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December 16, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-16

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1.1T1,1"VIPOTI A 'V 10 ti rr 01 '

Ail I14CA ~ TV- '4. A.L..j2..ja ~~j~jjWEDNE~iSD)X.~~'AYX+IHD I.It ., 92



To Fraternity Heads

(Continued from Page One) All national fraternities have gone
"The proctor will be a gentleman," onl recordItaS J)ifl in favor of the
said President Little, "and he will de- src nocmn.o h rhbto
laws," -:;d President Little, "'and I
miand access to the house only when fcel cert.ain that my appeals would
he has good reason to suspect there meet Withi sucess from this quarter."
has been violation of the law." --
President Little hinted that in case I v(- IERZBUR(I, avaria. - Prince
any fraternity failed to abide by7 the Lct es eight veal, old nepliew of
operation of this system, 11e would a&-, Count von Bern'witorli was killedc by an
peal to .its national organizat~ion to (I ~orolile Su~lduv.
revoke its charter. "F+ratern..ities ex-...
ist because of the sanction of the
University," he said, "and whlat t "e MEXI"10C (V '1- -residlent ('aies
University has the tower to creata-', it -lans to inau nrate a new Mexican
has the power to remove.''financial inst-1tnI ion by Jan.a,

If.r'Ti rm nntouched upon;' Concerning politics,Chit a Trees
liilhI% IELLI NN'm S~lII' Dean Bates urged the seniors to shun
UIIL IL U BIIL( J the degrading practices of the profes- ( Are AN ot VW qste Of
fi~~ ~ M Snrar sional politician, counselling them to I
uf F LAWYEDS' PRO u I~ seek good citizenship rather than pub- I Timber Resources
lie offices.
=enHny CBtsofteLwontrary to general public opinion,
gxeologyrsedhs eio lasre eeting the Christmas tree custom need not be
{ cetly n, he pobles wich onfrnt il 1earIIobbs: a waste of timber resources. At this
centy o th prolem whch onfrnt ~ .eartime of the year, many begin to pro-
the man entering the legal world. He ts gis h otnac fti
discussed the dIiferent fields5 of en- Prof. William H. Hobbs and Ralph ancient custom, on the ground that it.
deavor open to the law-trained mars Belknap of the geology department is a useless waste of valuable youngj
and summed up their relative advant- I wil attendl the annual meeting of the trees. According to members of thel
cages and disadvantages in terms of the! Geological Society of America Dec. 'forestry depaxtment, enough trees
tylpcs of students seeking positions. 23, 29, and 30 at New Haven, Co n., ol be raised on less than 10,400
' -,rong these quest ions he took uip lDuring the conference Professor 1 acres to provide the United States
the adlvisaIbfity of a,3pranticeshiph in; Hobbs will deliver a paper on"_ pro-# with trees every year.
a large fijrm as opPosna to indepeni- psd xedto To Greenland in i Furthermoreacodn to a ,bullet-
; (nce. The merits and defyect s of the!II1926-'27." ; in from the United States Forestry
si;altow:n and the large city as loca service, more trees are cut every year
tionu> for the young lawyer -,ere also PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW.I

fto make tooth-pick. I t is est imated
that 1.5,000,000 trees are us ed by the-
Alncrican public for Christman trees.
The thinning of young stands of i-
her provide's a majority of the Ciiris t-
tisIrees, and it is only when large
treesgiro mutilated andl trees for-
la nW cap1eic'lecoration are destroyed
tha~t lir'n 'is(10one._
! Case T0 Attend
Science 1Meeting
Pro; . F. C.Case, ?ir }fe s o If-
torical geology and hlcien toogywill
attendi the annual meeting o'f te Am-
erican Association for the A1dvance-
ment of Science, Dec. 28, 29, and ;0 at
xansas City, Mo.


On- Your Xmas List

iii i I A Is

! i


I Candle" S
youca4 r'"
*{ .v

;: ,°3!

