PAGE I'OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tnl1'fl Y, DECEMBER 17, 1925 Published every morning except Monday Curing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- itled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otnerwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. )DITOEIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal City Editor........... Robert S. Mansfield News Editor..........Manning Housewortb Women's Editor..........Helen S. Ramsay S ports Editor........... . .Joseph Kruger Teegraph Editor... . ..William Walthour Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady teonard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykks Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson AssatCity Editor-s rwin liAssistant CFederkI. Shillit Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Helen Morrow William T. Barbour Mar aret Parker Charles Behymer Stanford N. Phelps William Breyer Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed L. Buckingham Simon Rosenbaum Edgar Carter Ruth Rosenthal Carleton Champe Wilton A. Simpson Eugene H. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair IDouglas Doubleday Courtla' C. Smith Mary Dunnigan Stanley Steink' 1- leq T. Herqld ("arissa Tanson -lizabeth S. Kennedy Henr Thu nau Miles Kimball Dhaie C. Vokes , ruawfl ubik Chnlr3 hple Walter H. Mack Cassam A. Wilson Louis R. Markus Thomas C. Winter ELlis Merry Marguerite Zilszke BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214! students niake promptly for the mid-I die entrance in the rear, entering from both ends of the channel and University hall, which opens exactly at the congested and contested point. In the resulting crowds, for minutesl it is impossible to make headway,I books are knocked from arms, and women are often violently jolted. There are two remedies: either all students must voluntarily refrain from using this entrance unneces- sarily, and such an action would take care of the situation, or the University should construct a vestibule connect-j ing the middle openings of Universityj and Angell halls, restricting the pass- ageway to that traffic which is suffi- ciently volumnious many times to re- quire the entire space. THE JUNIOR SWIDIERS The University extends the warm hand of welcome to the amateur swimmers of the state gathered here today for the junior championship swimming meet. The meet tonight in the Union pool will be the first of its# kind ever held in Ann Arbor.f More than 100 men and women, some individual performers, and the others representing viarious clubs throughout the state, will compete. We earnestly hope that, in order to b'ring about a closer and lasting co- ordination between the various ath- letic. units of the state, the success of this meet will be sufficient to war- rant its repetition in the future as an annual event. Won't some benevolent congressman introduce a bill to 'reduce Congress' tax on the country's patience? And we've heard of places where they're going to hang up coal scut- tIes instead of stockings this year. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidenmtial upon request.} i i t i 1"]AI CLOTHES D R.A.M A -EN We were privileged to attend what TONf4IT: The Play Productioll was perhiaps the most unusual dra- classes present "The Importance of matic experiment that has been held hereabouts in years. This was a per- Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde in formaea of " te new- University hall at 8 o'clock. formance of "Tambourine' the, new1 Books forChildrten Cur Juvenile epartmnents are filled ni h a fine selectml 0 f ooks gaIes and stationery for little brothers and sisters. We are showing many beanr i widy iliistralcd editloals. TAKE HOME BOOKS FROMt ANN ARBOR i . n e ,a n a Z e T 3' ii #v fs 3' zs h a c f i t s e I I t t' I iII 1 }a a T Opera given in plain clothes. The performance took place at the Whit- ney theatre, just before the settings etc were mailed to Chicago for the opening road performance tomorrow night. Due to the expense, etc involved, the same settings were used as those which graced the stage last week. The value of this performance, how- ever is that it showed up Shakespeare. When you take a famous piece like "Hamlet" and do it in plain clothes, you say that it is wonderful because it has strength enough to be moving while done that way. But when you see "Tambourine" that way it too is just as good. The dancing is just as smooth, the only difference is per- haps, that the leading lady is not quite as convincing. Now without going in'to the merits or faults of "Tambourine" this proves that as flar as clothes are concerned, it is just as good as "Hamlet." Thus taking some of Shakespeare's glory. * * * Well, it seems as if the Little-Vol- stead-Bursley plan were going to be- come effective, even if the Harding- Hughes-Coolidge one doesn't. DEAR MR. CLAUS Dear Santa, Please send this office enough new typewriters so that we won't ever have to use the old ones again. And please SanTa, be sure that these new ones don't skip six spaces every three words and that the letter B is straight along the line. The Michigan Daily. Delar Santa, Please send Palmer Christian a nice new Organ for Hill auditorium. It does spoil the lovely music to have an imitation of a catcall in the middle of Beethoven Symphony- A Music Lover. * * s THE CLAVILUX Along with Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" the most important event immediately after Christmas vacation is the return engagement of Thomas Wilfred and his color organ, the Clavilux, Thursday evening, January 14, in Hill auditorium under the auspices of the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of Univer- sity 'Women. Mr. Wilfred's program this season is entirely new, and following his tri- umphs this summer at the Interna- tional Exposition of Arts at Paris, represents even a more fully perfected instrument. *"* "THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST" A review, by Karl Zeisler. "The Importance of Being Earnest," the post-mid-semester effort of this class enjoyed the first night of its two-day run in University Hall last evening, and upheld tradition. Oscar Wilde's 1900 first night audi- ence probably blushed behind their fans at the mention of hardworking fathers of twins and premature christenings, but these and many other cracks fell with indifference on Open ELyenings Until Christmas WA.Mm Now-ft-Rommoomm F C PEN SPI Shop in HIM a t Rida HER a "Wahl Gifts neatly wrapr ECIALISTS ping Days which to buy inld Crit-Set ped for presentation SERVICE REAL At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk. I A 4 . l. U, VT' 'I BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER mr 1. .