ESTABLISHED 1890 (Jjooe fri4an ti . MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS r VOL. XXXVI. No. 77 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS MELON APPROVES ACTION OF HOUSE IN AXREDUCTION TREPUBLICANS WILT, SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION IN PROGRAM DEMOCRATS. CONFER No Details Are Disclosed; May De. mand Greater Reduction Than Is Now Proposed by G. 0. P. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-Secretary Mellon expressed his ,approval of the House tax reduction bill, in general, to the Senate finance committee to- day, and it started actual work on the measure, passing 'over important' controversial provisions, however, for future decisions. Republican members, indicated a willingness to follow the administra- tion in support of the House bill, but action on the vital income tax rate provision was postponed at the re- quest of some Democratic members. -3 Senator Simmons, of North Caro- lina, ranking Democrat on the com- mittee, later called the Democratic members into conference, and it was announced they would present a pro- gram calling for several changes in the bill. No details of their plans were disclosed, but the program is expected to call for greater tax re- duction than proposed in the bill as passed by the House. The committee did approve the "earned income" section of the bill, which increases from $10,000 to $20,- 000 the maximum amount on which the 25 per cent reduction under the classification might be applied. Some consideration also was given a proposal to incxrease from $5,000 to $10,000 the amount of income auto- matically regarded as "earned" and entitled to the reduction. Despite the impending party fight on the bill, leaders of both side de- clared their intention to work for ,early action 'so that the proposed sweeping reductions in income rates, may be taken advantage of in the pay- ments of first installments of these toxes, March 15. A suggestion that night meetings of the committee be held brought objection. The controversial inheritance tax rates were the subject of discussions by Secretary Mellon bef'bre the com- mittee and Senator Fletcher, Demo- crat, Florida in a speech before the Senate. Recalling that he had urged retire- ment of the central government from j the field of taxation, Secretary Mel- lon told the committee he had no ser- ious objection to the modified in- heritance rates provided by the bill. EDUCA TOR WILL DELIVER SERIES LECTURE HERE Mrs. Helen Bradford Woolley, De- troit educator, will speak on "The Problem of the Family" at 4:15 o'clock Thursday Jan. 7 in room C, Law build- ing. Her lecture will be the sixth of the series arranged by the Michigan School of Religion in connection with Prof. Kirsopp Iiake's seminar in the moral issues of modern life. The speaker took the degree of Doc- tor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago in 1900, and during the follow- f ing year was fellow of the association of Collegiate Alumnae at the Univer- sity of Berlin and the University of Paris. Between 1902-1905 she was professor of psychology and director of the psychological laboratory at! Mount Holyoke college, subsequently experimental psychologist to the Bur- eau of Education, P. I., and director of the Bureau for investigation of the condition of working children in Cin- cinnati. Mrs. Wooley acted as direct- or of the vocational bureau of the pub- lic schools of Cincinnati 1914-1921,=and Research Fellow of the Helen S. Trounstine Foundation during the next year. Since 1922 the educator has been assistant director and psy- chologist of the Merrill Palmer school - of Detroit. She is a member of the American Psychological association. Mrs. Woolley has written several books, among which are "The Mental Traits of Sex," "Mental and Physical Measuremenzs of Working Children," and "Diagnosis and Treatment of Young School Failures". ir therM ANNOUNCE lIME FOP SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS Announcement of the first semester examination schedule was made at the !V office of the registrar yesterday after- noon. The schedule covers courses! UEF R offered in the Literary college, the Graduate school, the School of Edu- .EW PENSiON LAW CARES FOR cation, and the School of Business WELFARE OF WIDOWS AND Administration. ORPIANS As in past years, two weeks will be A! devoted to examinations, the hours from 9 to 12,and 2 to 5 o'clockhdaily WORKERS ASSESSED being assigned. Copies of the sched- - ule may be obtained at the registrar's, Estimate Shows That 70 Per Cent Of secretary's, ,and recorder's offices, Entire Population Of United and at offices of the four schools and Iingdom Is Affected colleges to which the schedule ap- plies. The complete schedule will be - (ty Associated Press) found in the Daily Official Bulletin LONDON, Jan. 5.