PACE SEVlNN FE IDAY, DECEI.1lJ' R 13, 0125 THE MICHIGAN" DAILY .....,.-,..F,.. .,_. NoPM .LASSIFI E COLUMN ADVERISIN AT P.M Students Organize To Help U. S. In World Court ,_ . ._ __ .. Club Scores Dog As Aid To Police, (By Associated Press) BERLIN, Dec. 1 .--- Konrarl Most, of the '[.ion of. Shepard Dog Owners of Eisenach, declares tie Oernflai. police dlog woul' never attain the results it (10es if deprived of the ciii er leading M. li-e cited 48 testsS befor pie 11Cau- t horities and scientific experts in which the dlogs ft'-lied in their tasks Grady Rumnafttes ,13vAssocnated lPress,) Sf7 LkrfTLE. 1 .ac.1 7. V he Grad,, who iseevecreel gold i i C(1& Pan c recek andi :tarted a ru1sh inl Gas- liarcoutryof Iriish 1Coubi a last year, says that looking for the :wieci- otis metal is more fun thian trakingi. mining is just hard work, bu;pos pecting; is great sport. I ~ ~ ° ' lIGwth oblong amethyst. 1 allj ez,! n, C,4 0 93. 74-75. LOCS i) mbe shell rimmed glasses :r . s: .lUathc tr case, call Univer- ;;1 * 74-75. MAt pgltnglovws Wednesd ,(ay in; Aii 1 1 fafI. Find or phone 9595. L(M.'I-- Pair of glasses in black case. I toward for immediate return. 206 S1 Thay< er. I7i. LOST--Kappa Delta Pi key, Thursday, Dec ellber 17. Name of owner on biack. Return to Allura Exelby. Mvartha Cook Building. P3hone 7614. 75. NOTICE NOTICE-Manuscripts typewritten by l experience;) operators ,at Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. t, th., sat, tf. NOTICE-Have your interior deeorat- ing and cleaning done during Christmas vacation, and ,save money Dial, 22450, Smith and Stevens. 74-75. SCHAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. MXain St.; The popular place for all 'kinds of musical instruments. It pays to trade here. th., f,, sat., tf. We pay best pries for mhen's used clothing..g. Dial 8040. Student 'tailoring Cor. N.. Iiv. ,aud.1 thyer tf WE take pride in the quality of our work. You should take pride in our products. We cater to the student trade as well as the town residents. You are requested to visit our shop at your earliest convenience. ARNOLD State St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf.. HOLIDAY SPECIAL Shampooing 50c for the rest of the week to advertise my, special shampoo method. Hair, treatment free with every ticket sold.- Six dollar ticket for o$5.. Anderson. Beauty Shop. .527 E. Liberty St. Phone 3059. WATCH REPAIRING *Efficient work at reasonable prices 4 Edw. A. Clark, 1121 S University. t., f., sat. tf. NOTICE-Buy the latest fiction at Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickels Ar- ~cade. W., f., sun. tf. ITYPE WRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makesI .bought, sold, rented, exchanged,1 celeaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and best servicedeat depar-In Ann Arbor.j 0. D. MORRILL,I 17 Nickels Arcade,, IThe Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona ' NOTICE NOTICE-Piano Tuning-The Stein- way Concert Artist Tuner availableI for you. No extra, charge. Thel exclusive tuner for the University School of Music. Phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Office at resi- dence, . 941 Cranger Ave. Not with any Music House. tf. P1LSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- manent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Rtoom i 202. Dial 4404. tf. ATTENTION fraternities and sorori- ties. Try our Special Blend Coffee. Per pound 45c. The Schultz Groc- el y.t., th., tf. LOCKMiT All kindls. of trunk and door keys. Phone 7325. Keeler, 12104XW. Huron 74-'75. WANTED ti 1when their lead(ers were absent. j "Maybe :I'll sell out m~y interests co Realization of tho dog's ultimnat e in- I can go tout in the hills and try to findc adequacy in this resiet led the te-smehn lsheadded. '. Iman, army command to zltc'rcit its G(rady arc'l his partner", Hugh Forcl, further employment Buring;\war1. wo;7rdOwtheclaim for 50 (diys last stun -ier and took out $30 lper shovel da;ily. I-ANGOON.