TIHURSDAY, DE-(-,EMl3ER 17, 1925 "TNT'. MTCMTCAMnDAILY 1A 11- 1V11V1 11V IN Lt11L " ~~ne~aer~w RESEARHREPORT, R epoi' Of or lo'Propul ,oiiOf WILL ADVISE FACULTY Nye Before "Jury" -On Appointment To Senate CAIONASWORLD WAR MEMORIAL PALACE BECOMES FAMOUS ASMECA ORTRTLOVY? (By Associated Press)I Renaissance of the period of Louis 'and bronze come and go, trcting SAN FRACISODec 16-Cai-XVI. The Triumphal Arch, surround-;the interest of the looaal art. colo n_. forna'sPalae o theLegon o Hoored by colonnades, provides the en- California artists have hadchnce completed "a year ago and dedicated to tance, and behind it extends the spa- to display their work on se v : <<, men of the state who gave their lives cious Court of Honor, attended by casions. in the World War, has become a Itonic columns.Th gaersar Olctd y Emecca for art lovers of this region and nwpin nteiieayo At its opening the Palace housed a courts with fountains, tbewal' of tourists.J collection of French antiques, paint- dIe courts bea4ring such obicets as Memcibers of the l ocal commzittee- rep7- yv.r resenting the rsoviet y fr the promo-zt 1:wt Lioni of engineering edtucation met yes- . teday ,afternoon to dliscuss the nat- col tional s ociety's report, with the view,'- in of forniulating ,ugge;t ols~ to the fac- i ulty of the lEngir eer in college (durinig;toi the second semester i The activities of the committee are WE part of a+,national rioveinent started l P three years ago, following an approp-, '? ."r riation of $208,000 from the Cart11t1111B1