THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ti ,. ' r . C"'3' , s - s; f i i,-. °1 - , F ' : 4i 1 C Y.W. TEAM HEADS TO GIVE BANQUET Instrnctlon Regarding Soliciting To Be Given 'To Team Captains By Margaret Eaton PLAN UNIQUE FAVORS Activities for the annual finance drive of the Y. W. C. A. will begin on Tuesday night, Jan. 5 with the ban- quet which is to be held in the Con- gregational' church, at which all the Y. W. C. A. cabinet officers, speakers and team workers for the drive will be present. It is expected that more than 250 women will be served. Decorations for the table will sug- gest a dolls house carrying out the scheme of the campaign which is to be conducted on the idea of the growth of dolls. Attractive favors will be given. At this time all instruc- tions in regard to the work that the teams are to do will -lbe given out by Margaret Eaton, '26, gen- eral chairman of the drive. They will be assigned certain houses to cover and soliciting will commence on Wed- nesday. Katherine Wilson, '26 will act as toastiistress at the banquet. As the main speaker of the evening the com- mittee are trying to obtain Mrs. Her- S ert Prescott of Detroit who is con- cerned with the state federation of women's clubs. Geraldine Knight, '26 will make a survey of the Y. W. C. A. "work and tell what is to be done with the money from the campaign. Margaret Sherman, '27 will lead in campaign songs and the songs which team have made up will also be in- troduced The general campaign songs were compiled by Miss Sherman and will be sang tocatchy tunes which are well known to everyone. The songs contributed by the teams will be significant of the names which they' expect to adopt and will be sang by each teamrespectfully. Thehorches- ytra for the banquet is in charge of Helen Laraway, '27. Elizabeth King, '26 is, general chair- man of the banquet. She will be as- sisted by Gertrude Welsh, '28, Fadel- ma Hoffstetter, '26, Lucinda Sherwood, '27, Elaine Gruber, '29, Mary Stewart. '27 and Cynthia Smith, '26. League Building Architects Foreign Women To Michigan Women Interviewed By Dean Hamilton Use S.C.A. Kitchen Pioneer Members During Holidays, Of College Staff Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of wo- ing the University from whence Pres- men, on her recent trip to Minneapolis ident Marion L. Burton came to Mich- Foreign women remaining in Ann Yichigan women, both graduates where she addressed the Women's igan. While thei e she met the Board Arbor during the Christmas holidays and undergraduates, may not realizet College club, stopped in Chicago for of Directors of their Women's league will have the use of the kitchen in how much they have to be proud ofc an interview with ond and Pond, the and discussed plans of undergraduate Lane hall from 9 o'clock in the morn- in the women who have given dis- builders of the Union, who were chos- work with the chairmen of various ilg until 8 o'clock in the evening tinctive service in many fields, as forE en at the beginning of the campaign important committees. She examined from Dec. 19 to Dec. 31. This ar- instance, in the field of education. to be the architects of the Womnen's Shevlin Hall, which is the Minnesota rangement has been made by Miss The alumnae magazine of Welles- league building. The suggestion has women's building and which was a Grace Richards of the dean of wo- Iley college publishes this month an been made that the league building memorial gift. As yet the men at men's office due to the great number article on the work done at that col- might be built in units as the money Minnesota have no building. I of demands from various women for lege by Michigan women. When Wel-< is gathered, in order that the delay Although there are 3,000 undergrad- i rooms with kitchenettes (luring the lesley was founded the eastern uni- shall not be so great as the need of uate women at Minnesota this year, (vacation, and the inability of the office versities were closed to women and the building increases every day. 60 per cent live at home, so that act- to fill then all. the few women's colleges were too Pond and Pond were able to give a naily the self-government problems The kitchen which is located on the young to afford much help, and it wasl number of instances where this has do not concern as many as at Mich- second floor, contains a gas stove, found necessary to turn to the west been done successfully, without