ESTABLISHED 1890 tlp CIA II MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 73 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MIC. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ATHLETIC HEADS Prominent Historians To Speak At Board Of Regents Luncheon Visiting historians attending the history department of history at Co- meeting of the American lIi!torical lumbia university since 1912, at which association will be guests of the time he was engaged as a lecturer Board of Regents at a luncheon at the there. He is on the editorial staff of Bt aa l o a the Yale university historical notion jUnion, Thursday, Dec. 31. Prof. pictures, and has been a research Arthur L. Cross, of the history de- associate of the Carnegie In- partment, who is in charge of the stitute. He is a trustee of the New program, stated that Dixon R. Fox, York state historical association, and associate professor of history at Co- joint editor of the quarterly publica- lumbia university, and George M. tion of that association. Wrong, head of the history depart- Professor Wrong has been at the NEED OF FQRlESTRY'' PROFESSION THEME)1 OF' PoRF CHAPMAgN, 20Th ANNUAL CONFERENCE N. U. A. A. TO DISCUSS QUESTION OFt YALE FACULTY MEMBER SPEAKER IN SERIES LECTURES FIRST REMEDIES OFFERED Practice Of Offering Contracts Undergraduates Scored In Tentative Resolutioi To (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 15.-Agitation to "combat a tendency to overemphasize and professionalize" football may take concrete form when the National Collegiate Athletic association, repre- sentative of colleges and universities in all pa'rts of the country, holds its 20th annual conference here Dec. 30. Listing the signing of co lege un- dergraduates by professional football teams and the banqueting of its all- American eleven by the New York Sun of examples of developments which jeopardize the intercollegiate .games, the association's executive pro- posed five remedies to meet the exist- ing situation. Remedies Suggested These remedies embodied in a tent- ative resolution forwarded to the N. C. A A. in an announcement signed by Pres. Palmer E. Pierce, and Sec. Fiank W. Nicholson, would combat professionalism by first limiting pre- season training; second, limiting thel numbers of intercollegiate contests; third, limiting the number of games played in other than colleges stadia fourth, abolishing the -so-called ath-; letic schol'arships and improper pro- selything; fifth, encouadaging intra- mural games. The resolution also would provide that "educational institutions be fur- ther recommended to refuse hereafter to employ or continue in employment any coach, trainer, rules official, or. others who, in any capacity, give serv- ice to or taid in the promotion of pro- fessional football." Drastic Steps Necessary The resolution emphasizes the -need for such drastic steps bn maintaining, that "intercollegiate football has be- come so popular and commercialized so seriously as to affect the chief edu- E cational purpose of colleges; that his- tory and experience teach that health- ful, recreation competitive sports die, .when infiicted with professionalism; that promoters of professionial foot- ball have this fall for the first time induced undergraduates to leave col- lege and join their elevens; and that the New York Sun on Dec. 5 banquet- ed a group of prominent undergrad- uate footbiall players and presented to each of themr a present of such great value that the acceptance of it as a prize by a winning athlete would have professionalized him." PE LITTLE TO TALK IN SAGINAW TOMORROW President Clarence Cook Little will be entertained by the combined civic organizations of Saginaw at a banquet and reception tomorrow night. He will speak at the banquet on "Educa- tion for Citizenship." Music for the reception will be fur- nished by the Varsity band, which will take the trip to Saginaw in special busses leaving here at 1 o'clock. Sup- plementing the program of band num- bers will be solos and novelties. Sev- eral new numbers have been learned by the band, including a band ar- rangement of "Men of the Maize and Blue," which will be given for the first time at this concert. Lawyers' Smoker To Be Held Later Because of the proximity of Christ- mas vacation, and because of other conditions making improbable a repre- sentative attendance, the all-law smoker to have been held tonight at the Union has been postponed to a time promising a larger audience, 'Within the first two weeks after re- sumption of classes, it was announced yesterday afternoon. Money for tickets already sold will be refunded from 10 to 12 o'clock to- morrow at a table on the first floor of the Law building. meont at Toronto university, will{ speak, and two other speakers are to be arranged for. Professor Cross has made tentative arrangements to have J. Franklin Jameson, director of the department of historical research of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, D. C., appear on the program. The fourth speaker is to be announced