ESTABLISHED .1890 3Y riA ~aili MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS r VOL. XXXVI. No. 78 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS NOTED EDUCATOR LECT URES TODAY1 MRS. HELEN B. WOOLLEY WILL DISCUSS "THE PROBLEM OF THE FAMILY" OPEN TO PUBLIC Hon. Albert Mansbridge Will Appear On Friday Program Of School Of Religion "The Problem of the Family" will be discussed by Mrs. Helen Bradgord Woolley, Detroit educator, in room C of the Law building at 4:15 o'clock this aftern o .'he lecture, which is given under the auspices of the Michi- gan School of Religion in connection with Prof. Kirsopp Lake's seminar in the moral issues of modern life, will be open to the public. A second lecture will be given by Hon. Albert Mansbridge, English scholar, on the subject "Education, Democracy and English Life," at 4:15 o'clock Friday, Jan. 8, instead of Sat- urday, Jan. 9, as stated on the posters. Mr. Mansbridge has earned wide recognition for his work in education methods He has been chairman of the World association for adult educa- tion, The Seafarer's Education Serv- ice, and a member of the Royal Com- mission on the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. In 1903 he founded the Worker's Education Association in England and later founded a similar organization in Australia He was a member of the Selborne Committee on I Church and State 1914-16, and has held position on various committees of the church. During 1922 the edu- cator was lecturer on the Lowell foundation in Boston, Mrs. Woolley, today's speaker, re- ceived the degree of Doctor of Phil- osophy at the University of Chicago in 1900. Following graduation she be- came fellow of the association of Col- legiate Alumnae at the Universities of Berlin and Paris. Between 1902-05' she was professor of psychology and director of the psychological labora- tory at Mount Holyoke college, and subsequently became experimental psychologist of the Bureau of Educa- tion, P. I. Mrs. Woolley acted as di- rector of the vocational bureau of the public schools of Cincinnati 1914-21, and became Research Fellow of the Helen S. Trounstine Foundation dur- ing the next year. Since leaving Cin- cinnati she has been assistant director and psychologist of the Merrill Pal- mer school of Detroit. Following the lectures of today and Saturday, the meeting will be opened to general discusson of the problems suggested by the speakers. AICER CHOSEN HEAD OF A MEOICANLAW SCHOOLS, -American, (anadian, And rbillipine Schools In Association I r 4 ASK STRICTER RULES FOR .I J PAN-IIELLEMN C ADMISSION I (By Associated Press) I FORT WORTH, Tex., Jan. 6.- I More stringent admission re-J Jquirements were recommended Ij in committee reports read at the Jnational vkomen's Pan-Hellenic I Congress here today.I One recommendation providedI that a petitioning sorority be re- quired to hold associate member- J ship for eight years before be- coming a member of the Con- Igress. Action which will be taken by fthe congress when it resumes its sessions tomorrow at Dallas . probably will determine wheth- er several Jewish' and one Cath- olic sorority which are petition- I ing for membership will be ac- cepted.I SPEAK HERE JAN 18! PUBLISHERS lOIN COAL STRIKE ENDI TELEGRAMi SENT TO CONFERENCE EMBO)DYING SENTIMENTS OF LEADING NEWSPAPERS BLAME BOTH SIDES Attention Called To Distress In Hard Coal Regions; Business Is Paralyzed 'By Strike SCRANTON, Pa., Jan. 6.-A demandI that the anthracite suspension be end- ed and that miners and operators settle their differences was contained in a telegram from publishers of the leading newspapers of the hard coal field this afternoon after a conference# here. The telegram was sent to the operators' and miners' representa- tives now in conference in New York. The telegram follows: "The undersigned, responsible heads of the newspapers published in cities' of the anthracite coal regions, desire to add their voices to the great chorus that has gone up to the joing con- ference of representatives of the United Mine Workers of America and the Anthracite Coal Operators Assoc-t iation, now holding session at the Union League Club, New York, to compose their differences and put an end to the calamitous incubus that now hangs over the anthracite coal regions. "It should not be necessary to call your attention to the condition that exists in the counties producing au-I thracite coal. You are as close to the heartbreaking situation as we. Stor-I ies of distress in which women andj children are the chief sufferers, of special movements in many communi- ties to relieve distress, of soup servedI Forest Expert HOUSE CO MMITTEEda On Tree StudyFIIDRtn e S ep fE rVUa1 a1ni I inr r eeinr nii- Halts Tax Bill Samuel T. Dana, director of the Northeastern forest experiment sta- tion of the Forestry Service at Am- herst, Mass., will speak at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science au- ditorium on "The