-One of the out- on page 8. ( standing social reforms brought about A9MHERST FORESTRY D1ICTORTO TALK, Samnuel T. Dana Will Discuss Forest Research Problems In Relation To National Program SPEECH OPEN TO PUBLIC Samuel T. Dana, director of the, Northeastern forest experimental sta- tion at Amherst, Mass., will speak on "The Place of Forest Research in the National Forest Program," at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in Natural Science auditorium. The experimental stationl at Amherst is one of ten maintained by the forestry service in different parts of the United States. Research is being carried on at all times at the station to determine the kinds of tim- ber which will grow best in the Northeastern section, the best sites for reforestation, and the best use to put the cut-over lands. Mr. Dana has been connected with the United States forestry service since 1907, at which time he received the M. F. degree from Yale university. Ie received the A. B. degree from Bowdion college in 1904. Recently he was re-elected president of the Society of American Foresters at their annual cpnvention in Madison, Wis.I The lecture, which is the second of a series on the subject of forestry, is open to the public.1 ENGINEERS IKE CHANE IN SYSTEM OF ABSENCES As a result of the action taken by the faculty of the Engineering col- lege at a meeting held just preceding the Christmas vacation, upperclass- men in that school will not be re- quired to secure excuses from the{ Dean's office for class absences. Instead of the former procedure, the student who has been absent will in- form his instructor of the cause of the absence and the matter will be dropped. This action was suggested by the Baldwin governmnent, the ex- tension of old age pensions to include also pensions for windows and or- phans, came into operation when the first pension became payable under the new law. This reform was prom-1 ised by the Labor government of Ramsey McDonald, but was delayed' by financial exiengicies. It is part of the program for national insurance against unemployment, sickness, old age, and death which program applies to all workers of both sexes earning less than 250 pounds which is $1,250 a year - approximately 15,000,000 workers. It is estimated that it affects 70 preent of the entire population of the United Kingdom. Under this scheme, workers are as- sessed a weeckly contribution of nine pence for men and four pence, half penny for women, divided about equal- ly between employer and employee. rTo this amount is added a similar amount already payable under a pre- viously existing health insurance. Un- der the new widows and orphans pen- sion' law, each widow of an insured man is entitled to a pension of ten shillings, $2.50, until she attains the age of 70, when she becomes entitled! to the ordinary old age pension. For the eldest child of such a widow a weekly pension of 5 shillings is paid, and for every other child, three shill- ings a week until the children reach the age of 14. This age limit rises to 16 if the child is spending the en- tire time at school. Orphans are paid seven shillings, six pence or $1.87 a week. All these pensions are payable every Tuesday, and the going of the, schene into effect today meant an eco- nomic revolution in thousands of Eng- lish homes. The Ministry of Health. estimates that approximately 174,000 widows and 275,000 orphans are im-' mediately eligible for the new pen- sions, but a large number of those GRIDIRON NOT SELECTED FOR SER ICE GAME (By As ciated Press) WASHINGTO , Jan. 5.-Maryland House members today emphatically opposed a "threat" of congressional influence to sway commandants of the military and naval academies in se- lection of a place for holding the annual Army-Navy football game in 1926. A move by Representative Britten, Republican, Ill., forlegislative action to have the contest held in Chicago were attacked as indicating an at- tempt to put the academies in politics. The prospect of distant tours to satis- fy regional demands regardless of custom and academic time limitations was held out as the likely result of such action.+ It was asserted that an expenditure of $300,000 would be necessary to transport 2,100 midshipmen, 1,300 cadets and the two teams from Chi- cago, and that training ,at each insti- tution would be interrupted for sev- eral days.- AFTERLONG TRIP Special Carrying 100 Arrives Here Early Tuesday Morning After Toledo Performance 26,251 SEE PRODUCTION "Tambourine", the 20th annual Mimes production, was presented for the last time in Toledo, Monday night, before a capacity audience at the Ri- voli theater, bringing to a close the opera's tour of the Middle West and East where 15 performances were given during the Christmas holidays. The "Michigan Opera Special", carry- ing more than 100 students who com- posed the "Tambouirine" company, ar- rived in Ann Arbor at 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning, after a continuous run from city to city which started at 1 o'clock on Friday, Dec. 18. During the 1925 trip 26,251 persons saw the opera, making a grand total of 31,470 including the 5,219 paid ad- missions during the one week run in ithis city. Saginaw afforded the larg- est house of any city on the itinerary with a record-breaking audience of 2,582 while Buffalo was second with I exactly 100 less paid admissions. To- ledo was third with 2,092, while the average attendance was 1,750. At- tendance marks in the remaining cities follow: Chicago 1, 964; Lansing 1,713; Grand Rapids 1,564; Flint 1,309; Detroit (three performances) 4,394; New York 1,916; Philadelphia 1,539; Washington 1,629; Cleveland 1,590; Cincinnati 1,477. The trip this year was a decided