P AGY S , .:. __ .'"°T' ,i X ' ..fin Il: . TC" r' ._' i iZ 1} .v,. _.s _.. ., ... 7- s:.S7, 4T. : Cls $ '_W . '. ?\T 'T. 4 i'. (i. 3 ": : .#i. PAO SX TACAA~AIKA\Tr1~A iij 1'h~'QhAVTATIRV t tSCJ .S . LI il, d.1. l.t\lli f). lit Cl w gctta 1 , i (FEN( SIBESSEDg Track Team Indulges In Light Workouts After Vacation Lull F riBPI[tAlthough nost of the candidate" f:, Tu ru the track te : n)hve been working out M ATHER OFFERS STUDENTS regularly for two wceks before Christ- BASKETBALL INSTRUCTION Io hwestern Iis Be: Developedi mas vacation, regular practice began TeaIn hIRecen Yeatrs at the fl d hmuse yesti day. All students who are inter- Acctrding Tii Report . ested in playing basketball are- At present the men areen given requested to report to Coach light work outs, in order that Coach Mather at 4 o'clock this after- IOIA HERE MONDAY Farrell may d(lern:ine the kind o noonat the field house for in- i aterial lie has to deal wUh. The I ,tructious.j With the report that Northwestern' - . The Varsity court mentor is { fiveis oe th training will- beCome more intense Th ariylortmntri university basketball five is one of thenxtr on t as I he rt t th1 th desirous of forming a basketball best developed at the Evanston school team will enter is the Illinois relay league for all students who like in recent years, Coach Mather placed carnival cn Feb. 27 at Vrbana. to play basketball, regardless of The annual track rally will be held their experience. Members of added emphasis upon efensivelay n near future At this meeting of all the football squad, former mem- in the-workout held in the field house men who are interested in track, are hers of the Varsity squad, and yesterday afternoon i preparation for asked to be present, the schedule for all others are asked to report. the Michigan Northwestern game Sat- the year will be announ cd, and short The teams that will comprise urday night at Evanston. Italks will be givdn by members of the the new league will also be pitted The Wolverines showed a much im- faculty and student body. Plans forIj against the freshman team, thej proved game against the University I the season will also be discussed at school of education five and the of Missouri five in the last preConfer- this meeting. third Varsity quintet. Regular once game, but the Skipper is still Phil Nlothrup, halder o the west- practice sessions will be held, dissatisfied with their defensive work. ern Conference javelia record. who I and coaches will be assigned to In the opening game of the season was operated on for appendicitis in the various teams. with the "Battling Bishops" Michigan I the early part of last month is rapidlyi was woefully weak on defensive play,j getting over the effects o te opera-} but has shown improvement in theltion and it -is hoped that he will be4 drills held during the last week available for tho first meet of the sea- fl Northwestern has shown great power son. However Coach Fuarell will take M offensively in the games scheduled no chances and use him only if hisI during the Christmas holidays, and condition.is, perfect.I will cause any team trouble that fails I URNE OPEN U ESUUY \HackeySuad To Hold First S\Drill Tonight Ice Permitting EJI fAith the weather permitting, Mich-I 11.1i gan's Varsity hockey team will take j ORTili P A N D 1xI BA i 1 '___ - its first workout on the ice tonight at RECEiVE 11 TEN AWAR ' onstant Pra tlee Iin 1o1e' Pools the Coliseuim. The sqaud has in the - - yrinIgtaijion Icps -en tpast been holding prehim'ary pre- -De Hart Hubbard and Phil.H' - I ' o1Northrup, two star performers tice sessions at the field house. of last season's championship . No practice was held during the track team were awarded gold POLO TEAM SHOWS WELL vacation period. The workouts hith medals by the Western Confer-. ________i erto have consisted mainly in pass- (ence in recognition of the fact' Coach Mann sent his natators ing and shooting drill and general I that both broke records at the through a long drill yesterday after- conditioning. Individual work and annual Big Ten meet in Colunm- noon at the Union pool, and the re- combination play will be stressed when bus last year. sults proved that as far as physical the squad takes the ice. ttHubbard in winning the run- condition is concerned he men are Coach Barss announced that no cts ning broad jump, in favorite i_ shape for the meet with- Indiana at would woul be made prior to the first event set a new mark for it? Bloomington on Saturday, although n game. There are about 20 men oniwhile Northrup took first place 1 yesterday's was the first regular prac- the team at present. In spite of th t javen trow with a tice since Dec. 24. fact that the team lost several of i heave of 201 feet 9 1-2 inches. All o the en, hwever habest men by graduation and inelig:-j All of themoin, however, have been bility Barss will have a good nucleus- swimming in their home town pool with which to form his 1926 sextet. so that Coach Mlann can now