in a few days, Prof. Cross said. Professor Fox has been with the University of Toronto as professor of history since 1894. He was educated at University College, of Toronto, and took orders in the Church of England in 1833, but since tlat time has been engaged in academic work. He is the author of several books, among which are "A History of the British Nation," "The Fall of Canada," and "Washing- ton and His Companions in Arms." Professor Cross will be the toast- master at the banquet. .... . WILL SPEAK TODAYI "The Greeks Of The New World" To Be Subject Of Noted Expert On American Archeology LECTURE ILLUSTRATEDI Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, interna- tional authority on Central American archeology, will speak on "The Greeks of the New World" at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science auditor- ium. For many years Dr. Morley has specialized in the hieroglyphic writing of the Maya Indians of Guatemala and t Yucatan, and has added considerable to the world's knowledge of this coin- plex subject. After receiving his M. A. in archeology from Harvard in 1908, he did field work for the School of American Archeology, of the Archeo-. logical Institute of America. In 1915 he became associated with the Carnegie Institution and has de- voted the spring of each of the suc- ceeding years to the exploration ofl the tropical jungles of Central Amer- ica in searchof Maya cities. In the course of more than 15 years of such explorations Dr. Morley has greatly extended the list of known Maya cities. In 1924 he was placed in charge of the Carnegie Institute Chichen Itza project, the purpose of which is to I excavate portions of the largest andl best known Maya city of the late em- EA9TON, SPEA'KS ON Critic Believes Method Of Teaching Shakespeare (reatly Improved III Recent Years REGRETS USE OF SLANG "Progress in English drama has greatly increased during the last thirty years", Walter Pritchard Eaton, famous drama critic, declared yester- day afternoon in his lecture here. Above all, the progress in Shakespeare has been advanced, especially in the manner in which it is presently taught, according to Mr. Eaton. Mr. Eaton explained the break in theI types of writing comedies after the time of Shakespeare. "Shakespearef was an excellent writer," Mr. Eaton stated, "because he wrote for all types of London people. London theatres were then attended by all classes of people and the kind of audience de-I termined the type of plays that were presented. Thus Shakespeare wrote in a language that was known and understood by all people. It was such a standard language and so free from slang expressions of that time that his plays have lasted for hundreds of years and are still read and under- stood. 'The reason for the short life of modern dramas is that usually they! are written on what might be called a slang basis. The main feature of TIMBER VANISHING East Must Now Pay Freight On Lumi. ber That Might Be Grown In Own Back Yard Tracing the development of forestry as a profession and pointing out thatI trained men are needed in forestryj work, Prof. H. H. Chapman of the forestry school of Ygle university, speaking on "The Necessity of a Pro- fession of Forestry in America," open- ed a series of University lectures on{ forestry yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Profes- sor Chapman emphasized that the duty of the forester was not only to plant trees but to take care of them scientifically, to organize public opin- ion, and to protect them from the danger of fires. He stated that forestry has longI been recognized as a profession in Europe but that only recently has that distinction been accorded it here. lie{ Illustrated the condition of timber resources at the present time by call- ing attention to the fact that the Eastern states that formerly used their own lumber now are forced to; import it from the far West. He sum- med up the situation by saying, "The' East is paying freight for lumber which could be produced in her back yard." The East has been stripped, Ithe South has many desolate areas, the middle West is almostbarren of lumber resources, and the final chap- ter is being written by the ruthless cutting of timber in the far West, ac- cording to Professor Chapmjan. 1 The struggle to establish forestry as a profession was started by a Ger-i man, Dr. Fernow, who came to thisI country and wes the first scientific mnan in the field.'