success financially, though the gross income was approximately $3,000 less than "Cotton Stockings" provided two years ago with a total of 17 presenta-. tions, two more than "Tambourine". The gross income for the Ann Arbor run this year was $6,000 less than two years ago, although considerably more than for "Tickled To Death" last year. Buffalo netted the greatest financial gain this year with an income of $2,700 more than for "Cotton Stickings". Chicago did $2,400 better than two years ago, Toledo $2,000 better, while Washington and Cincinnati both did more, and Lansing had a packed house. All of the other cities netted less income than two years ago, De- troit being the lowest with $3,300 less. The net profit realized by the opera this year has not been computed, but it is expected to compare favorably with that made by "Cotton Stockings." As in past years, the opera com- pany was most cordially received in t every city on the itinerary, Michigan alumni affording entertainment every- where. Members of the company per- sonally met President Coolidge at the White House while in Washington, and visited the capitol and other prominent buildings there. Sightsee- ing trips were arranged in New York, Philadelphia and Buffalo to Niagara Falls, and a reception and dance was given after every performance. While in Detroit, the company stopped at the Statler hotel, taking meals at the principal clubs and hostelries in each city. Filipinos Offered Business Rewards I AUThOR OF "VARSITY" GIVES TALK TO ALL CAMPAIGN WORKERS QUOTA IS $5,500 Each Man Given List of 20 Students To Interview; Will Canvas All Fraternities Workers in the Students' Christian association financial drive launched the organization's three day campaign Ifor $5,500 at a mass meeting last night in Lane hall. J. Fred Iawton, '11, of Detroit, author of the "Varsity," gave the assembled students a sales talk particularly adapted to the present campaign, ,and appealed to them to give their best work for the success of the drive. Harry Messer, '26, chairman of the drive, announced the captains and their teams, and gave them final in- structions for carrying out the cam- paign. For general solicitation each man was given alist of twenty stu- dents to interview. In order to can- vass fraternity members at their houses with the mimimum effort, an extra committee headed by John Hay, '27, has been organized to furnish speakers to present the needs of the S. C. A. Dinner dates will be secured from the various houses for these speakers who will address the fra- ternity men in a body and take the subscriptions which they wish to make. Rensis Likert, '26, who also address- ed the assembled workers, gave the following statement on the drive after the meeting: "The Student Christian association is an organization which endeavors to foster, under student initiative and leadership, every effort intended to assist students to recog- nize the true place of religion in life, and to help them face the real issues of the modern world. It is my wish that all students who are in sympathy with this and the other obpectives of the S. C. A. will co-operate with us in the present financial drive." The captains of the various teams will meet at noon today for a luncehon in the Lane hall tavern. At this time reports on the campaign will he made Iand discussed. During the later part of the week a steak dinner will be given to the winning team and to the ten highest campaign workers. The solicitor who obtains the largest amount in the drive will receive the silver loving cup which is being do- mated by O. D. Morrill. Stinnes Claims Custom Barriers Must Be Removed "European nations cannot approach America in wealth and standards of living until customs barriers in Europe are torn down," said Edmund Stinnes, son of the late Hugo Stinnes, German industrialist, now on a visit in this country. The German automobile, for instance, costs $1,500, and the work- man in the factory gets one mark where your workers get one dollar. How then is the German workman ex- pected to enjoy the privileges of your men? "A great bu.jinesd man'there'told me that we must increase production to prosper. We can do that, but where is the market? Tarifffwals surround us. Here you have cash enough on hand and credit available for the in- stallment system of selling. We do not have that system in Germany. The big turnover here is what makes [for cheap articles." Mr. Stinnes has made a special study of the automobile, coal, and steel industries here as his family has its fortune involved in them in his own country. ATHENS.