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December 15, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-15

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the Univei' Ity. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. i. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays3.
Volume VI TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1925 umber 72

New Speaker Of House Assumes Duties

Special Lectures in Forestry:
A number of special lectures in Forestry have been planned for the xlext
few months. Some of the speakers who have promised to come are Profes-
sor H. H. Chapman, of the School of Forestry of Yale University; Dr. S. T.
Dana, Director of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station at Amherst,
Mass.; and .Clyde B. Leavitt, Michigan A. B. '01; M. S. Forestry '04, Chief
Forester of the Dominion Conservation Commission, Ottawa, Canada.
Thelrst lecture is to be given on Tuesday afternoon December 15th at
4:15, in. the aditorium of the Natural Science Building, by Professor Chap-
man of Yale. Professor Chapman's topic will be "The Necessity of a Pro-
fession of Forestry in America."
The general public is cordially invited.
John R. Effinger.
Fraternity Presidents:
Your attention is called to the meeting of the presidents of all fraterni-
ties to be held in Room C, Law Building, at 4:45 P. M. today.
Every fraternity president is expected to be present in person or by
proxy. J. A. Bursley.
Unversity Committee on Publications:
A special meeting of the University Committee on Publications will be
held in the Registrar's Office at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, December 16,
to consider certain matters of importance relative to the Catalogue for
1925-26 and a few other questions pertaining to general policy.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Lecture on Drama:
Mr, Walter Pritchard Eaton will give an address Tuesday, December
15, at 4:15 P. M. in in 1025 Angell Hall on the subject "Sheridan and Contem-
porary Comedies of Manners." The ublic is invited.
0. J. Campbell.
American Association of University Professors:
The annual meeting of the local chapter of the American Association of
University Professors will be held in Room 304, Michigan Union, on Tuesday
evening, Dec. 15, at half past seven. The annual election of officers, the
naming of delegates to the national meeting at Chicago, and other business
will be transacted.
Charles B. Vibbert, Secretary.
Christmas Vacation Courses:
The following courses will be given in the period December 21st to
January 1st:
Civil Engineering 67, "Highway Transport Economics and Surveys."
Civil Engineering 72, "Gravel and Quarry Plants, and Gravel and
Broken Stone Roads."
No additional fees are charged for these courses. Further information
may be obtained at Room 1026, East Engineering Building.
A. H. Blanchard.
Psychology 35-37-331:'
Final discussion of the experiments on After-Images and Color Contrast
will be given at 4:45 P. M., Dec. 15 and 17 in Room P162 N. S.
John F. Shepard.
Members of the Staffs in the East Engieerink Building:
The regular monthly luncheon comes this week Tuesday, December 15,
in room 3201.
Alfred H. White.
Seniors, School of Education:
A tentative list of seniors for February, June and August has been
posted on the Bulletin Board in Tappan Hall. Any omissions should be 're-
ported at once at the office of the School of Education.
Statements have been mailed to seniors (exct Physical Education and
Public Health nurses).
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
Vocational Lecture:
Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law School will give a short talk Tuesday,
Dec. 15, at Lane Hall, at 7 P. M. A short discussion will follow. His sub-
ject will be "Qualifications for the Bar."
Hal Williams,
Chairman Vocational Coin.
Notice to all Students:
The Vocational Guidance Committee is anxious to help all students who
are discontented with their present work, or who are undecided about their
life work. Such students are urged to call at Lane Hall this week between
the hours of 4 and 6 P. M.
Hal Williams,
Chairman Vocational Con.
University Women: Women's League:
The fourth Vocational Guidance Conference will be held Wednesday,
December 16, at 4:15 P. M., Room 408 Main Library. Mrs. H. T, Woolley,
Assistant Superintendent of Marrill-Palmer school, Detroit, will speak on
Psychology as a field for women.
Marie Van Osenbruggen,
Chairman of Vocational Guidance Committee.
Committee on the Study of Engineering Education:
The four sub-committees engaged in the study of Engineering Education
will meet in Room 1042 East Engineering Building, Wednesday at 4 P. M.
J. Raleigh Nelson,
General Chairman.
Want a room? Read Page Seven and use the Classified columns.-Adv.