-It is hope)d that sav Grady came to Sea-ttle en route toa and human sacrifice will he abolish- Eastern Canada to v-isit his mother. ed by a British expedit ion which ij, I "e had about $1 0,000 in gold nugget s. G now on its way to llukwang Valeye in Burma.PXY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NO11. A PAERRV CHIMSTMS WE hope you'l11 hav e a grand time during the Christmas Holida s. We Li xv you will it Santa puts a pair of °r. NORTHLAND SKIS. nii f Dur , in your stocking. Christmas and sno an ion.Norhlans--00%enjoyment. NORTHLAND SKI MFG. CO. Wvurld's; I,argest Stu Manufacturer. s6 Merriam Park St. Paul, Minn. -Our fret' lookt o n "HIow to Sk~i" w ilh1elp.- As part of the nation-wide campaign to induce citizens to support U. S. participation in the world cc of the League otf Nations, college student bodies are being organized to aid in crystalizing public opini1 Delegates from 250 colleges are seen at the national collegiate world court conference at Princeton Univers Princeton, N. S. EXPERIENCED two payment men to open office covering entire district. Full c-operation. and protection. Send $1.00 for supplies and com- plete information., Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati. Ohio, tf. WANTED-Ford roadster,. that is in good condition, need not b~e new. Call Gray. 7935. 75. MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict managers, organizers experi- enced on two pay, plan, also special offers. Write or wire today for real proposition.. State, fully experience. Clyde A Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, lCincinnati,, IWANTED-Passenger leaving for Pittsburg. Call 5348. Ask for Jim.. 73-74-75. FO14 RENT FOR RENT-Suite, two offices, State Street section. Dial 4931. th-sat-tf. FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for Tent, consisting of two living rooms, two bed rooms and bath but no kitchen. Second floor, Cutting apts. Phone 8621. 73-74-75. FOR RENT-Church St. 1020 Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 4 car garage, new building, excellent condition. $100. Union Trust Comn- pany. Randolph .4470. Detroit, Michigan. 75 FOR RENT-Furnished Apartment be- tween campus and Hill St., 5 rooms 4and =bath. Telephone. 5290. 75-76-77 FOR RENT-Rooms, also garage. For party at house, Dial 8544 or call at 422 E Washington. 71-72-73-74-75. FOPR RENT--One large modern front jroom. Will rent double or single, comfortable and warm, strictly priv- ate. Phone 3292 or call 320Ton- T opson. 74-75. 'WoodEncou ages I to encourage athletics in all important r g I governmental and private organiza- Filipino Sports tions in order that a broader field from P P 1 which to select Philippine representa- tives in international contests may be (Bly Associated Press) available. MANILA, Dec. 17.-Governor Gener- Among the organizations named asl al Leonard Wood, always an cnthus- 'potential sources of strong athletes iast in sports, has issued a statement are the United States Army and Navy, the Philippine constabulary, the Man- TRAVELj ila city police, and government bureau ______________employees. Tqur, designed for those going 'The governor general. urges early abroad first time or once only, led by prprtosfrteiriigo hl faculty member with six seasons of j ippine representatives in the next Far ; experience. Travel, strictly first-5 Eastern Olympic games, which are to h e held in Peking in 1927. class :-neither "tourist third cabin" nor the usual second-class accommo-i dations in Europe. Independent par-i, PARIS.-Only 425,000,000 francs of ty, not organized on basis of promises .1 the 5,000,000,000 increased currency in merca nd xcues n Erop, Ivoted by Parliament Dec. 4, has beeni but with definite inclusive contract1 utilized. not contingent upon European agentsI or inefficiency. Box 26 Daily.I For every article for sale, there is 71-72-73-74-75. a buy er. Reach him thru Classifieds. t. I.