PAGITWO "- THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIiUIISF)AY, Di~X7'EMUER 17, 1~25 _. PLAN S 'PECIAL TRIP TO MUSCLE1 SHOAL1SI riy&c Diy Excursion W ill Be C'on, ducted BY Guides, To I nclude' Trip TIo Lookout11Ioilitadill PLAN ENTERTAINMENT On D~e. 28 a bpecid 1 tripfor (ill studenits interested will1 be conduct ed to the govenment project -t .4luseh Shoals, Alabtama .A private car will affords the nmeans ofl trlsliortion 1(8 Hoosier ATow InD"o" Langley's Post d rom inen t H ~o t I-Iistrwell mon Ilie11151 )10asl -3 P wel kownaswriersoistotric- ork,;torkshldetios ayel held. insof he ivl \hr.' M.Dee.lon30.onPro. PraerisL. naxonhwh eCI of their field will attend the 40th al workzs. Teseon speaer at the fin'1 I n has studied the history of the state of has been at the Vniversity of Wisco- gn lnivi of Ithe Americ!!i,_ iils- i 'ofessor An di'eW+swill dei v( P 1t era I