Y IUDIAY, IDl~ii"C1f'i lIS, bI THEMICHICA*L J D4ALY aT tIF MICJ-.a IMAM FL V LL11La __ i V1 1111LL' L' DEMAND sTrATES RULES Al1thoughf'_, acl192 6 license, Plates cane- 3't O leg ""ally us( LUntil ,Janl. 1, more iiith ,200otags ha,.ve already been sold in Ann Arbwr, it vvas announrea yes- S!panish Florence 'Nighiale Bali ie aHrine Sociologist Says9 Our, Movies ' Change Hospital Improve Life of French youth To Women's Ward I ~Work will begin at once on the re- "American films in France give the' means". As to the others, the doctor modeling of the Otology building of French young people a new outlook is convinced that they are stimulated the old hospital into a maternity wardl, on life, show them better conditions to obtain them in a proper manner according to an announcement madle of living are possible, and, by mak- by their own efforts. He related a yesterday by Dr. Harley A.Hyn, ing them discontented with their lot, case of ,a French business man who, director, ofthe hospital. Planms anrf instill the urge to better .themselves," because of his unkept,, worn. out, of- specifications have been comp_,leted the saysIJ~otar oulusea Frnch li ce, lYost the services 'of his steno- qontracts let, and the build ors hav e sa' fotrTuosaFec oi grapher who had been 'to see an Am- promised to, begin remodlin3 g (early ologist, in a recent article in the New !eia movie, in which wasshw a next week. The new ward ),,ilIl ha ve York Times, modern up to date American office, a capacity of 60 beds. The French young people are af- Doctor Toulouse believes that by forded a glimpse of a better, health-( showing the better, things- in life PARIS.-President D~our ergu ye- ier, brighter, fuller life than theirs ,, through the "cinemna", conditions of; terday received George Ththrn te rday by the branch office of the state u according to Doctor Toulouse, by the life in Fance will iprve consider- Soviet c 'epartme~(nt at the Chamber of Coin- t' presenting of the American movieI ably. To feel distaste they must have who wa °ecinTenwlaehaew ite -. ... which shaws it lived by people of 1 some standard of comparison. Rakovsk inrc w;n ~onwpatshv ht their own sort, following their own n1umerals *set on a background of black epomn."njs htiuBI3llOIIUi~IltIIIUuIIIiEH enamel. s mlyet."njs htpp-Q -ttauae'ututnurteeeuce se f uesrlti o h ss- rt-tioni that it makes them discontented -I AnceO etho e relagaindgastoers--I with their own lot and determined to 1 , anceof he nw tgs, nd lso ove- Iameliorate it, will it have done real ung the most Immotant of the state I go" ecniud and national motor laws has been Jc-'- ti uilsrpoahsar ae - I U p5ublished and distribute.d by Charles , 3 - F a rosehamfl ison 3.D'nsceay o tt.I tent, unfitting the young for their thiem, applicants for license plate sare ' w okadlve.Csso on adv. ed that no tags can be secured ~ )0)0bigldit rm hog wvithot the owner's title to. the car ~'' 'a'teeasdosatnaneagh o-Tv bing shown at th e time of applica- ___~__________________________ 0,aeotnctd uacrigt flon, T1he la" requires that all cars- " Dotr Toulouse, these cases are less 47ES 1. F -"'must have two ,Yates, attached boh common than is made out. He thinks I Front and rear, soothat they are visible I Rosario Vaquezque, modern IFlorence NMghtingale Iwho entl \was (1ecorated for extraordinary braveryi it ed andythe oe natralysoeaininedCIO from a distance of 50 feet. 1rivers are! under fire while serving with Spanish farce' in Moocco asi ainreirel(ro)wt tops nth dadhse aualyoicie, warned not to hang or attach the tags trenches. upn whm piturewithestroopsfe inOUthe under the fenders or behind the ; better than theirs have bad effects, - bumpers. When a car is sold or trad mo making them seek to obtain such - De. 5,26 ed, the title and license plates must be D r. V e te aar state 'is cies x°,Phns o esle "by anti-social tr'ansferred to the new owner. The '---.