I P~ACE ST' - THE MICI-IICAM fDAILY TE sAY. DECEMBER 15. 192) :. . .x -. w +.. -- _. .. .. 1 1 L A11 ...'S * 1 1V..AA'Ct% *l .A =_ . . .__ ._.. .. __ . .. ., . . - UK Air DO, YLE MAY NUT P AGAINST ^y '[' L'i-1..6 J a i4y, , f},1., ' W MATHER TO VARSITY Squad Sent Through LODI In Attempt To Iron 0 Evident Against OOSTERBAAN R SHIFT Beta Theta Pi, T LINEPInFratern SWith the completion of five fall ev- Sets and the semi-final of the sixth1 igtScrimage sport already over, Beta Theta Pi, Ohio Theta Chi, and Sigma Alpha Mu are! fighting it out for individual honors in! LEPORTS 1the interfraternity athletic standing. Beta Theta Pi, with a score of 365 1-2 points leads the scoring, with aI Coach Mather sent his basketball margin of a scant half a point over risen through a long hard corrective Theta Chi, who holds second position. scrimmager yesterday afternoon at the However, if the Sigma Alpha Mu team field house ironing out the faults should emerge the winner in the next which were evident in the game two matches of the handball tourna- against Ohio Wesleyan last Saturday. ment it will be entitled to 75 points Particular emphasis was laid on the and first place in the standing with a passing end of the game and on fol- I total of 374 1-2 points. A defeat in lowing up the shots from the floor. All I their final match will leave the team of the forwards were ordered to fol- l in third place with 354 1-2 markers, low the ball for possible shots off the while a defeat in the next round will backboard. put them in fourth place. There is a possibility that Capt.' The Beta Theta Pi team scored in Dick Doyle will not see .service every meet and tournament held dur- against the University of Pittsburgh ing the season. Their total runs as in the game here Thursday night as follows: speedball, 1'7 1-2 points; he has not been feeling well and if he cross country, 40; handball, 25; in- does not improve the Skipper intends terfraternity swimming, 40; dual to let him get a chance to rest up. If swimming, 75; water polo, 48. Doyle does not start at center, Schroe- Theta Chi also scored in every ev- der will probably be moved up from ent, their scores being 100, 68, 41, 24, guard to the pivot job, with "Bo" Mo- 57, 75. Phi Sigma Delta, thus far a lenda taking Schroeder's place at contender for third honors, was able guard alongside of Cherry. After the to account for 360 points in the six tipoff, it is probable that Schroeder events and is still very close in the will drop back and that either Cherryf or Molenda will carry on the offensive Work Started On! work of the center. Benny Oosterbaan, all-American Field House At , end on the football team, has reportedIo . . for practice and may see serviceo against the Pittsburgh team on Thurs- day. Sammy Babcock, another grid- IOWA CITY, Iowa.-Actual work iron regular, has been working out has been started on Iowa's giant field for the past week and will probably { house. The work on the foundations get his first .chance against the Pitts- will be carried through the winter burgh five. There is a probability months in order that general con-1 that at one period of the game three struction work may be in full blast football players may be seen on the by March 1.e cobytMarche 1.e.( court at one time. The seating formation will consist Last year not one of the basketball of the double deck variety and will regulars was the possessor of a foot- accomodate 12,000 people for basket- ball letter, although Haggerty had ball, and close to 5,000 for swimming. won two letters in baseball and Cher- Sixteen handball courts, arrange- ry, afterwards made the baseball Iment for fencing, boxing, indoor golf, team as regular catcher. and other minor sports will all con- Two years ago at Chicago Ooster- jraduter min ts w all on- 'baan laig ete orMskgn tribute in making the new house one an Mplaying center for Muskegon, of the finest athletic plants in the and Molenda, playing forward for De-country. troit Northeastern, were named center cuty heta Chi Lead iity Athletic Race standing. The scores are 1.50, 40, 49, 43, 39, 39. the Phi Chi team with a total score of dlwards And Slaughte 318 points. The other teams in order Charity Game At Sa !and their scores are: Phi Kappa Sig- On lDecembh ma, 251; Phi Sigma Kappa, 243; Phi Lambda Kappa, 236; Alpha Sigma Phi, LEAVE FOR CO 1226; Tau Delta Phi, 226; Tau Epsilon, 21.7; Alpha Rho Chi, 215 1-2; Alpha BLOOMINGTON. In Kappa Lambda, 205; Acacia, 179. TOM INGTON. an The first event of the season, the Tom Edwards, and speedball tournament, was won by Michigan's representat Phi Sigma Delta, who defeated thew Ingram's "East"aoothf Beta Theta Pi team by a score of 11-2 twill face a galaxy of in the finals. football stars of the Phi Sigma Kappa was the winner of game Dec. 26 in San F the interfraternity cross country run. benefit of the Sriner. In the handball games which have not rived here today for t yet been completed Sigma Alpha Mu tice in; the Hoosier sta meets Phi Beta Delta in the finals of Tom Edwards, recog the lower bracket. The winner will Western tackle during meet Kappa Nu for the championship. ball season, arrived I Rockne'sGd *STAS MAY TROUTFOR ockn's Gid IScgNSIN HOCKEY TEAM Record Is fillT[9MEnviable On INRAWRESTLING.TA nvalIneSHDUE 5CONTESTS Wisconsin Pucksters To Come Here er Will Play In Coach Keen ]ow Has 35 Ien Working Ctoach Kute Rockne, director of For Two Games In FebruIlry an Francisco Out Uniler His Tutelage; 3 athletics at Notre Dame university, er 2l (-ridders Expected Out boasts of one of the best records 0f MADISON, Wis., Dec. 14.