. The second pioneer was Gifford Pinchot, now governor of' Pennsylvaniaa, who carried on Dr. Fernow's work and who, with the aidI of President Roosevelt, established the National forests. Other early leaders were Dr. Joseph T. Rothrock j of Pennsylvania, and the late Prof. Filibert Roth of this University. Although the forester's primary work is to plant forests, and manage them scientifically, it is also his duty to get land-owners to consent to the re-forestation of barren areas. TheI i I S , s f I s I I i !C C it C ( 1 !f i St it C C 1t S is Y fI l s s c ti t !3 t 1 APPLICATIONS FOR ILLINOIS GAME IN 1926 ARE RECEIVED Applications for tickets to the Illinois-Michigan football game to be played on Ferry field next fall are already being received At the office of the Athletic as- sociation here. More than a dozen applications have been re- ceived to date and they continue to arrive at the rate of two or three a week. However, according to HarryE A. Tillotson, business manager of the association, applicants are advised to withhold their re- quests for tickets until the time set for receiving them by the Board in Control of Athletics. AiNNOUNCE LIST OF SUMMER COURSES Teaching Staff Included In Catalogue Which Will Appear Not Later Than January 15 CURRICULA INCREASED Distribution of the abridged an- nouncement for the Summer session of 1926 will begin not later than Jan. 1 15, according to Dean E. 11. Kra'us of the Summer session. The publication, which lists all the courses by num- her and title which will be offered during the coming session, general information regarding credits and facilities for instruction, together with the names of the instructors, will be in the hands of prospective students in ample time to allow reference be- fore second semester elections begin., The number of courses to be offered in measurably larger than that of any previous Summer Session, Dean Kraus indicated. The work of the Summer Session is .similar in method, character, and credit value to that of the academic year, although the con- stitution of the student body in the summer school is materially different from that of the regular session. Prominent educators have stated their conviction that every college student should attend at least one summer session before graduation. Instruction in the colleges and schools continuing work during the summer months is offered by a staff selected largely from the regular fac-- ulties, supplemented by teachers select-! ed for their outstanding record in the various fields. Dean Kraus indicated that more than 5,000 copies of the abridged an- nouncement will be printed for dis- tribution among students of the Uni- versity, while 55,000 will be prepared for distribution broadcast over the na- tion. Before the release of the announce- ment, accounts of the various courses! to be offered, the amount of credit to be given, together with a list of the instructors in the different depart- ments will appear at intervals in The Daily., ROUSE IN STRUGGLE OVER TAX QUESTION Minister Resigns LITTLE OUTLI NESTH Mg F0 - STOPPING DRINKING GIVES CHOICE OF CONTROL BY STUDENTS, FACULTY I1EMBERS, PROCTOR MUST DECIDE SOON Fraternity Presidents Given Until Friday To State Selection To Avoid'Arbitrary System Machinery for the enforcement of the prohibition law will be put in ac- tion at the University under one of three plans presented to the fraternity presidents by President Clarence Cool Little at a meeting yesterday after- noon. It was pointed out that plans outlined are not intended as correc- tives, but are merely preventative measures. President Little called attention to the existence of the prohibition law, pointed out the fact that this is a state university, and declared that as such 1t is obligated to enforce the statute, which is not only a national law but a state law. "There is no Louis Loucheur i- CABINETDFFICE[ Deputies Fall To Accept Proposal, And Force Fifth Downfall In Eight Months BRIAND NOT AFFECTED By Associated Press) PARIS, Dec. 15.-France's financial troubles today caused the downfall of the fifth minister who has grappled' with them during the past eight months. Louis Loucheur failed, as did Caillaux, to propose solutions that the principal elements of the govern- ment majority in the Chamber of Deputies would accept, and wasI obliged'to resign, after receiving from the finance committee of the chamber the second rebuff in two days. The opposition to M. Loucheur came from the same group that obliged M. Caillaux to retire, namely the social- ists and extreme radicals, while Pain- leve succumbed as did Demonzie and Clementel, to the moderate conserva- tive groups, with a few dissenting radicals. The socialists were the most un- compromising adversaries of the min- ister, leading the fight against any consideration of the measures he proposed. The retirement of M. Loucheur is considered as in no way affecting the position of Premier Briand, who will now be able, if he sees fit, to enlarge his cabinet by taking in a represent- ative of the moderate group, strength- ening his government toward the} right, and depriving the socialists of 'the influence they have exercised throughout the present parliament thus far. In a letter to M. Briand, the finance minister, confirming his resignation, admits that his measures, twice re- jected by the finance committee, "in- volved heavy sacrifices," but affirms, thaat "they were, in our opinion, neces- sary." M. Loucheur concludes with the statement that the establishment of French finance must not be delayed , on. accuuiiu of aimyonce npercnson an pire, situated in the north central