TTTT~ri)A)', TCEM1I3EI 17, 192:, THE. ICrI ICA,"N DATT Y P'AGECEa"17VEN ... .-,..,x rFORM AL SIGNING OF LOCARNO TREA T YO WICH L A'S"S I F W4 COUNV TIRED E UROPE'S HOPES FOR LASTING ADVERTLSIN PEA CrE -- I A 1" OR REIN'I' JM - 11 ( i hobllOn c af1(L1etyt. FOC1I l Nt-- RO()_1211.x,, also garagie. For !6l.1ah~a 93. 74-'1 . party at house, Dial 8544 or call at --- 422 E Washingito1. 71-72 -73-74-7r5 . in 'black 1;, leater case, call i livo-r- FOR RENT'---One large modern1 ho:If l. .74 -75 I -o W1 I ill 1'e'-1t (oiitib or ~ ' _.. _ _.. _. __. _. - -- - - - - - comfotItable anid warm, strictly prIMv- LOT~i''- Aq e in rotof -lrals ate. Phone 3292 or call 320 i3'11{azp- Branch -!tore on South 'Universty, so11 4 l5 Th~e bowl was oval-shaped. R:eward. --- Carl Kellar, phone 8917. 72-73-74. ! O SL NOTICE FOR .Std E-- ',ye ]i'isoi I Phoiionrapb. R~ecords, three for a dlollar'. A rior NOTICE-aucit-Manuscripts typewritten lIy Fountain. 72- 73- 7 4 experienced operators at Lbidles }r'UxEl)O-Size 40, fifteen dollars. al- Book .Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. most new. 417 E. Washington. NOTICE -ave your interior (decorat- 1I1T1 iug and cleaning done d urin g ___________-__ _______ Christmas vacation, and save money. Tour, designed for those g(Lfl?; Dial, 22450, Smith and Stevens. abroad first timie or onice only, led" Jby 74-7. ifaculty mnember with six seasons of experience. Travel, strictly first- SCHAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. . class :--neither "tourist third ca-11n" The popular place for all kinds of I nor the :caual second-class accommo- musical instruments. It pays to aIof in Europe. Independent par- trad her. th, f, sa., t. Ity, not org'anizedi on basi; of promises in America and excuses in Europe, BUSINESS NOTICE- but with definite inclusive contract Riders Pen shop, because oif its not contingent upon European agents rapidly growing business, will move ! or inefficiency. Box 26~ Daily. into larger quarters Jan. 1st. Our 71-7 2-73-74-75. :. :11e] V c1iie 5, coiu cted ill 11n - 'G'J ra'o)W' red A erh anil u ~ 4 2 \ i~ ~fi' places 111(. (). , t 0.211' P t(1'S :* t I :5 t~'::'nctorn",.une, 30 r 3 1: , c'.;s ' E \-, Illc ,(in'I'('l in v~nn r:,',rwn oSpansand or11- i l ii Aiie7ca pschoog, srciology, a I -',J)ectpll '~i iiz 'twioiCl- N 2:ilahory ot Greecelad.)2 cif Rfl~ed icm'W, moernandrconter rav ito 8 otEvarts stot .Ry..f in AmefcaLisholPregyerSciolgy, j. hn 7 l::t irsThe ainnoutemence ois:; r i'frmat is roisbviist (rm1.11,!{thh 1;i1'1e dai Lloyd, 32 'soadwa, New Y o'khe r. eine L? ?II ...u- AuDr nDeer anrusian Hei per (ofino8 ca I tsst dclred ethad ? ?;aas dCireor, -generemif er Pirs H Sianselranouttandn emeac irae,~am wds rhbtoit new shop will be across the street from our present location and nearer to the campus. 315 State St after Jan 1st. Watch us grow. Riders Pen Shop. We pay best prices for men's used clothing. Dial 84.} .'Student Tailoring Cor. N. TUnv. and Tayer tf WE takO pride in the quality of our work. You should take pride in our products. We cater to the student trade as well as the town residents. You are requested to visit our shop at your earliest convenience. ARNOLD rtate St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. HIOLID)AY SPECIAL Shampooing 50c for the rest of the week to advertise my special shampoo method. Hair treatmient free with every ticket sol. Six dollar ticket fo, o$5. Anderson Beauty Shop. 527 . Liberty St. Phone 3059. 74-75. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bougt, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Stow, Dealer: L. C. Smith & Coronaa 'NOTICE-Piano Tuning-The Stein- way Concert Artist Tuner available for you. No extrai charge. The exclusive tuner for the University School of Music. Phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Office at resi- dence, 901 Granger Ave. Not with any Music House. tf. ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- manent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 4404. tf. ATTENTION fraternities and sorori - ties. Try our Special Blend Coffee. Per pound 45c. The Schultz Groc- eiy' t., th., tf. LOCKSMITH All kinds of trunk and door keys. Phone 7325. Keeler, 1210 W. Huron 74-75. WATED WANTED-Student to take board job during vacation at Union. Tel. 21738, G. Wickstram. 118 N. In- galls. 74. WANTED-Girls for relief selling dur- ing noon hours daily. Apply imme- diately at office. Mack & Co. tf EXPERIENCED two payment men to open office covering entire district. Full co-operation and protection. Send $1.00 for supplies and com- plete information. Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. WANTED MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict managers, organizers experi- enced on two pay plan, also special offers. Write or wire today for real proposition. State fully experience. Clyde A Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. WANTED-Furnished rooms for light housekeeping or small furnished apartmlent. State price. Box 40. 72-73-74. money or previous business experience re-. trations Mladly sent upon request. AWte-. VanieteCorp.,202 DartmoudIet., Boston,Mass. quality pencil in the wovicd black degrees Superlative in quality, the world-famous give best service and Buy longest wear. Buy Plain ends, per doz. $1.00 Rubrends, per dz 1.20 a aoc4t all dealers Amefican Lead Pencil Co. dozen 220 Fifth Ave. N. Y. E 'i01) 3'.; ope,, for l* a.;iz'ing peace are centered on treaty framed at Locarno and signed in London, binding France and Germxlany to hold the 1-hine fr'ontier 1 m lablie. i'ai «i ready is having its effort on trade rlations, clogged since the wvar. In picture, taken as envoys formally of- fixed their -signatures to lI' treaty, in London, after obtaining ratification of the parliaments of their respective countries, Stanley Badldwn prem- ier of England can be seeni (ri.;Ii-}