- Coach any football coach in the country, his any ootall oac in he nsiKay Iverson, of the Wisconsin hockey teams winning 65 games, losing 6'andKI AST SOON WILL NOT CUT SQUAD tieing 4, during the eight years he team, intends to give his men plenty - :has been head coach of football at of competition this winter, having d., Dec. 14. - With more than 35 men reporting the South Bend school. scheduled 15 games for his puck chas- dliff Slaughter, to Coach Keen for instructions in His longest string of victories, 22 ers, 8 of which are with Conference ives on Coach in number, extended through the last teams. all team which wrestling, and a request by Coach1 two contests of 1918, through the 1919 The Badgers will open with Mar- former college Wieman that all lineman on the foot- season, through,1920, and the first two quette at Madison, Jan. 4-5, for a pair West in a grid ball squad also take this instruction, games of 1921. of games, with Minnesota here Jan. rancisco for the wrestling as a sport seems to be en- His next longest record of victories, 15-16 for another brace of games. 's Hospital, ar- tysixteen, began near the close of the Notre Dame! will be met on Feb. 6 . . tering its biggest year at Michigan. ihMcia cedldfrte1t he initial prac- C W mt 1923 season, and extended through 1924 1 with Michigan scheduled for the 12th dium. Coach Wieman excepts about 30 and was not terminated until the fifth and 13th at Ann Arbor. North Dakota nized as an all- football men will avail themselves of game this year. comes here for a pair of contests on the 1925 foot- the opportunity for wrestling instruc- A table of games won, lost and tied the following weekend, which will be here early this tion, which means Coach Keen will for the last four years followed by an at home series with Arbor. Harry have over 60 men working out regu- W I T the Wolverines pucksters, Feb. 26-27. of Yost's team, lary. 9 . .T Marquette will be met there Mar. 5-6, report for The coach (oes not x 19228 1 1 with Minnesota forming the opposition ed an offer theThe wrestling achth s otexpect 1 192. ..................9 1 0 at Minneapolis the following week- o the Coast. continue working with all of tne can-I1 .. . 8 2 1 end. Dates are also pending with the 1o has been as- didates who report to him. -__.........._~__2-1 Janesville Hockey club and Carleton Little at the Uin-j college. thsear at n- According to Coach Keen, wrestling Let The Laily sell it for you thrue this year, ar- is eriyedre yCahYs g from his home s heartily endorsed by Coach Yost the Classified columns.-Adv. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. and Wieman, and there is no other f we h hasbeen sport that builds up the body wesk. strength of an individual as does abler who will Ingrain's (lev- wrestling. Many of the muscles T G which are used in wrestling must be .avC Jot my; Fisher and di(eveloped for the lneman in foot in, Drake; Dil- ball. The same coordination which is erg, Davis, and necessary for blocking and tackling in ; and Chase, football is necessary in wrestling. Forin i.y take part in these reasons Coach Wieman has re- to his coaching quested that all of his lineman re- port to Coach Keen. light workout Coach Keen States that, "Amateur Ld all the play- wrestling has been recognized in the fair condition. last few years as one of the ,leading d T AIUMRI ED MEN STAR IN BASETBALLAT 10A IOWA CITY, Iowa, Dec. 14. - No matter what Iowa's basketball team's,; record may be in games won and lost, they are fairly certain to lead the conference in one rspect, and that is that it has more married men on the first string than any other Big Ten team. George Van Deusen, star forward to date, and Capt. "Buzz" Hogan are the distinguished men. Hogan is the pround father of a two year old daughter. I and forward respectively on- an all- American high school basketball team picked from players participating in the national tournament there. Oos-, terbaan was named end oA Granland Rice's all-American team which was announced in Collier's yesterday and- Molenda received honorable mention, which raises the question as to wheth- er or not the two will succeed as well in college basketball as they did in football during their first year of competition. For every article for sale, there is a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds. TICKETS NOW AVAILABI1L I FOR A. A. U. SWIL MERE T Tickets are now available at the main desk in the Union for the Michigan A. A. U. junior championship meet which will be held at the Union pool Dec. 17. The tickets are priced at fifty cents and one dollar. Only 200 reserved seats will be placed on sale. f A' ,r, e4 I p d U. OF M. Dial 4505 LADIES WORK A SPECIALTY C L E A, N I N G p R E S S I N G BASEMENT WUERTIL ARCADE R E P A I R I N G WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED 4 i°"' Special prices on suits' and over- coats are lower than the usual January sales. Suits as low as $;o.oo ] 1 I