devote There are three letter men and one G -m ClassesO himself to developing his men in the "AMA" man available from last year's J fine points of the sport. Consider- aggregation. They are Captain Roy- able time will also be given to cor- nolds at center, Weitzel, goal tender,I Iegurar required physical training recting the faults in technique which Levi, defense, and Sibilsky, a wing, In practice fi freshmen will be contin- the nien who made the training-trip addition Denton, who played in sev- exhibited under the stress of compe- eral contests last year and became in- tition. Coach Mann is as a whole, eligible at the end of the semester is however, pleased with the results of now eligible to play, Denton is a wing the trip. man. Jones an all around man is also A Mo P With Capt. Jack Cow and Robert back. S 1 Darnall in the dashes, Samson and Although the arrangement of the Dunakin- in the. distance events, Shorr earlier games are not yet definite, th SUN M AI and Whittinghan in the breast stroke, opening game of the season will xot Batter and John and ,ilobert Halstead be more than two weeks away. Coac-l in the backstroke, and Harrison and Barss has decried hard work in order, I{AIS Starrett taking care of the fancy dive for the squad must take definite form Coach Mann has a well balanced team in a short time. W to work with, and their is a possi_ The rink is in better shape than bility that sone-of the new men of ever now the seating and lighting have the squad will improve as the season been remodeled and finer facilities for progresses so as to give the veterans the players have been provided. a real battle for their positions.on Coach Mann's water polo team CoTnYisko won a decision over which has been showing excellent Young Bob Fitzsimmons in a bout atfpwv form in its preseason games will me et! Cleveland recently.516EatLbrv up with some stiff opposition when aGeorgetilson,eWashington half-y they meet the Indiana poloists, as back, has accepted an offer to play pro- Indiana has boasted a water basket- football. ball team for a number of seasons l _ _tba__. and will draw considerable strength from this source out of which to form POSTPONE RINK OPENING a polo team while Michigan has never been officially represented in the Con- 1 Because of the present condition ference by either a water basketball :(of the ice, the formal opening or polo team. Al Mayer will prob- ; of Michigan's, new skating rink, ably see service as a poloist on -Sat- ;=which was to take place tonight, : urday and may swini in either the i will be indefinitely postponed. breast stroke v tmhe medley relay; I A "faculty night" was sched-Q The team ill meet today at 5 inled for the official opening to- O o'clock at the Union. p)o0l to study the 1 night but because of the cir- intEr- collegiate swinmimig rules. cumstances it has been called off. PAY Y UR SUi8wRIPT N NW,. Brookins Revises- Low Hurdle Event IOWA CITY, Jan. 5.-Record books throuighput the world were thoroughly revised in the-220 yard low hurdle lepartment in., the past four years. TIe reason was the penchant for ree- ord breaking- possessed by Charles R. Brooki-us, former, University of Iowa i track captain, member of the Ameri- can Olympic team and greatest low 1 hurdler.-the world has ever known. When his campaign of revision was over, no major mark for the event in the world was not credited to him. ued in Waterman:gyninasium, Thurs- day, Jan. 7. All freshmen who have been on the football squad should ' identify themselves with other athletic activities in season or join the regu- lar groups in physical training for freshmen. These men should report any such classification to the -office of the gymnasium. Tulane has booked a grid game with New York university for next season. nt ombination to check the Purple offensive. Against Mercer, the Wildcats aggregated a total of 47 points, giving good evidence of their real strength. Coach Math-er willl leave Ann Arbor Friday night with nine Wolverines to meet the Northwestern five Saturday night in Patten gym at Evanston. Coach Mather has not definitely de- cided who will compose the squad of nine, but will make a final selection after the practice Thursday night. The first team at present is really composed of six players, Chambers, and Oosterbaan competing closely for one of the forward positions. In the Missouri game Oosterbaan started, but was replaced in the second half by Chambers. It is likely that each will play part of the game against Northwestern. Molenda and Cherry will play the guards, and the right forward will be assigned to Harrigan' Captain Doyle is slated to play at the tip off position.