-----y .I tags cannot be used on any other car Carries On -f'ish Uin 'Ilti n ork IH er J"h onefltig bu imac- ________________ than that to whic.h they are assigned ~_ug s Thaoneflwia tfeelatg-'umIu -ht~ls~i~3~lfImImml3i by the state oii appl)ication +f the owns- insthawer e layfisight asrformance,"nuurutuurumurrturtr erreateko h voaino hsI~ishi, reptiles, plants, moluses, craw-I tns A V 1Mivationi cuts down the i she e said. "Everything i final, never" I~w are severe, fis "'e',1 - ixasavzn rn s 1ob repeated. eyiThe sleast important the new Michigan diming law re-flh and worms taken from rivers an trees, and thusth cool moshade, s removed, and the. water becomes l rlerquie hr u complete con- P Virs that the lights he (dimmed with- lksi Michigan are the everyday Mo isE Ct~ oerqie hotbtf60feto naghaed h olsay anso h entration. There is a charmofce l~60fe fa pproaching vehicle, working miaterials of Dr. Jan Metze- hae.Tecolsayhut o h ___ tive. acting about it that is nowhere etr De a d further setasin this con- laar, state fisheries expert, and his b o k to t b c m e ois o h B soitd Pes o le f u d o h t g . euie on, that vitisproer niaghthatwhacar assistant, Thomas Huxley Langlois, become anteoares.als owlielydto BJI ZN, De. T7.-Tanlara Karsa- London, New York, Berlin and be deui ed awbinh proer i lig~t,hc who are at present carrying on their interferes withi the jr~uto l, idol of lovers of the artistic other larger cities, however, will con- in dfit ne ops ig twotwhrteihatswork at the University. While in state ii ies n vntog iue.aederc, has gone into the movies be- timue to see Karsavina's unique in frotoneopysieaheethrahaiinrieruse ofve thug shte ase n oshe finds film acting more ex- dances, because dancing, after all, is an be d imed, and red tail light, all. empiloyte arscentimcaiue ofthebuilt only the amest tirth, Mich as' clng than dancing, her life's work. lightedl after (ark. A spot light is nrot rainbow trout, will jump the largestI !Iegnidzed as a substitute fmr head blei here to aid them in their work, of these shutes. In addition to 0,a+ lamp. Thisi.h pcaljbo netgt this, many streams may become po0-I-, IDemand may be made at any time linmg the stream systems of the state, lufed. These streams are not recoi- -"ur r m by an Officer ouf the law for a display and after each summer's field trip, mended for planting fish because fish' Natural of, ainoperator's license, which, to- they bring back their bottled speci~ do not develop." N-tra I te s Holds - a ACH year we pause in a happy s gcther with a certificate of registra-ic mens for r classification and study,! a1t e '.v ea events which we have give tion, should always be carried when wihfr a basis for future recom- DUBLIN.-The Dfail pasedl all stag-a _ ddriving, the rules state. mendation for fish plantings by the: es of the bill ratifyiig the London; eivn htu nevrt ';department of conservation, agreement- on the Irish boundary O N E " ~ ~ C rf f r tractions second to none , i an of h .tarris Professor Thi's reams f old r pcaes-fthe1 BAN _ 1 L L O O3 any o lvi fromr the 'teasand lakes of ITcj _,- - Y .\I I Y\~.