cambridge Road on Thursday, Jan- uary 7, at 2:30 p. m. The entertainment will be in charge of the Music Section and the Tuesday Play Reading section. Ella T. Aiton, Secretary. 9 W- C. 0. Davis. Pol. Sci. 291: Journal Club will meet Thursday, January 7, at 3 o'clock in Room 406 Library. J. S. Reeves. Sociology 51: I shall not be able to meet my sections, or keep my consultation period today. It. IH. Holmes. Uii ersity Men: The social dancing class meets tonight at 7:00 P. M. in Barbour Gym- nasium. Ethel McCormick. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns The c'Aristocrat of Shirtings SEA ISLAND MILLS, - CHARLETON.CLAS .. CHARLESTON GLASS Every Wednesday t 8:15 P. M. 5 One-Hour Lessons $5.00, PRIVATE LESSONS DAILY 0 A'.M.'TO10 P.M. TERRACE GARDEN STUDIO 220 Wuerth°'Arcade Phone 8328 Read the Want Ads! ----.. OFFICE SUPPLIES WAHRUNIVERSITY BOOK STORE I .