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September 30, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-09-30

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nirr- ---w~-------- .---- I l7' esident Clarence Cook: LitlteI has 111 the interest o all womecn dsi- IPiN Lanr
DA ILYA ,'OT' 5WOMEN S hiRILETIMil1I been asheil to accept thel hnorry rlug ;to u ,'(liOw parlors of Barbour!eucatio
_UI U uL.IJI I I.,chairmnaship of the National (am- 1 istthe
N O ( - '" gyrmn n -i ~ Ic mafor iiit~iigs, aun ance-
Olpl)r a uities for women to fl I R iDAJi rrIpaigil coniittee of the Women's Lea- innt Ihas bcJ1 nade hlr the: ollie o the librr 'IcstYrz o acEioilsafo EI 1.P IEIge h olto ole l ipriso o ot h
I T M hTatyar:nwLLalal.A 'the use of the ,e room M ust e ecur-- o
HO!! UES ORGANIZE wil b hed a 4a'clck :1 5- on - ------leeisVO TIn amilon will ntmcffiuued farcrn itghin wlva cor ltinte -tetig
-ih'11113 is aft iitioof l a. t i.ess Lleirtive orlte UnversityGil:tesca iecorfrthfrtn-mtn_ oprvtayciuctii
T+ it sr1e iIad;&o~a o i ii nMyado'clock olMnay. usday, l club will be held fromiii4to.oU c dr ir oneneat nhri '<t
-: Utz, Xenoi, e Leg e 1111 ;iiaiei' sl iI i WfiuIitld.Wdnaa n 3 0( Eon Maynaryd1 'ltir storeet t12:0 'lokF oayafhrhoe tI teIiic fmetngeil1 ntbevrst
flrl' xcofArLeag~ue . 1able to Ibe reset at tis time giniwoimg building. All women flwho wev' i i rocm 21i, School of lvlislr '8Olivia avenue. -considered. ~-.'ck
mc gccizr-tQ I tsrh~xuLlieen amn-e ieested inl this 5sport should-- -
A OI CB M NA S hodin arorgnaiinf'th R IIsa}=; Wtomewn's - ldl 01, beoreIsgn -up immediately on lte ul letin i ci patc il 1 eda
Hlhrdyatror.sectioni preferred. The fall sasont Ne'w 'yinI imim'fild.Strt s in the MNode of
Organization of the league houses----- will last froms Oct. 5, to D~ec. 12. (apI. ngnext tcweekli e coresmatle (IN ringI
fatelpractice perios il he not ed and
on camph is bing c'arried 'i quite L M 1k u er, of the X11. O 'T. C. whlotecast~uswlllC(151 ''u
.tensily by the .commtt eon imusc acr MIa fecacv atya 'lthe womcn n ailugconsistently hi1h
organization undler the 1 c cee.Nwe~pll'l a 1 15 l~Fra i ok
Dorothy Cine, '26, ciairman m f'ml' theertiain B rcpcrieice is not tnecessaryin trying defoarhytisya.nhil_
committee, and enevieve (loodnica'm, out for tie rifle teamrs; many of the vddfraceythsya.1m(1:
'26, asssta t. ift ou oftim se en- orna l~ch cli '2i, resden othigh scorers of last year's team were' sport the seniors now lead ini enroll-;
ty-s'x league houses on1 the campus15the W\on ''sa guva e, and olisance - _-- A G;1
incaray enognze ne h women will have their owns ,
Clave3vailtepe sidny,1ntetaied0anggtislyar ndull quimeniis All freshmen and ete ring womna
this ne'w system andl divided into Clr,'6,vcprsdnetrandrnehsyarndlleimnts are cordially imvited to attend lie irst l e
zones. T1here are 16 zones iml*all*andlf' boamd of (''retors of the Lague for jrct~icc a t mn of 10 women will Y our poi
fromn four to seven htouses inmaci at I' a ye sl criay aft ernoon ini the par-(libe chosen to shoot, in the tele raphic Womenis League parity at 5 Slr1 n, O I Y uL
zone., Eacim league house ints, te or- 1o-s ofIldc-mi Newerry ]'('iidence. In-meets in which Michigan comipetesiA cmitewl ic l
ganiz'ation elect, its ownm house o- aI! ei si~ ~with 'other colleges andl universities. thoe liifi.o
ficersnnhose ha vinioundef the'w'mi'mi - a n 'Last year challenges were ieceiyv'd freshmen at thliefloor o that those
hae ny reienths h iu I t~ 't eulrpraibefrom the women's teams of the n- ]horhve no Janor advisors shouldY NN
v ore fi st rgla ei'gdoto i vesitis of Wisconsin, Illinois and' feel no hesitancy in comuing;. The,
over $ women have a pIesidenit, Vc-bad t b;;hld at 10 o'clock Satr- ohrmmeso h i e ofr party will be formal. So11(lmeuiette shounil Iwearmibis
president and oher officersanudlt hose day J liior'ming at IBarboiumr gyniumm.; d_____ (itilg-gowni of ci isi t i Jie (he
haigover It tiwomieni have, besides 'ih e or wsitoue o nce and other colleges fromt Ver- i chiin. 'ihe silver ribmbonm and the
havingornws ntoucd omoat to California. The Michigan IThere will lbe an imnortautinit acel jigright ;ea tth ts uns
these officers, an advisory counilil 1(1 r. I at jgs, social (director of ta wn10o.is16mtce ado Wyvern at 7:51 o'clock 'Tlusday tesi Ihtaeut timiig
committees. A group of thes e iu-;is HIelen Ne werry residence, who twamtiedn. ropects are favoresaefnighte at theutappaqatapha (lantimma
are put under ,the leadership of flt( ae f trn guest,wan ved nettoseteamrthisvyeaber incehus e. ap apa a i M4.
of the committee and constitute a a vnbte emti ersnehue
zone. 'only two of the team graduated last
Tb roeo uha raiz-Julia\Vlite ; 13, Normia Green, assist- June and the remainder should form Canoeing classes whichmWore a -
ion is to bring the women of' the ummt, IMllian Merner; 14, Elizabeth a strong nucleus. Lucille Walsh, 27,1nucdfr4o'lkonW neay (v + , IV~J(NNT
league houses into clos(er touch with M(Cs ett, ; 15, 1 os Braslear ; 16, 1Be- is tie rifle manager for the Womuen's anmd Friday have been hammgel to 4 U t I
n-.hfc' mIee1 1111~~l-(f'~l~ St aiel er. Athletic association. o'clock onMi vonday anmd Wednesilday. IT-b b Th i , Ii