*1 Advertising............Joseph s ,Finn ,s' tvrisiut............ 1' . U iflmst d, JJr. SAdvertising............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising......-.--......-Win. L. Mui Circdation........----.. " . Bst L. Newman Publication........... -----.Rudolph Bostel ai Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold a'~ Assistants Ingred M. Alving F. A. Norquist George H. Annabe, Jr. Loleta G. Parker W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow JohnC . Bobrink o ert Prentiss W. .CoxWi.CPuc Marion A.D aniel Franklin J. Rauner A. Rolland Damnui Joseph Ryant James R. DePuy Margaret Smth Mw3ary Flinterman TMance msSoln n yagae FL Frnk Thomas Sunderland - Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman J. Nelson. Sidney Wilson . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1925 Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL "A BLESS1NG IN DISGUISE" With all its attendant evils, there is ,also a bright side to the present strike in the anthracite coal fields. several shrewd observers believe. "It will teach thepublic that it can easily do without anthracite," one writer says in deprecating general public aarm over serious conditions which may follow the tie-up. Once deprived of anthracite, the na- tion will be forced to adopt new fuels, thus conserving the present coal sup- ply, which many feel is indeed seri- ously limited. In other words, the strike may force upon the nation measurs of conservation which it might otherwise be unwilling, or at best, slow, to adopt. Anthracite is a dirty fuel, and considerable waste at- taches to its use. Curtailment of the supply will open a wider market for coke and oil which many maintain are more economical than anthracite. It likewise will lead to a wider use of bituminous coal, which its advocates claim is more satisfactory, when properly used, than anthracite. Though the strike may be for the public only a "blessing in disguise," it remains, however, for those en- gaged in anthracite mining, a positive reality. Already slender savings are fast beginning to disappear, and grim traces of severe hardship are appar- ent. The strike is a serious matter "for the miners. Relief for the situation is not yet in sight, though a move in that direction has been made by Gov. Gifford Pin- chot, who has called a special session of the Pennsylvania legislature to consider, among other things, the coal strike. Pinchot's move has been con- demned by many as a political ges- ture. It may be that; but the real test of the wisdom of such a move will come when the state solons con- vene Jan. 13 to consider just what steps the commonwealth can reason-~ ably take to prevent future disputes in the industry.- BREAK IT UP Until University hall is razed to make way for further additions to the campus, the narrow channel lying between University and Angell halls will continue to give rise to insuffer- MANN HOLIDAY SALE ON ALL HATS IN STOCK H1ave your hat cleaned and blocked before goilg home. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street. Phone 7415. (Where D. U. R. Stops at State St.) EI L CA DON T MaK EN PA H I ON T H E The Gift You'd Buy Yourself You can get just the selection you want --a large choice is afforded among our vast assortment of Eaton's and Crane's Linens. Both plain and Tissue Lined writing assortments-each an ideal gift. Come in to question among our pleasing display. L a ) #, Give Stationery THE ULTIMATUM To the Editor: Our roommate just explained to us the workings of President Little's plan to exterminate liquor and it's at- tendant problems. We listened with Sgrowingamazement and wonder, it all seemed so simple. There were, however, a few minor questions which I rose in our mind as the thing was un- folded. Sometime during our collegiate so-t journ we have heard it said that it was an awkward i-atter indeed to legislate morals, and that possibly the difficulties that the national govern- E ment has experienced in the enforce- ment of the liquor amendment might, be in some way connected thereto.- Let us assume however, for the pres- ent, that the moral well-being of per- sons in attendance at a great univer-; sity may be affected, at least to somel degree, by prohibitive legislation. Keeping that firmly in mind, we shall examine the dictum itself.