- r LUXEN E CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE M' 4AN I f i .7 I wglwmuu - ' T i i i i . - Fie;&_'wseo?6.W = ... _" I I Ti r IP The DINNER SUIT CUT precisely according to conservatively correct ideas in notch and shawl collar models. Tailored in the LUXENBERG way of fab- rics which insure excellent wear. $3950 Are just what is needed for the -Christmas season. Make them smile with cheerful wall papers. We have most exquisite colorings and patterns in the 1926 line and we are glad to show you the advance--styles of decorating rooms properly. . Have you tried to decorate your furniture with our new line of "transfer" patterns? Very easily done at so little expense. Also have stencils, tube paints, batik enamels and~ Take Home a Fine Preketes fresh home-made chocolates-the finest in town, one of the best gifts to carry home the holiday spirit. We know you are busy and preparing to leave-so just call us up and our prompt and efficient delivery service will bring your order right to you. Prekete'9S Sugar Bowl NAT LUVXENBERG & BRO. 37 Union Square, New York. 11 I you're in New York during the holidays, j 1 visit our new shop, 37 Union Square-West, I between 16th and 171h. Als~ays welcome. fi Our style memno, book sent free on request I-I decorative patterns. Grace your walls with, a pretty for Christmas-prices from 50c new picture to $5.00. C. H. MAJOR & CO., Dial 9313 203 East Washington St. i' W. H r (r "FEveryth ing's jake t.I FOR SALE Read the TUXEDO-Size 40, fifteen dollars, al- Vant Ads most new. 417 E. Washington. 74-75. when you Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners = Served at Toblocks fromcity bus. ~~ line onJackson Rad froiam non tla dni ,.A. ...,. oo I i. h aSpecial attention given to parties. hoe6a4 at IM 111101it~1111t1~1l1~111~tlliil111iI~ [I 1.i~l 109 SOUTH MAIN DI)AL 2214 N ' . r ,,. ,, ... ... ,f" smoke P. A. fi° ^ Wal k- Over , II Plan now for a marvellous low cost trip to Europe $170 and up, round trip TROUBLE'S a bubble, just as the song says. And you can. stick it -with the stem of your old jimmy-pipe, filled to the brim with good old Prince Albert. .A remedy? It's a specific! Ask any jimmy-piper who ever butted into trouble. 44 SIf shoes were railway tickets Sthis would be an excursion Railway tickets are priced for how far they will 'carry you. If shoes were sold that way, this would be an excursion. Here's a shoe built with the quality that has made Walk-Over the world's largest maker of trade-marked shoes. Wear it, and see if it doesn't carryyou farther, in more solid comfort, than any other shoe you ever wore at the price. ii S IT DOWN and plan your vacation trip to Europe, NOW. 'Tourist III Cabin costs 'astonishingly little-little, if any, more than a vacation spent at home. Last year thousands of stu- dents traveled by the United States Lines ships and this year will certainly show further big increasc in bookings. For these ships are setting new standards of comfort. Clean, airy state- rooms, inviting public rooms, the best of food, exclusive deck space and daily concerts all contribute to a delightful voyage. Get all the facts now from your local steamship agent, or write to the address below for complete illustrated literature and suggested tours. Make res- ervations well in advance. Cool as the zone-of -kelvination you read 11 I Operating the LEVIATHAN, GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, PRESIDENT HARDING, REPUBLIC and JJJ AMERICA from New York to Cobh, Plynm- outh, Cherbourg, Southamtpton, Bremnen. 1 _ 45 Broadway NEWYORKCITY about in the refrigerator ads. Sweet as the kiss of spring on a winter-weary brow. Fragrant as locust blossoms. Soothing as a cradle-song. And-P. A. can't bite your tongue or parch your throat. The Prince Albert process fixes that! Get on the sunny side of life with a jimmy pipe and P. A. Tie a tidy red tini to trouble. Smoke the one tobacco that's got everything- you ever wished for-Prince Albert. Quicker you get going, the sooner your worries will be over. Men who thought they never could smoke a pipe are now P. A. fans. You'll be a cheer- leader too! P.4A. xs sold ever ywhere ins tidy red tins, pound and half- pound tin humidors, and pound crystal-glass hunmidors with sponge-moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by the Prince Albert process. ®l I I A' w... . _ a Y. ;, 1