- Schroeder, a sophomore guard, has shown improvement and is likely to make the trip. The former Battle Creek star is a rangy player and works well at center on the tip off. Petrie, another sophomre guard will be the other substitute guard to make the trip to the Windy City. The choice of the ninth member of t , squad is problenmatical. ' In the last two practices scheduled for the Varsity Coach Mather has out- lined a program to polish off the work stressed during the past week. Im- mediately after the Northwestern game, the Wolverines will return to Ann Arbor to meet the University of Iowa team in the field house Monday night. TENNIS GROWN AWARDED iTHOUTFINAL PA W 'T 'Pig, Due to weather conditions the all campus tennis tournament which was started in the fall was not completed, and the championship cup in the singles was awarded to M. Finkleman, 27, who was the only man to reach the finals. In the lower bracket, Finkleman, who last year won the doubles paired with H. Segal, and was runner up i the singles to P. W. Bruske, who wet through the semifinals without a de- feat. In the other division I. S. Schmidt, 29D, and 11. B. Smith, '28L, both reached the semifinal round. At this point the tournament was stop- pod. All were awarded numerals. The doubles matches were played to a finish and C. B. Gilbert '28, and F. I). Dunakin, '26 won the final contest by defeating the Brown-Utley combina- tion. All who reached the semifinals received numerals. A total number of 109 men took part in the tournaments. Of this group 101 entries made up the singles matches and 41 teams were entered in the doubles, but many of those in the singles also paired up for the.,other contests. Tommy Loughran of Philadelphia has been matched with Joe Packo of Toledo for a 10 round bout at Crand Cupids Wedaesday night. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. If the interest taken in the coming wrestling tournament, scheduled for 3 Friday and Saturdav, January 15 and, 116, can be accepted as an indication of the general feeling on the campus regarding the sport, wrestling is duel to enjoy its biggest year at Michigan. This tourndment will be the first of three to he held during the year. It is oen to everyone on the campusI whether they areteligible for Varsity competition or mnot. About thirty fresh- men have already signified their in- tention of entering.s Varsity men will also compete in orde that Coach Keen may get somel idea of his material. Later in the sea- son, another tournament will be held 1 from which varsity men will be bar- red. The A. A. U. meet which is open to anyone of amatuer standing, will not be held until the first of April. Several new men have reported Isince the holidays, bringing the total well above fifty. This is the largest 1 wrestling squad that Michigan has ever had. Many also, are realizing the l)enefits ;of the sport as an exercise, are working out severatl times a week. tThe athletic department is very much t pleased with this turnout, and claim the interest is the highest it has ever been. Although the main interest of the l men is focused on the coming tourn- ament, the squad is not forgetting the first meet with Ohio State which will take place at Columbus, January 23. Eddie Collins would like Shortstop I Rigney of the Tigers for his White Sox but Ty Cobb wants Pitcher llanken-I I ship in return. Nothing doing. ) RAISINS BREAD With the opening of the intramural basketball league next Tuesday, 32 teams will take the floor in the first round to decide the championship of class A. More than 72 teams have entered the tournament, aid a series of games will be run off according to a round robin schedule which has been drawn l up and the winners of each group will meet in a separate league to play for the title. Games will be played on the first four nights of each week and play will be started on the four courts at Wat- erman gymnasium at 7 o'clock, 7::45, 8:30, and 9:15. Teams failing to ap- pear within ten minutes of the sched- uled tine will forfeit the game. Schedules wil be drawn up every Wednesday by the intramural office and copies will be mailed to the var- ious fraternities. Any team which does not receive notices should notify ithe office at once. Members of the freshman and Var- sity squads, and those who have re-I ceived awards for play on either of these are not eligible to compete. Any player entered in class B is also eligible for class A, but competition. in a single game in the latter grow causes ineligibility for the other clas. The class B games will begin as soon as the other group nears the finish and will be held in conjunction with the independent, church, and in- terclass games for which entries are now open. Jim Thorpe, famous Indian star, was arrested on a charge of drunken- ness at Tampa recently. Carl Tremaine of Cleveland defeat- ed Any Martin in a 10 round bout- at Boston Monday night. esday the TRY SHOP Phone 5501 r Oot of. Orrosino, Well CY-O1de AkaTOder Inc ft ti S Announcing our Second Annual January Sale A Discount Per of 20cent is now in effect Stab-e Street 0 "er ° Ik 'Is' SKATE OUTFITS A Complete Line of Canadian Auto Skates 177 3 O- CL--------- u t.. --t LXV7-rLm---- We clGo .Jkate -nharucninig. 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