- It appears to provide fraternities' with three cut and well dried plans from which to choose-and to that preemptorily without opportunity to consult alumni, or for that matter, anyone else. They may (1) tappoint, with the advice and indulgence of the dean of students, a committee of five; men whose duty it will be to report their brothers to the proper authori- ties for discipline, should they dis- cover them to be drunk or in the pos- session of liquor; (2) obtain two men from the ranks of the ftaculty who shall serve in a similar capacity; or (3) submit to a proctor system of surveillance. The first plan is, on the face of it, very ridiculous-we have a very ob-' scure picture indeed of our brothers serving in such a manner as is out- lined. The second is equally inter- esting; since, assuming the whole- hearted co-operation of the two fac- ulty men, it would require. on their part the expenditure of a tremendous amount of time and self respect. The third plan is different. It probably would work under certain conditions -for example, the proctor who might seek to enter the author's room in the course of his nocturnal search for hooch should weigh at least 1601 pounds, and further, we imagine that an enterprising personal service would have to be initiated to provide new proctors to tjake the places of those who had been discouraged. So much for that..........As the gentle reader has perhaps divined, we have still another plan to present, perhaps1 equally inane, but which is somewhat of a load on our chest. It has occurred to us that the ele- vation of the standards of campus living is in a large degree bound up in its thinking. Let us then sallow campus leaders to get their heads together with the intention of ac- complishing this Herculean task rather than the devisement of aday, settle the gift "The Importance of Being Earnest"' is a very appropriate play for the Play Production Classes to present. They are very Earnest, indeed, and they are also very funny, indeed on a grett many occasions. ' A tyLoomis. a #myoaisCo-director of "The Importance of GOODBYE LOLA Being Earnest" After having seen "Hello Lola" the musical version of "Seventeen" we an unperturbed audience, schooled in feel much inclined to praise the such vile modernisms as "What Price movies Surely anyone would sup- Glory" and "Desire Under the Elms." pose that Booth Tarkington's famous Perhaps it wasn't the performers' psthatoothakingsstons amtous; 1fault-certainly it wasn't Oscar's story would make as strong a book fault, that the hall resounded to so few as any that has ever been used. Yet hearty laughs. An Englishman of had we not known the book, we would the blood, especially if it is blue blood have thought that his story was silly diluted or thickened with London fog and pointless. The Shuberts have never drawls. And Wilde's people are taken several exceedingly good vaude-' of that breed, and lie filled their vile artists and put them in the cast mouths with lines that sparkle, and and then wra-rped the book around should be rattled off with the zest of so as to give each one of them an op- an impatient epigramatist trying to ortunity to pull the stuff they used be heard in a drawing-room full of blood brothers in the art. The way on the two-a-day. "My dear fel-low" was repeatedly They are each excellent but they stretched out from right center to the have nothing whatever to do with the rear exit was, not to be too harsh, book. Most of them don't even at- tedious. Probably in a class produc- tempt to characterize the parts they tion where students are so occupied it are supposed to assume. The out- is unjust to criticize the players for standing member of the company, not regulating their vocal organs- however is Richard Keene, of whom they are too intent on the next word we know nothing and have been able and the way the left eyebrow and right forefinger must be elevated. to find little more . He plays the part That disposes of most of this re- of Willie Baxter and is the saving viewer's grudges. On the whole, the grace of the show. play was done as well as an amiateur- * * * company of American students in 1925 The campus seems to be in a veri- could reproduce a play written by a table hurricane of wrath and excite- radical Irishman for 1900 London. The ment most of the time this year. The bouquet goes to Earl Sawyer in the Daily is a literary prize ring etc. etc. part of Rev. Chasuble, and second D * * honors to Mary L. Gudakunst as Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax for all-around act- The fast )approaching vacation will ing-the rest of the cast was good in come as a sort of time-out between spots. As a parting word, might it be rounds of the various battles now in suggested that "Shropshire" doesn't progress. These are too numerous to rhyme with McGuire? mention, but if words were bullets, * France would have nothing on Ann THE MATINEE MUSICALE Arbor and the Diagonal would make A review, by Kenneth Wickware. Belgium look like a picnic ground. A charming, well-balanced program * * * of Christmas music was sung by the HOT STUFF ra Canzonet Club of Adrian at yesterday T~he following is taken *erbatfin afternoon's matinee musicale, in the from alladvertisement supposed to l main assembly hall of the Union. A attract persons of average mentality Christmas tree and glowing tapers set to witness a performance of the play: in tall candlebra lent the hall a sea- A L 0 M A sonal air, which was carried to its OF THE SOUTH SEAS fullest development in the series of An enchanting and picturesque drama sacred numbers sung by a chorus of of the tropics, with weird and en- eleven women's voices, under the di- trancing music, bewitching and shape- rection of James Spencer. ly native maidens with hibiscus in The timbre, purity, and depth of the their black tresses, and stalwart voices which composed the chorus brown-skinned Apollo-like men who were evidenced in the mellow liar- though natives have all the chivalry monies at'4ined. All the numbers and noble pride. of their race. It is a !were given with decision and finish, story of the primitive passion and co- and the sheer melody achieved was quetry of a native girl, and the gal. such as might well do credit to a lantry of a white mraan. An absorbing much more pretentious organization, and sensational drama of mingled and served to make the program as savage and civilized humans. Intrigae, thoroughly pleasing as it was appro- LEATHER GOODS Make l'iefiilmI ul Lasting Gifts You will find many items in our 11athr goods department that will make -unusual Christmas Gifts. Ve might suggest-Bridge Sets, Toilet Sets, Bill Folds, Ladies' Bas Writing Cases, Brief Cases, Leather Diaries, Memorapdum Pads, Etc. The Mayer-Schairer Co' Stationers-Printers--Office Outfilitters. Phone 4515 112 South Mai Street , I I I I1