Place of Forest Re- search in the National Forest Pro- gram." Mr. Dana conducts research experiments that have to do with for- est conditions in the Northeast. At the station the work is conducted so as to collect and assemble facts re- lating to private lumber growing in that section of the country. Much of the research has to do with the elimination of. forest diseases andI parasites, such as the blight-killing of Chestnut trees and the gypsy moth, both of which are problems for the{ forester in the East. Other phases of the work done at thetstation con- sists of studies of growth and yield, methods of cutting, the natural re- production of differentrspecies of trees, the economics of fire protection, and methods of "slash" disposal. "Slash" is the waste that remains after the timber has been removed from the land. Mr. Dana, who was for a time For- est Commissioner for Maine, has writ- ten written several articles, "Farms,. Foilests and Erosion,"'and "Forestry and Community Development" having been published by the United States department of Agriculture. I ON. SIC.AI DRIVEI Little, Yost and Other Speakers To Address Group At Dinner Tonight At Union Ur HIIAIIUL DILL SENA9TE COMMITTEE S HELVES TAX B-ILL DEMOCRATS ANNOUNCE THEY WILL SHOW A SUBSTI- TUTE PROGRAM REMAINDER PASSES Democrats Again Depend On Insurg- ent Republicans To Help Write In Their Provisions Speaker From Recognition Toward Columbia, Has Won For His Efforts World Peace DEAN BATES TO PRESIDE Dr. James T. Shotwell, professor of history in Columbia university and di-I rector of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, will deliver a public address here Monday, Jan. 18, according to an announcement made last night by officials of the League of Nations Non-Partisan association. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School will preside at the meeting. Professor Shotwell, who has long been distinguished among historians i in the academic world, has recently 1 won international recognition through his authorship of the so-called "Bliss- Shotwell" protocol for outlawing war,; for his services at the Peace confer- ence at Versailles in 1919, and at thel League of Nations from which he has just returned. The Universtiy of: i SOLICIT CASH ONLY Due to the impossibility of obtain- in the public schools, of caused in humble homes f f sickness or want of Michigan is one of the few places to have the privilege of hearing him speak. The League of Nations association, which is sponsoring Dr. Shotwell's ad- dress, has previously arranged speech- es here on international questions by George W. Wickersham, Raymond B. Fosdick, Dr. Irving Fisher and Dr. Manley O. Hudson, and also the fam- ous Hobbs-Slosson debate two years ago. Inlander On Sale Today; Has Poem By Robert Frost "The Minor Bird", a poem by Rob- ert Frost hitherto unpublished, heads the contributions in the second issue. of the Inlander, campus literary magazine, which will be on sale this morning at bookstores and in the lobby of Angell Hall. Sue Grundy Bonner, '27, who re- ceived honorable mention in the Wit- ter Bynner Undergraduate Poetry Contest and Dorothy Tyler whose poem "To (ne Professing Gaiety" was published in a recent number of the Double Iealer contribute the out- standing student offerings. fuel, has all been told to you in the ing an accurate *account of the sub-, newspapers and probably in private scriptions made during the first day communications. They have not been of the Student Christian association overdrawn. The destitution in many i case is, report of the progress of the cases is desperate.; "Apart from the colossal financial drive will be withheld until tomor- losses of the miners and the coal row, according to Harry G. Messer, operators, the long drawn out strug- '26, chairman of the campaign. This gle has paralyzed business and dis-, year, for the first time, only cash couraged enterprise. The markets for subscriptions are being taken by the anthracite coal are in danger. Some solicitors; since previous experience of them are permanently lost. Peo- has shown that a large percentage of WILL PROVIDE $50,01 EXPENSE MONEY FOR DELEGATES TO GENEVA CONFERENCE URGED BY COOLIDGE Administration's lans For Share In Discussion Are Considered By Cabinet Heads WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Appropria- tion of $50,000 to defray expenses of American lelegates to the prepara- tory disarmament conference to be I held at Geneva was unanimously rec- ommended to the house today by its foreign affairs committee in compli- ance with a request from President Coolidge. The administration's plans for par- ticipation in the discussion, mean- while, were pressed forward, Secre- tary Kellogg conferring with Secre- tary Davis, of the war department,1 and presumably getting in touch with Secretary Wilbur respecting the se- lection of army and navy technical personnel that will aid the American delegation. It