-Premier Pangalos yes terday announced what amounts to a military dictatorship. He will im- mediately take over control of the en- tire government. AT . A. FINANCIL- lEIS OPENED MASS MEETING' SEAT SALE OF COMEDY CLUB BEGINS TODAY Seats for "Great Catherine," Ber- nard Shaw's farce in four scenes which the Comedy Club is presenting as its annuil January program Tues- day and Wednesday evenings, January 12 and 13, in the Mimes theater, will be placed on sale at Wahr's, Graham's, and Slater's bookstores this afternoon. All tickets are priced at 50 cents, and are reserved. The Mimes theater, where the pro- duction is being presented instead of in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, has just been completely re-decorated and equipped with velvet hangings and a carpeted floor. The entire lighting system purchased for "Tambourine" is also being installed back-stage. Amy Loomis, director of Masques and the Junior Girls' play, ,and co- director with Professor Hollister of the Play Production Plays, is taking the title role of Catherine, and other members of the cast include Valentine Davies, '27, Elizabeth Strauss, '27, Thomas Denton, '28, Lillian Bronson, '27, ,and Minerva Miller, '27. The entire production is being directed by Phyl- lis Loughton, '28.W a ILFRED ENGAGED FOR RECITALH HRE Noted Color Organist Appears Jan. 14 In 1ill AuditorIum Under Auspices Of Women's Association PLAYED HERE IN 1924 Following his appearances as spec- ial artist at the International Expo- sition of Art in Paris this summer and a subsequent tour through Scanda- 'navia and continental Europe, Thom- as Wilfred, inventor of the Clavilux, has been re-engaged for a recital on his Color Organ Thursday evening, January 14, in Hill auditorium. His appearance will again be under the auspices of the Ann Arbor branch' of the American Association of Univer- ! sity Women. Mr. Wilfred filled an engagement here a year ago and played before a capacity house. It is considered that' his 'second recital, with an entirely new program, will mark even further advances in his invention that is re- garded by scientists as a new, or eighth, art medium. The Color Organ plays light as a pipe organ produces sound. It is, in a sense, "silent music", and his pres- ent program will include several settings for' dramas, "The Enchanted Forest", a visualization of the Rim- sky-Korsakoff "Scheherasade", as well as various Fantasias of a more ab- stract nature.I Mr. Wilfred is appearing this week P) with the Philadelphia Symphony or- chestra under the direction of Leo- pold Stokowsky, and last spring his Clavilux was used as a background for the production by the Neighbor- hood Playhouse in New York city ":f "Sooner or Later." Seats for his local concert are be- ing placed on sale this morning at Wahr's, Graham's, and Slater's book- stores on State street, and at Schae- bele's Music House on Main street. The entire main floor is priced at $1.50, the first balcony at $1, and the sec- ond balcony at 50 cents. Tickets are reserved only by these three sections. Dean Will Attend Meeting In East Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the En- gineering college, left Ann Arbor yes- terday afternoon for a ten day East- ern trip. During the later part of this week he will attend the meeting of the society for the promotion of engi- neering education in New York city. Next week he will go to Washington where he will attend the annual meet- [ing of the Engineering Council of - which body he was formerly presi- dent. Dean Cooley is a member of the - !committee that will chose the presi- dent of the Council 'for the coming year. REGENT ADDREISSES' RADIO AUDIENCE 0ON UNVRIYFUTURE. PROF. JOSEPH I. HAYDEN AND DR. RANDOLPH ADAMS ARE ON iPROGRAM SOLOISTS ENTERTAIN Junius E. Beals Says Students Should Not Strive Entirely To Increase Earning Capacity Addresses by alumni and members of the faculty, and musical entertain- ment by members of the School of Music comprised the regular Michi- gan Night program broadcasted last night from the University radio sta- tion in University hall. The speakers who addressed the radio audience were Regent Junius E. Beal, Dr. Ran- dolph Adams, custodian of the Wil- liam L. Clements library, Prof. Jo- seph R. Hayden of the political sci- ence department, and Coach Elton E. Wieman. Regent Beal, speaking on the sub- ject of the University and the State, discussed the University in the light of its service to its mother state. Looking toward future development in the University, he declared, "It seems likely that we must take a greater in- terest in the social and group lives of the students, reaching and direct- ing the individual and 'helping him to adjust his college work and his fu- ture plans to his abilities and apti- tudes." University Should Teach How To Live The University, he pointed out, does not want students to come just to in- crease their earning capacity. "We are not so anxious," Regent Beal said, "to teach them how to make a living as how to live. We must open to them richer and fuller lives of use- fulness and helpfulness, to others and to themselves. If we do not, we mis- erably fail." "At the present time," stated Pro- fessor Hayden in a discussion of the situation in the Philippines, "The Fili- pino people are seeking to solve two very difficult problems. The first is r ihat of democratic self-government, the second is that of the economic development of their country." The potential richness and the natural re- sources of the archipelago are great but they have not been developed. "Further social and political devel- opment in the 'Philippines wait upon economic development. Economic de- velopment, in turn, waits upon for- eign capital, and foreign capital, American or otherwise, will not enter the Islands until their political future E is far more certain than it now is. Filpinos Cooperate "The 'great majority of Filipinos," he continues, "have cooperated with Governor-General