ahbda Tb eta, national honorary
nal society, will hold their
ting at 8 o'clock tomorrow in
ary on the seciond floor of
'ook building. Business plans
year will be discussed at the
rs of the cabinet of the Uni-
V. W. C. A. wvill meet at 4:15
Wednesday in Newberry hall.


Loague. The woman at 'the hewal of
ecoftedvsoshlslc ;n position in relation t0 her group of
houses that the president of the Wo-
men's League holds on the campus,
but by this more direct contact, it is
thoughxt that. more women will be-
come interested in the work of the
Women's League. It is also an at-
tempt to bring the women togetheir
at the parties given by theLeg.
Each zone also carries on social ac-
tvities of its own, different houses;
acting as hostess. The last stage of
this cooperative system is to bring
all of the zones together as members
of the Women's League.
One point which the committee
have in mind to put across is the or-
ganization of a women's orchestra
and band to be used at the Women's
ILeague parties. Thle organization 'of
the houses wil also aid in the momi-
bership drive_ which is carried on
cachi year in that it wil help time wo-
men to get acquainted with the
League and make it much easier to
get the cooperation of the lcaguc 1
Along with the social activit ie~s
carried on by the :zones there will b~e
contests in sports such as are (car-
ried on every year by the sororities 1
and (dormzitories. Games 'il be
sceduled to take place between thme
different zones, and by a process of
elimination a championship team is
The names of the zone managers
and their assistants are as follows:
Zone 1, Ingrid Alvimig, assistastnt, , Dor-
othly Long; 2, VeraWrgewolm
3, Mrg aret Draper;: 4,, IVIrian K1{-
bic; , Geraldine IIastfcrs; (C, Ruth!
Hirschnmn; 7, Laura Osgood; S, lBoris'-
Glines; 9, lDorothy Boehna ; 10, ir--
gairet Nichols; 1.1, Ruth Jamie scn; 12,1

,:. ,«.a

". I

For Campus-
-...the hat is jaunty, wluu'tevei' the fsclrie
- u Iich fashijons it. 'filec trite k impl119e ye,
perrly. Anid glonmg amtimuimal (colom'hgs, in
is truly c4)le,-ilte.

~owni of white criep~e chi'fon. 'The
umatemrial. is ,studded :with brilliamnts
and thex waist line is emmplfsizedl
by larg e aIa)lic(l flowers.
Velvet Rib bon forumimig a border
a round time botto~m of a full skirt
is tlie new feature of thmis gownm of
apple gr'ell Chiflon.
An. aiori hl, dress51;of georget te
is ill ust iled k imn:-of troll!
and( hack comI rash;tWith thme shkitt's
side hi 1 Imme--% aid green eembroidt-
Cry liarmitolizes with tlle lavcnder
sha de. Tia ii ribbonl at thae
waist develops time hip line in the
new il'Aish Way.
Fluf Wv fIlesh colored geergette
gath-er'ed into .1,b-asquae effect forums'
this "dirfleren t" gown. It heeds 110
tm'imnm ing. save a binding of satini
the saiiie- colo.

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On display Thurs day, OetoIor 1

An 'exceptional showing of° handsome Fur
Coats present a diversity of fashions in the
flare or the youthful straight line, anid following
in their train is Caracul in varied shades, includ-
ing the ncxvw Platinum Grey, and as always the
favored blackC. Tihere is also Mink., Leopard,
Muskrat, Hudson Seal, Japanese Ermine, Mole,
Raccoon and Squirrel Coats all *extraordinary


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