appears possible that the army and navy officers will be selected from among either the present mili- tary staffs at European capitals or from men who recently have had the latest experience. The knowledge of foreign languages also is being con- sidered in making selections. Both the war and navy depart- ments have been engaged in studies of the questions outlined for consid- eration at the Geneva conference, and have undertaken much research to obtain data for the drafting of an American policy. Before recommending the expense appropriation, the foreign affairs com- mittee debated the language of the resolution at length and also consid- ered a number of amendments that were offered. One of these, bykRepre- sentative Fish, Republican, New York, to instruct the American delegation to present a resolution calling for consideration of the advisability of outlawing nations starting wars of aggression, was rejected, but a num- l ber, dealing chiefly with phraseology, I were approved. The Fish amendment was opposed by Chairman Porter and Rep. Temple, of Pennsylvania, rank- ing Republican, as ill advised, al- though both said they were in sym- pathy with what he sought to accom- plish. OHOSTATE TRUSTEES TO INVESTIGATE DRINKING fCOLUMBUS, 0., Jan. G.-Investiga- tion of alleged communist activities and prohibition law violations by fac- ulty members and students of Ohio State University will open next week directed by a special committee of the board of trustees. This was announc- ed today following a conference with Governor Donahey and state prohibi- tion commissioner B. F. McDonald. Such investigation was requested by the governor upon report to him by assistant-prohibition commissioner S. M. Propht, of the, raid by himself and prohibition agents of the home of Dabney Horton, a graduate instructor in the English department with the university a few weeks ago. The raid resulted in Horton's arrest and con- viction on a charge of possessing li- quor and paraphernalia for making the same. He was fined $800 and costs In his report to the governor, Mr. I Propht said Mr. Horton had given him names of some other university in- structors who had been in a habit o drinking at his place and that there were many rumors that commuistic propaganda was being spread abou the university. Mr. Propht charge that Mr. Horton had communisti leanings and had contributed to com munistic journals. Parker To Speak In New York City Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the phi " losophy department, who has bee] granted three weeks leave of absence left Sunday for New York city t lecture before the Metropolitan Mu s seum of Fine Arts on aesthetics, an - will remain there for the rest of th semuester. E, Professors Charles B. Vibbert an -RIov W elars a tainrzncre o pile in the coal regions are in a state of privation bordering on desperation. "The public holds the leaders of ! both sides responsible for the mis- fortunes which haveovertaken them, and for time greater misfortunes which' will follow the continuance of idle-1 ness at the mines. { "We take it that the question of arbitration is the only cause of dis- I sension between you. We admit that! it is important but your inability to agree on any form of arbitration does not justify the untold suffering and discomfort of millions of people over a wide area.j "Better arbitration with full dinner pails, comfortable homes, and warm clothing, than failure and collective bargaining and strikes with empty bellies." pledges are uncollectable at the date! of maturity. This plan has been used with great success at Northwestern and Wisconsin for the past few years, providing the committee with ample data for this departure from tihe usual campaign method. All captains and solicitors who are not engaged in speaking at fraternity houses will have dinner at 6 o'clock tonight in room 316 at thme Union at which time the group will be ad- dressed by President Clarence Cook e Sene. .. .Simmons p Sen. F. M. Simmons of North Caro- lina ranking Democrat on the Senate'11 finance committee' who following a m conference of minority members yes- 0 terday announced that the substitute a tax rate schedule in proces of prepa u ration by the Democrats would be 't prepared and presented to the com- mittee by Saturday. Consideration of v the current program ceased. t Ih SPOTLIGHT SHOW.n p TO OPENTONICHT~ a h Will Give Silver Loing Cup As First 7 Prize In Annual Spotlight s Vaudeville Tournamnent w i WILL BE GIVEN FRIDAY s It Tonight at 8:15 o'clock, in the re- cently re-decorated Mimes Theatre, c the curtain will rise on the annual t Spotlight Vaudeville Tourniament. c This tournament has been held an-~2 2 nually during the past several years and according to George Green, gen- r eral chairman, and the show this year gives every indication of surpassing i last year's performance. Any organi- zation or individual on the campus n was eligible to piarticipate, so a di-t versity of acts has been booked for i tonight's program. The show will be c presented both tonight and tomorrow t night.