T1 1 I MIC1 IMAN I)Ant NI PAGE SEVEN .,. . , WANTID HASTEN PAYMENT OF CLAIMS LOST NOTICE OST- A bobbed ha ir wig from! TYPEWRITERS "W'"Lunch&j, Saturcday night..Call{ Rei lt aud second hand of all makes 1 r ought, sold, rented, exchanged, !_cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- 0ST-hi r~i-mmied glasses, between Law building arnd Law club. Return I Amter, Lttwyers Club, reward. 72-73. ST Ap1ipe in front of Goldman's rTanch tore on South University. The howl was oval-shaped. Reward.- Carl Kellar, phone 8917. 72-73-74. FOST olice dog, named "Gyp." Call 21886 or 1500 Geddes. Reward. 72 NOTICE JOE PARKER CAFE X;mw;is lier Dance from 6 to 10 Thursday, the 18th The present on the tree will be I iven away the night of the party. Make Reservations, 21116 71-72-73. est stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. O. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tt. NOTICE-Piano Tuning-The Stein- way Concert Artist Tuner available for you. No extra charge. The exclusive tuner for the University School of Music. Phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Office at resi- dence, 901 Granger Ave. Not with any Music House. tf. ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- manent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 4404. tf. WANTED YOUNG Man wanted to work during Christmas vacation. Call 8356 after 7 p., m. 70-71-72. FO1 RENT FOR RENT-Two furnished steam heated, light housekeeping rooms. Help in house desired in exchange, for rent. Inquire 917 Mary St. 72. FOR RENT-Onse large modern front room. Will rent double or single, comfortable and warm, strictly priv- ate, $3.00 a week. Phone 3292 or call 320 Thompson. 71-72-73. FOR RENT-Rooms, also garage. For party at house, Dial 8544 or call at 422 E Washington. 71-72-73-74-75. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford Coupe, fully equipp- ed, $100 cash. A real bargain, call Lawyers Club, Room G. 22. Dial 4147. 70-71-72. RSERCHCLUB WiIll HEARM OBS SLUSSO Papers will be presented by Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the geology de- partment, and by Prof. Preston W. Norwegian Prizes . Peace Withh eft iL O. Norway, Dec. 14. - or the fifst time in the history of the Nobel institution none of the five Nobel przev will be awarded. This was the de ision of .the Norwegian storthing, which is authorized to award the Nob- These two men are passing on the hundreds of claims made by FOR SALE-Used Edison Phonograph. Americans against the German government for losses suffered prior to Record three for a dollar 7 rbor entrance of U. S. in war. Dr. Karl von Lewinski (left). Berlin's rep- resentative, was educated in U. S. the American spokesman in the ar- TI A1VEL guments before the Mixed Claims commission is Robert Bonynge, New York lawyer. They are cooperating to hasten payment of the claims. I. BUSINESS NOTICE Riders Pen shop, because of its -pidly growing business, will move to larger quarters Jan. 1st. Our ew shop will be across the street om our present location and nearer the campus. 315 State St after Jan 1st. Watch us grow. Riders Pen Shop. JOS. W. XOLLAUfk TlIE TAILOR 115 1-2 So. Main St. 71-72-73. e pay best prices for men's used clothing. Di al8040. ,rn Stident Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer tf E take pride in the quality of our work. You-'should take pride in our products. We cater to the student trade as well as the town residents. You are requested to visit our shop at your earliest convenience. ARNOLD tate St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. TTENTION fraternities and sorori- I ties. Try our Special Blend Coffee.) Per pound 45c. The Schultz Groc-[ ex y. t., th., tf. TAILORING vudents Tailoring Phone 8040 Cor. N(. University and Thayer MEN'S .SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1.25. TROUSERS .PRESSED, 20c SEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING1 AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND 1 COATS REASONABLE PRICES Work Called For And Delivered t, th, sun-tf. WATCH REPAIRING Efficient work at reasonable prices Edw. A. Clark, 1121 S University. t., f., sat. tf. , [OTICE-Manuscripts typewritten by experienced operators at Biddle's1 Book Store. 