(I inm hars A Ilio ,Desstate is being carried on county by, - GT T A~ZS esonayhe a vigadtesang 9county, and it usually takes four o IlS WE E R or fi eersandsuring dthe atntiea five weeks for each county. The ten, T- W E Dr .L jriassatprofes- perature of the various streams is fredswo ok owadtoechw so oinutileuainathUn-taken, together with a description of AR RI WEeM-c51kto $2 'iO ? M crity of Illisdied yest erday 5+3egtto.chs tgte wt1S.t ~ to 1kq 7 imossible for me to write :each individ th vgtain.TisWogterwthlSaMat. ~~b etroit's smartest' ballroom. Two =( mrning. .Doctor 1-h rris was gradu- the collected specimens, frms a cowz-, of povd your co-operation. We therefore ated from Michigan in 1923, and re- LO G '(j-wodefuRocesraOcn dived his doctor's degree in 1924. pItNivnor f vralk at ang medium to broad-cast our sentiments. ' among his acquaintances are number- stream. After this thorough survey ee vs tinuous dhanrhcmigsesnntatng. ed many instructors in the School of recommendations are made for im- LoePaolt 'r-s-- -- -_____-Ifidupesti th idu lEduca~ion, who have expressed them- A_ Lvelayofh__ -- cc- ---J.--,fn(u\\eenig ye nut s grea selve s ~incerely grieved over his death. povnbcndton -rlain o am is' 7r,5cntneturprsnlto n ___________fish and their ropagation. These in-4Banstelie Piay use t = personal friens1and ( , prat Graystone Dancing Nightly Except M na IBERLIN.-The 'Prussian Diet refurs- elude such matters as the building of Wodada ro e lnaer, ganization we boast o intimate ass e~ t rintae rf.I~axvo Shi-fish shutes, removal of certain ele- sL(c(NT)w:>x I etc o rinstte rof.Maxvon chi- -theatre and patron into a huge happy fai hnos as director -of the Berlin state lments harmful to fish life, closing up ( The EO edrstemBobOueNsnt- iI h ai¢f^eiS ~. E a~aa^er1 A NGLKTFAd ihhldTpii eet opera from which he was sumril f edr temstse das tseI h ~ii~~ cue .ie1J~ I IN~ n ihhldy sii eet dischtarged.last month. 1n tempatigtebnso" , D R1RR E Fl #.\..ati.L II..o.ii S. ) i greetings and may your tables be graced ____________________ streams to provide shade, and the Ihv' ar enxd~n uhItvhrl fhpiness and good, health., PARIS.-Jules J. Jusserand, in the ilike. -- ---'--- I- I f hapines an goo heath.1 opinion of Myron T. Herrickc is one of "It is surprizing " said Doctor Metz- .Lafayette ( L1,+ts(IcIto THE ARCADE THIEM the greatest assets America has in elaar, "hwadversely civilization f- sc r s t Ta1At.T °i"V 1C0 op a. 1 .. y sct $ ocn a 975c Oeaedadcotole'yTh iouTe France. fects conditions for game fish. In-PpMd"i ~i,~c( aiia "" _______________________________________The Sweetest Romance of Miedy 1-2nd W X. S. BUTTER FIELD 'A C. BEATTY se , . A YYou don't know how good until you hear them Pres. Gen Mrgr. A MuIMRi Vr.ion of Pont % Tat 1r nton NvlA D 6 ~., '~ ~If You Thin You Are Thril Production of I her own novel -ommssar for foreign affairs, 3 accompaniedl by Christian :y, Soviet ambassador. IRON STREET IS/for YS ONLY 27 and 28 ya11m~m/11omaneisguu.ii,.izaam' ammary of entertain- n you. Hoping and furnish you with at- e country's exclusive =ent of this theatre cled a great host of elf's program. It is lual our appreciation hope through this arty in January will test masterpieces to while a business or- ociation that joins :nd te Yleid :n thY ul-Td Iwith an:'abundance rRE ,atrical Enterpirise Co . JAS. S. HELSDON =A Local Manaiger V lJRTDAY8 1I Proof, Try -9 I " ' R° .. d , h e ' , a 5 . ;; 4 "f -. '1 SG f. . F., c : G !5: f F y } Th rills Galore s: ".You'll be on seat's end ' .04 1through it. Anything could1 Den here and everything d It was made to thrill you, an riakes good. ,. la i ' r '' l'"-.,+ pr -y all hap- does. nidit Fighingfor the 'woman hc ee to love! A L, ul~'iea~, brutal sgiglt'e h) pilie primitive t"anii.. A ll i. rn Aa, Divm.,. S ~ 4I 4. f - - - H