part the play is based upon slang expres- of Yucatan. The results of the first siofns and after these expression have two seasons' work were so noteworthy lost their humor the play is dead. bogies or the forester, fire and the that the project promises to become This is the typical fault of the Ameri- land-tax problem, have been grad- the most important archeological can drama." ually overcome through the efforts of I study conducted in the new world, ac- Mr. Eaton declared that the present trained men, he declared. cording to authorities. problem of authors is to write - in a He concluded his speech by praising The Maya civilization, which is the 1 language that will be understood by the work of the graduates ot the Und- subject of the lecture, is one of the I everyone in future times. As an Qx- versity's forestry department, and most romantic and interesting phases ample of this type he cited Eugene lauded Prof Filibert Roth, for 20 years of pre-Columbian history in the new IlO'Neill's "The IHairy Ape." "The lan- head of the department here, as "ani world, according to Dr. C. E. Guthe of guage in this play is so low," he sa inspiring teacher, and a man with un- the anthropology museum here. These "that it is typical of that type of man tiring energy. Indians were the only group to de- the world over and is understood by velop a system of writing, which is everyone and will be so in years to !unique in that it represents that stagel come." if S!iHF SNW LT in the development of records at Mr. Eaton concluded with the state- which symbols cease to be pictures meut that one of the most serious TT I only, and become signs of phonetic degridations of the modern English TTEND HEALFIIEING~ elements and. ideas. language lies in the fact that. modern The Mayas are also famous for children, being brought up in homes Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of their knowledge of concrete construe- where slang is used to extremes, as D the Whealth service, and Dr. John tion, which made it possible for them it is in most modern homes, are zo- Sundwall of the Health service staff, I to develop well-planned civic centers, ing their capacity of using the English I ofnthe sexth aervicestafg consisting of courts and large stone language correctly. He stressed the I will attend the sixth annual amee- buildings. importance of every person seeing, s ociation at Hotel Astor, New York Dr. Morley's Lecture, which is open from time to time, some of the older Dec. 29 and 30. This organization is to the public, will be illustrated with plays.Dc.m29sad 30.Thysioranin isri many colored lantern slides. He will composed of thephysicians in charge I coclud hi tal wih chrcol drw- of student health in colleges and uni- conclude his talk wi charcoal draw- Prof. Wagner Will versities throughout the country. ings oh g .The program of this nmeeting in- Attend Convent on eludes the reading of several papers I WASHINGTON. - An unfavorable mi subjects relating to the prevention Ireport on the seating of Gerald P.: I eas snator from North Dakota, Prof. Charles M. Wagner, of the Ro- of disease among university students, was adopted Monday by the Senate mance languages department, was a symposium on mental hygiene, and elections committee.chosen by the local chapter of the a discussion of the prevention and American Association of University 'care of juries sustained in athletic DETROIT.-Production of alumin- Professors at its meeting last night, contests. The principal address will um from ialunite by a process discov- to be the chief delegate to the annual, be made by Dr. T. ,A. Storey of the ered by him, was announced today by convention of the association to be I College of the City of New York on a Dr. Richard Moldenke. held in Chicago, Dec. 28 and 29. subject not yet announced. Dr. For- sythe is secretary of this association.; STASON STA TES QUALIFICA TIONS d Students Receive. G NEEDED BY PROSPECTIVE LA WYER -Warning Cards Literary College Industry, a comprehensive knowl -sary for the young man who is serv- L edge of world affairs, a well trained lug his apprenticeship in a legal firmI memory, reasoning power, technical to spend at least 12 hours in constant In the course of the past 10 days ywork to gain his position as a member more than 250 warnings and 100 pro~ training, and integrity were named as of the establishment, was his warn- bation notices have been mailed to the six fundamental requisites of a ( ing, although this same qualification I students in the literary college from successful lawyer by Prof. E. Blythe would apply almost equally well to the office of Assistant Dean Wilbur R. Stason, of the Law school, speaking most professions, he added. ' Humphreys of that school. As against last night in Lane hall. Professor In speaking of the ability to rea- 148 notices of warning and 68 of pro- FRATERNITIES INDIGNANT Indignation with the methods which the University authori- ties plan to use in enforcing the ( prohibition laws, caused more . than 60 fraternity men to hold