(By Associated Press) ,
DETROIT, Dec. 15.--J'amnes 0. Mur- '.='~!~
fin, Detroit attorney, and member of -
the Board of Regents, believes the : ," ! -A
head of a state university is entitled
to say whatever he believes is right, ANDY is food as well as pleasanit eating. You
eve ifhisuttranes ros th beief(,~ want it pure, fresh and perfect. 'We guarantee
or prejudice of tmt others, and dcaet lik~ewise i~
that anItepfoditt ote~ every package of WITMAN's CAN? DY WCe sell. ff
Presid'ent violates the principle upon:; for any reasons you want an exchani ge or a refund j ust
S hch a state university is founded.I let US know. Our growing Candor business is built on
"To judge from the number of let-
ters and calls I hatre had recently yor entire satisfaction.
there has been a decided reaction to ,
certain statements made by President f 2 H C L E
Little in discussing prohibition and r
birth control,"' Mr. Murfin said today. CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG CO.
"The Board of Regents knew that Three iDependale §~ae
President Little had opinions before he We have served Michigani and her Stuadentas tfor 8 y('ars.
was offered the post at Ann Arbor. I .;
believe he: has a right to express those tit__________
Mr. Murfin declares he will support CAJ On Your Xmas List s0Ir us
his belief in the right of the President _______________________________________
to express his opinions on public goes- iliiIi
tious, even to the extent of offering his " t1 i IIiIiiIIIEiI¢111II11iilltiiiiii III n lI!IIIiIlIi~lli II iii±98'
resignation if the matter should everj
reach a stage nece ssitating such ac- '- ia:1 d a itf rAi
°"I have received a number of let -
trparticularly since PresidentAn LeatGif.foIH i
~- tle's address on prohibition," Mr i
Murfin continued. "Some are sane, =~-~
logical communications; others are vdnl wrte yfnais hs
people who take exception to Presi-I~
dent Little's remarks are entitled to a -~ . I -
The Regents are to hold a, meeting-7
in Ann Arbor Friday night. ~17
Prof. Paul S. Welsh of the zoology - "f %!,- r
department, who is in Europe on leave
of absence for a year, has been im-
pressed by the prevalence of research= HE can always use shirts, especially
institutes in England and Scotland, ac- white shirts of Oxfords and Broadcloth
cording to a letter from him to Prof. I =
A. Franklin Shull of the zoology de- woken in England and tailored to the
pa'rtment. There are more research = standard of Marquardt.
institutes than in America, according= We offer them as a special Christmas -
to Professor Welsh, who has visited=
universities, museums, research insti-= value at
tutes, and biological stations in both
England and Scotland.$25
He adds that he was greatly im-+$ .0
pressed by the increased number of __________
research institutes in entymology. -
The interest in this field is thought
to be, an outgrowth of the war, he.iArhuC. ar ua d
stated.' Professor Welch, has complet- ..A t u a q d
ed his. observations in England and
Scotland and is at present in Paris. a Liert
He will return to the University next
Engineers T o Got
,Storagre Building
Erection of a one story brick store-
house in the court at the rear of the
East Engineering building is under- _ g

Natural Interest Holds?
at the
Detroit's smartest ballroom. Two
wonderful orchestras provide con- =
tinuous dancing.
Graystone Dancing Nightly Except Monday
You don't know how good until you hear them.
Thru all your vacation hours---I
remember that (Ikaft Utij~e can sup- #
ply you or your house with any
type of rin ing. that modern meth-
ods and invention will permit.
W'e 'do novelty and special work
of all kinds---Job Printing---and
we will advise you on any
Iarnsi tptrroor Fwreetuw.
Yob~rsjfrbretter imjpess ions"


M acaroons

-Ladyfingers- Vanilla Wafers
- Butter Cookies - Vanilla Rings

Cocoanut Macaroons - Cinnamon Cookies
at the
City Pastry Sho~p


516 E. Liberty

Phone 55011


_ ,
. r r



A Good hought


N etOVER AND BACK in comfort and fine company
Tourist Third Cablen
The. world's. largest ship, M AJEST ; the 34,356-tort
OMPERI+C; the BEILOENLA ND, famed for her world
cruises-these are some of the great ship§ on which, for
certain sailings, former Third Cabin accommodations are
reserved exclusively for students, teachers and similar con.
genial people.
And the unique liner MNNE3KARDA, only steamer in
the wvorld on which Tourist Third Cabin passengers have
the freedom of the whole ship-devoted entirely, to this
class of travel on ev'ery sailing.
Decide Duringtithe oliay S
No need for pilfering the parental pockctbook. Rates are
so moderate that a few dollars saved each week from your
allowance will accumulate, the necessary "weeihl
by the close of college.
It's a wonderful investment, not only in fun, but in edw~
cation, such as only travel can give.
Plenty of sailing convenient to the clo-e of college.;
Get complete information, carly!

.; .

Wmn. Lanesiver t,)MI'r., -14 Majestic Bldg. ., 1)etroit.
Telepho ne Cadillac" 7665'-71itt6, or ,,3y autlorizet st, aslip agent.
RSP TI1V1Nii: . iS

7 acc. aocc, ccc no

~Ital !&II

in ' .


vmwms i




way, and will make the building ready
for use within a month. It measures
12 by 85 feet in size, and will be used
for the storage of pig iron, coal, coke,
moulding sand, and other materials
used in the shops.
Let The Daily sell it for you thru
th'e Classified columns.-Adv.
Complete lessons cf th e Charles-
ton dance with variations sent
-postpaid to any eddress for

Hair Raising Events
---muss the hairx unlessga few
t drops of GLO-CO have been t
used.. Jt keeps the hair
combed all day; pleasing
refreshing;,- a liquid tonic,
At drug counters and barber shops ev~erywhere.
A fl T "

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