11 Nickel's Arcade. t., th., sat. tf. WANTED-Girls for relief tselling dur- ing noon hours daily. Apply imme- diately at office. Mack & Co. tf EXPERIENCED two payment men to open office covering entire district. Full co-operation and protection. Send $1.00 for supplies and coin- plete information. Clyde A. Ram- sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- trict managers, organizers experi- enced on two pay plan, also special offers. Write or wire today for real proposition. State fully experience. Clyde A Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. tf. WANTED-Permanent full time posi- tion for speedy accurate typist. Dial 4139. 72. WANTED-An experienced colored woman wants job as a cook. Write box 34. 72-73. WANTED-Furnished rooms for light housekeeping or small furnished apartment. State price. Box 40. 72-73-74. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. I Tour, designed for those going abroad first time or once only, led by faculty member with six seasons of experience. Travel, strictly first- class:-neither "tourist third cabin" nor the usual second-class accommo- dations in Europe. Independent par- ty, not organized on basis of promises in America and excuses in Europe,i but with definite inclusive contract not contingent upon European agents or inefficiency. Box 26 Daily. '71-72-73-74-75. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Mi\4chigan Students We wish you all A ?Merry Christmas and Slosson, of the history department, at el ueace prize. The storthing also de- the Decemberlmeeting of the Research cided to give no peace prize for 1924, tomorro whe~n it was held over. club) to be held at 8 o'clock tmro Vice President Charles G. Dawes, in the histological laboratory of the of the United States, and Prince Medical building. Charles, of Sweden, had been mention- Professor Hobbs will read "The ed as candidates for the 1925 peace Glacial Anti-cyclones, the Poles of prize. Atmospheric Circulation," while Pro- - fessor Slosson's paper is upon "Miss- ,VIGO, Spain.-Sixteen nien perished ing Clauses of the Treaty of Versail- in the sinking of a trawler at the les." mouth of the River Vigo near here The council of the Research club yesterday. The trawler ran on the will meet at 7 o'clock. rocks near Bousas and her boiler ex- ploded. LISBON, Portugal.-Pres. Teixeira Games resigned today. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Natural Interest Holds at the GRAYSTONEBALLROOMI DETROIT Detroit's smartest ballroom. Two wonderful orchestras provide con- tinuous dancing. r- Graystone Dancing Nightly Except Monday jJEAN GOLDKETT E'Sz *VICTOR, ARTISTS- You don't know how good until you hear them. f1In4'u nliiuulli ll l1n 11 11 111ffl lf ll ll llnln11 1l 1lEl f the We Outfit Them Completely iOur BOYS. DEPT. J. F. Wuerth Co. Next to Wuerth Theater Downtown. A Happy New Year I I Under New Management I Our Slogan- Quality and at Lowest Service Prices CHOP SUEY AND AMERICAN DINNER Served at All Hours SPECIAL DINNERS 11:00 a.m.-2 p.m. & 5:30-8 p.m. Varsity Inn 512 East William SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE ACCOUNT CHRISTMAS VACATION For the accommodation of University of Michigan Students, returning home Friday, December 18th account Christmas Vacation, THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD will operate a special train leaving Ann Arbor at 11:00 A. M. (C: T.) arriving Toledo 1:30 P. M. (E. T.) protecting all Toledo connections. THIS TRAIN WILL HANDLE PASSENGERS ONLY FOR TOLEDO AND POINTS BEYOND In order to protect Pere Marquette and grand Trunk connections, a first section of Train No. 53 will be operated heaving Ann Arbor at 3:52 P. M. (C. T.) for Owosso, Mich., stopping at inter- mediate stations to discharge passengers. REGULAR TRAIN SERVICE (Southbound) In addition to the above Special Service the following regular train service Ann Arbor to Toledo will prevail: 11 I, ii Lv. Ann Arbor .................11:40 A.-M. (C. T.) Ar. Toledo ......................2:10 P.M. (E.'T.) 4:18 P.M. (C. T.) 6 :$$ p. M. (E. T.) (Northbound) Northbgund Trains Nos. 51 and 53 leave Ann Arbor 8:05 A. M. (C. T.) and 3:52 P. M. (C. T.), respectively, connecting with Grand Trunk, Michigan Central and Pere Marquette for all principal destinations in lower and upper Peninsula of Michigan. Would suggest purchase tickets and check baggage in advance so as to avoid unnecessary delay and confusion at train time. H. S. BRADLEY, Traffic Manager Toledo, Ohio H. A. MILLS, Commercial Agent Ann Arbor, Michigan Read The Daly Cassie Columns y° R.19 yI.