T-LTFZSDAY, JANUARY.0',_1J26. TI-IF MICI-IIGAN, DAILY PD EBPLAT in Kentucky, the largest rock fle PO'WE1 hydro-electric darn in the world. I . P[9NTWork was started on a project of similar importance on the OsAe !River,, in Missouri, expected1 to p'ro-j vrTruI duce 125,000-horse power of electric-' SYSTEM _PHOD u ; .v h ty through use of the waters of an artificial lake a hundred miles long.! Holing Companies ('ontrol Projects' The, promoters also plan two other For Long D~istance Tranismission !plants, about 100 miles south of the' Of Gas and ElectricityE Current River, which, linked with the' O6sage project, will give Missouri WILL CONNECT CENTERS 1183,000-horse power. - Water is equally vital in the Iocal- (By Associated Press); tion of steam super-power plants. ,. CIIICA(Ivi, Jan. 4.--While the year; One of the largest of these completed 1925 saw rap~id strides 'toward linking' in 1925 was at Terre Haute, Ind.,! the "power pools" of the country into1 which feeds its power from the mine a. network of s,,z1er-power systems mouth into the pool linking Illiniois, spread over all sections of the coun- Indiana, Mi1chigan and Ohio. This try, thryse accomplishments seem 'joins the first notable super-power dwarfed by, expansion plans for 1926 project which connected the Kanawha' and succeeding years.I district of West Virginia with the ad- TFhroug;h the medium of holding jacent regions of Pennsylvania, Ohio iorporlatiff onstilinTieso anon and Kentucky.' thePacficCoat, n exa, Luisana tSimultaneously with the extensionI UP, through the Central States and and interconnection of electrical lines, over New England, have been financi- !gas ilns have been pushed out ally connected up under control from pipend lines ihohra rfca N Yok ad Chcag ofices Raid gas steps in to take the place of the progress is being made in combining' dwindling natural gas. tle, o e nt l c rc l y f r ellong>-dist'ance transm ission of pow er.'a b t ai n c n Fall, "l ori stations at Niagara GENEVA.-Th'at abtrton cn Fall, l;eokuk, Ia., and Minneapolis; tinues to advance steadily is shown were amoang the earliest AmericanI by a League of Nations communique plants in industrial centers., These; explaining that 248 treaties were reg- have been followed and supplemented listered in 1925. Pby i any others, the most notable one comleited in 1925 being the Dix dam PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Heavy Rains Flood Seine; Paris In Danger ii fl ~ ~,1eld at Detroit. but t he doctors gill spenId the onte day in A~rm or. VIO 5 l jb Lit'C iho 1physi cia".swill 211' int 1:1. TO T U 10S I tPhey ill'3go to _l~fie ivr ivel embers Of )Iedieal ('ongress 'd'ill 1'c3 hu ,at ii:on ,at the LUnionL:'m1h I ' one to Ann Arbor After w.-icha gener-al tour of1inspection c, !Det roit At'e ing !the hosnital gill t eplace, ' 1 ~~Tarsdayigh1111 t ageIIe:'al me.1etinga WIL O DU T CLNCSv ~beho ld in the niow llroom1,01 I L L C O N D U C E ' C L I N I C S 1 w h r e t h e a s s e m l a g e 1 w i l l i slebyP r s d n t * (r~ : : o l i t l o Inspection of the University ho s pit- --- -______ al will be made by more than 1,50B il0orio physicians,; mfemb~ers of the American. ICouncil on internal Medicine, Thin s. dlay, Feb. 25. Your dlays of the an- A 01k will be completed today on lual rneetdug of thei congress will be); the corridor which has5 ' been built Connecting University and Angell The issues which in other assem- 'halls. The shelter is -built of brick, hlies invariably were the sign for bat- and is fine-;roofed. tie, were stittled peaceably. Thus re- ____________________________ ap~portionmlent of the state's sena- _____________ torial and rep~resentative (li.;tr!0t5 be- came a fact without a trace of blood- shed, after other legislatures had jambed into deadlock on these same.0 issues. .00-. .0 ISimilarily the spectacular gasoline { PUSP1 us ° I P(~aGSdPUTG tax problem was solved.! ru~n now be furnished in two s:-,ec and printed W i ye a. College or Fraternity c olor. altr l LARGE SIZE NOTE SIZE 100 Sheets 7 Xx I 0% 200 Sheets =7 Tb Aft 0050 Envelopes 3%x7Y 1104 Envelopes 3 az6 0M p sdj M Sheets are printed in top center with name and ,~ * jand address in 3 lines wth or without college * f4 . f .^A St 1tPY inVety i n inrl f t crer n Floods following rains again are imperiling Paris. The Seine already, is inundating low lying suburbs, and a return of such conditions as are shown in this picture, is feared. It shows dikes thrown up in an important street to check the water's advance. 7 COUNLASSIFIED TBI CLOSES _ AT 3 P.Mi.C ADVERTX$,IS6NAG P LOST WNE LOST-Orange and gold Eversharp WANTED-Small group of boys to, Pencil. Return to t*e office of the board. Price reasonable. No other Dean of Students. 76. boarders. 233 So. Ingalls St. 76-77. NOTICE FOR RENT NOTICE-Manuscripts typewritten by FOR RENT-Furnished Apartment be- experienced. operators at Biddle's tween campus and Hill St., 5 rooms1 Book Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. and bath. Telephone 5290. 75-76-77 t., t., sat. Vf. FOR RENTS -Single room, steam heat, BtUSlIESS NOTICE hot water always. 311 Thompson I Riders Pen Shop has moved into its St. 76-77-78-79-80-81. new quarters across the street next to , Quarry's. ' 1 the Ad Much larger -and better location. , W ataAd Call "ad see us. Please tell your' friends. 76-78-81. We, pay best prices for men's used clothing. Dial 8040. Student Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer tf WE take pride in the quality of our work. You should take pride in our products. We cater to the student Yo are requested to visit our shop at your earliest convenience. ..'' ARNOLD ~State St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. MEN'S Suits sponged, pressed 35 cents Student's Tailoring, Phone 8040, Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer. tf. 'tRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Ti ea Shampoo, face and scalp treatmnt.l Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. V WATCH REPAIRING Efficient work at reasonable prices Edw. A. Clark, 1121 S University.tru I TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg-" est