ser- n' igan. sink, and a table. Besides these, there for the beginnings of a faculty. ious increase of cost: It would re- In the basement of the women's are cooking utensils loaned by New- Among those first in helping to build, permission building berry hall, and dishes to accomodate that institution were six from Michi-, Board of Regents to start a building well patronized by both men and wo-W party of ten, arranged for by the gan. They are notably Alice Free- before the entire sum is completed, men but which never makes more . Amail Palmer, Katharine Coman, Mary but this may be contemplated by the than a small profit. The building is rsCs. A.Angie Clara Chapin, veybatfli l t nonmns I rLert vi. ogetoIoe I Sheldon Barnes, Ani lr hpn committee later. very beautiful in all its appointments Grafton, secretary of the S. C. A. asks Eva Chandler, and Mary Sophia Case. The trip to Minneapolis gave Dean but it is used for such different kinds that reservations be arranged a day Besides these six pioneer women' Hamilton her first opportunity of see- of gatherings than would be the casc ahead of time at the main ofice on who are among the early graduates on ths camus, that it offers w s- It i hoped that many iof Michigan,there are 11 Michigan theVfirstsfloor.ictiian'shopedrMichigan, r. oolgestions for ichigan' futur bu will avail themselves of the privilege women whose work there ranges from Mr.W olYV ew ing. The office of the dlean of women, . c Hoor and the office of the woman who is ini 1granted. a period of one semester to 15 years Psych lgy Work Iandand whocrepreent evmry decade o charge of housing for the entire uni- who represent every decade of versity, both men and women, are lo- G 'ciseiOutstrsne 8s There are three main openings for 1ated in Shevlin hall. IThe significance of the work which the person who is interested in psy- To Detroit W4omen these women have done for Welles- chology as a life work according to1 D I' ql y and for educationmaybeunder- Mrs. Helen WooIey, of the Merrill- tie& a o I stood from the deep respect and ad- Palmer School in Detroit, who spoke Be Pan - Hellenic or than 50 Detroit women as- miration in which the college holds at the fourth vocational guidance lec- sembled in a meeting held by the un- thei. The appreciation expressed ture yesterday afternoon. d N x Y r rcacfrom that source cannot but wake a mead Nex.'t Yea dergraduate campaign committee yes- First there is the opening in the Iterday in the interest of the sticker similar feeling of pride in the under- business field. The main subject for -tgraduates and alumnae of Michigan busiess fsyl gTherisbje or- Pan-Hellenic Intersorority associa- distribution for the Christmas cam- who realize that the work of these sonnel work, that is, t is ie i held its regular meeting at thie pign The plan was further ex- women was in large part the product workers. The use of people in this IDelta Delta Delta house recently. plained, emphasizing the fact of in- of th-at same Michigan training which work is limited and is not on the in- The rotation of officers was explain- sist ing upon the stickers on every they themselves receive. crease. In the field of general effic- ed, the president for next year will sales slin. Merely asking for the - iency, and in that of advertising a l te a member of Pi Beta Phi Eliza- ,League discount will not bring it, Patronize Daily Advertisers. great many workers are used. beth Parrott, '26, this years president everyone must have stickers. Any In the field of social work there also urged the announcement of new that do not get them now will be able are several divisions. Delinquency, pledges and new brokenpiedges be to obtain them at the store. Twelve medical social work, child carrying announced more promptly. Michigan women will act as hostesses agencies, and child guidance clinics Committees for the annual Pan-Hel- at the Women's league booth at the all use psychological methods in their lenic dinner for which plans are under front of the store during the week work. way were announced, Tickets: Ruth of Dec. 26 to Jan. 1. According to The field of education is the last. Sorge, '26 and Helen Metzger, '26; the plan, each group leader is given f Mental testing which has come to the Songs, Mary Pell, '26 and Helen 2000 stickers to distribute among Frocks front so in recent years, and educa- Thorpe, '27; Program, Margaret Ef- helpers and the alumni have been sent