a meeting in the Union last night. "We believe that the Univer- sity has overstepped its rights," said one of the leaders. "A citi- zen is protected from having per- sons enter his house, except when a search warrant is issued and then the entrance must be made by officers of the law. Stu- dents should have this same pro- tection; the University should not force a proctor system upon the fraternities. As the gathering only repre- sented 25 fraternities, it was de- cided to have another meeting at 10:30 o'clock tonight at the 3 Union, at which all the fraterni- ties will be represented. I way of getting around the fact that we must enforce the observance of this law," he said. "Its enforcement is not a matter of choice but a duty, since we are a state supported in- stitution and not a private one." Start With Fraternities President Little pointed out that he does not hold the fraternity men sole- ly responsible for violations, but that they consist of compact groups easily reached, and the machinery can be started with them and extended to the independents later. Fraternities are given the choice of three methods of enforcement, and they must decide which they indi- vidually desire before the Christmas vacation. The three miethods of sup- ervision are to be by students, fac- ulty, or by a proctor appointed by the University. The first two plans al- low the fraternities to select their own supervisors; while the last leaves the responsibility up to the Univer- sity. It was pointed out by President Little that the action of each indi- vidual groupawill be considered in- dividually, that the plans adopted will not be collectively effectiv% but that each fraternity has the opportunity of chosing the method which is most agreeable to it. Offers Three Plans Under the first plan the fraternity will name two faculty members, pref- erably alumni or honorary members of the organization, who will agree to report violation of the Volstead act and will endeavor to see that it is en- forced. The second plan calls for the se- lection by the fraternity of five ac- tive members of the chapter, who will make it their duty to see that the law is enforced. i The names of those chosen under either of the above plans must be re- [ported in writing to the offce of Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students, for his approval before the beginning of the holidays. In each case, those who are to serve must be men actually in favor of the enforcement of the prohibition laws, and they must ap- pear before Dean Bursley and sign an agreement to report all violations, In case no action is taken by the fraternities or no report made by I them to Dean Bursley by Friday, the third scheme of enforcement will auto- matically become effective. This will e iucBim i on gran pxru~l~~ on account of any one proan Is Reported By Committee that therefore, "with the greatest con- fidence in the final achievement of (By Associated Press) this virgin work," he will resign,j WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-The taxi rather thian hinder the task. reduction bill held straight to its( course in the House again today as , the opponents trampled down amend- ments to important provisions. Without even a record vote the Ii1 Ilouse swept aside an amendment pro- SEE"STEPPING STONES posing to continue the publication of ! income tax returns. Stuborn fgtrs weremaBlock Of Seats Reserved For Opera Stubborn fights were made on the jeMmsAn tes provision for increasing personal ex- emption but terms of the bill as fram- Two hundred seats in the New De- ed by the ways and means committee troit Opera house for "Stepping to relieve 2,500,000 income tax payers Stones", Friday evening, Jan. 22, have1 from federal taxation were reported. been reserved by Homer Heath, trea- The bill increases the exemptions ; surer of the Union opera, especially from -$1000 to $1,400 for single persons for members of the "Tambourine" and from $2,500 to $3,500 for married company, Mimes, and other students persons. An amendment by Rep. Mary who wish to see the performance in T. Norton, Democrat, New Jersey, to Detroit that evenin Te block o boost te exemption to $2,500 for seats, comprising a large portion of single persons and to $5,000 for mar- the main floor, was reserved largely - ied persons was defeated, 207 to 64. for the purpose of giving Mimes' mem- Representative Rainey, of Illinois, erivt n g to s rothy a Dmocatc meumerof he ay an ;hers an opportunity to see Dorothy a Democratic member of the ways and tnwo asretyelcdan !means conmmittee, conducted a -fight I Stone, who was recently elected an sttI honorary member of that organization, against any increase in the exemption Ias welt as Roy Hoyer, who arranged for married persons. This was lost all of the dances for "Tambourine." withoutdanesmfero"Tmbvote.e, weMichigan students will attend the musical comedy in formal dress. The Hobbs A dSlosson price of the tickets is not known as ill Talk Tye 3 ; 3 t } w++rr+.+ww ... r F C t re herN . . . . - . 1