- The acts have been personally se-s lected by Mr. Shuter and new talent c may be discovered for Mimes and the t opera. The program includes a num- ber of actors from "Tambourine," a1 ventriloquist, a violin soloist, a novel-1 ty instrument player, an orchestra,1 and a number of soft shoe and eccen- i tric dancers. There are ten acts. At. the conclusion of the performance to- night and tomorrow night, the audi-., ence will be requested to vote, byr means of a ticket stub ballot, as to t which act is in their opinion the best.c A silver loving cup will be awarded1 to the act receiving the most votes at the conclusion of Friday night's' show. The cup is now on display at Gra- ham's Bookstore . I The box office will be open in Mines theatre' today and tomorrow from 2 to 6 o'clock and from 7 O'clock to the end of the show. All seats are reserved and 50 cents. Scholar Frowns On Grade System Requirements for obtaining an "A" grade are fatal to the independence, .J initiative, and spirit of adventure I which are the life blood of the true1 scholar and scientist, according to a statement recently made by Floyd f Simonton, a senior at the University' of Kansas, in refusing a membership in Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholas- t tic fraternity. Ile states that, "to strive for high grades is detrimental' ( to the best interests of scholarship.''I 11Mr. Simonton goes on, stating, "In short, I feel thatthe grade system of ' our schools is a false criterion of scholarship, and is a dangerous foun- dation for intellectual idealism and achievement. The grade system causes 'grinding', 'cramming' doing what the 'prof' expects, and working - for a grade. It is a sacrifice of per- n sonal development made for the empty honor of a grade." o" d Council Grants e New Bus Rates d-- ) ! Acting in resnonse to anothr np- (By Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-All rate chedules in the house tax reduction ill were passed over today by the enate finance committee for future onsideration when Democratic mem Hers made it known that they expect- d to present a complete substitute rogram. Senator Simmons, of North Caro- ina, ranking Democrat on the com- nittee, late today called a conference f minority members, and announced fterwards that the substitute sched- les would be prepared and presented o the committee by Saturdaay. Going rapidly through other pro- isions of the bill today, the commit- ee accepted many of the technical ad- ninistrative changes voted by the ouse. This completed work on the. ill except for the rate schedule and he question of publicity of income tax eturns. On these vital sections, straight out arty votes are predicted in the com- ittee where Republicans, who have nnounced general approval of the louse rates, have a majority of 10 to . Republicans have a somewhat imilar majority in the Senate as a whole, but the Democrats are count- ng on considerable support from in- urgent Republican members, which nabled them two years ago to write heir provisions into the bill. While no indication of the Demo- ratic program has been given, Sena- or Simmons is~known to favor an in- rease in the maximum surtax from 0 percent, as voted by the house, to t least 25 percent. The Democratic anks are divided, however, on the proposal for continued publicity of' ncome tax returns. The minority members of the com- nittee have generally expressed favor oward the normal income tax rates n the house bill, as well as the in- creased personal exemptions, but hese along with the inheritance and gift taxes and all of the miscellaneous schedules, were passed over by the committee pending the completion of he Democratic program. A showdown on the rate schedule is expected soon after the Democratic program is submitted, but a fight Is mminent in committee over changes n the administrative provisions to be proposed by members of the special internal revenue bureau investigating committee. Chairman Smoot has an- nouxiced he will receive this commit- tee's report whenever its chairman, Senator Couzens, Republican, of Mich- igan, is prepared to present it. LEADESESE BEINNING Of ST, LAWENCE CANL ST. PAUL, MINN., Jan. 6.-A pre- diction that construction work on the Great.LakesSt. Lawrence tidewater canal will begin within a year and a. half was made at the closing ses- sion of the Tidewater congress here today. WV. L. Harding, former governor of Iowa and a pioneer supporter of the project, and H. C. Gardner of Chi- cago, who has been president of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Tidewater association since its organization six years ago, were among delegates who predicted "The United States and Can- ada will be digging ditch within 1 months." Italy's Queen To Rest In Pantheon f (By Associated Press) BORDIGHERA, Italy, Jan. 6.