tional guidance, are fully recognized finger, '26 and Esther Tuttle, '27. '125;00 stamps. Southe HospitalrNeeds VADITFlTrees And Toys 10 BE ELEITED ITIt is being strongly urged by the University hospital that all Christmas Membership of the board of direc- trees left from the fraternity and I tors of the Women's league will be sorority parties be sent to the hospi- completed when freshman women tal. For a number of years the or- elect two representatives of their class ganizations in Ann Arbor have donat- at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the par- ed their Christmas trees for use' in -ors of Barbour gymnasium, the wards of the hospital, but with A committee from the board of di- the opening of the new building many rectors has been named by the presi- niore trees are necessary. The need dent of the league to consider the is particularly great since 50 or 60 duties of the freshman representatives. trees are the minimum required for Because of a University ruling that the 900 adults and 300 children. freshmen are not allowed to partici-I The regular Christmas party for the pate in campus activities until the children will be Monday afternoon, second semester the members who are and Tuesday the patients and chil- elected tomorrow will not assume o!dren at South department will have flee until second semester. However, a party. Balloons have been furnished the new board for next year is elect- by one of the Ann Arbor organizations ed in April.xy but as yet there are not enough toys The two freshmen women elected for each child. A University truck will be present at all board of direc- will call for toys and trees if the tors meetings starting next semester Social Service department, Dial 21914 and will take part in the discussion or University 19, is notified. of freshman interests on the Michigan campus. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. A PLEASANT VACATION TO ALL! We will be open during the holidays except Christmas Day. Breakfast, 7:30- 10:00; Lunch, 11:30-2:00; Dinner, 5:00-7:00. LUNCH ROOM 338 MAYNARD . t '1 n ,f j { 1 1 C 1 4 Z f C 1 l i t Inspired by rn Climes factors in teaching now, as are child guidance clinics, which studies the mental and social development of the young child. i r%..W - - - - / PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW.! If armi "famed for freshness" Ca dies t Luncheon Dinner Che - - 11:30-1:30 -- - 5:30--7:00 Many Here and More to Comel An exquisite new collection of charming afternoon frocks and sports dresses - styles inspired by balmy, sunshiny climes of the South! ight weight wools, soft crepes and georgettes! .Lovely mixtures and pastel shades so youthful and be- coming! Just the frocks to take home with you for the holiday gaieties! $19.75 to $69.50. (SECOND FLOOR) FOR CHRISTMAS Fancy boxes filled with good selections, $1.25 and up. Special Paries byi Arrangement Phone 9646 205 S. State Home cooked Choco-. lates and Bonbons. Ede lb! Hard CandiesAclb, Over Sixty Kinds As a special service to our customers 'at this season you may give as a gift a standing order of our candies that will be delivered at any intervals you choose during the next year. Ir- Parcel Post Mailing Service. 9| ,. 715 N. University Place On the Campus CLEVELAND DETROIT ' # f SAY IT WITH Flowerday's Flowers Christmas Orders Filled Exactly as Ordered The Finest Roses and Flowers Plants Fresh from Our Greenhouses Flowerday &,Son .. ~' t J (q CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF CHARM AND UTILITY This Christmas store has abundant gifts await- ing your selections. So we predict a pleasureable and fascinating event when you do your Christmas shopping here. Among our Christmas Gift Suggestions you will find the appropriate gift in Women's Apparel -Silk and Quilted Kilnonas, Toilet Requisites, Scarfs both silk and wool, Sweaters, exquisite underthings, all at a price which is sure to meet with your approval. . FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-105 S. MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICI--330 S. STATE ~1 i .oiV0 0ava" oe0ooell t 7o. MORE THAN $300,000,000 IS BEING DISTRIB- UTED TO CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS WHO LAST JOINED CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUBS YEAR. WILL YOU HAVE YOUR SHARE NEXT YEAR? THEN JOIN TODAY. Ii urn'""" Member Federal Reserve System 11 NT.,-,, h !1 Tfn t lA It T..~......... 7CHA IIn i