photographer if they are to appear in
this year's annual.
Exhibit of the work of Ann Arbor
artists under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art association, Alumni Mem-
orial hall.
J-Hop comittee announces today as t
the last day applications can be ac-
All cqpy for the organizations' see-
tion of the Michiganensian must be in
the office not later than 3 o'clock Fri-i
day, Dec. 18.
lThose desirous of becoming mem-
bers of the Men's Educational club are
requested to pay their dues today in
order that the membership list may
be compiled for the Michiganensian
by Friday.
Cercle Francais lecture, in French,
"La Civilisation Francais," by Prof.
Hugo P. Thieme at 4:15 o'clock in,
room 2003, Angell hall.
Student chapter of the American So-
ciety of Civil Engineers meets at din-
ner at 6 o'clock in Lane hall.
Kappa Phi Christmas party is sched-
uled for 7 o'clock in Wesley hall.
To decide on plans for a graduate
student club, graduate students are in-
'vited to discuss the matter at 7 :30 o'-
clock in Pilgrim hall, 608 E. William
Youngstown - University of Mich-
igan club meets at 7:30 o'clock in the
I Union.

Players club meets at 8 o'clock in
the Adelphi room, fourth floor, Univer-
sity hall.


Solos and other novelties are to be
the features of the Christmas band
bounce in Hill auditorium.
Men interested in winter sports
will meet at 7:30 o'clock in room 304,
C. Of C. Will Hold
Special Luncheon
Observing their fourth annual
Christmas celebration, the Chamber of
Commerce luncheon club will meet
Tuesday noon at the club's inn. A
program comprising several musical
numbers, both instrumental and vocal,
has been arranged.
Reservations for the luncheon may
be made by calling the Chamber of
Commerce offices.
Every Wednesday
8:15 P. M.
5 One-Hour Lessons $5.00
10 A. N. TO 10 P. X.
220 IWuerth Arcade Phone 832~

Rep. Nicholas Longworth of Ohio, new speaker of the House in th e 69th Congress, is already making
his presence felt in the speaker's chair, according to dispatches from Washington. He is shown (arrow) dur-
ing one of the sessions of the House taken since the- opening. Rep. John QTileon of Conneticut, Republican floor
leader of the House, left, and Finis Garrett of Tennessee, Democratic floor leader and the man Longworth de-
feated for the speakership, are taking active parts in the early party maneuvers.

American Chemical Society, U. of N. Section:
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 17 at 4:15 P. M. in
room 303 of the Chemistry building. Prof. W. L. Badger will speak on "The
Rate of Growth of Crystals." The Annual Business meeting and Election of
Officers will take place immediately afterward.
C. C. Meloche.

Physics Colloquium:
The Physics Colloquium will meet
in Room 1041, New Physics Building.
"The Application of Vacuum Tubes to
terested are cordially invited to attend.
Play Production Plays:
Oscar Wilde's three-act comedy
will be presented as the next programi
versity Hall promptly at 8:00 o'clock on
December 16 and 17.

at 4:15 P. M. Tuesday, December 15,
Mr. F. A. Firestone will speak on
Some Industrial Problems." All in-
W. F. Colby.
The Importance of Being Earnest"
in the Play Production series in Uni-
n Wednesday and Thursday evenings,

For notices not otherwise mentioned in
The Daily, Items will be published on
two successive days only. Copy must
be submitted toythe Local Events
Editor by a P. M.
Minor sports tryouts report this af-
ternoon and any afternoon this week
at Yost fieldhouse.
Classes wishing space in the 1926
Michiganensian must contract and pay
for same immediatelry. No space will
be served unless a contract is signed
by Wednesday, Dec. 16.
All seniors who have not paid for
their Michiganensian picture at the
Michiganensian offilce must do so to-
day and take the receipt to their

A Box of Gilbert's Chocolates

A Box of


Each one would be an acceptable gift
at Christmas time.
Eberbach & Son Co.
200-202 E. Liberty St.

It. D. T. Hollister.
Cercle Francais:
The second Cercle Erancais lecture will be given in room 2003 Angell
Hall, Tuesday afternoon, December 15, at 4:15 o'clock by Professor Thieme.
Professor Thieme will speak on "La Civilisation Francaise." The regular
Cercle meeting has been postponed until January 13, 1926.
Halfred C. Brown.
Frames for Portraits
All Sizes, Designs and Finishes.
We have a frame that will suit your-picture exactly. Time
is short-if you are going away Friday, make your selection
at once and you won't have to wait until the last minute for it.

The ichi 18 C~e lr°.
Michigan Favorite College Songs


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