Wood. The result has been a period of rapid develop- ment, political, economic and social, in the Islands. Both of the leading 1 American political parties are thor- oughly committeed to ultimate inde- pendence for the Philippines." Dr. Adams told of the General Na- thaniel Greene papers which were presented recently to the University by Mr. Clements. "Only a brief exam- ination of the Greene papers has yet been possible," Dr. Adams explained, "but it may be said that they will compel the historian to rewrite the military history of the Revolution. Greene Organizer Of Victory They certainly prove that the vic- 'tory was won in the face of the failure F of the rank and file of the American army to stand its ground, that it was won in spite of the appalling inertia and lethargy of the people as a whole, that it was won on account of the courage and constancy of the leaders like Washington and Greene. These r papers will place Greene in Iis prop- er position as the organizer of victory in the American Revolution." "The Educational Function of Com- fpetitive Sport," was the topic on which Coach Wieman spoke. "Those + of us who have studied the matter, he declared, "are of the conviction that training such as is received i. the game of football contributes not alone to the physical well-being of the bay, but serves as well in develop-' ling a strength of character, and an understanding of one's fellows that is a very real part of education." The musical program consisted of two violin duets by Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel P. Lockwood of the School of 'Music, three cornet solos by M. T. Byrn, grad, and three tenor solos by' R. T. Susamago, S of M, who was ac- companied by Donna Esselstyn, '27. T- - 7_ ~ - 1I entitled to claim them have not yet come forward, because they already are receiving, poor relief from guar- dians, and fear they will lose this re- lief if they claim pensions. Art Association To Give Exhibit Jean Paul Slusser and Samuel Chamberlain, instructors in the col- lege of architecture, will have an ex- hibition of their works on view in the to the faculty by Dean George - -. Patterson of the Engineering college. j west gallery of Alumni Memorial hall The only stipulation placed on the firom Jan 11 to 25 inclusive. The ex-I action by the faculty was that the stu- hibition will include oils, water col- dents taking advantage of the new rul- 'ors, etchings, pencil sketches, and ing must have 65 hours of C average batiks, and will be shown under the work. fauspices of the Ann Arbor Art asso- ciation. . English dye manufacturers are urg- ing an ~agreement with Germany to I Venezuela's foreign trade tops all save the industry. records. National Home Is Being Provided For Newspapermen And Journalists For the first time in history, a na- 1 tional home will be provided for I American newspaper men and journ- alists. This has been made possible through the donation of a gift by former congressman Charles I7. Haines and Mrs. Haines, of Florida, which is valued at more than one million dollars. The International Press foundation was established to sponsor the pro- ject which has been endorsed by the press associations of forty-two states and the National Editorial associa- tion. Each press association has ap-. pointed seven vice-presidents of thel foundation . Thesite donated for the building of Press foundation in Press city con- sists of a thousand acres of rolling, well-wooded country, only nineteen miles from the Atlantic ocean. The famous city planning firm of Freder- ick Law Olmstead, of Boston, has plans underway for the development, by the state will extemd to the At- lantic ocean. Ultimately there will be a magni- ficent auditorium to seat ten thousand in its main hall, while there will be three smaller convention halls under [the same roof. Besides a thoroughly e -tripped modern hospital, a sani- tarium is planned. Theaters and churches, a great radio station, a Sunion railway station, are among other utilities which will be a part of this wonderful development. Also, certain buildings and provisions are planned for educational purposes. A press library and museum will be pro- vided as a repository for original manuscripts, valuable relics, and oh- jects of historical value. In this building there will be a department of fine arts with special rooms dedicated to the various forms of graphic arts. In athletics and sports provision has been made for a golf course, athletic field, aviation and aquatic sports. The purpose of the gift and the cre- I ation of Press city is not only to pro- Poisoned Poet Waif Given New Hope For Life As Her Verse Is Accepted (By Associated Press) - The promise that the verse would CHICAGO, Jan. 5.-Pneumonia de- ybe published won back a desire to veloping 'today in her poison-filled live where numerous offers of a home (By Associated Press) lungs may give 17-year-old Lily 01- education, pretty clothes and the lux- MANILA, Jan. 5.-To encourage Fil- sen, poet waif, her New Year's Eve uries of wealth had failed. ipons to engage in the retail business | wish to die because she despaired of I Despondent again today she re- in Manila, the Philippine Chamber of ' ever writing verse. Physicians had peated her wish that "something '~? '~U~