-The body of the beloved Dowager Queen Margherita will rest beside that of her martyred husband, Humbert, in the. Roman Panthean. Thus the first "Italian Queen" will be the first queen sovereign whose body will lie in the national sanctuary. This decision was reached yester- day after a length'y conference be- tween King Victor Emmanuel and Premier Benito Mussolini, after _._._LS..t_ 1L .. Tl .. __.l T "1__ .___J LL _. .. . Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law school was elected president of the Association of American Law Schools at the annual meeting of that body held Dec. 29-31, inclusive, at the Sherman Hotel, Chicago. The Asso- ciation, made up of 64 schools, has{ delegates fro i the important law schools of th~ doutry, and from one school in Canada and one in the Phil-I lipines. ' This is the second time a! Michigan professor has been'honored with the presidency, Dean Bates hav-, ing filled that office twelve years ago. Approximately half the Michigan Law school faculty attended the con- vention: Dean hates, Professors Aig- ler, Sunderland, Shartel, Stason, Bris- more, and Waite were .present. One of the papers read before the assem- blage was prepared by Professor Sun- derland, his subject being "Evolution of Remedial Rights." Professor Waite presided over one of the round-table discussions - the conference on wrongs. The principal address of the meet- ing was delivered by Judge Hand, who is chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals of New York, and a prominent figure in the judicial world. Rum i i i k t 1I I " i, ,E' , i! i i J-HOP TICKETS Acceptances of applications for tickets to the 1927 J-Hop to be held Feb. 5 will be honored from 12:40 o'clock until 2:30 o'clock tomorrow at the Union. This is the final time that ac- ceptances may be presented. -r} I 10 U. S. RX(teceatd BUCHAREST, Rumania, Jan. 6.- j The foreign office announced tonight I that Prince Antoine Didesco is to be Irecalled as minister to the United States and assigned to another diplo- ( matic post elsewhere. Prince Didetco, I who is at present in Rumania, will go to Washington shortly to present his letters of recall. anian Ministerj T IT Q E), ,, 1 A14 Little, Coach Fielding H3. Yost and several other speakers. The progress of the campaign will be discussed by members of the committee. When asked to comment on the present drive Coach Yost made this statement: "Fundamentally the pur- pose of all education is to build men. This can best be achieved by the de- velopment, simultaneously, of the three funamental parts of a man's be- ing. The head, the heart and the; body all need training to end that the young man may have a keen intellect, a sound character and an active, healthy, enduring body." At the opening of the campaing yesterday, the members of the cabinetI of the Student Christian association made their personal contribution to the fund, averaging more than $16 per member, which gave a very au- spicious start to the drive. PARIS THREATENED BY RAPID RISE OF SEINE (By Associated Press) PARIS, Jan. 6.-Paris is in anthx- trenmely critical situation; a further rise of 30 inches in the Seine would precipitate a catastrophe. Despite protective works hastily thrown up- on both sides of the river, the waters are invading the city. The first ef- fect of this is the closing of the In- valides railroad station directly across the street from the ministry of for eign affairs. Traffic to Versailles, Rambouillet Dereux and Granville has been sus Opera Will Repeat Eastern Trip Next Year; Book Writers To Meet With the termination of the annual Due to the fact that Mimes has de- Union opera trip in Toledo last Mon- termined to offer the opera through- da night, plans are already underway out the East again in 1926, the compe- fo ta iht21stamsicralroeady ofnMiesay ttion among books, lyric and music for the 21st musical comedy of Mimeswriters is expected to be unusually, and all students interested in writing; keen this spring in order that the high the book, lyrics, and music for next precedent set by "Cotton Stockings" year's }roduction are requested to and followed this year by "Tam-: meet at 4 o'clock next Monday after- bourine" may be upheld. Mr. Shuter noon in the office of E. Mortimer is anxious that the scenarios and as Shuter, the opera director, at Mimes many parts of the dialogues as possi- theater. Detailed information 'regard-I ble be submitted by Jan .30 in order ing the material desired will be given that they may be reviewed by Roy at this time including the type of mu- foyer who will be in Detroit with sic and book suggested for the 1926 "Stepping Stones" beginning Jan. 18. presentation .Mr. Hoyer will again arrange the 1 7 ._ .-... .1., PARIS. - France, at the outset of the new year, has the balance of for- eign trade in her favor and is keep- ing 2,000,000 foreign workers as well as her own 5,000,000 laborers busy. OuriWea+hertt i i